Stone Sour’s music video for ‘Through Glass’ from the album, Come What(ever) May – available now on Roadrunner Records.
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Come What(ever) May on iTunes: Subscribe: Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
LYRICS I’m looking at you through the glass Don’t know how much times has passed, Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass Don’t know how much times has passed, Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question. But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer. When something like a soul becomes initialized and folded up like Paper dolls and little notes, you can’t expect a bit of hope So while you’re outside looking in, describing what you see Remember what you’re starting at is me.
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass Don’t know how much times has passed, Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question. An epidemic of the mannequins contaminating everything We thought came from the heart, but never did right from the start Just listen to the noises – null and void instead of voices Before you tell yourself it’s just a different scene Remember it’s just different from what you see
I’m looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much times has passed, All I know is that it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much times has passed, All I know is that it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass Don’t know how much times has passed, Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you
Is Corey Taylor still rocking those blonde locks? He’s so HAWT!!!!!!!!
Corey has a kind of a voice it makes me cry. Too much emotion man! Go on Corey. We love you <3
Can’t believe this is the same person that sings for Slipknot.
he looks so much like harry from dumb and dumber hahah.great song though!!!
Corey Taylor is a hell of a singer & musician. He looked a little weird with his long hair but not GAY. WEIRDO
i fuckin love corey in slipknot but if you think that he has this awesome voice and he is screaming it’s a bit sad
I don’t get why people are constantly calling Corey gay … I mean , because it has singing ? Really ? Now singing is gay ? If you seriously DO believe that then you don’t know anything about music . Music isn’t just screams. If he is gay because he is singing , then aren’t ALL of those pop artists gay because they are singing instead of screaming ?And yes they are ( because most of them don’t know how to sing ) but Corey is not .
This song reminds me a lot of snuff from slipknot. That’s like their softest song
I like the sentiment. Some people certainly are two-dimensional. And society often seems that way too.
Looks like Harry from Dumb And Dumber
His monster head with that blong wig hahhahahhaa
Not gunna lie but Corey Taylor is still hot as fuck
I never knew the guy off of dumb and dumberer sang this song!
Fuck that sound! Come to Rio de Janeiro !!!!!!! ,,/
Cool song, like the vocals. Alt rock is a good break from the metal. I like when artists jump around in different bands, especially when it’s greatly different from their original group. 1st 3 volumes of Slipknot I love, but the new stuff is eh, I’ll pass.
corey como consegues esa voz
Jeff Daniels has a band?
this song is stuck in my head
Great song, and really cool video (the way that people/scenery/objects became cardboard cutouts)! Whoever made/directed/edited this video was very creative (in my opinion)! 🙂
he does have the courage to tell you the truth but most of you are so BRAINWASHED by what you THINK is real that when someone tells you the truth, you just doubt it and state the BS feeling in your heart, especially in the wrong direction. look at how you help support the breeding of hate. no wonder this world is dying faster by the day with all this hating around. disgusting. GREAT SONG BY STONE SOUR!!! lifetime fan and friend Jaym
Kurt just change of band. From Nirvana to Stone Sour, and now Slipknot.
Y pensar que esa blonda se hacía la diabólica jajajajaja
stone sour
He looks like jeff Daniels in dumb & dumber
Awww ,Harry from “Dumb and Dumber” has such a beautiful voice similar to Corey´s :v
La mejor de todas carajo lml !!!!!!!!!!
i have to wait 1.3 minute for song to start
I hate how ppl act like a Bitch … He’s not Actor! Listen and judge by the music Lyrics not the Visual!
It’s weird seeing this Corey compared to him being shaved now-a-days.
real shit smacking you.
Stone sour >> slipknot
Their like a walmart version of nickleback
Corey Taylor big hair hehehe
Man!! It’s being 7 years sense I heard this song!! OMG I love it, still can’t believe the singer is the guy from slipknot. Excellent song
Hermoso :”3
shut the fuck up u silly ignorant!!!!!… u wish to sing like him….
IT ROCKS!!!!!!!
I apasolutaly love this song
This song is better if you don’t watch this stupid video. The director should find another job. And what is with the annoying flash bulb sound..why is that important to put in the video?
Its so funny to read this comments xDD #haterseverywhere let him sing what he want ffs. He got a great voice! His awesome in Slipknot and Stone Sour. But a public person will never make anything right for the kids out there who want to complain about everything…
“Oh when the stars… they LIEEE!!!!!”… (now I need a glass of water lol!)
This is different to slipknot, a good different
a voz do Corey aq e muito diferente
first time I knew that this was corey from slipknot, I was like a dumb watching the video without sound and just trying to imaging him singing wait and bleed… but couldn’t make it in the end with this face looool… with mask is 1000 times much better
awesome dude, i rememeber when i was a tennager, good times! :’)
This comment section proves that most metalheads are probably retards
Did anyone notice the Hollywood sign is now “HollOwood”
STOP COREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice song dudes!!! this is slip… with another name xD
I went to know what the guy on the drums is on and i whent some xD
Hearing Corey sing like this makes me love Slipknot even more. I love how much of a variety he has as an artist, he is wonderful! And I would bang him with or without his mask! Haha
slipknot would shit on these guys
You guys just don’t get it, it doesn’t matter what they look or sound like. If the guys are happy with what their doing, how could you hate somebody for that. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to happiness.
Why are people hating this is a badass song
That hair tho ahaha sorry I fucking love Cory Taylor
Stone Sour
this is so true………………………
Perfect song..
Who dosen’t like stone sour
That guy sure does have some big chomppers but he’s freaking good at singing
I was waiting for Justin Bieber to appear and start singing along……What a crap song.
Sweet music to my ears have to say sour stone are one of my favourite bands another thing to everyone who complains about other peoples music tastes don’t judge them for the band they listen to like all them cunts who say people who listen to heavy metal and screamo call us emos yeah so what if some people are emos who listen to that music it is their life let them have their own life and don’t judge them by sounds but judge them by there speak and heart not off of music taste everyone loves music and if you don’t like music your missing out on something as there is always music that you can relate to and pick you up after a shit day at work/school life with out music isn’t a life I would wanna live so everyone respect the music you hear like what synyster gates once said “I don’t see why people hate other peoples music taste all music is beautiful is a wonderful art” something along them lines but I love music and people who love slipknot sour stone should love the music they provide because with out them we wouldn’t have the music we love and share
olhe eu achei todos os vídeos da horareuchrtirmuitosdervertidos Beijos dassritamontiele
This is so weird. He is also the singer of a band called slipknot. Its a heavy metal band and this stff is so mellow.
this song is awful
Is that Jeff Daniels from Dumb and Dumber?
He reminds me Harry from “Dumb & Dumber”
Great song
tryin toooooooooooooooo hard
The way Corey looks in this video reminds me of a younger version of Jeff Daniels in Dumb & Dumber. I love this song.
hollowood? wtf
Hey guys, I don’t mean to bother anyone, but you should go check out my music if you want to. I’ve got some good covers and original material up and I’d appreciate any views I get. Thanks!
this video means so much, its a mirror to our world now – when the soul becomes initiallized 🙁
Epic song helps me relax wen i have a ton of stress
I didnt Know corey was thé actor of Dumb and Dumber lol
Corey parecendo o Kurt ashuashuushaaush
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Por Dios¡ Canta como corey taylor
lead singer has straw for hair
Hay tanta gente que parece de cartón… Especialmente los que critican
Instead of people=shit should be Stonesour=Shit
It’s the best piece of work they ever recorded.
Still listening to this
Remember, it’s me☆
corey once again proving he can sig in more than one genre
Blond Corey 😀 haha
its not bullshit but its not better than slipknot
Wtf just discovered thats the lead singer from slipknot, mind is full of fuk. Im late as hell too, i’ve listened to this song like a zillion times
the drummer is the green ranger??
🙂 good song…my dad used to play this when I was younger ~
just one ask: why Slipknot fans And Sotne Sour fans Can’t talk without fighting?just because corey taylor is the frontman from the two bands?????? oh fuck,I really can’t understand these guys
Slipknot fans are gay
I do not know what about you, but I actually have a very good respect for independent musicians and artists like those dudes!
It is freaking awesome!
View the youtube video URL provided
One of my least favorite Stone Sour songs:c
is this about doubt?
One of the most truthful, cool videos about Hollywood has been downgraded to 240, barely playable; what an injustice to the band, F YouTube for caving!
Corey Taylor
The devil and I
Harry from dumb and dumber can sing
I like both bands. They both have different styles. But both great band none the less.
Corey Taylor Is fucking awesome
why dose this guy remind me of dumb and dumber?
do slipknot fans hate stone sour? they sound so different.
personalmente me gusta mas slipknot que stone sour pero corey canta tan asfdgfhghjhg *-*
the house in this video is the same one that Stu Beggs from Californication live in.
Hollywood broken down all in one song. Yes….!👹👺😈
i like
Song name?
*darude – sandstorm
“It’s the stars that shine for you” I feel as though I have heard that before. *yellow starts playing*
his voice is so soothing, whatever he is singing
fuckin love slpiknot and stone sour
This song is the best
O_O wat corey???????????????????????? pro como coño no me di cuenta ke era el u.u y siempre veia esta musica en las sugerencias de youtube y no lo veia pero me dio por darle click y me encuentro ke corey tylor esta en 2 bandas o.O jsajsasjasj :3
Question for the public, Do you think Corey Taylor is better in Stone Sour or Slipknot.
So love this awesome song,!!! One of my favs
My one major problem with this song is that it repeats it’s chorus 6 damn times, most of the song is the chorus.
is Corey Taylor
Feels like forever…..
I really believe in rock music! And I feel these folks are going to make it big!
The music is incredible!
Go look at the video
The photographer is the manager from Korn’s Twister Transistor video!
Drummer looks like the Tommy from Power Rangers.
slipknot e esse e foda
why is this not in better quality ?
Look its fred
This fuckin stinks.
Why does the drummer come in like that, though?
Listened to this in high school, now found it again this is the time where it makes me really reflect of the time that has passed. Forever feels like Home.
I love this song and it has special meaning for me… <3
im a maggot for life #slipknot fan
Omg those hair o.o
corey looks weird here… like on some fuckin rehab
per favore, torna, ti sto aspettando da tutto il cazzo di giorno. merda mi manchi… cazzo…
‘Staring’ not ‘starting’
Corey Taylor=God
Uma forma linda e poética de mostrar quê as pessoas não são o que parecem. Nem tudo é real
Ammmooo essa música
Super song !!!
Very beautiful !!!
Note 1000 for Stone Sour !!!!
How much Ezreal? i think he’s 4800 ip
To come across a excellent song equals to having a fantastic day for me!
Lord that is incredible!
Youtube the link and have fun!
Lindo Corey! Linda música!
LOVE YOU TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!!!
this reminds me of my ex
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head.
All people talk about in the comments is Corey Taylor in both stone sour and slipknot , what about Jim Root. He’s one of my favorite guitarist out there.
Holy crap Corey Taylor sings so much better in Stone Sour. Slipknot will always be my favorite though.
if he said hi to me on grindr I wouldn’t reply sorry
Slipknot is the best bitches 😉
It feels like I’m in China town in the comments section D:
Happy Birthday Corey!!
People really need to stop hating like seriously.
This song is very deep, the fact people think this song is horrible is beyond me.
CAnt believe mick is going away
another nice song heh
Corey Taylor looks so odd without his Slipknot mask O.O
So lonewolf is not just a clever name. Stupid, ignorant people usually ended up alone.
Corey Taylor . . . his hair. Someone care to explain?
The sign says Hollowood?
Welp someone can’t spell Corey Taylor they spell it with mental retardation like croey taylro look below see if you can find who I’m talking about dumb ass wants to make fun of someone when he himself can’t spell
doesn’t matter what he looks like he is a bad man
Rock on Corey !!!!!!
Lol. This is the worst song I have ever heard in my entire life. 🙂
Ive just realised.
Corey looks like one of my School Teachers.
He’s supposed to look like a glitzy Hollywood jerkoff.
this band is like slipknot version of nickelback heheheheheh
this hits me right in the feels
Ich bin Schwul
I don’t understand why most other maggots hate stone sour
Is it just me or does he looks like Jeff Daniels (Dumb and Dumber) in this video?
Epidemic of the mannequins, contaminating everything…nuff said
the guy 0:39 totally thought he was FUCKHERRIGHTINHERPUSSY
wow such a change hey corey
Dumb & Dumber hair
why do people copy and paste the link to the aong in the comments? We dont need to follow the link because were obviously watching the frickin video to be reading the commenta to see that link……logic people……
I loved this song from this first time I heard it
i like Both bands 😉
this is such a great song…corey taylor is very talented
Why does everybody talk about corey only?there’s jim root as well in both slipknot n stone sour.
guys these guys sck lets not listen to them
ive heard this song before but never knew it was from stone sour
is this the guy from dumb and dumber
I love stone sour, I have never really got into nickelback but they sound so simiilar to stone sour
if you are star and you the only one that knows it clap your hands 🙂
oh and clap your hands too if you see everything through a secret window 😉 Hey guys, it’d be a massive help if you could check out my cover of this song. It’s nothing amazing but some feedback would be great 😀 Thank you
I miss u baby
This is the first good Nickleback song.
Oh wait.
For the ones fighting about bands in here: the video says it by itself. Slipknot sounds great, but it’s a commercial band. Everything was made by someone looking for some profits, which comes from people that really trust they are heroes. You always trusted Corey, Joey and whatever was the most amazing guys on the world, but in Slipknot they where all made of paper, like the people on that video. Face the facts: if a band is the most important stuff on your life, it actually sucks.
Angela and Oliver 4 life my brown sugar i loveyou so big time Bogotá Colombia,,.
it’s too hard to get for Slipknot fans that their idol is just a fake, a product of the musical industry, that only exist to satisfy people those fans always hated. funny…
it’s a love hate relationship with these 2 groups………
Sim olho pra você através do vidro!!!! π
1:05 if anyone owns this album then you’ll get the reference
Both slipknot and stone sour are awesome bands
é como o corey como mudou heim , antes contra os popstars não queria ser reconhecido pelo rosto num poster daí as máscaras no slipknot , queria ser reconhecido pelo som que faziam ., brigas eram travadas pelos fãs da banda com outros estilos , aí agora ele me faz um pop romantico kkkkkkkkkkkkk……. por isso que nunca escutei um só estilo isso é babaquice do som pesado ao quase pop musica boa é pra ser curtida e essa musica é boa tanto como as outras uma baladinha romantica mais boa kkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!
Was a huge fan of slipknot growing up, was born in 88. All I listened to was slipknot, soad, pumkins, and other big bands of the time. But, when I just found out that the lead singer of slipknot, was the lead singer of those pop songs. I have to call them, “radio garbage”. I was blown away! One of those songs that you hear when you are in someones car who has the radio on, and you here that fucking one song, and for the rest of the day it’s in you head, until you get a moment to listen to your favorite song. Good for him to make it on the radio market. But, still blown to know that is slipknot’s man!
I actually like both bands
It seems like these slipknot fans who hate stone sour don’t like variety and are shallow music listeners
Anybody else think Taylor looks like Harry from dumb and dumber???
this song is so perfect
show de bola esse som…
The lead singer looks like harry from dumb and dumber.
I don’t understand why other maggots hate stone sour, remember, slipknot DON’T begin with corey, and stone sour begin with corey in first, not slipknot, slipknot and stone sour are very good bands, don’t figth for it
the whole idea of a side project is to do shit you cant do in your main act/band and allows you to show diversity which may be an old old wooden ship.
I met stone sour a few years ago as my lil brother had cancer and they did a meet and greet. Pure gentleman.
Muito Bom.
Im waiting for the screams
I came here for the nostalgia, and strangely enough, i still remember the lyrics after all this time (kinda). I dont really like this song that much.
Fucking Christ wtf is up with corey hair here.
I love this song
Im looking at you through the gas
Dont know how much more will pass
All i know is that it smells really shittty
that hair is just awful lol
Antisemitism rules.
I love this video haha
I love this song so much!!!
hmm … I think I like Slipknot more :/ Not my kind of music but better then Justin Bieber xD
Your video is not even close to what it is like staring at someone you through a glass in jail; alone with no hope. . “COPY CAT of Feelings” for NOT keeping it real. But no surprise from Hollywood…Stop wining some people have it worse spoiled brat.
Corey looks like Jeff Daniels ahahaha
Damn this video screws me everytime!
personally im a massive fan of slipknot but that doesn’t mean that stone sour are not any good there a hell of a lot better then nicki minaj and i think there a fantastic band , good bye james you will be missed from stone sour ,well not missed be josh
Who is the guy in the cowboy hat with white hair ???
I finally realize what this song means. It’s about how the media and the “stars” lie about their lives through artificial acts and appearances. Don’t know why it took me that long to figure out lol
I just can’t belive that it’s so many years this song came out, were have the years gone man?
Has anyone else noticed the “Hollywood” sign is Hollowood? I find it awesome
Awesome vid for an awesome song by an awesome band…Awesome, no ?
And who knew C.C. DeVille was made of cardboard ?….ya learn something new everyday… 🙂
“Any dog under 50 pounds is a cat; and cats are useless”
I love this song
Corey is amazing! He has the best voice I’ve ever heard!! 😀 and he looks a little bit like Jeff Daniels in “dumb and dumber” xDDD
I love this song
Anyone else think Corey looks like Jerry Cantrell from Alice In Chains in this video?
Я Русский,слов не поеимаю,но песня нравится
I love this song it reminds me of me and my dad
Oh quit it Teri !!! LOL
Jeff Daniels – a.k.a. Herry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber on vocals right there.
I love!
I love this song IM obssed with this song so amazing
Haven’t heard this song in forever
Thank you Beloveds. I know, with love sister to your soul.
this is boring, uncreative music – perfect example.
Love this song pure talent
Does Corey Taylor in this vid remind anyone of Harry in the original dumb and dumber movie? Or is it just me?
Just shut up and enjoy
Sounds like the guy from Slipknot o.0
corey simplemente el mejor
they are both great some of their songs i would have thought they both wrote them
what if I told you that you could like stone sour AND slipknot at the same time? Crazy right!?
Fantastic lyrics, fantastic clip, fantastic song!
1:06 look in the background, theres one of the guys in the suite and top hat looking through binoculars like on the album cover of Come What(ever) May.
Alll picture look in a different manipu lative way
You’re right on JC can lick mine.
Listen to some real good old stufff, Fear “The Record”, enjoy!!!
Corey looks 1000 times better with short hair.
Dumber hair.
God! this song has opened my eyes.
Best song.
I thought this would be cooler, because this guy has the same label as Dream Theater…. but this is boring…. but better than “hipster music” aka commercial/wannabe modern-indie rock 😀
and he has a nice voice.
I can really say that this song touched my heart
lal,lal,lal-nic dodac-nic ujac-poprostu zajebista muza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the most beautifly songs that i’ve ever heard
Tbh just came here to watch Corey & Jim play unmasked
Corey definitely has the best voice ever… But this whole stone sour thing is fucking stupid.
This song is actually about how horrible european MTV is and Corey wrote it while being food poisoned from McDonalds lol
reminds me of poets of the fall
Love this song <3
omg he does thank you Adam Cox I needed a good laugh!!!
Miguel angel c….. LUIS ENRIQUE R….ANDREW G…
Lmao Adam!
Corey looks so much different, and dare I say better without the long hair
Corey Taylor for life. Fuck u sad sad haters
can anyone recommend any songs like this or other stone sour songs? thanks
This video = hacks
It goes from The Devil In I to this lol
amo su voz!!
This gaywad is the Slipknot badass? LOL….
No HD?????? C’mon!
I love his voice!
Check out our debut album on our channel, if you like it you can dl 3 of our songs for free
he looks like kurt cobain with extra pounds
This guy looks like alexander acha jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajaajajajajaja
2:54 JIM ROOT !!!
