
An Evening With ARCHERS, the Softest Bois in Metalcore

Aug 31, 2023

Posted By Lulu Deadly

Lulu Deadly loves to ask your favorite artists the questions you really want the answers to, so stand by and stay tuned!
I sat down with the “Softest Bois in Metalcore”, ARCHERS, to discuss the truth behind their music, the future of the music industry, and the most inconvient place to play uno, but I was left with one burning question unanswered: What in the world is Dan Flashers?

ARCHERS, like many metalcore bands, has gone through a few line up changes since their first EP, Cuts and Bruises, released in 2015. Now, they seem to have struck gold with their current team of, guitarist, Ben Koehler, vocalist Nathaniel Pulley, vocalist & bassist Oscar Porter, and secret vocalist & drummer, Grayson Mesarosh, as their newest single, Bitter, has launched to well over a million streams on Spotify.

Currently residing in Madison, Wisconsin, these musicians haven’t seen much of home in the last two years, having completed 3 regional tours, and still have more traveling to go before the end of the year. A stark contrast to their very isolated origins, rising to fame during a time of utter isolation, the 2020 Covid Pandemic. In a time where we were all trapped in our homes and glued to screens in search of human connection, ARCHERS found a way to bring us all together, releasing album, “New Normal” and live streaming their “shows” to social media platforms, allowing us to all feel connected, if only for a moment.

Those shadowed feelings are echoed in ARCHERS music, with themes of isolation, mental illness, self doubt, and grief, alongside amazingly orchestrated and wildly entertaining metalcore covers of pop songs such as, The Hills by The Weekend, Closer to Me by Ellie Goulding, and Levitating by Dua Lipa. Their music brought many people together, finding they identified with the themes, then going to the live streams they found new friends who had felt the same, and in so doing, they found the support of a true community. The dedicated ARCHERS fanbase has, in turn, developed as the Antithesis of isolation.
That lovingly cultivated fanbase was quick to support ARCHERS when the world reopened, helping to launch them on the 2023 lineups for major rock festivals, such as Louder the Life, and Blue Ridge Rockfest. Having the chance to interview them, and see their show at Come and Take it Live, in Austin Texas, their musical talent and integrity was just as authentic in the tangible world, as it is in the digital.

I also felt very grateful I was introduced to the bands they had on tour with them, which have since found their way into my permanent rotation.
Discrepancies absolutely nail the next evolution of Rap Rock, filling the long standing empty seat in the genre, inspiring hopeful nostalgia, while remaining true to the gritty shadow themes of their own unique take on the music.
Versus Me could only be described as a cyberpunk metalcore fever dream, offering gloriously glitched anthems for a new generation in search of revolution.

The show was truly engaging experience start to finish. I am convinced that ARCHERS’ presence is huge enough to fill their upcoming festival stages, and I know their devoted fanbase will continue to fill every venue they play, both large and small.

Untitled 8.3.1 Noise From The Pit
An Evening With Archers, The Softest Bois In Metalcore 2

Special thanks to my camera man, Tracy Ryan Fuller, Come and Take it Live, Austin Texas, and their amazing sound and lighting tech, Jonathan Chapman, who has been expertly accentuating Metal Music for multiple decades.


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