Accidents happen, but as a world-class guitarist, you know you’re bound to get banged up. Fortunately, former Alice Cooper and current Demi Lovato guitarist Nita Strauss know this all too well. For example, Alice Cooper accidentally broke his cane over her head last October which had to have been pretty scary. And it’s the injury she sustained this last April where her knee popped mid-show that’s going to lead to a surgical procedure in the near future.
After months of playing through the injury, Strauss finally offered an update on her Instagram account. She wrote that she had a torn meniscus and was going to have to get surgery at the end of the year.
“I have a little knee update, for those who’ve been wondering. I did have my pre-op last week, and, unfortunately, it didn’t go exactly as I hoped it would. According to my doctor, eight months of performing on a torn meniscus did not do me any favors. The injury has not improved; unfortunately, it’s gotten worse. So surgery has had to be pushed to the end of the year — after Christmas, after the last Rams game — and then it’ll be a full month before I can do anything at all again. So no shows, no performing, no nothing. I’m super disappointed at that; I was hoping to already be on the mend by now. But it is what it is.”
Despite not having to do anything for a month, you’ve gotta remember that the blonde-haired shredder has a solo album coming out early next year, of which we’ve already heard some killer tunes. You’d expect her to go on tour soon after, but recovery times could potentially push things back a bit.
In conclusion, Nita Strauss will need surgery for her banged-up knee. This is a serious injury that will require a long recovery time. We wish Nita all the best and a speedy recovery.