Look at the (hollywood) HOLLOWOOD sign. Fuck all you haters saying that corey is soft or mainstream, he knows how mainstream shit is. Do you think RoadRunner Records gives this man so much le way for no reason? No hes fucking talented and so is his band… and did you know that he was a founding member of Stone Sour before he had anything to do with Slipknot
The video is a little too obvious. I like a challenge
Best band out right now Corey is a real metal front man.
@9lonewolf9 Corey Taylor is a great front man an stone sour is way better than slipknot will ever be.
Googled this song because it was on a GIFS with sound 2 vid. 😛
kkkkkk Loyd, do Debby e Loyd
*-* como nao amar?
This was my favorite music video in 2007.
wen i first saw this vid i was so confused cuz the people were movin and then there cardbord i was like howd they do that? what?? i got so confused until i realized it waz probably some sort of editing stuff and i feel kinda dumb now and knowing how i still dont know that just makes me feel dumber
Forever does not feel like home
Tells of life and how FAKE fame and fortune without purpose.
It’s Hollywood life
Whether Corey is in Stone Sour or Slipknot, the music is always great. Fuck all the haters!
Omg.. this is disturbing to watch. Because im die hard hardcore slipknot fan.
Love this song
i don’t understand why most of slipknot fans don’t like stone sour… i think they’re not objective while listening to this band, they’re just comparing with slipknot, because the singer is (the amazing) Corey Taylor, so they all compare his stuff with slipknot and his stuff with stone sour. hey guys, of course these aren’t equal, but what would be the interest in doing the same kind of things with 2 different groups ? i’m a huge slipknot fan, but i still enjoy listening to stone sour.
my love song
Stone sour is awesome /so is slipknot!
i thought this was slipknot
His voice reminds me of Patrick Stump’s.
Jeff Daniels looking through glass
Love this song
What is to be born of the water and of the spirit…
It is what he sings about……….
But I ask does he know it………….?
this song 9 years old but still awesome 🙂
Multi bom espetacular
in my mind hahahahahhahhahahahah…….dumb and dumber!!!!!hahahahhhahahahha!!!!
the worst band ever…slipnot as well….with this vocalist…..hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahha!!!!!aaaaahaahahahahahahahah!!
Hey, we are a new band on youtube and it would greatly appretiated if you checked out our channel!
love this song , two stars , love the ones in the sky ,not so much the one who lie to us all !! Blessed Be
1:32 ‘fuck her right in the p*ssy’ guy :X
sitting all alone in your head
What is this song about
Your milk bubbles look good today Jessica
Народ, а правда, что эту песню поёт Джонни Депп?
клип супер! Режиссёр молодец.
still love this song <3 <3
Corey Taylor, from Stone Sour to Slipknot.
He looks like Jeff Daniels from Dumb and Dumber
Stone Sour – Through Glass
This was me n one of my best friends songs … RIP I miss you Christian Melat
Thought he looked more like Jake Busey from the movie contact.
How to enjoy Stone Sour and Slipknot:
1- Listen to the song
2- Dont read comments
This song used to be my life. Oh the good old days.
This man’s voice sounds familiar. What oder bands is he or was part of?
Wow totally ripped off slipknot’s singer’s voice
….yyaaaa this songs hard to listen to
Whats the name of this song?
I love this song
An epidemic of the mannequins, contaminating everything. I love it!
Ok people Corey Taylor is the singer for Slipknot and Stone sour so he can not rip off the singers voice from Slipknot ok not pointing fingers just telling ya
Both Slipknot and Stone Sour are great.
OK, so people that like Slipknot hate Stone Sour all because of the style? Wow…. So if you compare apples to oranges, you’re not at all getting the desired results. So, in that case, what about Tool and A Perfect Circle? Do you guys hate one and love the other, or is that above the mark here?
I absolutely love this song! It is one of my favorites!!!!
I don’t understand why most slipknot fans can’t stand stone sour. I’m a maggot and I listen to both bands
Sky glass….
I can hear you.
“According to the map, we’ve only gone 4 inches” haha
Corey Taylor is one of the best singer ever. Slipknot or Stone Sour , he’s unbelivable !
Interesting that the black dudes are the first ones carried out.
At 1,46 I was sure that dude will fly away by flame from ass, nasty spice food!! XD
Stone sour!!!!
🙂 I can’t get tired of this song.
Olha a árvore de vermillion no fim. Kkk olha minha imaginação. .kk ou nao…
corey taylor was the singer for another band as slipknot ??
im looking at you through the glass, psychic link , those grey little bastards can hear you too, so this is how i have chose to comunicate since abduction. Psychic too powerfull, they hear us. BE VAGE
im really gutted theyve kicked jim from stone sour. i think slipknot are better anyway, but its still a shame.
i realized that most of youtube is full of dumbasses its not just corey taylor its also the guitarist that wears the crow mask
Oh my fucking god!!!! I love this song 🙂
I love this song. Too bad they ripped it off of green day.
Thumbs up for Corey as best Rock Star of 2000’s!
What the Fvck! 31M views for almost 9yrs from the day the video has been uploaded.
i just keep wondering why those stupid songs today has more views than this.
i think people nowadays doesnt know what real music really is.
Stone Sour is so much better than Slipknot
This will be my wedding song
this guys voice reminds me so much of slipknots singer’s voice o_o
Hollowood nice one XD
cant even explain how much this song means to me
He’s looks straight up like a California kind of dude
내가 지금에서야 이 아티스트를 발견했다는 것이 너무 아쉽다.
이 아티스트 덕분에 새로운 장르에 발을 들이게 되었네요.
Corey is like a Angel in this and a Demon in Slipknot. He is Badass
I found these guys through Corey Taylor (Slipknot)… he has the best voice, I just think it is amazing.
Why is the OFFICIAL VIDEO from the record label, a lower quality than the ones in danger of copyright strikes?
I like both bands. Deal with it.
Harry Dunne
I dont know which is bigger coreys neck or his hair
whip it through the glass nigga!!!! whoop whoop!!!!
Corey’s lyrics are just amazing. His lyrics tell a story and every song is a different story. Great musician all around.
Кори лучший!!!!! Нет слов…..
stop fighting and tell me the message behind this song!! please? :3
Love this song
Corey Taylor
massa jou
Holy shit I’ve known this song ever since i was a kid and didn’t even know it was corey like i heard this song then got into sk and then learned he was in stone sour and never really never listened to stone sour till just now!!!!
I didn’t know there was such a big fight between Stone sour fans and Slipknot fans. I personally really like both bands and love the fact that Corey Taylor can pull off such different styles. Obviously the two bands are very different but they’re still very good music and lyrics. I can’t see where all the hate comes from except “cool” kids thinking they’re cool because they listen to loud music. If you a style of music is not for you simply move on and listen to what you like.
Esse cara é aquele cara daquela outra banda?
Corey’s haircut is terrible
Пісня класна, але кліп гівняний
The dude taking pictures is ‘little’ Sterling Assoff from the Korn video “Twisted Transistor” which has rapper’s playing the band. Snoop plays Munky, check it out, funny as hell!
People seem to forget that corey was in stone sour BEFORE slipknot so calm with the hate
best music i love so much :3
this video makes me question whats real in this world and what isnt. makes us wonder
Hollowood 😀
what a fuckin good song, nostalgia
I’m really not used to hearing Corey not scream “People equal shit” at the top of his lungs
Corey Taylor – great singer, but constantly looks like he got viagra stuck in his throat. Look at the size of his neck!
The blonde dude with the cowboy hat looks like CC Deville from poison
Fuck Slipknot. (and yes i realize the irony in saying that being on this page…)
The lady in black, “orgasm face”
Awesome song! m/
Look my video playing “Through Glass” acoustic. 🙂
28-04-2015 very good
“How much is real?
So much to question..”
Anyone else think he looks like Randal from Clerks
Sounds like Taylor’s voice.
240p quality for real bands
Corey looks like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber
…ja lubię bardzo, a Wam się podoba ?….
If you don’t like stone sour, why listen and watch the video
Awesome song……brings my thoughts right to my ex gf
How do you feel? That’s the question…<3
Corey may look like, yeah, but damn, that voice is the sexiest I’ve ever heard. :p
slipknot hey hey hey,,,,,,,,,
i don’t know which one is better this or snuff.
Look like Harry from dumb and dumber with that hair
I am a slipknot fan and I love music so I enjoy to much this fabulous band, slipknot is a band completly different with this one, it is impossible to compare it, It is normal that slipknot fans do not like this band but it does not mean that they are bad musicians because they are incredible. It is a question about respect other likes and know this simply thing each band is a world with a lot of differences between others.
I guess everyone making fun of how the singer is “unattractive” haven’t listened to the lyrics
harry my hands are freezing!!!
beautiful melodie i love
this song is so bleh, it just repeats the same verse over and over
This song/video is as artificial as the things as it speaks about, its a parody of a parody; its a joke twisted on itself, with no where to stand on. The vid is armature and everything in it is emotional porn.
Whoah!! Corey Taylor from stone sour looks almost like Corey Taylor from slipknot!They sound alike too……trippy!!
Im looking at you in my ass….
No comments? YouTube must be glitching… :p
I still love this video 🙂
Brasil nessa porra . Ótima música !
I’ve got a friend that lost a son this weekend. my heart goes out to you..
Muy bonito el temita :’3 ♥
tal cuestionable
when this song came out, I was incredibly immature and changed the lyrics to the chorus. I’d like to share them 8 years later:
I’m looking at you through my ass
Don’t know how much gas I’ve passed
OH god it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like cum, jerking off alone inside your bed.
He does over seven octaves. That’s insane.
muy buena rola !
Hahahaha holy shit, i used to listen to this on tv in the morning when i was a kid. Never really took to it, it was just on a lot when it first came out i guess. Just chanced on it now from the suggestions column. Funny stuff.
sounds so gay.
I didnt know he was the singer for slipknot… I was listening to slipknot on pandora and this song came up and i Was like .. WHAT THE HECK! this is to chill… now it makes sense lol
corey taylor ;-;
vocal man is calm in contrast to the energy of the song
They must have been stoned sour when they came up with this band name.
Omg, Stone Sour and Slipknot vocalists sound so alike, Kappa
I didnt know Harry Dunne was in a band!! 🙂
How come the black dudes were the first ones to turn into cardboard?!?!? That’s some racist shit!!!
Corey <3 Awesome voice as usually <3
2:10 jim forget he wasnt in slipknot for a second lmao
@Buster please come back
no todo es lo que parece
John alias slick. It is Corey Taylor of slipknot. Its his other band.
This video taught me that girls aren’t real. Thank you, Stone Sour.
my favourite song of stone sour!
Eu amoooo essa musica
what a REAL Song
& Video
“While you’re on the outside looking in, describing what you see…” Is that a reference to Staind’s song “Outside”?
Looks LIke ….Harry Dunne From Dumb And Dumber…
_It feels like forever…_
Man… all these feels.
Love thus song
wow he sounds like the guy from slipknot
The whole video was just a mind-fuck XD So cool how they did that XD
I never thought I’ll like a song but I love it
ive been looking for this song/ideo forever.
Кто из 2015?)
good song
The best
I love this song so much <3
😉 I lisning long this song and are very good 😉
How much is real? So much to question.
No way thats corey taylor 0.o
I still can’t tell why i cry everytime i hear this song…. ♥
i was so beautiful back then!
İdolsun be amk
He looks just like the vocalist wearing the mask in SLIPKNOT?!
I can’t listen to “Custer,” watch this, and see the same person. It. Isn’t. Possible.
Sounds so familiar, is this a cover?
I like Corey’s calm/clean voice.
9 years already? What the fuck?
I’m getting old.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Dont get me wrong I like Slipknot but I enjoy his voice more while singing lol
The best thing with have beein somebody is that you can leave all behind and doin what you want knowing that no matter what ppl will stil respect you for what you have done.
Jahovawitness brought me here when he sang it in one of his videos with Sp33dy
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much times has passed,
Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much times has passed,
Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question.
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer.
When something like a soul becomes initialized and folded up like
Paper dolls and little notes, you can’t expect a bit of hope
So while you’re outside looking in, describing what you see
Remember what you’re starting at is me.
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much times has passed,
Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question.
An epidemic of the mannequins contaminating everything
We thought came from the heart, but never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises – null and void instead of voices
Before you tell yourself it’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you see
I’m looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much times has passed,
All I know is that it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much times has passed,
All I know is that it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much times has passed,
Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars, the stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars, the stars that lie to you
Everytime I hear a song that’s written in english I feel like english talking people dont know the concept of rhyme
One of my favorite songs
It’s been so long not hearing this song every so often. Oh’ well, I’m gonna continue listening to this song.
STOP! This is Korey Taylor?
lol anyone listen to this drunk
muito show essa música
Nota 10….
This song makes me dance, I cant help but move. lol
TIL: The singer of this song is the lead singer of Slipknot #BeyondMindBlown #NextLevelCerebralExplosions
I didnt need a reminder atm, im on a tour, but its there and you cant get around it, this song and our friend who had taken on himself to produce what he can for us out of his own demented, depraved, drugged, disturbed malfunctioned thoughts along with many others should be more remember than they are today, anybody and i know we can all just say this, but we forget whats between the lines.
is this slipknot foreal?
he got a such a beautiful voice…unbelievable
This song is super catchy and amazing.
No offense to anyone who likes stone sour, but I prefer slipknot to them. Especially because of Corey
slipknot m/
I love my mix radio app
He have same voice of Corey Taylor c:
I can only imagine wat other people see if they was to look at me through a glass cause I don’t even like looking through my own glass and like the song it really does feel it for ever with so much time that has past
I like both Slipknot and Stone Sour 😀
It’s feels kinda odd being a big fan of slipknot and then checking this out of curiosity.. seems like something my wife would like lol I’m not saying it’s bad though I’m just saying it’s not really my cup of tea.
And it’s the stars the stars that shine for you..
Great song
People say Slipknot – Killpop sounds like Stone Sour? No, no it doesn’t.
so everyone is just finally noticing corey taylors other band………boy everyone is behind lol
1:47 Kevin Hart?
This song really hits me.
Love your soing
Both jim root and corey taylor are in stone sour. Coolllll
That hair Tho lol
this world need more songs like this
@John Alias you’re joking right?
I’m still trying to discover that f*cking moment, when the figures freeze and turn into paper ones…. 😀 still negative…. :/
looking at you trough the glass. … It feels like forever
Corey Taylor in this music video looks like if Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber had a child.
Corey Taylor looks like Lex Luthor from smallville with a blonde wig on
It’s funny I remember having to play this at college, it was one of my friends favorite songs. I actually thought it sucked… Oh, how my mind has altered. One of the most self inspirational songs I have heard.
Dam Coreys so young
this is my favorite song
I love both Slipknot and Stone Sour
2015 always like this bande and his songs ………. rock is the real music … fuck show bizzzzzzzzzz
why is there so many male musicians that are decent yet bleach blonde 🙁
Corey Taylor is gay.
1:14 We fucking from the heart
If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. The formula that brought fame and fortune seems to do this to every band. Creative license to do whatever. How soon fame makes us forget that if we change the thing that brought us fame we are changing the game. Pearl Jam, excellent example. To the heights of fame with Jeremy and the first album to stumbling with their 2nd & downright falling down and off our collective radar with the 3rd screaming the lyrics album. Where are they now? Advertising their concerts on G+ & playing college venues.
Hmm I remember a completely different video for this.
speed the video up to 2
it is corey taylor? xD good
I just got a new girlfriend and im in love, I cant get her out of my mind, I listened to this song and thought about her, and I cried, fuck you Corey for giving me music to bring out my pain, and show me that I haven’t felt anything compared to you. I hope this relationship works, because if not, I will be completely shattered.
Love this song
What did we all learn from this? never let that bald guy touch you…. you will become cardboard
Is that the fuck her right in the pussy guy?
How brave of him to come out of the closet through a song like this, much respect
Love this song forever.
Gay as Fuck ! There is no difference between listening to this and getting sodomized 😀
this video is so well made o.O
This is the best song
Hollowood ahha
Corey Taylor is easily one of the most talented lead vocalists in the business. I just saw Slipknot perform in Detroit 4 days. Still can’t believe the man I saw that night under the mask was Corey Taylor. That just shows the wide range of his musical ability
My Wedding song <3
Corey looks so weird with long hair
My god the lyrics are awful; song is pretty good though.
Yes. Sir
Sounds like the singer from slipknot
Came here from a video of a couple doing squats in a gym
Stone Sour – Through Glass.
This song will never die !
love this song!!!
I’m really glad he cut his hair lol but I love him
Beautiful song.
I still find it amazing that Cory’s voice can still sound like that after all the screaming in slipknot
Buried one of my mates to this tune today, great send off
He kind of sounds like corey taylor. Anybody agree?
still can’t believe he is the slipknot vocalist
@Jack_Septic_Eye got me here
:’) 💗
No wonder he wore a mask all those years haha. He looks like a slug head.
“oh lets look up more songs from this singer :D” *finds Psychosocial*
que musica da hora, clipe mais original que ja vi
excelente canción
Corey Taylor for president anyone?? lol
Corey ja mita no Knot <3 e da um Show no Stone <3
he sounds like the lead singer of fuel
fetus corey taylor
I looked at you through the glass in jail & my heart broke! Yet, in the hopelessness I believed God would deliver you. Now you’re out. I pray with God’s help you will find peace! Amen
holy hell, corey’s hair tho lol
No wonder why he wore a mask! 😜 lol jk
been looking for this forever finnaly found it 😀
anyone notice the guitarist switched guitars in the video?
I’m a guy. A straight guy. 100 %.
And I think Corey is sexy as fuck.
fucken awesome song!
Being the diehard Slipknot fan that I am is weird seeing and listening to Corey singing in this different genre of rock
س.عالی بود.
corey looks so different today…. but he is still amazing….
Great Song
I can honestly say that I can relate the lyrics
i miss her so much 🙁 ever time i hear this it makes me cry no matter where i am, she left to go home to the lord. its been two years and i still feel like it was the day she left i will always love her this song reminds me of her
oh god I love this song
I still like him better in slipknoy
just listen to the noises, null and void instead of voices.
mentira q esse e o vocalista de slipknot ;-;
hermoso :3
молодой кори тейлор, что может быть лучше?
0:40 ..
Eu escutei primeira vez Eu chorei
que buena cancio marco un año genial en mi vida
1:48 mind got fucked
Que bien canta harry , por dios se ve que no es tan tonto como parece :0
is this song a out mental control in Hollywood?
i love how they did this vid.
THIS SONG IS SO BRUTAL AND METAL lol, why the fuck am I here
Wow, Amazing cover of Johnny cash – Hurt
Kick the dust up
Grat song with one of the best videos ever.
Fuck Hollywood
its so weird to see him with no mask
love it!
And I thought Slipknot’s “Snuff” was kind of, soft lol
this is pretty cool
called a robot created out of madness & not shuting up ,which it realy needs to shut the fuck i can injoy some films
iheart radio, Pandora, rdio, xm radio, Slacker, milk, etc. Not matter what source, this song makes it into the playlist. Kinda weird, really.
i speack espanish
I missed that beep in the middle of the song, haha ^^
kurt cobain hates that ..
“When something like a soul becomes *initialized*…”
using namespace std;
int main ()
string soul; // *Is this what he’s talking about?* 🙂
soul = “The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal”;
cout << soul; return 0; }
Good song, little stadium rock tho .. Not much different to nickleback
Oh yeah that rocks.
3000 turn the Monitor to like the Song again 😀
crlh mano eu conheci o corey no slipknot e até hoje desde 2009 n sabia q ele era cantor de outra banda tbm… kkk mt foda esse cara !! CURTE QUEM É BR
Alguien notó que dice Hollowood en lugar de Hollywood? xD
Looked for this for months and I finally found out the name. Success!
He looks like Jeff Dainels
I see Harry from Dumb and Dumber when i see him in this video…
Am I wrong or are they playing the wrong things with their instruments ?
Fuck good
ouvindo no brasil
trough glass xd ;]
So GAY song!
Lost my son a month ago today. Flipping thru stations and this song came on and reminded me of him so much it made me cry and smile at the same time. Thank you
You negative ass Hippocrates!!! Just enjoy the fuckin song if you dont like it listen to something else fuckin retards
This was played at my brothers best friend’s funeral. This song is really good and always will be.
How did I NOT know he was the lead singer for Slipknot?
an epidemic of Dominicans , contaminating everything ??
through glass♥
0:44 Marco Banderas with a blonde wig and sunglasses!?
Haven’t heard this in a while. Cool song. More into Muse and Avenged Sevenfold now.
This is trippy after listening to Psychosocial…
Man, this looks so good at 1080p; I fucking love slipknot.
my Bestfriend 💞
love this song
Moral of the song: Too many of us are not keepin’ it real. Keep it real.
CC Deville THOUGH!
just found them out and they sound exactly like slipknot….like if some1 told me hear tho this slipknot new song i wouldnt tell the difference
holy crap O.o haven’t had goosebumps from this song before until I saw the music video today, there’s so much you can achieve just by putting things in different angles and distances
I’m thinking I should kick your ass
Throw you from the overpass
Cause lord knows you squeal like a heifer
And no one ever tell you that forever seems so long
when you sit shoving Toblerones inside your head…
Jim root is amazing
Bald guy is like poor version of Midas
this song reminds me of when my dad was in prison
Lol, Corey Taylor used to look like Garth from Wayne’s World HAHAHAHHAHA
prefiro ele no slipknot
Holy shit. I remember hearing this in my pool at my old house. That was 9 years ago.
Just goes to show how far time flies. I was a 1st grader when this came out, now I’m a sophomore.
you corey taylor slipknot or stone sour
what he ceased to mention was the glass he was behind was really his iphone sreen…..
The singer looks like Harry from Dumb & Dumber, anyone else see that?
I like him in Slipknot better though.
im guessing they missed spelled Hollywood on purpose?
Coreys voice and darkness is why I love Stone Sour and Slipknot so much.
He has such an amazing voice… ughhh I melt everytime!!
omg fetus Corey!!!!😍😍😍
Corey did better with this band than slipknot. More realistic true emotion other than that reject hardcore outcast mask over my face because I’m ugly bullshit.
Corey has a beautiful singing voice!
Is that Corey Taylor from slipknot
Corey Taylor for life
I rather be here than a stupid rave music. -Malaysia-
Slipknot brought me here
Corey Taylor also lead singer of slipknot
o que que o corey Taylor ta fazendo na stone sour
Through Glass (Radio Version) [In the Style of “Stone Sour”] {Karaoke Version}
Stingray Music Karaoke
From the Album Stingray Music Karaoke – Rock Vol. 32
February 4, 2011
Am I the only one who thinks Corey Taylor looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber in this video? lmao
Du Karalhooooo!!! canta no meu ouvindinho….;)
i bet like 30m of the likes don’t even know this is SlipKnot
here is my interpretation of the song and music video. “I’m looking at you through the glass” You see celebritys on tv but you don’t know what they’re really like behind closed doors. the people are turning into cardboard because it’s meant to represent putting on a show or a fake personality to get higher ratings and approval from other people. “it’s the stars that shine for you and its the stars that lie to you” meaning some of them are role models for other people but it’s usually an act. some of them are genuinely good people but some have secrets and a dark past that few people know about until the media leaks information from their personal lives.”how do you feel, that is the question but then again you don’t expect an easy answer” it’s a difficult question for them to answer because they pretend to be happy but they could have mental illness or a drug addiction. they could have problems in their marriages but they act like these things don’t phase them therefore they can’t answer the question honestly because they fear that they will reveal too much because people will try to get information out of them and pretend that they care about the famous person when they really don’t. some of the people in this video could represent certain celebrities. an example that comes to mind is the blonde girl holding the Chihuahua. Paris Hilton had a dog that looked exactly like it named tinkerbell.
change from the mask
Corey looks weird with long hair
Very gud
Corey O Mais Foda Do Vocalistas
Stone Sour……Cory Taylor’s feminine side.
this song gives me chills man
ótimo amo essa música!
Fuck Yea Jim, you’re the man !
1:08 Come What(ever) May album art in the background.
dont like it,its fuking pop-ish…..
this band rocks
my 18 years of my ex
I don’t think it’s really what the song is about, but I’ve always associated this song with the fact that I only ever knew my dad through the glass windows of a prison visiting area. I’ve always equated it with wondering what life would have been like if I had a father in mine.
the stars that lie.
Corey canta pra caralho!
check me out,,,,,,Larry Boy “The Ladder” and no Im not the Q-cum-ber,,,,,,
it’s weird to think that you could once watch these kind of MVs on MTV….now they dont even promote music….
good times remembering this song
He looks like the dude from dumb and dumber
I know all of the words of this song! my sister is getting there
Corey Taylor looks like Jerry Cantrell
This songs sounds like it is so much deeper than just a guy with food poisoning watching European MTV
I don’t wanna believe he is the slipknot lead vocalist.
all those people looking at him like corey whats that on your head
relembrando 🙂
lol literally ….right
jim ♥♥♥
The song is about the shallow nature of Hollywood.
im in the music seen… fact this song was wrote for manson… its about how when he was a kid alwas watching tv, was his only friend and dreams…
I love you Corey ❤❤❤
Way better than Slipknot… WOW…
This is why corey taylor needs to wear a mask…
he looks like a buttcheek.
Nostalgia is really kicking in
This video clip tripped me out soooo much!
His hair reminds me of Kurt cobain xD
woow 9 years ago
jeff daniels – dumb and dumber
I’ll always remember this song as one time I was in Mallorca in pitch blackness with my father, completely lost, and freaked out, then eventually finding our way and heading into a bar early in the morning with this song playing on Kerrang.
Corey here looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
Music + Perfect 👏👏
I don’t care what anyone says. This song is about a rapist and his victim. “looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much time has passed? all I know is that it feels like forever…” “when something like a soul becomes initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes” ” when you’re describing what you see..remember what you’re staring is me…” just saying
muitoooo fodaaaaa
Which is better…
1). StoneSour- Through Glass
2). Staind- Outside
Love stone sour
Stone sour =slipknot
makes me laugh how people have to start a row over a music vid,,,,,,,, wow,, whats good in your life aye
to think this is the same guy that was just screaming People=Shit at me. It takes a lot of talent to separate projects like that, and even to be completely different people depending on what you are working on at the time.
love the song
Back when things were… simpler.
just like snuff soft and slow through Glass and now snuff love both song
Go ask alice!!
Emily is Away vibes?
Yeah I’d do him.
even the hardest man I know started crying when we heard this song live at rock am ring 2013 <3
9 years? Fuck off.
If you ever see this, thanks Josh.
Isn’t that Corey Taylor? Slipknot?
At the end of the day, all the rockstars are staring the tv too, and nowdays with all the reality-bullshit, they see you.
meh , slipknot is better
corey te ves mejor en slipknot
Бу! БУ! Like.
Жаль у нас так не поют
I almost always had this song stuck in my head while I was locked up.
so this song is saying the hollywood is just a big lie. yeah figured.
musics like this one aren’t made anymore today, unfortunately 🙁
LOL anybody else noticed HOLLOWOOD behind the band?
did corey take some acid before the song ?
a melhor musica do stone sour escuto ate hj 😍😍
why is david draiman stealing the people?!?!
The lyrics above on this are way off
And slipknot? Not is good
Qué buena canción del 2007 como olvidar esos días de escuela, esos días de un ir y venir donde están mis sueños donde estas mis anhelos
Decent sounding voice, but lacks power.
part of my life’s soundtrack Dec 2015
wow to think people still comment on this is amazing this song is hella old
i hope no one tried diving in to the pool.
Does he look like Harry from “When Harry met Lloyd” to anybody else?? I love this song, but that is all i see, lol!
isn’t this song about slipknot?
seriously wtf with the camera sounds in the song
Harry from Dumb and Dumber !!!
Corey Taylor looks so much better with his head shaved
corey tayler is fuckin talented i like slipknot more tho
any of you notice that’s Cory hes also in slipknot
I Forgot This Song Existed Until, I Heard It On IHeart Radio
Going to sleep now.
this exact same song, same lyrics, same music, same video spot, only one thing replaced; him wearing his mask. That would be fucking bizarrely epic !
am i the only one who saw the skull-face lady? :O so creepy
Why do people keep mentioning slipknot? Did a member go from band to the other or something? 😂😂
Just so everyone remembers…..this is the same guy that came up with the lyrics “I’m gunna slit your throat, and fuck the wound. I’m gunna push my face in and feel the swoon.”
jesus, what a voice
I love corey taylor
I absolutely still love this song!!
Damn it’s weird seeing him perform without his mask
I like how this video portrays how fake Hollywood is and the people living in it.
3:27 Chris Daughtry is that you :O
December 2015 anyone ?
I’ve made a guitar solo that fits with this song, you will find it in my chanel, I would really apreciate your views, hope you like it.
Dumb & Dumber are making an álbum?
its sounds like he saysa n epidemic of domenicans
Contaminating everything. 1:09
1000 000 000 лайков этому клипу
Corey looks slightly like Jerry Cantrell with his blonde hair
Completely forgot about this song, definitely one of Chris Jericho’s best.
Does anybody else see David Draiman at 1:07
This reminds me of my bff. I miss you so much.
i thought it’s coming from pearl jam.. oh.. highschool i missed so much
does anybody know where I can get the “hurgh” sound at 1.07? I’ve been trying to find it but no luck D:
luv corey i do but he looks like harry from dumb & dumber in this video good day mate
Korey’s have a silver hair)
Corey is good looking :))
Catch the hint of this song
He kind of looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
After having to identify my son at the mortuary this Jan 2015 this song took on a whole new life for me. :'(
it is pretty ironic that Corey uses a mask while he play with slipknot but has the guts to show his face when he sing this Brian Adams type of song. If I had to, probably I would have wear 2 masks one over the other while singing this shitty song
why the hell ist the metal/rock community so fucking friendly … fuck love you guys and girls :*
I see it now… Hollowood? o_o
holy fuck. 9 years since the first time I heard this song. holy fuckin. fuck. feels like last month
I hear the Alice in Chains influence in this song.
I know how you feel
10 years later still a very powerful and well made song. i knew the first time i heard this song it was an instant classic.
Nice concept
is that the singer from one direction ?
anybody Jan 1st 2016
Happy new year to everyone who can’t be with the person he loves
Lol Corey looks like Chris Jericho
2016 anyone?
wtf 9 years ago noo way
2017 anyone?
January 2016
7 when i first heard this
Grow your damn hair out again, Corey.
Mon,January 4
I was here (;
amo <3
To all the Slipknot fans. I’m a fan of both bands, and coming over to talk shit on Corey’s other band just makes you look like a prick.
Corey Taylor e Corey Taylor não importa a banda seja stone sour éo slipknot esse cara e foda do mesmo geito e tem uma voz que só deus
Natie? :3
Waiting for him to start screaming XD
song reminds me of my best friend as we smoked the bubble (methamphetamine pipe) (through the glass)…… shot himself and his 9 year old daughter (mac) Mackenzie about a year ago…. before you judge, mental illness is a fucking bitch. Miss them greatly… This ones for you River and your beautiful daughter Mac, I know you thought you were protecting her…. Pisses me off bad, but still love you both and you’ll always be in my heart. The drugs were to kill the pain…I know the trap all to well, brother.
I love this song, plus i love post grunge
Does anyone know what TV show or movie this was on?
And it’s the staaaaaar caaaar, The staaaaar caaaar
fuck i thought this came out about 5 years ago, time flies
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Nice stone sour song.
Is that Corey Taylor???? :O
I was 2 when this song came out…Wow
I can’t believe that hair is natural
great song Corey you a bad ass
Corey taylor sings this
So weird listening after People=Shit
slipknot is im working out.stone sour im drinking a beer relaxing.
me da por culo estar escuchando slipknot y que de repente no me digas por que acabas en ésta puta ñoñería, que asco el aleatorio de youtube, si parecen los putos back street boys por favor….
now i show you…. Corey Cobain!
in this video he looks like harry dune
The only real person in that room is the dog. Great video and depiction of what Hollywood is about, and why there is so much shitty music these days. Love some stone sour!
Who’s Watchin this in 2016
Capo !!!!
Genio corey
I didn’t know that Jeff Daniels is the singer of Stone Sour.
Corey Taylor is so brilliant!
OMG this song is so fucking beautifull! And i love the way Corey sings it!
this guy sure does sound like corey taylor
great song, great composition of words, majestic instrumentation, legendary band
great song, great composition of words, majestic instrumentation, amazing band
Amo essa música
2:31 look at the drummer’s hand oml
i remember when my girl was in jail .. this was our song .. i know it isnt what it was meant for but when u see someone through glass for months it feels that way.. song was the truth
he’s the MAN, but he needs to go bald again. the crazy Busey character’s hair from the movie “Contact” isn’t working for him….
ahh! the old Corey Taylor.
J’aime beaucoup !
9 лет назад…
lol the drummer from Nausea went on to this?
I remember hearing my mother play this song. It’s been a while.
He looks like a blonde Ed Sheeran LOL!!!!!
best song ever..
Two srep behind
It appears to harry the Dumb and Dumber To haha
Is it just me or does anyone else think Corey Taylor looks fuckin weird with long hair lol
Official Video? Do you have any that are synced properly?
Metalhead first and foremost, but I’ve always loved that mid-’90s Collective Soul post grunge-ish sound (even though this is from ten years ago).
fuck i haven’t heard this song in like 8 years. This was sick.
Corey Taylor is one talented guy
I was watching a webcam girl once and she had through glass playing in the background. I called my friends up and gave them the link to the video and we all laughed..
I absolutely love this song!!!!!
meaning of this song? ?
He looks like that blonde guy from dumb and dumberer
damn. Great song. I remember when this came out. I was 9 and I listened to the crappy pop and rap music nowadays. I remember getting chills down my spine. This song, is the song that made me interested in metal, hard rock, and rock. Growing up I didn’t know their was music beyond hip hop. I’m glad I found this song back then, because nowadays my life is based around the music i listen to. I learned how to play guitar, bass, and drums. My life wouldn’t be the same if I didnt find rock.
This hair, god XDDD
Hey, a few days ago I started making covers of some of my favorite songs! Through Glass is in my repertoire! If you you want to hear it, please check it out on my channel. 🙂 Thank you in advance, I appreciate it! 🙂
So much knowledge is dropped on this shit
corey has hairs
Apesar deles terem outros rumos
Hoje posso ver minha fase de adolescente para homem com esta música.
His hair though.
Lembro do Paull ! <3
he reminds me of Corey Taylor seriously
Love this song
Is that corey taylor from slipknot
typical slipknot..
posers convention
That bassist has the most badass gotee I’ve ever seen in my life.
How much is real…. So much to question
Im 12 and I know every single word to this song and I LOVE IT
people recognize Corey so much they forget about Jim Root
Quase 10 Anos Depois…
this is a really good song and who ever thinks it is lame is lame.
I think corey is better in slipknot but I love this band too dude is just fucking awesome
I love this song !!
and i love your song’s and your voice thank you for all corey
Is this slipknot?
February 2016
why is it hollowood ?
fucking awesome song
This is Cory Taylor of Slipknot People And This Is Not Directed to the Few of you that knew That…lmfao
Corey Taylor is awesome he needs to come back to KC
Wasn’t that drummer in Soulfly?
i love this song
one of 2006 screams ….
The analogy this video makes applies to 99% of all human interactions nowadays. A smart artist.
Help this dog take over youtube by copying and pasting this dog every where
corey is that you?!?
There’s the Stone Sour Corey Taylor and then there’s Slipknot’s Corey Taylor 😂
If you only know Corey with short or without hair it’s funny and awkward to see him with this a little bit like woman looking haircut .. ;D
muito fadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well, someone just printed some .gif pictures.
I just realized that its not hollywood its hollowood hahaha
feels like forever no one ever tells you how fast time flies 2016 just yesterday was 2006 with me and my dad jamming to this song in the car
JIm looks like Andy Serkis here.
or like Gollum when he was a hobbit. a fuckin 6’6″ tall hobbit
holy shit i always knew slipknot and always heard of stone sour first tme listening and im hooked. corey is a rock god not kanye west as self proclaimedlol
remembering Alex Band Style
Çok tatlı yaa.. o 3600 kişiyi sikeyim
aaaa que saudade …velho, boas lembranças
Back when Jim Root didn’t look like a hobo.
im inside your head! just listen to the voices…
the photographer and Kizaru the one Pierce
Listen to slipknot psycosocial after watching this
Corey Taylor, over all so talented! Repping Slipknot nicely here 😉
i always forget this is corey
Oh, so it’s not “star power.”
Finally found the song its been years!!!!!!!
Best singer in the world
Why does he waste his talent with slipknot? Every time he makes music that isn’t with slipknot, it’s amazing. But when you hear his music that is with slipknot…damn it fucking sucks
stone sour is coming back rip slipknot
Hurr durr March 6th 2016 everybody
So much memories taking me back to highschool.
I really like this song, someone showed me this and haha, can’t help think of them when I hear it. bittersweet, I guess.
1.5 speed = Country
I love this song *-*
só eu que fico tentando pegar o momento exato em que as pessoas viram papelão
i am listening to this in 2016 crazy lol
Slipknot makes some good fucking music if you’re into metal.
BUT Corey Taylor’s vocal skills and diversity are just put in the light alot more with songs like these and with a band like stone sour.
Try listening to this after listening to Psychosocial and Pulse of The Maggots. Holy shit. It’s like Corey is a different person😳😳😳
That fucking hair
Why Road Runnner records upload this video in 240p?
This guy? Sang psychosocial? Lol gtfo
I’m in love with that fucking annoying
camera gunpowder flash sound
hey corey nice hair, you cigarette. best vocalist ever. period.
dont know this band, but cant stop thinking singer looks like young James Hetfield 😀
Nostalgia boa essa música…
this song still hits home after all these years ! Corey Taylor Is a Fucking god !!
that is corey tailor?? wtf he looks like kurt cobain
I never cry to songs, but this song really got to me…..:-/ I normally listen to trivium, slipknot, white chapel etc
was that corey ?
2k16 and still awesome
Corey taylor in slipknot and stone sour is just like Jekyl and Hyde
This is the same guy that sang sic😳
any directions to get to Hollowood?
Best song. But, he is much better in Slipknot. Also a band he plays in
I almost cannot believe is Corey Taylor in this video …..
Corey with long hair doe
How is it that the bass players generally the freakiest cat in the band
If you want to learn the song on the guitar, on our channel there is not a bad analysis. Welcome and enjoy:)
Corey’s vocal range is amazing.Just listen to Custer,sic or People=Shit after this and you’ll know.
Cold play
Bieber should cover this
Corey Taylor
me encanta esta canción desde los 5 años :3
Its Corey Taylor in the Hollowood
if you are wearing glasses… you’re looking at EVERYTHING through the glass
mind blown
Great song love it!!
Kinda sounds like that knot guy from the band slip.
this long haired dude looks familiar :/
I can barely imagine that this is the same corey as the one who screamed “I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound. I wanna push my face in and feel the swoon.” In disasterpiece by slipknot.
If Cory add wrinkles and scar, it will be similar to the Witcher Geralt of 3
sorry for my bad english
jxb x vcnnb
whoa Im fucking old. I was 16 holy hell, rip my life
thank you for amazing song.
This is the anthem for Facebook stalking
Brasileiros assistindo em 2016? ; )
uufff…..I remember the time I used to live in Berlin…actually after a couple of weeks the show was cancelled because Corey was sick….I was rally drunk driving back home with the tram around 6am at a damn wednesday or so, listening this song and I started singing out loud with whatever people around. I hope I was singing on tune at least hahahahahaha Cheers jerries
Dang this video’s editing is better than some movies from 2015 and 2016. Holy shit 😀
1:04 Beautiful
amo mt <3
música show arrepiadao
Corey with long hair? That was really long ago
So it’s been 9 years… Time really flies.
Lo maximo este grupo
Alguém do br aqui??
is that C.C. DeVille?
my fav
anyone watching in april of 2016
He looks like Harry from Dumb & Dumber in this video
Ah, mas que merda! O quê que eu tô fazendo com a minha vida!?
First time I’ve seen the video. I’d Imagined something totally different.
Corey Taylor has an amazing voice and he is so cute
your music is well wrote but all you guys can’t right but I can’t blame you I’m the fan and 99% of the artificial intelligence in the world is a great big lie it’s like a little cut that never heals but it trys.
“How do you feel? That is the question, but I forget you don’t expect an easy answer.” Lyrical genius.
This song will stand the test of time…as it has too strong a meaning to be forgotten. So many fakers living amongst us. smh.
Wait, am I even real or am I made from cardboard?
does anyone else remember downloading this song and always getting the one with the loud ringing noise halfway through?
I didn’t realize David Spade was such a good vocalist!
essa música minha vidinha
never gets old <3 !!
muito bom!
Wer hört das auch noch 2016?haha
love this!
this song uuuughhhh i love it!
For some unknown reason this is one of those songs that really hits home. Not sure what the rest of you are complaining about.
240p we meet again…
Jeff Daniels kills it on this track. Never knew Harry Dunn had this kind of range. 😛
Das Lied war einfach nur mein Sommerlied 2013.. als ich mit meiner damaligen Freundin im Kofferraum lag auf meinem Kumpel seinem Geburtstag und wir uns die ganze Zeit küssten. Oder beim Zelten am Stausee in den Himmel schauten und Vodka tranken. Schön und Schmerzhaft zugleich wenn ich daran denke das das alles vorbei ist und ich sie nach einem Jahr beziehung wieder verloren hatte..
Awesome song!!!
arent these guys also Slipknot ?
It has not been 9 years, fuck that shit. Where the fuck has the time gone?
love this song always gives me hope when days are ruff
40 MILLION views?! There *IS* hope for humanity!
I remember hearing this song a while back and I loved the vocals but never realized the tie it had to Slipknot skalflaj motherfucking shit.
Omg I love this song
“sitting all alone inside your head”
this is about not knowing who your real friends are, right?
Corey’s vocals are beautiful. Even in Slipknot and even in Stone Sour
That’s Corey Taylor lol I remember hearing this when I was younger, this is a nice song though
Why the fuck did Corey straighten his hair for this video??? Fucking looks like a right douchbag.
Heard this song on the radio and wanted to see the vid again.
I forgot about this song. Thank God random songs start playing in my head 🙂
OMG 😀 Corey looks like a labradoodle without the mask he wears as member of slipknot:D
Lame band.
This song always reminds me visiting my friend at jail “looking at him through the glass”
Lex Luthor from Batman V Superman
Love this song
Isn’t the singer of Stoned Sour the singer of Slipknot? Corey Taylor?
Sure looks a lot like Corey Taylor from Slipknot…guess it’s just my imagination.
Simplesmente Maravilhoso <3
“Get of me Craig, I’m trying to get on a plane!”
-Corey Taylor
I didn’t know Stone Sour made this o_o
Such a Great song
does this song have anything to do with the upcoming movie Alice in wonderland through the looking glass
love this song, had no idea it was sung by Cory Taylor though XD at least till I started listening to slipknot and though they both sound the same
Check out Ryan Malagrino’s Debut album THE WOLVERINE!!! If you enjoy alternative heavy metal music., this is for you >>>…/temple-feat-cydnie-flowers1
One of my dreams is to go to LA one day and see everything there is there. I also have much more in common with the people there (I like music) but is this music video trying to say that they are just cardboard cut-outs and not real at all?!
👌👍👊 legit one of the best songs ever
I know this song since kid and i never thougth it was Corey Taylor that was The singer
I love Corey but he looks like that blonde guy from dumb and dumberer
The best part of this song is when they “say” paper dolls and little notes
this is one of the best rock bands out their now these days
This and Avenged Sevengold Seize the Day
is that keemstar at 0:39 ?
Love this 😀 😀 x
Chris Jericho looks so young in this song
the back story to this song is epic.
I love you Tony O
well that music video was wierd everything was made of cardboard are the instruments made of cardboard too
Great song I think the lead singer of slipknot should do a cover
amo demais <3
Go home Corey, you’re drunk.
Sorry voice does not fit the face
it feels like forever :c
Amo essa música. Amo Corey.
Looking for a Stone Sour song called “Spillin’ My Guts”, anyone know where I can find it? Thanks
I’m glad Corey cut his hair. It’s important to the world that he did that. It lets the world know… “Hey…Corey Taylor cut his hair”.. now world leaders are all copying him and shit…
Man he looks like the guy from slipknot
I heard Corey Taylor’s Neck is forced to pay it’s own taxes.
когда ты в 2016, в 20 лет, первый раз услышал этот шедевр и твои уши не перестают получать оргазм уже больше месяца
At the end Root looks very sexy
MTV Europe inspired this song. He was watching it and wrote this song in anger for how suckish it was LMBO
Sublime, even now ..
He looks like Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber in this video.
I was 5 when this came out..
this video is so beautiful…
HD Please?
amo stone sour
corey taylor
am i the only one that wants to know how this video was made?
Ok, so this video is from 2005, yet somehow Corey looks older than now.
it is cory taylor, stone sour was his side band until one of slipknots members passed and then he focused on stone sour and the album with “haunt me” was made
This…reminds me of Paul-l grey. Shit i-I’m cry-ying
slipknot лучше чем stone sour
wtf is this bullshit?
Quick story. I was locked away for 13 months. I first heard this song in ’06 when I couldn’t show any emotion while thinking about my son in front of 10 inmates … Emotions were uncontrollable and I broke down when I isolated myself …
Love that Corey wrote this song mid horrendous shit
He sounds like the vocalist for slipknot?!?!?!
bullying sucks don’t be 1
be a leader not a follower
something needs to be done about bullying when 13 teen yr old trys to kill him self. love you buddy you’ll pull through
when i was locked up…i couldn’t get this song out of my head
Someone told me this song is actually about a puppy??
headbang? jajaja come down man
that guitarist looks like master roshi from dbz
español :v
Dude i didn’t know this was taylor until i saw it on his wiki man i love this band and slipknot
In the middle of negativity.
ugh. memories:)
Oh crap 10 years and I still love this song
he’s pulling through go Dillan praying for you
Fuck Music
it does
nah, im brazilian and used to like this song, but since my english is very poor, i always liked the song by the melody. but now after reading the translation im kinda disapointed. very week. the melody is good tough.
im lookin at you thru my ass
and i think im out of grass
God i havent been high in forever
and all it makes me do is just eat a lot of crap
and take a little nap inside my bed
how do you feel? when you’re half stoned
but i guess its hard when you’re out of dope
when someone takes control of your bong and then your bowl
and you wanna roll a joint but thats not even the point
and all your friends want to do, is laugh while smoking all your weed
and why the fuck does it hurt when i go pee?
cause im lookin at you thru my ass
and i think im out of grass
i know i havent been high in forever
and all it makes me do is just eat a lot of crap
and take a little nap inside my bed
how much is real? there’s so much to smoke
all my friends seemed to toke it all and now im staring at the wall
i used to have a lot, and now im gettin pretty hot
now all i hear are voices (you’re out of weeheeyeaeeed)
before you tell yourself, that you have enough to toke
remember that you’re out of weed and broke
im lookin at you thru my ass
and i think im out of grass
i know i havent been high in forever
and all it makes me do is just eat a lot of crap
and take a little nap inside my bed
and its your buds, your buds that steal from you
and its your buds, your buds that smoke for you yeaheah
im lookin at you thru my ass
and i think im out of grass
God i havent been high in forever
and all it makes me do is just eat a lot of crap
and take a little nap inside my bed…
and its your buds, your buds that steal from you yeah
and its your buds, your buds that smoke for you yeaheah
and its your buds, your buds that steal from you
and its your buds, your buds that smoke for you yeaheeaahh
i allways wonders what happend to lloyd!!!???
🇧 🇷 🇦 🇸 🇮 🇱
forever feels like home
slipknot-vermilion part 3
no, wait
So weird to see Corey with long blonde hair…
everytime i play this my six year old kicks into stone sour mode n sings away… i love listening to him sing its just awesome….
That has to be a wig, shit looks disgusting lol
jacob wells you to do not a good job is to Jacob wells Jacob wells Jacob wells to mom
I Shot the Sheriff here track 2 of Stone Sour describes how the president is I can’t help it icing Rock the Boat too much on the MTV
let’s rock the vote do not vote for GOP
love it
Rock’n’roll !..! Üdv, Sarkadi Roland #REFPLAY
Thanks for not deleting my posts. My nephew Gary overdosed 09-07-15.
I know my nephew is at peace with God. To u that struggle with the demon of drug addiction u are in my prayers. Never give up Hope even when looking through a window of hopelessness. You were created with 1 fingerprint that God made for a purpose.
nunca tinha visto o Corey cultivando a juba,kkk.
imagino que essa música deve ter sido antes dele emtrar pro slipknot,ou um trabalho separado!
Corey Taylor! didn’t know this was him
15/06/2016 freakin awesome song
i love Corey Taylor 👹😊
The stars will not shine for 4 thousand people
I miss this song so much
Jheez Corey looks different with long hair
One of my favorite songs, which were times when all day listening to this song haha
im not used to seeing Corey with long hair im used to seeing him in a mask lol
10 years ago
wow he does look like an iowian
field of dreams shane
don’t know how much time has passed
I just googled Corey Taylor cause of Slipknot, i would never have thought that he sang this.
1:11 an epidemic of dominicans Contaminating everything.
it is still weird seeing corey and Jim performing non metal songs
sürekli ağzımda sürekli tekrarlıyorum şu şarkıyı
I wonder what happend with this band?
great song but all i can see is him looking exactly like dumb and dumber dude
I wish corey grow his hair again
It’s hard to imagine that Corey Taylor is Slipknot’s vocist… This song’s so good I could listen to this all day same as Slipknot’s “The End Of Everything”
Oh sorry I mean “Everything Ends” I made a mistake therd hahaha
Brasil 2016???
não canso de escutar ❤❤❤🎶
pretty cool song about watching his favorite porn star 🙂
Your adds are annoying as hell…..
the feels man
Awesome song never gets old
corye fuck Taylor…
No way he’s the lead singer of Slipknot
corey taylor from slipknot, O.o whaaaaat?
Даже не знаю, где я ее услышал, но она супер!
i feel like that sometimes, you know like everything around me is simply a prop.
Jesus……Satan……god,,,,no one ever tells you forever feels like home.
Que clase de Slipknot es esto?
love this song
can’t believe its been 10 yrs
I come here to see James Root but, honestly, I didn’t like it ‘-‘ Prefer slipknot obviously shshshshshsh
What the fuck how did I never recognize Corey when I listened to them?
That neck!
love this song
Ale zajebiste :d
Ahora me doy cuenta que Corey se parece a Woody Harrelson :V
PD: Comentario salvaje en español aparece. xD
waynes world rules
This guy sounds exacly like Corey Taylor!
It’s a young Chris Jericho!
Disliked because of the one minute ad…. go fuck yourself, you greedy fucks
I prefer slipknot
corey cabeludo ate q ficou cool
I love Slipknot an the the FIRST Stone Sour Album, I really don’t like the way they went with the last few stone sour albums!
Slipknot is still great 😀
Great song!! I will listen to this for a long time! 🙂
i love stone sour
i hate you
Through Glass 🙁
I always play this song after “Wait and Bleed” to those who are not familiar with Slipknot, then I tell them “It’s the same vocalist” and watch their reaction.
Im sorry i hate this song its 4 minutes of him saying the same thing over and over again
this reminds me of my dad and me in the past
So weird to see Corey singing and not screaming
it still amazes me that this is the same corey taylor from slipknot…
*vein cutting intensifies*
Anyone else come here from skydoesminecraft?
just love this song so much so many memories xx
apla magiko..erwtas
This song speaks so much truth.
Too bad it’s been reduced to a pop song.
The video for this song speaks of two kind of people.
The “true,” the animate, and the “fake,” the cardboard caricatures.
Those who are, and those who pretend to be.
He look like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
4k people realise corey stole a vocal melody from a japanese band and used it in this song
curte quem está vendo em 2016
r.i.p corey’s voice when he entered slipknot
How did no one know that it was Cory just by his voice?
Well. This is actually the first time I have ever saw Corey Taylor without his mask(s) on… I think I listen to too much Slipknot.
This song describes benzo withdrawals perfectly.
This is probably the most relieving song I’ve ever heard. coming from Iowa this is exactly what I’ve always needed to hear. A star that didn’t lie for once. I don’t even want to imagine how much pressure Corey Taylor has on him..infinite respect for this diamond of a person.
get updated ppl. this album has been out for like a decade
oh! I’m speechless. Just now I can see it’s Corey Taylor. I thought the blonde guy was the first vocalist in The band.
Corey fuckin Taylor……WHAT THE FUCK!
got to my heart – kills me – songs like this make my day complete
Hola buenos días you tube
Jim root looks badass
Ok quick question, is the dude that takes the photo at 0:11 the same dude from Korn’s video ‘twisted transistor’?
im sorry but i cant take corey taylor seriously with that hair XD
bites blows
Cause I’m looking at you at you through my ass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh god it feels like forever…
kurt cobain looks kinda weird here
Sing it at the bathroom)
melhor música de todas ❤😍🎶
This song has come on my pandora so many times and I had absolutely no idea it was Corey Taylor
He sounds like the singer from slipknot
prefiro o slipknot
I’m lookin at dat ass through that glass
Holy crap this vid’s old
alice in chains
nailclipper korn
yall did it
Nickelback really stepped up their game with this one
Four thousand people are going to hell
Step1: Highlight the numbers
Step2: Ctrl and F
Step3: Put 9 in
Step4: Enjoy
Came here just after hearing Psychosocial. WTF
como o Corey é bonito sem mascara
One of the best music videos I have ever seen
it was hell of a work
This song always reminds me of going to visit my ex in prison…….. HAIL Corey Taylor. 🙂
This is the best song that Slipknot has done.
I love slipknot and didn’t know this was him and always made fun of this song I just thought it was so corny.i just don’t like ss .say ul haunt is ok but that’s I hates this song and video.i was thinking this guys lives in la and is saying its phony.while he lives there.
i wonder what would happen if slipknot did a cover of this song. would it sound better or worse?
Essa musica é muito boa..
Tks my American Friends.
this song is so relatable
essa música <3
If I damn make up the mannequins contaminating everything.
This is one hell of a party!
Wayne’s world?!
Corey! Why the fuck you are not enjoying that?
i remember kurt cobain on corey tailor when he’s blonde
parece a voz do Corey
0.0 Not sure how to feel about Corey Taylor with long hair and a lot calmer music. 0.0
If you you stare at it long enough it will make sense.
(Several hours later, nope. Several months later, nope. An eternity later, nope.)
He looks like what opie from o&a wishes he was
soygay sabelo youtube
Fun fact, my friend and his girl and I were chilling with the band at PNC Arts Center in NJ before the concert started playing football and smoking a blunt and my friends girl asks Jim if he could take a picture of her “with the guy from Slipknot” (she meant Corey not knowing he is also in Slipknot lol) so he takes the camera and takes a selfie and gives it back and she was like wtf, then I told her and she was very embarrassed. He laughed it off tho lol. Corey was very cool tho btw. It was kinda shocking how easy it was to just approach them and chill. We got there early and they were standing by the tour bus just chilling and we just said fuck it and walked over and said what up and they told us to stay and hang out. We threw a football around for a bit and we smoked some bud with them and we took a bunch of pics. Corey was flirting with my friends girl bigtime but we didnt care lol. She loved it too!
Edit: I noticed a couple people claiming I make this up. Why the fuk would I make up such a random story like that? This happened to the T exactly how I described it. My friend has pictures from that day with all of us with Corey I will ask her to send them to me cuz I can’t find them. I keep forgetting about the pics hopefully I get them up asap Then the haters can feel stupid!! Btw thank u to all the cool people who left nice comments and/or liked my comment. I never would of guessed I’d have one of the top comments on such a popular video! Kinda cool I guess 😜
This haircut was a worse decision than Joey leaving slipknot
Three words . . . NO!
because he ate McDonald’s in europe, got food poisoning from it, shat everwhere in his hotel room (not kidding about that), couldn’t move at all cause he was sick and mtv Europe was on the TV this song wouldn’t exist. since its about the shitty music he heard on mtv europe.
2016!!! Still love this fuckn song!
Little did anyone know that this is one of the many amazingly brave songs that tell you how fake and corrupt Hollywood is hint hint ” and it’s the stars the stars that shine for you and it’s the stars the stars that LIE to you…LOVE THIS SONG!!
Pit lord sent me here
Cory has the most powerful voice I’ve saw in my life all his songs in slipknot and stone sour are awesome keep it up Corey
my sons called corey after corey Taylor!! he’s dads idea lol!!!
corey es el mejor ….
is this candlebox or googodols or pudelofmud or nickaback or just maybe lame pop postmodern ` NIRVANA` ? wtf all those “grungy” guys with those hollow models ?
é o bixao memo
wtf is this lame ass oasis shit put your mask back on
Pitlord Dota 2 anyone ?
I think i’m too dumb to get this clip. I thought the music would be about someone who was at the hospital in coma for a long time
i love the lyrics so much
Oh shit!
algum br ?
I LOve It
pitlord 23 august!.
Wykrhm Reddy
9 years…WOW
Corey Taylor looks like 2006
Why does Cory look like Harry from Dumb and Dumber in this video 🤓😂😂
This reminds me working the set .
top notch. I miss good music, it is so rare for me to find things I like these days.
Slipknot is still better
why the fuck does he look like jeff daniels
Love this song..
Love The song The video Its hot
4 thousand people will die!
Algum brasileiro curti essa musica ..
Who knew Harry Dunn was such a good singer
Who else here came here because of Cory in slipknot
10 years ago ,, still the best song for me
Stone Sour rock
.. Slipknot rock….. dudes freakin awsome… if not a bit slightly Albino in this vid…. still rocks tho…….
There is no 4ever!
Corey is an amazing singer, I know u hear him in slipknot u wouldn’t think it look even deeper in 2 him, check out the cover wicked games, oh 2 have a real vocalist in your band, sweetpea
essa música é muito legal
son enterp perkin sio kloko i kpasa
that long yellow hair its disturbing!
James root and corey cool
top demais!!!!!!!!
this song is so quiet compared the songs of slipknot
Is talking about being in prison?
“Looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much time has passed”
this is the same guy that inspires you to JUMP THE FUCK UP!!!!
he can scream and sing
This song is clearly about Harambe. That’s more apparent now than ever.
WTF cant ya”ll just like the music without saying what “YOU” dont like.
in the fucking feels :'(
lead singer is so handsome
So it’s flat
This song makes me cry
its been years since i heard this and never gets old lol
j adore <3
Corey biondo no porcoddio
Stone Sour > Slipknot.
i love this song <3
more or less start very well and then it was getting worse and improving and blalabal more a like.Let the games begin
lol the guy from dumb and dumber was Harry Dune
I miss this kind of music.
It scares me how many will never hear this song..
Easy personal top 3.
is that Ryan Dunn on the bass?
here’s to hoku reading this right now
depressed, furious, depressed, furious….like shootin’ fish in a barrel…all the way to the bank. Where it feels like home, sitting all alone, with my piles of money and drugs
stone sour live
slipkflow death
I love my music playlist goes from this to slipknot(Yes i know same singer) to Rings of saturn XD
Corey Kobain…?
it would be much better if we would find out that in the end he was just as fake as everybody there
Thanks Harry.
how do you feel? that is the question I know you don’t expect an easy answer
dont stop a music good !!!!!! i love you !!!!!
Corey Taylor com cabelo?? kkk
ue, cade os br’s ?
Hahaha did not expect the singer to look like that
Um Dos Melhores Vocais Que Já Existiu ✌🙇🎶
can’t even look u through the glass
be me in jail. singing “through the glass” (literally). some dude a couple cells over “sing it brother”.
This whole time I didn’t know it was Corey Taylor who made this
Oh my god. Jim lacks a HUGE beard lol.
I like this way better than Slipknot, just a matter of opinion i guess
Stone stour is after or before Slipknot?
I feel like i have to sing this song everyday… wait no one ever cared to look back :_(
Taking people and making them props seem natural, from a Hollywood perspective.
Holy shit is that CC Deville????
wow, ten years and thats the first time i have watched this whole video. awesome!!
q pedo horror de canción
Pause at 3:55. Your welcome.
Getting better paper dolls have their day!
Can we just take a moment to realize how much must be going through Corey Taylor’s head for him to be able to express his sadness through his music in Stone Sour and his rage through his music in Slipknot and just how truly deep it can get without us realizing it
Play this song, then go google Dubai Porta potties. Think long and hard, and wonder what really went fucking wrong?
I like…..
Stone Sour is great!
Corey is beast. How powerful his voice is. Damn that last scream.
love this song
Corey ❤
<3 <3 <3
are you kidding hair what does that matter?? HES A MUSICIAN NOT A MOVIE STAR
Lookin like old chris jericho in the thumbnail
Corey looks a bit like that long blonde haired guy from Dumb and Dumber with a bit of Owen Wilson with that long blonde hair
real as you can get
He looks so strange
hmmm.. was actually seeing owen wilson singing.
Dat Garth haircut
Sometimes I look in the mirror and wonder how long its been since Ive seen this person. It makes me question. Why did I leave my home. Why did I leave her. Why did I join the Army and choose to scar my mind and my body. You start to realize that the changes to you are permanent. You cant go back.
man this song says alot
0:46 Ese no es el de cumlouder?
damn corey love ur voice but REALLY
This song reminds of Shimmer, by Fuel.
Corey Taylor is absolutely amazing!Am I right?
Corey con cabello largo y rubio :v
I’m pretty sure Stone Sour was his original band before Slipknot.
Butters just don’t give a damn anymore.
the soundtrack of my dead. i love this song
How many is listening in October 2016?
me n my husband used 2 sing this 2 gether n now hes in prison…odd how things work out…3 years down…12 to go…i’ll b around
This is such a clever video. Whoever came up with this idea is a freakin’ genius. 🙂
I remember trying to download this on limewire and I could never find a version without that annoying ass beep sound in the song xD good times.
que nica mae
I’m probably the only one who still watching this
corey is the best
Banda Top
this video blows my mind each time i see it. i had to see it again after seeing a cardboard cut out of Hillary and thought how fake she really is.
melhor de todas
Corey and James
How does Corey go from this slow melodic stuff to Slipknot
love slipknot but stone sour is a lil soft for me
when Bryan Stars turn 40
he will look like that
Still listen to this, hell yeah, great track
Remember turning on this song listening with my cousin memories!
👍 if you’re watching in 2016
Corey in this video looks like tennis player David Nalbandian ¡¡¡
vai tomar no cú
1:07 una referencia al Come what ever may
this man’s voice is beautiful. can easily bring me to tears. 😍
i love it
ever noticed it says hollowood on the sign in clip
Corey Cobain
a young harry dunne?
“I’m looking at you through the ass”
songs like this click immediately in my my mind and it’s precious
“Looking Glass”
2006, GREAT year for music.
This is the best for me
2016! Aqui é Br! huehue
Who is the bearded guy in this band?
vai victor vai toma no cu
240p da fuq oh its 2006
He looks bit like Harry from dumb and dumber 😂
this song is eternally stuck in my head. just pops up randomly ever so often. great piece of music.
if you people only understood the truth about our life
What if all stars were rich people,?” they are! BUT the world is way more populated and connected so pretty soon the worlds gonna be asking for the true stars. Soon after the internet evolves our minds. Notice when t.v came out, that’s when music blew up, that’s when they needed some John Lennon, Roger Waters and Elton John, 3ven if they did drugs cause they had to feed the media beast and they will.
2016, oct 28
OMFG James Root! <3
corey canta melhor na stone do q na slip… sou mais a stone msm
Stone sour we love y’all… looking through the glass …. YEAH
Haha he looks like Harry from Dumb & Dumber
He don’t sound like singing though I like it.
this song came out a decade ago! how the fuck are we still wondering if this is the guy from slipknot??
i think he looks like klaus in the vampiere diaries in the episodes they flash back to like the 1800 century
i have one seriously dumb question and one random question:
which one is cory
how long ago did he start slipknot
My god I love this mans voice – he is truly one of a kind <3
love this song so much such an amazing voice
whenever I hear this song I turn on repeat mode
No faltan los locos que empiezan a decir aay es el de Slipknot
nice corey
Was that asian chick Asa akira?
nice!!!! corey is most singer!
Corey Taylor best frontman ever, his music/bands don’t disappoint. I remember this came out during my middle school days, through glass came on the radio every two hrs. it was a hit , it still is to this day 🤘 ! Thank u StoneSour.
the men is Corey Taylor
When you realize that you’re old enough for YT to exist for 10 years…
He looks better with a mask on and short hair when he is in Slipknot
an epidemic of the mexicans contaminating everything
I see what you did, trump
How many domesticated Free Range peasants can make obvious jokes and fail at their desperate attempts for attention, while failing to get the MESSAGE provided by the MEDIUM, crafted by their MUSES?
*looks down*
what’s it like being as vacant as you lot?
Scarier then his mask in slipknot
0:53 vc se da conta que o arqueiro verde dos desenhos e das hqs é de uma bbanda
rellay good ; like ; trump
this says it all
Corey Taylor looks so different with long hair. Great song, though
Forgot about this song! So good!
remi,ds me of every strip club in 2006-07
td bem com vcs? tá td bem com vcs? comigo tá tudo bem . Quem veio pelo Márcio ? kkkkkkk aparece aí galera
не особо
i look at him and all I’m seeing is Harry from dumb and dumber
Esse Corey é um mizera fodão 😍
Harry from dumb and dumber look alike.
Corey , um dos melhores vocals .
2D mannequin challenge?
who else is here because of paranormal witness
IS Corey?
man this song reminds me of all the fake people that have fucked me over after trusting them 🙁
“Added 10 years ago”… shit..
This song came out when I was in 6th grade..and I’m time Corey Taylor
Biggest mannequin video
This song makes me cry
Всё ещё люблю это… и похоже всегда буду, будто бы это моя душа
Out of al the garbage vids here on YT, you watch this then give a ‘thumbs down’!!?? Wth?
Fricking AMAZING tune 😍😍
This song holds so much meaning for me…
good song
what fly’s by so fast but has no wings. time
This nigga look like Harry from dumb and dumber
Is anyone else here younger than 16?
I can not believe I used to listen to this song almost 10 years ago…funny how time flies
subliminal cardboard cutout of “Aunt Jemimah” !
O cara é tão foda que canta em duas bandas, porraaaaa! ❤
is that not the singer from Slipknot?
gostei muito
oh shit didn’t realize Corey Taylor is the singer
so this songs about prison right?
just re-watching slipknot live, devil in i, all that chaos and then yes, stone sour
going back listen to eyeless
puto asco
10 years ago. Shit.
bad ass song
I wish I could request this song for my cousin Kayla. . this song will forever remind me of her. I love you Kayla. Even though we’re not close anymore I still worry about you & hope you come out of the scene you’re in.
love your baby cuz- forever & always —–
I love his voice 😍❤
at 0:53 is that ryan dunn
corey taylor and jim root of slipknot
Love this <3
the hack tool and select download the message to you soon with some friends with her for the salmon fishing for the first one is not a good idea to get back to me that I can be a good day to you as well but I don’t have a great time and consideration for any damage caused to the inbox by boomerang view the document is strictly forbidden by a moderator moderator moderator emeritus of the first time I’ve ever seen a few months ago but have not heard anything
10 years ago I was 9 WTF
ten years
Wow! He sounds like Corey Taylor.
damm why music like this don’t come back =( good times …
Corey Taylor did the best mannequin challenger, including the clip Hesitate
..гляжу на тебя через стекло –
не знаю, сколько времени прошло..
о, Боже! , – словно целая вечность!!
но никто и никогда не скажет тебе, что эта вечность стала для меня сейчас пристанищем,
когда ты сидишь, уйдя в себя, наедине со своими мыслями..
“ну, как ты там?” – спросил бы я тебя,
но я уже настроен, что твой ответ будет непростым…
когда что-то – может быть и душа, становится, как и прежде,
словно распрямившийся сложенный из бумаги человечек, или как сложенная записка..
..а сам ни капельки и не надеюсь,
и пока стою снаружи, и заглядываю внутрь,
пытаясь поверить в то, что снова вижу тебя, –
осознаю, что ты изумлённо смотришь на меня..
ведь я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
совсем о времени забыв,
всё что я знаю – целую вечность уже смотрю,
и ни от кого и никогда ты не узнаешь, что вечность эта стала мне как дом родной,
когда вижу тебя сидящей в одиночестве, как ты о чём-то задумалась..
не сплю ли я сейчас? – ..столько всего хочется спросить.. –
по сравнению с тобой все, кто встречается мне – словно бездушные куклы, прям напасть какая-то..
..когда мысли исходят от сердца..
…но нет – этого больше не случается –
просто слышишь какие-то невнятные звуки
..лишь бессмысленные и пустые подобия голосов..
прежде чем ты не признаешься себе,
что сейчас неподходящая обстановка, –
вспомни – обстановка всего лишь не похожа на то, что ты видела раньше
..и вот я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
даже не знаю как долго смотрю,
знаю лишь одно – должно быть целую вечность,
и ни от кого и никогда ты не узнаешь, что и вечность иногда становится родным домом,
когда вижу, как ты сидишь одна, о чём-то призадумавшись..
..потому что я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
не зная сколько времени уже прошло,
всё, что знаю – целую вечность!
и в вечности этой мне так уютно
– ведь я снова вижу тебя…
и эти “звёзды”,
что так ослепляют тебя..
..эти “звёзды”
так обманчивы!..
..гляжу на тебя через стекло –
не зная, сколько времени прошло..
..Боже!, как будто целая вечность!!
но никто и никогда не скажет, что вечность стала для меня сейчас пристанищем,
когда ты сидишь, уйдя в себя, наедине со своими мыслями..
потому что я смотрю на тебя сквозь стекло,
не зная даже, сколько времени прошло..
всё, что знаю – наверное, вечность,
и в вечности этой мне так хорошо
– ведь я вновь вижу тебя!..
и все эти “звёзды”,
что сияют для тебя,
эти “звёзды”,
что так обманчивы..
кто эти “звёзды”?!
какие это “звёзды”?!
– они все врут!!!
Is corey taylor?
I love this song… Video could be better though..
I’m was islets snsmwjkw
love it ….even
through glass.
Actually made me cry every time because this song remember me two good friends that died 3 years ago. RIP J.C and M.S
Still listen to it in 2016 ans still loving it even more!
1:21 eargasm to it’s limit best
Chris Jericho?
Corey Taylor is hands down one of, if not the best vocalist in the mainstream modern metal scene and I don’t think I’ll ever not love something he does. Inspiring every time. 🤘
young Chris Jericho
People… Read something about Corey, Slipknot and Stone Sour. Then ask why this guy sounds like “Corey from Slipknot”… 😒😒
My uncle tommy used to say im looking at u through the glass now I just know he was a stone sour fan explains the camera noise aswell
Kurt Cobain + Axl Rose = Corey Taylor
love it 😍
I’m looking at your stupid ass, don’t know how much time has passed…
People Forget corey started stone sour and then joined slipknot xd and thats also jim. no longer in the band but wtv xD
Good god Corey that hair tho 😂😂
corey looks like garth from waynes world
I fucking love this song. Haven’t listened to it in a long time…
back to this lovely song <33 2017
cadê o povo BR?
Is weird I can identify to this song through mental issues..
corey Taylor =♥
el que canta es de la banda de slipknot
Corey Taylor has an amazing voice. i love Slipknot so much.
this song makes me think of my visits in prison, on both sides, free and incarcerated… My ex now would visit me and i would visit her… Damn what sucks im bout 2 do a fed case come march… Doing time s easy but loved ones will be missed and thats the worst of it honestly. .. Being surrounded 150 people and feeling so alone at the same time, On the streets you take everything for granted and than the shit hits u.
my ex used to play this for me it makes me miss him😍😭
to the love of my life
This is one of those songs that you never forget the words to and silently sing to yourself in a time of pain.
is that harry from dumb and dumber?
Corey Taylor’s singing 😱😦😍
30 30 150 remembers. Do you remember?
for all of you who question whether or not this is Corey Taylor AND believe that this is his “side gig/band” gtfo, absolute morons. First off yes Corey Taylor is not only the lead singer of Stone Sour but also Slipknot, and Second Stone Sour was his original band well before he joined Slipknot. As a matter of fact Anders Colsefini was the original lead singer of Slipknot. Know your facts before you spew b.s….
I’m looking at you through my ass
Don’t know how much gas I passed
All I know is that it feels like a big one
But no one ever tells you that when you sharted on yourself
You scream and cry for help inside your head
what a relevant song with all the Kylie Jenner hype. xo
Joey y James :,)
great song love the lyrics first time I heard this was a few weeks ago go Corey Taylor
Amo este tema, sobretodo a partir del minuto 1:31
This guy sings way better than that Corey Taylor shit from Slipknot 😛
10 Years?! im old…
Everytime I watch this video, even back in the day my first thought is “What the fuck is up with Corey’s hair?”
This has to be about jail I swearb
Gamers Club
as much as i love slipknot, imo corey’s voice is better whn he’s singing with stone sour
hahaha Corey with long hair so funny))))
luv to sing this to my Aunt Joan’s doggs miss ya Triger
♥ hi guys can you see this cover from a young singer in a concert?he need some support btw happy new year
ouvir essa música e pensar no crush
10 years?
Corey Taylor, the lead singer, describes the meaning of this song in an interview, where he describes his frustration with how society idolizes famous people at the top, and how the market prevents anyone from rising to the top. These famous people, like actors and singers, who send out positive messages, but live trashy lifestyles. They expect to do something great, but end up right where they started, like fish in a fish bowl. “Looking at you through the glass” is a reference to someone looking into this fish bowl and realizing the vanity of the situation. That all the messages these people say, essentially describes you and how you haven’t changed “in forever”. “The stars, they lie” is a pun on words, referring to the the dreams that this person has, and how they are crushed by “the stars”, or the famous people at the top.
Lord Corey Taylor! Soo fucking good!
Muito foda
im really glad corey cut his hair so he doesn’t look like jeff daniels in dumb and dumber anymore
0:46 is the CiCi Deville?
hay por aqui alguien que hable español y que le guste stone sour y slipknot???
2017 ✔
marcou minha adolescencia
R.I.P shitty pop music corey has kill you all
Please, tell me I’m not alone in saying this song reminds me of Halo 2?? I used to play that game and this song would come on the radio! ):
I don’t know how many times I listened to this when my husband passed
Well If You’re 555 Then Im 666!!!
fuck noo
Danny muy cierto un tema siempre la recuerdo y de vez en cuando la sigo escuchando
anyone else thought this song was about being in jail?
Corey sure looks like that guy from Dumb and Dumber.Awesome vocalist though!!!
Lembrei que escutei ela pela primeira vez na 89, se é louco mili anos essa música aí cachorro
It’s Harry Dunn from dumb and dumber. Fucking aye
i this video says “lots of lies in hollywood” 😉
Slipknot and stone sour,how can Chris be so talented <3
My brother tells me that when I was 5 I would run around the house singing this song for months. While I have no memory of this, I feel so nostalgic while listening to this.
If Corey Taylor wasn’t in Slipknot I’d swear it is him
corey taylor….self absorbed bitch who looks like an cc devile
0:12 luke skywalkers lightsaber
Corey was an ugly fuck with long hair
the video keeps blowing my mind
Stone sour song gets 46 million views and a Justin buttsquezer song get 2 BILLION VIEWS! What the fuck is wrong with this world?!
Amava essa vibe do Corey ♡
Corey Taylor …
Amazing song……… Feels like 4ever!
and corey said, fuck it boys, ill make u rich too.
2017? 🙂
Corey Taylor with short hair looks so much better
reminds me of jail
oakland and gennesse county
one of my favorite songs
what a great song that speaks the truth! Corey and his bands Slipknot and Stone Sour are awesome as fuck!
The singer from Stone sour sings better than that one from Slipknot
this was Corey Taylor…
Corey looks like Lew from Hot Tub Time Machine
what does this song mean
In this video he looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
beautiful, i love it <3
Like si vienes por Slipknot
Medio maracaibo el temita pero se deja escuchar… igual ponete la mascara que con ella cantas mejor!
tro cho jadhère et jador
This song reminds of an amazing girl that came into my life and broke my heart.. I listen to this and it reminds of all those memories it’s so hard to let go..
this is feels weird after listening to People=Shit
Oh God it feels like forever.. but no one ever tells you that forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head.
His voice is so sexy ❤
2017? Of course, i will fucking listen to this for the rest of my fucking life!!
Jerry Cantrell, is that you?
when things go wrong and thee is nothing else to do but surrender ,I can play these songs and get high naturally ,no weed no drugs just me and the song
Only watching this because I love Corey Taylor
fuckn awesome
yo the camera guy is the dude from twisted transistors music video
Он на Корри Тэйлора похож .
This song sounds familiar? Was this Song and Band playing on some source of video game like a sport game or a racing game with this through the glass stone sour song in it??????????????????????? And didn’t this song play on the radio a long time ago or something like that cuz I don’t remember this band and song was playing or constantly playing on the radio a lot do u guys if this song was playing on the radio constantly or something like that and was this playing on some source of video game or a sport or racing games if you guys know what game or video game this song was playing on then let me know in the comment section down below? Cuz I need to freakin know if this song was playing a video game?
topp o corey é fodaaa
2017 anyone?
Amo essa música
Is corey leaving slipknot for Stone sour
What a fucking good song
Its the stars that shine for you, and the stars of hollywood lie to you.
nice song
Is that Garth (Wayn’es world) singing?
I swear I love this song
I just discovered this song from pandora.
There are songs that are timeless and people of different generations appreciate.
Thank you pandora.
is it just me or is the picture sound annoying af
how do you feel.? that is the question but I forget you don’t expected an easy answer. 💯💯
Yo this guy sounds like #8 from Slipknot
love ROK
класс песня !!!.за душу берет!!, мурашки по коже.!!!
exactly…top 5 songs ever
LoL listen 2017
crazy looking at this now makes me wanna cry from how long time has been and how things in my life changed
Listening to this song and then listening to Custer is pretty trippy lol
how do they make people go from moving into cardboard?
it means to me. that you can see me through the tv. You know its the stars that lie to u. I’m aware!!!!
240p??? In 2017??? Srsly Roadrunner Records???
He look like harry from dumb and dumber
10 years ago already? Damn.. Doesn’t feel like that at all
That’s because it is Corey Taylor. He started Stone Sour in 1993 and joined Slipknot in 1997
i have a feeling hes in mastodon
0:40 Green arrow
I remember recording this song with my nokia n-gage when it’s played on tv just to be able to listen to it on repeat, lol memories
The greatest vocalist ever backed by the greatest band ever. Great song.
he looks like game if thrones dragon queens bro
stone sour was probably the best thing for corey to do it improved his softer melodies so much now the notes he can hit are fantastic
Corey’s voice gives off this feeling of something like desolation and despair, and I love it.
I haven’t heard this song in years ,and I still love it always 💙💜
still love this song.
wait and bleed
Man, after countless times of watchin’ this video, I Just know realizar the signs say “Hollowood” and not “Hollywood”.
damn i love this song so bad. I did played it at guitar store with a telecaster
but i was without money
Who watching in 2017?
he looks like jeff daniels from Dumb and Dumber with that hair
that’s Joey Gladstone
from Full House
Corey Taylor looks like Jerry Cantrell
is it me or does Corey look like the guy off dumb n dumberr the second movie. lol
Corey actually started this band first. And continue to do songs for it throughout the years
Set the speed to 1.25
fuckin great song. everytime im listening to it al almost loose my shit in the first seconds…
I just realized that Corey Taylor sings for both Slipknot and Stone Sour. Amazing voice
I play this for my cats when they are on opposite sides of a door
bad ass tune corey taylor and the bous rock
its weird seeing Jim root playing without his mask
Corey with that hair look like that guy from dumb and dumber lol
This song made me travel to other wolrds and hear things I have never heard.
♡ still loving this song so fuckin freakin’ much!♡
my sweet beloved used to listen to this💜 rip
Corey looks like David Spade to me 😀
Dam i thought this was about a visit to jail between the glass
putz corey,vc é sinônimo de voz foda,bonita,diferente,de músicas muito*****(não existe palavra para descrever as musicas) ,mas não é sinônimo de cabelo bonito não
why hate Fred durst
That looks like Green Arrow at 0:41
Hooow can this voice fisically sing PEOPLE = SHIT!??!?!
Fuck, he’s got an amazing voice he needs to chill with that screaming or hell fuck it up
Love this song!
Who would imagine something good would come out of Spliknot…
Corey Taylor with Stone Sour against Corey Taylor with Slipknot = Stone Cold Steve Austin against Superstar Steve Austin
The best 240p video in the internet.
Does anyone know if this stone sour through glass song or band does anyone know if this stone sour song was playing on the radio 📻 a long time ago back in 2006 does anyone know?
true musician
Quem é Brazuca curte aqui..
This man must be singer in slipknot
круто что он решил перейти на более лёгкие песни!!!
Corey Taylor hair is soo funny
Is this a song dedicated to Lloyd Christmas?
Wow how corey changed in 10 years. Had a much better career at slipknot
la otra parte de Corey
Slipknot Is Probably Better For Me But I Still Like Stone Sour
Corey Cobain
still listening 🙂
10 years old man… wow. Masterpiece is a decade old. Wow.
lol hes hair WTF
I never knew this was Corey Taylor, wow
I thought it was called through the glass? Am I the only one who’s tripped out that it’s called through glass???
this is my favorite song
holy shit Corey looks like Opie from Opie and Anthony in this
The beauty about Corey and great musicians are the diversity and ability to be able to move through different styles whilst keeping an open mind.
guy at 0:51 reminds of the guy who killed Uncle Ben
Greetings from 2017
2:35 Is that Carrie Hopewell from Banshee?
Looks like generic MTV rock video.
Jimmy root
looks like Nolan From Anger Management
10years have passed already…. wow
being comfortable around people
can be nice. do you really feel comfortable
It always amazes me how lead vocalists of band start in a wild and cool ass band bellowing out loud ass shit, and then come out with such amazing vocals such as this..!
dis sing sucks my dad likes it and he said to put it on .-.
Im looking at you through the 244p
Can’t be any more shitty
you just made the list!
anyone know what this song is about ??? i do, but want to see how many know the meaning….
I didn’t know Jeff Loomis could sing…
musica muito boa
I forgot Corey used to have long blond hair.
R.I.P Corey Moorehead
so how does this guy know that forever feels like cum?
and if so then does it like cum where? on body? in mouth?
Corey Taylor at his best what a fucking voice he’s got love him,slipknot a stonesour he’s just a legand man
ptm esta rola lo escuche cuando tenia 13 años y lo ignore pero ahora que tengo 21 vergas no sabia que corey taylor esta en esa banda
Were the blonde hair real?
“Don’t know how much time has passed, oh god it feels like forever” since their last album
He looks like Bob Rock during the St. Anger recording sessions
I’ve just realized this song is dribble, they say that people treat other people like items and that everybody lies. that’s the whole song.. worse than nickleback
noel galagher
My Cousin Danny, His song to me…
#8 cool
I love u tjc.
Stone sour is the only good rock post 00’s
iv never realized that that’s the guy from Slipknot before. freaking awesome
Fuck yes, Stone Sour and Korn concert this summer.
Anyone listening to this in 2017?
Good song and good voice
love Any pure vocal
Corey well done
Does not bother here with a drunken bear
Midnight did a superb cover of this song, the emotion in his voice is incomparable
cool song. Bit different from slipknot. But I do like them to.
It’s really weird seeing double digits where it says how old the video is
Bence-Jones proteins….. any biomedical scientists out there will understand.
música boa de mais 😆
Kind Of Sad That Everyone And Everything In This Viedeo Is Not Real But That’s Reality Now A Days 😕
Corey looks like the love child of Jeff Daniels and Kurt Cobain.
This reminds me of doing the dishes as a kid
Love this song
I heard this for the first time last month at my best friends funeral, such a good song but heartbreaking 🙁
viciada nessa msk ♥
That noisy goddamn photographer…
My boyfriend sang this for me onstage for our school talent show I literally started crying from joy
wow, Corey with long hair reminds me of a younger Trent reznor. maybe it’s facial similarities.
I hear the shutter of the camera and I feel like I was died or something. GTAV flashbacks.
is Cece Deville in this video
omg ive been listening yo this song and band for like 5 years and am just now getting into slipknot, corey you mad man
I used to listen to this when I was really young in the car with my dad, this is the first time I’ve heard this in 7 years and the nostalgia is killing me
So nobody is gonna talk about how trippy this video is?
Stone Sour and Slipknot, Corey Taylor can change his image, voice, style, hairstyle, singing. He is truly a real artist.
olhei pro vocalista e pensei…pqp e esse Corey Taylor fusão com Kurt Cobain
The singer kinda looks like the singer of Slipknot
Go check the page out for music, covers…. Thanks!
R.I.P ,Taylors long hair(
lets start some theories cmon just tell them
How do you feel? That is the question.
Everyone is talking about Corey and i am laughing on the fact how childish Jim Root looks without his beard.
Lmfao you guys think Jim root is rocking out WAYY too much in this song? Haha wrong band bro XD
I’ve read the pokemon story. I have not watched scat porn, but I can imagine it. But that hair on Corey Taylor? No. That, *That* is wrong to me.
Corey’s beautiful xxx
No one of my favorite songs.
Putting the kibosh on that hair was the best decision of Taylor’s career.
This is my moms song R.I.P 10 years 4 20 1907 miss you
is the singer corey from slipknot??
Whenever I watch this video I think of that concert when I met/chilled with the band cuz I see my comment I left about the funny shit that happened with my friends girl and I instantly get flashbacks of great memories from a better time in my life!! I wanna see slipknot live badly it’s been a long time since I been to a concert!
This is the slipknot singer? I’ve seen them in concert and didn’t know that
this is the only stone sour song I like for some reason
Corey please never go back to the Harry Dunn look.
Cory’s new show brought me here!
Corey Taylor with hair
well, something like that from Corey Taylor is highly unexpected
No good
Crazy this is 10 years old, well almost 11.
go cory taylor
stone sour or slipknot? if you had to choose one or the other. i cant, love them both
A nice change for Corey. It really shows his true talent. Not that shit like Slipnot!
Stone Sour ,,/ muito bom *
jajajaj por Dios que yo ni imaginaba que el kory 😂😂 jajaja como cambia el fisico de una persona con un estilo de peinado diferente jajaj
algum br nessa poha?
soy al unico al que le gusta mas stone sour que slipknot?
looks like the dude who played the punisher
I love this song
Corey Taylor’s voice is an eargasm, so sexy and melodic to hear..
yeah, unmasked
I love thus side of corey, he’s voice is still amazing even when he’s not screaming 😍
Just saw the drummer on a paranormal show
he looks like the other guy from dumb and dumber movie
how did I miss this song for such a long time …..Oh shit man 😤😤
i was about to say he sounds exactly like corey😂😂😂
1:15 We’re fucking from the heart
Who directed this video?? Fucking genius!
Possibly one of my favorite songs.
The Hollywood sign spells HOLLOWOOD
Who here is a slipknot fan???
whos watching this in 2987 on mars???
They’re coming to Australia in August!!!! Birthday now planned!!!
GAnhou um dislike, só pela propagando do VEVO
i will never leave my childhood songs and thats why i am here again after so many years have past. old songs tells us how shit the modern music is and for me it is not even music. boring and no sense at all.
Why are people surprised by Corey never heard snuff of deadline memories?
2006?!! Shit this is 11 Years old now!! Im getting old! D:
Kinda hilarious when you realize this was originally about MTV Europe. After Corey “shit 4 shades of red” in a hotel room after eating European McDonalds.
This was me, my sister, and my dad’s favorite song like 8 years ago. Memories man.
Harry from Dumb and Dumber has one hell of a music career!
Best VOICE ever!! Love you Corey!!:)
I remember owning this shit on cd lol 18 yrs old
Is it just me or does video seem to be low quality?
was this before or after slipknot? never knew cory was in this band.
5600 people don’t know about music
who else listening in 2017
looks like Harry from dumb and dumber
fking great… so much remind….. . . . … . . . …….
heard this when i was 15 im 25 now
How much, Israel?
That is the question
prefiro muito mais ele cantando músicas desse tipo do que aquelas do slipknot a voz dele é bonita pra cr#
Amazing song and vid.
If he wore a mask he would kinda look like that guy in slipknot
my favorite song by Corey 😍
this is such a beautiful song
lel long blonde hairrrr
This song comes from corey pooping his hotel room
Looks like a Hanson brother. Great song still to this day
11 years…
Um hino ❤️
..гляжу на тебя через стекло –
не знаю, сколько времени прошло..
о, Боже! , – словно целая вечность!!
но никто и никогда не скажет тебе, что эта вечность стала для меня сейчас пристанищем,
когда ты сидишь, уйдя в себя, наедине со своими мыслями..
“ну, как ты там?” – спросил бы я тебя,
но я уже настроен, что твой ответ будет непростым…
когда что-то – может быть и душа, становится, как и прежде,
словно распрямившийся сложенный из бумаги человечек, или как сложенная записка..
..а сам ни капельки и не надеюсь,
и пока стою снаружи, и заглядываю внутрь,
пытаясь поверить в то, что снова вижу тебя, –
осознаю, что ты изумлённо смотришь на меня..
ведь я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
совсем о времени забыв,
всё что я знаю – целую вечность уже смотрю,
и ни от кого и никогда ты не узнаешь, что вечность эта стала мне как дом родной,
когда вижу тебя сидящей в одиночестве, как ты о чём-то задумалась..
не сплю ли я сейчас? – ..столько всего хочется спросить.. –
по сравнению с тобой все, кто встречается мне – словно бездушные куклы, прям напасть какая-то..
..когда мысли исходят от сердца..
…но нет – этого больше не случается –
просто слышишь какие-то невнятные звуки
..лишь бессмысленные и пустые подобия голосов..
прежде чем ты не признаешься себе,
что сейчас неподходящая обстановка, –
вспомни – обстановка всего лишь не похожа на то, что ты видела раньше
..и вот я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
даже не знаю как долго смотрю,
знаю лишь одно – должно быть целую вечность,
и ни от кого и никогда ты не узнаешь, что и вечность иногда становится родным домом,
когда вижу, как ты сидишь одна, о чём-то призадумавшись..
..потому что я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
не зная сколько времени уже прошло,
всё, что знаю – целую вечность!
и в вечности этой мне так уютно
– ведь я снова вижу тебя…
и эти “звёзды”,
что так ослепляют тебя..
..эти “звёзды”
так обманчивы!..
..гляжу на тебя через стекло –
не зная, сколько времени прошло..
..Боже!, как будто целая вечность!!
но никто и никогда не скажет, что вечность стала для меня сейчас пристанищем,
когда ты сидишь, уйдя в себя, наедине со своими мыслями..
потому что я смотрю на тебя сквозь стекло,
не зная даже, сколько времени прошло..
всё, что знаю – наверное, вечность,
и в вечности этой мне так хорошо
– ведь я вновь вижу тебя!..
и все эти “звёзды”,
что сияют для тебя,
эти “звёзды”,
что так обманчивы..
кто эти “звёзды”?!
какие это “звёзды”?!
– они все врут!!!
Hey Harry! wanna know what the most annoying sound in the world is..?
that 240p tho
11 years ago! I was only 5-6 yrs old… Time flys
I actually prefer this corey, i dont know why.
Trust in God always… He may scuttle his strongest friends to help his weakest investments. Its gonna feel shitty. His Love is in the healing. His Most High rewards bore him. Watching a poor person open a gift is all He has to drown out the cries for help and mercy.
2017 Brasil 😍😍😍😍
He looks like Harry of Dumb and dumber with that hairdo 😂
It has my last name in the background💜
have you ever noticed it says hollowood not hollywood ?.
love him in stone sour and slipknot,…. TALENT!!!!
this video was filmed with a high definition potato.
Love ya slipknot
I’m here for my boy Charlie chill / YouTube channel good dude rare of them all but we’re here for you Charlie good luck on your new Journey see you brother.
wow 2k17 i made it 👏👏👏
I like the way James Root moves playing guitar.
Does anybody know what this song is about?
Dumb and Dumber anyone?
So Corey had this hair, but wouldn’t ride in Brian Welch’s Prius?! What the fuck, Corey?! This song and him in this video looks like he loves a good Prius.
Hey everybody I cover Stone Sour vocally. My dream is to be a musician like Corey Taylor is, for he is one of my idols.
If you guys like Stone Sour, perhaps you’ll like my channel. Either way please check it out. Also if you like my channel
and would like me to cover another Stone Sour song, or another song by another artist then please leave me a
comment on my channel or in the comments section. Thank you for listening. For I am very friendly so don’t be shy to
comment anything. Plus I forgot to mention that I also do “How to sing and scream” like bands as well. I was
thinking of doing a “How to sing and scream” like Corey Taylor. If you are interested please let me know, or if you
want to know “How to sing or scream” like a different band, or person then please let me know as well.
never saw Corey with blonde hair that is long until now.
It’s an alternate timeline Jerry Cantrell that went wrong.
im a slipknot fan thru an true but this song hits me at home i fucked up ATLOT in my life lost my relationship with my family an i can find some sort of peace listening to this song music is much more then meets the eye
Slipknot has Snuff, Stone Sour has Through The Glass!
shit was gay as fuck.
Did anyone notice Kevin Hart at 1:18?
wtf, whats wrong with coreys hair, did someone of YOU pissed on his head?😂😂
“old” but gold! amazing song, amazing band!
does anyone else realize how AMAZING this video is??
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
los amooooo
this is Corey Taylor ???
I wish this video would be reuploaded in HD.
oh its the hair oh this and oh its fucking that get over ya selves and get real. listen to the message fucktards, maybe then you might give a flying fuck and get it.
you were great in dumb and dumber
everyone is going on about corey taylor being in both stone sour and slipknot but no one is mentioning that the guitarist with the longer hair is jim root #4 from slipknot as well….
Fun fact: Corey wrote this song after he spend 3 days in a hotel in Sweden, shitting his intestines out and watching MTV europe. Which he considered” the worst shit you’ll ever see”
rocksmith brought me here
harry of dumb and dumber jaja que grande corey!!!
This guy is really good he should sing for slipknot
God this vocalist sucks.. Slipknot’s vocalist is so much better..
Just read Chas kroeger of nickelback trashed stone sour and slipknot. He says Stone Sour is trying to sound like nickelback 😂😂
Wow, this fucking sucks.
Luck this! Corey OMG!
Chad kroeger made 5,000 accounts to dislike this video
“cuz I’m looking at you through your ass….Don’t know how much gas has passed…”
kurt cobain is back xD
Like si esta mejor en slipknot
I miss Jim Root :'(
he is a talented singer no matter what the venue is
if my sister died this will be the song i will remember her by
Freaking awesome this song!!!! Corey Taylor I LOVE YOU <3
I feel like I’m being stalked behind the glass…but then there goes Alice off her chain again looking through the glass right back – bitchface 💝
Jeff Daniels has an amazing voice.
I just now noticed this the Hollywood sign spells hollowood in this video
He called you a maggot through the glass.
am I the only one who noticed that instead of Hollywood it says hollowood
Looks like the singer from Slipknot
But….but….. i thought Corey hated “pop” music
I’ve Listened this song for Years (My mother listens to this song) and never knew this was Stone Sour ‘-‘
This is my favourite Nickelback song.
there it is
R U SERIOUS I hear this song over the place and I mean I KNOW Corey’s voice I am obsessed with slipknot I did not know this was that song I herd all over the place I’m speechless
Nickelback Lite are cool, thanks Chad for introducing me to them.
someone notice that it´s say “hollowood” and not “hollywood”??
look for his interview he explains that
oh shit 2006??? that is probaly one of the oldest music video’s on Youtube…
Corey Taylor?
its just different from what you see
hello 240p, my old friend
Sounds a bit bait but I feel like this video kinda represents what I imagine it’s like to do drugs, like I feel like it’s about seeing yourself while fucked and then just observing everything and nothing all at the same time, all of time and space, all the importance and yet also all the stuff that doesn’t matter
Roger e Luana 💗
I laughed right when I saw this
This song was written as a reaction to music’s increasingly plastic and fake nature, and to a lesser extent, society’s nature. Sadly, it was right on target in 2006, and even more so today.
still breaks my heart… You were all i wanted back then. You saw i was falling and you still played with my heart like your toy of the month. i wish i had seen through you sooner. You broke me, when i was safe away from you. I mean, who would have believed me over you right?
‘m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
this shit was gay the first day i heard it on the radio
it’s impossible to fathom how there can be downvotes for this…
its hard to believe this is the man that shouts*if your 555 then im 666*
mmmm. Dat 240p tho….
*Why did they not take down the last piece of that house???? Triggering AF!*
Me cuesta trabajo creer que Corey cante así
imo best corey !!! ^^
And this is why Slipknot was so good… He’s a flexible singer…
Everything Is Fake! Believe In Yourself!
0:17 Wasted !
me e tocao biendo sto
la berga< me guele a eslipnok
yo nasi en el año del baño
Emily is away too?
always one of my favorites
2006????? damn.
I put my finger in to my haaaaaiiirr!!!!
omg i just found out this corey taylor 😐😐
The drummer need to calm down a little bit..
I was certain the lyrics are “we’re fucking from the heart, never did right from the start” umm…
Cory BlindeRs and I can WHAL
This was Chester’s favorite song from them 😭
Stone sour > Slipknot..👌👌
The song favorite the chester bennington 😭😭
Rip Chester 💜💜💜
Did you see he played this for Chester Bennington after his death? Heart-breaker…
RIP Chester
Harry, Harry Dunn.
Rip Chester Bennington. Stone sour dedicated this song to you last night and this song will from now on will remind me of you. You will remain on everyone’s hearts…… absolutely shocked ans saddened
For Chester
2017 ? Still love this song ✨ tho its was up when I was 4 years old .. but I love it 😂❤️
Anyone here cuz of the tribute to Chester? 🙁
Anyone else here because of Chester?
One of chesters from linkin park favorite songs
Rest In Peace Chester ✌️
he dedicated this song to Chest live.. i can just see and hear the sadness in his eyes and voice.. he lost a friend and we lost a legend.
this goes to chester we really gonna miss you boy #ripchester
RIP Chester
Corey You are the best…
*One of Chester’s favorites…. RIP Chester… We’ll be ALWAYS missing you*
7/20/17…. Mansfield Ma…. RIP Chester, this ones for you 😭
In the end, he did matter.
Kurt cobain and Jon Bon jovi had a son named Corey Taylor :v
I came here after they tribute this song to Chester. Rest easy Chester 💔
Here after hearing him play this as a tribute to chester… what the fuck man, first chris cornell, in my opinion, one of the best musicians of all time dies. Then chester, who was also a great and influential musician. This song hits me hard and i feels so right for chris and chester. At least now theyre somewhere together rocking out.
Corey also dedicated this to Chester after he died. RIP Chester Bennington.
RIP Chester
Bye chester.
Rip Chester you will never be forgotten.
R.I.P Chester you will be missed
Kann man sich echt immer anhören, Rock usw wird echt nie aussterben.
For chester ❤️
PS : For Chester
i came here in honor for Chester
R.i.P Chester…
Most people are fake..frauds..pretentious..and this song illustrates it beautifully
He said this was one of Chester Bennington’s favorite song 😖
Legit my life rn
Reminds me of AFI for some reason
I can’t believe he has two bands
In memory of Chester ❤😭😣
R.I.P Chester
rip Chester
Rip chester
E pensar que era uma das músicas preferidas do Chester 🙁
11 years ago… im back for Chester. rip
Lá se vai mais uma lenda… Adeus Chester.
Sempre estará em nossos corações.
Corey, you are fucking rock.
One of the best songs i’ve experienced in my life yet..
I haven’t tried Stone Sour yet, but I just came across the tribute song to Chester from Corey Live and he sung this song, so I came to listen the clear version since that one was filmed by someone from a live.
Corey looks here like an uglier version of Jon Bon Jovi
RIP Chester
He played this at the Mansfield mass show with korn in memory of Chester Bennington. It was such a crazy few mins. The entire crowd was singing and you could clearly see that Corey was choking back tears. R.i.p Chester you will be missed.
corey with long hair
Rip Chester
One of Chester’s fav Songs
Looks like Harry from dumbs and dumber 😂
Rip Chester Bennington 1976-2017.
10 years…
After the tribute to Chester, this song is on me
Corey’s tribute to Chester brought me here…
how is called this type of songs?
song favorite of CHESTER CHARLES BENNINGTON(RIP)😥😥😥😥😥😥
RIP – Chester Bennington
R.I.P Chester ….
Harry Dunn at his finest!
i cant believe he gave his dead bird to a blind kid…
Please let me listen to this song as a prayer for some of days, I’m sorry.
Thanks for dedication at that act, Corey.
Omg Corey looks like Jeff Daniels
This is an anthem and one that explains a lot when it come to Chester ad Chris and maybe even Kurt
RIP Chester #Brazil
My angel <3
It was her favorite song :/
Cory is a 2 band beast!
is that CC fucking deville? cool, fuck yeah!
Great song
this song will always remind me of Chester charles bennington rest in peace..😑😥😫
Corey looks really different now but Jim looks like a whole other person lol
Chester in our hearth
Melissa Davis is a fraud
One of the favourite songs of Chester Bennington. #ripChester
Dedicate this to Chester Bennington since it’s his favorite song by Stone sour R.I.P
He really looks like Dudesons – Jukka at the thumbnail…..
Does anyone else get a slightly Alice in Chains-y vibe from this song? Especially when Corey sings “it’s the stars”?
This is talent, he can scream very well BUT he can SING so beautiful and just make music not matter what. He’s an artist. This is music, Slipknot is music.
Am I the only one who knows the true meaning of the Lyrics and the Video?
2017, brazilian?
My head hurts….that video editing was trippy af
I hadn’t noticed this, but the “fuck her right in the pussy” guy is playing bass there
Jimm root 😢😢
So beautiful
Lol he looks like lex luthor, Batman vs. Superman edition
Everyone recognizing corey coz he’s the vocal of slipknot but the guitarist jim root also from slipknot is kinda ignored, just saying tho!
R.I.P. Chester (was one of his fav songs). Oh, was the C.C. Deville?
This song is just beautiful… ❤
A God of Rock before And after he was declared a God
Trying to wrap my head around the many hair styles of Corey Taylor over the years
Why this song name is Through Glass if the lirycs is Through THE glass …..Mandela effect(?
described LA 2 a tee
rest in peace chester…i’m broken.
They said this is Chester Bennington’s favorite song! RIP Chester!
Corey always reminds me of Eric northman from True blood in this video!! lol
2017 <3
Omg Corey… That hair… xDD
such a classic
the first time i heard this on pandora i thought it was slipknot
have I found stone sour before slipknot, it would feel weird to listen to Corey’s screams, but as I discovered slipknot before stone sour, it feels weird to hear Corey sing in such a calm matter, and I have to say that I love it
It’s really sad to know that this was Chester Bennington’s favourite song
R.I.P dude
fucking 240p good god almighty
I tought jim was james may from top gear
Corey in this movie looks like Fatih Tekke painted yellow
Que Nostalgia..
An amazing song 😚
0:39 oliver queen, arrow 😄
бля ахуенная песня :))
0:44 Guitar God on the right!
such a powerful track
0:49-0:53, Juice and Opie from Sons of Anarchy show up to kill Harry from Dumb and Dumber.
Is croey’s hair fake?
Just saw Stone Sour in Toronto on July 25th.. Played this song and man, brought back so many memories from a long time ago.. LOVED IT!!!
Looking through the ass
Corey Taylor and Jim root of slipknot. Ok
Hey loyd
He does look pretty damn good with that hair lol
I first heard this song at a korn concert the bands that were playing were skillet ded n srone sour and korn
how the fuck is this Corey, I was just listening to slipkot
Oldest video on YouTube I’ve seen…. Stone sour rocks…!!!!!
2017 – I’m still looking at you through the glass…
I don’t like his voice
My childhood song with my dad
This song sounds soo goood 🙂
Dumb or Dumber??
This song is about sitting in an hotel room constipated without being able to move while watching MTV Europe
Olyasha? anyone
Corey tayler in this looks like an older Jerry Cantrell with long hair
What’s hollowood ? The sign supposed to say that?
I didn’t know Jerry Cantrell could sing xD
3:31 I didn’t know that Cm Punk was guitar player LOL!!
smoke and mirror’s
3:54 When I stuck my penis in the zipper.
love this song
I love all rock bands
Corey taylor’s voice is so fucking amazing, this song takes me back to my childhood and my prettiest memories and it reminds me that the good songs can’t be forgoten
My brother passed away 8 months It’s insane how hard it’s been i can’t shake the complete emptiness i feel….
He kinda looks like Jerry Cantrell in this video.
I have a small small small worry. I know this song is about Corey telling his children to be weary of hollywood and the traps of fame. But seeing Corey is starting to push his son into the lime light makes me worry that he is treating his son like Will Smith treats his children. I am very sure Corey might catch on to that himself and stop himself eventually, but its a trend I see and I don’t think its good for Griffin when he does not have that many skills to show off at this stage.
Hahaha what happened to his hair?
C.C. Deville is the real star here!
Amazing song…Corey Taylor is the shit!
If he hated it so much why stay?
<3 x 8 still listen today.
Danke dir …
Haha,Very Good music,everyday Like
Nickelback brought me here.
Love it
Is this Nickelback? Lmao
I can’t take this song seriously after watching the video where Mike Patton tells them to shut the fuck up
reminds me of being in jail…
corey’s current haircut is so much better lmfao ;D
The Neck is my Messiah ( savior)
Wait i reamber this song. I didnt know this was corey taylor juses. Forgive me i just start expolring stone sour today.
It’s better than psychosocial … or not, is a good song
Chester <3 ;'|
heard this yrs ago in state prison once again leaving my family to do the time for my crime. I had such loving dad and son. I miss my dad n my son. they both have to keep from me my addiction takes me places that I need to fix but they hurt them so much that I can’t imagine what I do to them n how they tolerate me on occasions when they see me
This song is my childhood
who are watching in 2017 say hallo
10 years ago, holy shit …
“Stone Sour is really just America’s Nickelback”
Saw that on a youtube video and I lost it hahahahahahahahahaahahaha
for the longest time I thought Seether made this song lol…
I love this song. I know the lyrics but I need this video to sing it. What type of music is it?
Is anyone here a Star Wars fan?
I feel like this music video was 20 years ahead of it’s time.Awesome other than the fact that Corey looks like Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber.
Corey looked so weird with his hair like that
…if you envolve like this…
you could be Nickelback one day ^^
This was and still is such a good tune!!
its so fucking amazing !! that even when i`m drung sounds amazing !!!!!
It’s Garth from Waynes World, party time, excellent!!! But all jokes aside much respect to Corey Taylor!!
When I first heard this song years ago, I was going through a rough lonely time in my life. Thank you god for blessing me with one of your angels!
Corey so hot
Try siting at a party with cardbord people
They froze and picked up the 2 token black guys first, BLM!!! 1:48
Jerry Cantrell???
When a simple song can send such a powerful hidden message about the state of the music industry nowadays… yes the ‘Stars’ are the POPSTARS not actually the stars in the sky
What happen to creative videos of those times??
It is crazy that this was Slipknot
Beautiful Voice!
ok if harry dunne is so good to sing i’d expect lloyd christmas to play the guitar amazingly..
This is one of my favs of all time
Dumb abd Dumber anyone…… Looks like Harry Dunn to me! Gotta love it
I love this song but cant get through it since he sang it for Chester. This was his favorite song. RIP Chester. 3
I’m looking at you through the grass, how long will this carrot last? Oh god it tastes good forever 🐇🐇🐇🐇
Is photographer Pat Smear?
This was Chester Bennington’s favourite song from Corey
Hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, but does anybody else see the ill-luminate angle to this??
Getting a few Snuff vibes…
I spent about a fucking month trying to find this song, thank god I found it, I love it to death.
Slipknot modo RockPop XD
Hoje Amanhã e Sempre
Stone sour Inhale drum cover. subscribe to the channel, it will be interesting) Music, drum cover and other)
Is anyone here a Diabolik Lovers Fan?
come what(ever) may reminds me of been in high school and playing halo 3 so much, fucking great memories
Singer looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
10 years and still kicking ass
vevo lixo sou brasil sim… você eh tendencioso eletista e bloqueia comentarios de quem quer expor sua opinião… acho stones foda mais os videos anteriores que vc vevo não me deixou comentar………. continue assim
The Corey Taylor looks like slipknot from singer
Tribute to Chester.. rip Chest, and stay strong COREY <3
No takers on the Dumb and Dumber resemblance…… Lloyd Christmas sings for Gwar I heard.
Best song from slipknot ?
I’m just regretting this, why the fuck I never heard this song before yesterday and now it’s became my everyday anthem! corey taylor♥
Love this song the feeling you get is so powerful you can relate to it is so many aspects would love to die to this song 🙂
Stone Sour kinda blows nowadays. So does like 99% of rock bands today. Also am I the only one that noticed C.C. Devile?
I think we all Know that feeling Songs can give You… Kinda sad but Great.
First time I hear this song.. Its fuckin awesome..
Fu#% yeah love these tunes
alguém em 2017??
Really lit song.
Great track but the video was out of sync, and the drummer was playing a different beat in the post breakdown… thought that was funny
very good
top demais……….
I love slipkn I mean stone sour
I love this song. I just shared it on Facebook as a tribute to my friend Karen who I just found out that she just passed away. RIP Karen. I will miss you. Rob
when are you listening to psychosocial and then you hear this you get very confused.
Love it
I woke up humming this song in the morning today, for unknown reasons, but its a damn good song.
I fucking live by this song
The best song ❤❤❤
I run a ferry in Alaska, often in shitty weather. Super high stress. This is the song I put in my head for calm and put me in focus. Love this guy
This still has better editing and a better concept than just about all modern music
Blue October is better at this.
I love this song so damn much. Perfect for every feeling.
great song…God shit
RIP Chester Bennington
Forever is home…the soul never dies…it just goes somewhere else.
Música top, letra linda! *.*
I can hear the simalarities between this, Vermillion part 2, snuff and until we die.
saw this tour, at earthday birthday orlando florida, corey came out said he was sick, they played one song and left, fuckin sucked!!!
This was Chester’s favorite song
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very deautiful song
How time flys
This song is shit cold is a better band then stone sour
@plasma reaper fuck u! u obviously never lost someone u cared about when u do come back and ket us know wat u think of this song
Quality 240p! Really? WHY? is official channel, come on!
Always think about my mom when I hear this song.. “cuz I’m looking at you through the glass”.. Doing time in county & in prison for being broken and running from her problems. My father beat me and my brothers and my mother. We had all went through it for 10+ years & I finally put my foot down and told someone. My mom done some stupid things and got house arrest and she cut her bracelet and now she’s doing a lot of time. My dad got away with everything, he only got a year and half for child abuse and domestic violence… Point is, I wish I could hug my mom one more time.. Miss you so much mom, I love you… Such a great song.
You were right, Major 🔥
10 years ago……
haha @nickleback
I love 80s I can’t help it
Hello, my sweet 2007.
I am the one because I am the first to ask God to make it right only cause I new it was wrong and it was hurting all around me
That voice though😃
Is this the same Corey Taylor who did Phsychosocial???
6000 morons
This song is about an acid trip at least that’s what I think lol fucking beautiful
Love this song…Corey one of best rock voices with no doubt…
wow im fucking black and from guyana and love this
“Classic song!!
This song does not have enough likes. Real music about today’s world.
The song of my life.
Why 6K disliked this video… O yeah they have no soul.
I’m so OLD. 11 age ago, MTV, sixth grade, first love, first fight, first alcohol, first sex. I don’t want to grow old.
Really telling of the truth . Hollywood is and has always been very fake and sad place.You can easily become a slave to the entertainment industry, they take advantage of you. For all of you who dream to make it big there, please think twice of what you may have to give up this includes your self respect, you as a person, your soul and so much more. You lose yourself there and it’s an easy slippery slope like a tide wave that pulls you inn and kills you. this place has nothing to do with talent only what they can take from you and turn you into. Please be careful, I strongly encourage you to do you, outside of that pit, be the alternative to that, make your own movies, music or whatever you don’t need Hollywood to be successful. Your better off without that dump.
So I was watching ‘Once Upon a Time’ and a the queen (Regina)’s mom calls a mirror a looking glass and this song pops in my head. So I had to pause the show and look up the video.
Good cover
I listen to this every day never stop
2017 still trying to figure out the meaning behind this song.
I think that Corey Taylor one of the best singers in metal
starcows, that shine for you 😉
that is the singer of slipknot… baby face with blonde hair :0 but yea ok thats a good song
Poop Corley Taylor
Corey Taylor
love Cory Taylor!! & fuck nickleback!!.
I found this song a while ago and then I got into Slipknot without knowing that this was the same guy.
This is the fucking slip knot guy. I had know idea
O’Dagg Yo !
Likin’ the Beeb’s MTV Cribs, thinks
he knows yet has no idea(s)
I remember when I was 3 or 4 listen ing to this song than for getting about it one second rembring this song I’m ten now
Can’t wait for 2017 knotfest stonesour
artist through the glass stars act
Cadê os Brs?
I love this
wow i like this
How do you feel. . Real good Corey 👏
Omg ,Sean I mean Shawn my very close to be son in law .bass .Cory s purple hair.In the beginning. At star dust s beginning. Strong hart s .why they drift so apart.WHY.scars were torn ,open wounds won’t heal.ROCK ON
Dran I love you man …. this ones for you my friend Rip
11 años después sigo disfrutando mucho esta canción
Stalker Song
this song is amazing and so is corey’s voice! check out my vocal cover of through glass in my channel! thanks
saw them in concert best experience ever ❤💙💚💜
Listening to People Equal Shit and then listening to this song is like bruh Corey is so beautiful
Its 2017 and im still listening to this
I grew up on this
Que música perfeita meu amigo. Que música 😍✊
It’s weird that this man wrote the heretic anthem.
How could woud it be to have cardboard cutouts that come to life, and when you are done you just put them away
To all the fakes in life, i dedicate this song to YOU!
Great song, with an even better message.
Seeing this band in a few weeks… Cannot wait
The end of 2017 🙌
! 11yrs
The drummer didn’t realize this was stone sour not slipknot
I wish Corey would stop the attention seeking nonsense.. The guys fucking metal through and through, dark, deep, intelligent and fuck can he sing with lyrics that slap you… i always come back to the music and lyrics… just sucks everyone needs more attention to monetise…
I like this song.
Corey looks like Chad Kroeger with nice jaw😂
Me and my friends always debated this great song. They felt it was about a past ex. To me it speaks about thinking of your past self and far you can drift from your true self with the issues one comes across.
*2018 HELLO BOYS) .the best music I listened to*
Em pleno 2017 to aqui kkk
one of the guitar players look like a guy from 5 finger death punch
Still looking
When you realise the whole meaning of the song is “nothings what it really seems to be”.
i was listening to the burden so this is like where are the shouts lmao
Awesome fuckin song.
Best song ever!
Lemme guess you’re past 30 getting on to 40 still with no fucking idea what’s going on with your life.. and each year just passes like the number of times you woke up past noon this year.. yeah
keep up the good work corey!! Weather with slipknot or stonesour! Keep on rockin!!!
Fuck nickleback
damn this came out a year after i was born
Miss you brother.
Watched this video once more for old times sake, understood the video and the message but only just noticed after 10 years it says Hollowood not Hollywood. Oh.
Better than the music today
Oh 240p o..ok
R.I.P Chester Bennington
I always wonder How the fuck this is the lead singer of Slipknot. Badass!
fuck this, if today is 2k17. This song is very very very fucking nice, and will keep be fucking cool for a long long long time
Just another day😶
I’ve seen this video over 9999 times but just saw that Hollywood sign is actually Hollowood
This song makes me cry anybody else ?????????
Check out his inspiration behind this song… u will fuckin die laughing
everyone talking about Chester, but 0:45 CC DeVille !!!
Too bad this is Stone Sour’s only good song, at least .5 the grey chapter was a great album. Love Corey Taylor, hate stone sour, love this song, hate Corey’s hair in this video, like wtf.
Minha música pra sempre 😍😍😍😍😍
1:06 Come What(Ever) May Album Art charcter spotted .
We miss you Chester…
Literally saw this live last night and it was incredible
Corey is god
Sweet look at Corey’s pretty hair
What does this song mean?
its FOZZY vocalist LOL
I spent my life savings turning my van into a dog.
You sold my dead bird to blind kid ???????
6 Days to the Stick to your guns concert
7 to the 5FDP one
11 to the Stone Sour one
Love my life 😊
He has hairrrr hope Sara Silverman didn’t add it to her pube collection
One day several years ago I was driving around with my friend and this song came on. Both of us in perfect harmony said “I’m looking at you through my ass” and we laughed so hard he almost ran off the road.
2017 the world is fake fkup no fear s yahawah any more they take selfish I mean selfies everything is about I now no respect for the elderly people are too prideful they think this world is going to go on forever Rome thought that to.
I still listen to this. This song relates to me
I remember being high on cocaine driving down the highway late at night trying to kill myself while this was playing on the radio I should have just ran over that street light & ended it. Life is just too funny
2017 Love this Song………
Love slipknot but Cory shine son his own. Fuck yeah.
I loved slipknot 🤘 hated the change 😡 but enjoy this song! 👍 lol
son of a bitch, you’re god.
11 yrs since my freshman yr. Goddamn time flies by
It’s an amazing experience to have corey taylor singing for you throughout most of your childhood, your teenage years, and now young adulthood. People told me it’s just a phase back then, ill grow away from it..
Truth is? the music only got heavier, singing about fucking the dead and eating rottings brains. but i always, still go back to some corey taylor, get the chills, the nostalgia from slipknot.. yea. It’s no phase, it’s forever.
One of my biggest dreams is still to see Slipknot live.
Corey O___O
honestly… this video was basically a gunshot to the face of my expectations… the song i dont really think fits it
How I feel right now.
someone said that the lead singer of t5his group also lead singer of slipknot I don’t slipknot wears masks
looks like Chris Jericho
This was played at my mates funeral last year nd I’ve listened to it a thousand times
Chester RIP you always mattered, and Corey thank you for the awesome song tribute to chester. Full respect to you
Anyone strangely here from the evil within 2? When your looking through the broken glass it always reminds me of this song
I love musica
What the hell happened with the automatic reproduction of videos. Before, it would stick to the theme. Now, I go from Slipknot to this whinny idiot every damn time.
Still listening it 2017!
2017 fuck rock alternative.
2017 ♥️
sad sick people…
this song was in my head in at work
Whenever I see this video all I can see is Harry from the movie Dumb and Dumberer.
My ex bring me here
The tripped me out cause I’m so used to the slipknot sounding Corey Taylor 😂😂
Did I just see Corey Taylor without his mask and not yelling? OMFG
Finally I found you…
Shit!!!! Where have the years gone???
_Forever Feels like home sitting all alone in your head_
This video is bloody brilliant ❤
corey looks like lex luthor in this clip
He use to look like this before he started slipknot he always is changing the color of his hair
This song is good
This is a very weird video but a a good song
Great song!
Chris Jericho is in this vid
c.c. from the group poision in this video
Am I the only one that feels god damn sad and related to this song?
lp was the $!#% but this song is about hollywood neing fake amd chester just wanted to create a legacy and ripped off Chris Cornell I guess killing yourself is the only way to get famous these days
trust me it’s going to become a trend and it’s going to make people think it’s cool it already has love LP just not cool
people that have never heard his music and I’m talking about cousins now all love him kind of strange
and last but not least thankfully he left behind some money for the family he left behind peace and love to everyone
Heyy its Harry from dumb n dumber.
It’s cool to see Corey singing all mellow and what not, then growling in Slipknot
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes
Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect to bitter folks
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
But never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the staaars
The stars
That shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you… yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah yeah
Oh, when the stars
Oh, when the starrrrs that lie
Quien es el cantante?
Ese no es corey Taylor o no
Came here for the neck
Me and my dad loves this song 😎😈😈😈
Two reasons. My favorite Stone Sour song, and also for Chester when I found out his passing. :/
R.I.P. Chester Bennington ( Linkin Park ) Corey Taylor Sings This Song For You I Will Always Love You💝😞😖😭
God what a generic piece of shit song.
top top top top top
Corey porra!!!!!😭😭😭😭
Corey, it is your hair? 😀
Essa música me lembra o Jonghyun ;-;
Not bad at all considering, though it would sound less out of place in the 90s.
I’m looking at you through my ass
calm down corey. we dont want a panic at the disco XD
I like Stone Sour more than Slipknot
Why this version is different than the version in the album?
Remember the stars will lie
Good song
I remember when the band released the vid, that time when C.T wNted to sound the less possible like slipknot, but unfortunately that is an unmistakable voice.
Hi are you
Thats not his hair right?
Can’t believe I remember the lyrics after all these years
è tão estranho ver ele sem a mascara
Guunter und Chester Bennington das sheeps und fokken rood por que Slipknot und uuberman! Como esta por que estado uuber gootentag! UUUUUBERHOSEN!!!
It’s hard to believe this is corey
This song always makes me think of someone in an institution or nursing home who is literally looking they the glass because that is all they can do, shut off from the outside world and the stars that shine are their memories from when they were happier/younger. The stars that lie are the clinical staff and medications that make them zombies drooling in the corner all day. I like what the song is about tho because it is too true sadly.
very cool Corey 🤙
R.I.P. Chester Bennington
RIP Chester we all will miss you! 🙁
One of my top 10 favorite songs of all time
The stars shine for you, the stars lie to you… Hmmmm certainly rings true today…
lyrics are all types of fucked up lol
O música boa pra porra
Anyone remember when, and under what circumstances, Corey wrote this song under?
I always thought this was a pisstake of the other soft rock bands……..turns out it’s not ……
In 2018 up in my feelings looking at myself through the glass. What have I become
охуеньчик спустя 9 лет
Chester you are with me , while listening to this..
Makes me think about doing my Dui bid. Visitation glass. Though I wasn’t in long it felt like forever
The stars that shine for you! And it’s the stars that lie to you!
The more I listen the more I like
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of fools
So while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins, contaminating everything
We thought came from the heart
But never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null ‘n void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you, yeah
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you, yeah
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you, yeah
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you, yeah
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you, yeah
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you, yeah yeah
Who are the stars?
Who are the stars that lie!?
Read more: Stone Sour – Through Glass Lyrics | MetroLyrics
why tf 240p only…
oh, 2006
Brown boy
Can you make more songs
rip chester! we are gonna miss you so much!
Caralho man, esse som eh muito loko! l..l
Came here for the hair, stayed for the music
Holy crap. how i old ;(
I thought was an 04 y2j
I miss me
So good song.
esta no es una cancion, es un himno
im still here in honor of Chester….oh god i still cry with all of my heart
This video is so cringy
Give me the past decade back
I wonder if this was one of Chester’s favourite songs, does anyone know if it was?
My favorite music
Rip Corey 21.01.18 🙁 🙁
*The Cult Of Mac Sabbath* brought me here 🤘
Who knew Harry from Dumb n Dumber was so talented
Rest in peace, bro
looks so weird with long hair lol
This seems like a more tame version of killpop
Bist immer noch mein liebster 🙂 Damals war es schon lustig -und nun sind wir alt 😀
240p?? really?
I love you music
RIP CHESTER, I’m glad Corey dedicated such an amazing song with one of the best videos I’ve ever seen to you.
Salve pra quem veio pelo LUCAS INUTILISMO ✌
Algum Br tá aqui por causa do Lucão?
Quem veio pelo Lucas Inutensilios ?
When chad kroeger talks shit about corey taylor and he has TWO successful bands
chester chester chester ……99% of this comment section is about chester
i don’t give a fuck about him ..say something about the song…not about that dude
fucking chester…
suddenly everyone loves him….millions of fans…but only after his death
The man who posted lyrics in this description needs a raise, this fuckin’ asshole just ruined the beauty song
Love this 240p XD
Someone should put a cello quartett to the song.
240p is a quality for real MAN!
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
Songwriters: Corey Taylor / James Root / James Donald Root / Josh Rand / Shawn Economaki
Through Glass lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Just why?
He look like tom petty
Tengo las pelotas por el piso de los comentarios haciendo referencia al año en que escuchan la cancion.
2018 mofos lol
This Song Say’s It All, “ Hollowood “ It’s All An Illusion. I Know The Ending To This Story All To Well, For I’ve Lost Someone To Fame. For What Good Are Star’s In An Empty Sky?!
Corey taylor from slipknot
For a long time, I thought that in 1:09 he was saying “an epidemic of Dominicans” 😂.
Rest In Peace Chester 😭
No me canso.
This is problably the oldest video on YouTube that i have seen
I love Cory Taylor but he is a midget
…and on the weekdays he’s pushing his fingers into his eyes. Weekends he pulls heart strings..
Déjà 11 ans et tjr pas une ride . Cette musique est tellement belle ❤ corey c’est une bête
Simply great song
Came here for my love of SlipKnot and this is my first Stone Sour Song
Nickelback that doesn’t suck
i love this song i suffer insomnia and other illnesses when i finally fall sleep for couple hours a week i cant tell dreams from reality im not talking shit this really rules my life cant hold a relationship cant work cant do shit and its the stars that shine for me i watch them every nite love it i always tell people about the sky sorry if im weird but just a insight to what this means to me FUCKN HEAPS!!!!
Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester Chester
Quality of the video is shit
Buddy looks like the guy from Dumb&Dumber-er
Can’t wait till he is with Ozzy at the no more tours 2 concert this September 🙂
I love the freakish looking guy straight people think is a freak among the “think their better” normal people we are all equal you screw us up (Try too) we are feeling easy and we control everything you are boring and normal but we still love you too.
how can u not like this song ? if u clicked thumbs down go eat a dick
my girls in jail and its like a perfect song shes behind the glass and it seems like forever and what im looking at is her
This Is For Chester😢😢 (1976-2017)
“Well, Damn it Mannequins, Contaminating everything”
Amo Corey Taylor
(R.I.P) Chester
why the fuck did I not know this was Corey??? god damn im a fake fan..
okay okay we got it,chester’s favourite song..not every one of you has to write that
is that cc deville? .44?
Throwback to 2006 when i turned 16. Played the shit out of this in my 97 ram while joy riding.
Very good video and song. Made number one on the music charts. I was very impressed. I think Corey looked better with long blonde
hair back then. As far as Chester, I always loved the songs he sung. I guess you could say screamed . But it was the passion and raw
rage that came out of Chester that made the songs work. So many great artists are slowly going away.
I’m not trying to be mean but y didn’t act like this when Chris Cornell died, Chester Beninington was a great artist but cc was more talented.
2018 woooo
This song is amazing!!!!!!!❤️
Song reminds me of jail for some reason
Ur fucking songs r amazing.
I love slipknot, but this song in my childhood
I smoked so many joints and bowls to this song 2005 and 2006 and even now!!!
Damn, his voice sounds very similar to Corey’s from Slipknot
Missed most of these boys set getting beer and food while they opened for Rammstein in Vegas last year. Korn was good even though I think they’re shite on record. Lol
~Awesome song and video!~LAJ
corey looks so gross like that
🙁 when I was 9 and my granny passed this is the song that reminded me of her, 6 years later still does.
ahhhh crisp 240p
Is it me or does he look like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber in this video?
shoulda been a alice in wonder land video. thro
ugh the looking glass is a poem by the author.. woulda been triy and cool to see just saayin
Wow this guy is better than Slipknot
Radio nova-tier
one of the best songs ever
essa musica é demais, melhor que isso só esse cabelo de visconde de sabugosa do Corey heueuheuheuheueue
this song changed my life!
Corey <3 ... so much <3 for you. <3
Corey <3 ... just, got so much love for you. <3
Feels like forever lookin though the glass of that should be my life baby💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🍺
So I’ve known this song for a while just because of radio airplay but I never knew who it’s by. Fast forward a few years and my friends show me Slipknot. Just today did I make the connection that this song is written by the same guy who songs people=shit and that fact is fucking with my brain
Don’t you dare fucking stop rocking!!
R.I.P Chester … 🙏🏽❤️ we all miss and love you 😔
I love this song it is beautiful
I love Cory Taylor
RIP Chester Bennington. Great tribute song for him, Corey. 2018 to infinity. God bless ya Chester
Corey has two personalities. Nicest guy you’ll ever meet, and TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH. lul
Song best for training
stop saying bye chester we get it hes gone its sad but bringing it up does not help anyone..
the best song
I get to see them with Ozzy
Lmao my son who was 15 at the time used to walk around the house before school in the morning singing ” because im looking at you through your ass” lmfao i used to spit coffee out of my nose laughing so hard at him singing it like that.
I share this song too My wife Shauna Erwin.
good song
what a very fucking good song :V hahaha lml
welp… anyone still miss chester? i ment damn! he was a good man… rip old friend… i might not have known you, but you made you way into mine heart, mine home… forever together till the end
Luv you linkinpark thank you fr all you help me get threw all pain in my life…
The comment section of this song is just people saying the exact same about how this was Chester Bennington’s favorite song. We get it. I loved Chester but there is no need to comment something that hundreds of people have said.. especially when you say nothing different. Come on, y’all. We need some creativity here.
Hollywood is so fake lmao
28/02 /2018 😀 lml !!!!!!
RIP Chester We Gonna Miss You
Through the glass without physical embrace I feel you. I hope you know I think about you since we first met. We are a lot alike. I know we are not a number, but someday we could paint the town red. When the orchestration drys it will be different than the initial execution, but so very beautiful. My eyes water I see you through the tears that occlude my vision somehow it seems so right
How much of the world has the illusion of depth but with closer analysis is dimensionless? What disappears when the 3D glasses are removed?
overherd: “… wut yerr staring @iz’ me”
I think best stone sour song 🤘🏿
Cory looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber with that haircut.
They’re head banging like it’s a real hard song lol
0:43 Its Chris Jericho :v
love song
Da nu nahuy!
Listening to Custer before this feels weird
I didn’t know Kurt Cobain sang this one
corey……. what the fuck was gong on with your hair in this video ???? xD
Tää oli hyvä
LOLWOW at the special effects : Awesome.
Almost 12 years and i still listening
Jim’s hair was lush as fuck here and still is to this day.
Corey look like Jerry cantrell
corey looked like a broke ass nickelback
2018 I love listen this song 🙂 <3
I Remember seeing this for the first time back when it came out and being disappointed in Corey for such a corny song…. And being like. Stones our sucks…
Dedicated this to my nieces n nephews when my sis lost em for Gd couple years ago so til I see u 4 again least I got the pictures n videos
The stars lied to me for 18yrs
My boyfriend of 18yrs is a professor of astronomy, he lied to me for all that u mother —-er.
2018 and infinity Corey I will listen to your pure honesty, top shelf voice, just utter respect for you. That’s what is missing in music is real, talent, passion rock music today. Thank you for coming back to show gen Y kids about the real genre of rock music is
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes
Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect to bitter folks
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
But never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the staaars
The stars
That shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you… yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah yeah
Oh, when the stars
Oh, when the starrrrs that lie
0:51 Oliver? Is that you?!
Disposable celebraties
This song actualy melancholic while this music video repsenting the dark side of hollywood
it took me many years to realize that that was corey taylor lol. Compare how he looks here to how he looks now.. it’s fun lol
Hahaha his hair hahaha !!!!!!
Alguien que hable español? :v
Corey Taylor is a bit better in slipknot in my opinion
They lie to you!!
The camera flash noise needs to go! Also, shut up about Chester. Linkin Park was shit.
240p.. realy?
Só eu acho que o Corey ta parecido com o Débi do Débi e Loide nesse clipe?
Corey Taylor 💙
В Эльдорадо тупо разводят на бабло!Вы видели цены там в 2018 году?Тупо люди переплачивают за сраную пластмассу!
24 mai 2018
Just got home from starting at the ones I love, through the glass…
Corey is 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
look at how young Corey Taylor is here
Damn : ( this song hurts my heart
Yes this is the man who sings “people=shit”
People should stay people always.
He might have a Jeff Daniels hair do, but he’s the fucking best, Corey Taylor, fucking rocks
i had no idea this was corey taylor (mind blown)
RIP Chester
Y que opina corey taylor sobre esto :v?
ya paso de moda :v
Foda m/
The stars do lie, they’re actually of the past instead of the present.
Love Stone suor
I thought this song was about a prisoner
Whom looked from outside the glass ( behind bars) and saw freedom.
My favourite song
Damn I put this song on and I just pictured myself catching my breath watching my life fly at my wedding 🙄😏
Wierd seeing corey here so used to slipknot
Love these guys so much
tagos to the bones!
One of the greatest song’s of 2006 I still enjoy 12years later
Plays slipknot near my mom
Mom:Turn that trash off
Me:plays this
Mom:Why can’t you listen to these people more
Me:ok plays slipknot
This is really weird because this is generally not up my alley in any way when it comes to genre or w/e but for some reason when I was living in Auckland in 2006 I listened to this CONSTANTLY on my iPod, it was so strange for some reason it just imprinted on my brain over there. Still can’t listen to it without thinking about NZ. Strange.
This song still relevant and and a good to make love to your girl! I love you Corey Taylor m/
This is Way Differnt Then Slipknot
So sad, so good
ilove it
2018? 💕🌚
So many memories good and bad. For my loved that cant be here any more. Thanks seether for being there
I like how everything is cardbord and they grab and take it away #StoneSour
Any slipknot fans?
Só consigo lembrar do Corey cantando essa música em homenagem ao Chester a música é incrível ❤️❤️❤️assim como o Chester ❤️❤️❤️❤️
*my favourite song*
i enjoy this song.
How did I miss this?
oh god, its so low quality
Filmed with a potato
:45 the guy from Slipknot and the guy from Poison are in the same video!!! LOL!!!!
Corey Taylor is the founding member of Stone Sour, he had this band before being the singer for Slipknot. Stone Sour has 5 studio albums and Slipknot 4, with Corey as the singer. Dude can sing, I give him that. Stone Sour has some damn good music out there.
is it just me or does Corey Taylor look like Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber
Danm the days before HD and when 240P was SD
The true “Through the Glass (No Beep)”
I wonder how much fun fake Hollywood really is.
Great song, its just not the same without the long annoying BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP tho
parece a voz do vocalista do Slipknot
Portugal crl
It’s like when I see my cousin that died five months after he was born.
it reminds me of Snuff by Slipknot
He sounds like guy from Slipknot
Iv’e spent my entire life thinking SlipKnot and Stone Sour are completely unrelated, but I was happily wrong.. Holy hand-grenade Corey Taylor has some bitchin range. 12 years later and Im still bumping stone sour,,,, much love brother.
0:40 Pewdiepie
I love how they show the “fake” in Hollywood and expose it all for what it is.. It’s just fake. But he is Damn REAL! Most people don’t realize others can see thru them. Especially, when its your profession to read others..personal matchmaker for 20 years. Let me tell you the fakeness I have seen & dealt with. Etc.. check my site out! To meet real genuine sincere singles like yourself!!! Ps this song Corey Taylor is Dope AS Fuck#####!💞💞🎶💞🎶💞
Amo essa música!!!!😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💕👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
SLPKNOT is better
Orgasm = Corey Taylor. #¡Fuck!
They should have freeze framed at the very end and had the band become a cardboard cutout as well with someone picking it up.
cade os br ué
Was Chester in this video?? Cuz I saw him. Rip
i love this song
Is there a terrible sniper shot sample that keeps ruining the song for me or is this song glitch art.
que vergüenza esta canción en esa calidad de vídeo , pensé que la había subido un aficionado
His hair makes him look like the one guy from dumb and dumber
I didn’t know for 13 out of my 16 years (or since 2008 I guess) that this is Corey Taylor until a friend pointed it out.
The comment section looks a lot different than when I first saw it. RIP Chester, I guess I’m late?
I love listening in 240p
good music
Corey taylor and the whole stone dour is so great your music just relaxes me a lot I’m 12 and u have great music with out you we wouldn’t have any good music
This made me miss my girlfriend
2006 was the greatest year in the history of rock/metal music. Countless brilliant albums were released back then. I remember I had so much good music to listen that I never had in the 5 years before or after all together.
Stone sour em Lisboa em julho! Screams uncontrollably
Don’t let this guy into your party he will take all of your friends!
Fairly certain that this song kicks mega ass
Still think of meth every time I here this song
2018 and this song is still amazing.
esse cantor parece ate o corey taylor
Love this song so much!
Vay be 2006 yılı ilk defa batesmotelpro için girmiştim Youtube’a, bu videoya denk geldiğimde 2 bin civarı izlenmesi varken dinlemiştim.
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
So glad Cory toned down the hair
Anyone in 2050?
And its the staaars the staaars shine to you
I just saw this live this weekend and it was fucking sick
3:34 When you stop paying rent
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you
That forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
So while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
And no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
We thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
And no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
And no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah
[x2 – on the album version]
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh, god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That shine for you, yeah-ah
And it’s the stars
The stars
That lie to you, yeah-ah, yeah
Oh when the stars
Oh oh when the stars that lie
Every damn song that I hear reminds me of an old girlfriend
RIP Chester. Love you bro
Fenomenal song! Love it💕
I always think of my Mum when I hear this song. Miss and love you so much xx
I would have loved for Chester to have been able to sing this song. Chester really loved this song and Corey loved him and Chris Cornell!! Fact!
Love you Chester RIP my hero😭😭
everybody false, criticness bro !
Ого в 2006 году выложили
Tempo bom…😢❤
How much time is pasted..
this song got me through the pin
So weird seeing corey with longer hair
Just noticed that the sign behind the band says “hollowood” not hollywood
I’m Love the 90’sgenre
Awesome song
Olá amigos fiz um cover dessa música no meu canal, confiram lá se gostarem deixam seu like e inscrevam-se no canal, ficarei agradecido.
Hollywood is so fake
Qué canción tan más shida y triste
144p. Quality for real man.
Still my favorite.
So crazy. His voice from slipknot. Lol crazy!
Looks like harry from dumb and dumber
Jim Root?
This is about mtv europe lmfao
Can anyone please explain me the meaning of this song? Something like people being fakes or something?
i’ve felt the hate wait and bleed out…
..they’ll never listen
that little bighorn needs help!
before the big one kills it!!
A beautiful song with a beautiful meaning by a singer with a beautiful voice…❤️
When did he first sing this song?
240p??? WTF
Beautiful song I love Corey Taylor
Puddle Of Mudd – Blurry. Same atmosphere, same chord progression.
Perfect song I love
Man if this song don’t get you pumped nothing will sometimes I look at my speedometer driving to this song its like oops better slow down lol!!!
Huuu good
Amor demais ESA música lembra meu passado
cant stand everyone posting after 2010. none of you will understand how both slipknot and stone sour changed
i love my babe native all the way i rule
The dude taking photographs is the same guy from Twisted Transistor… Is there a connection between these two videos.. lol
2018 :’)
Pass, not my cup of tea.
is that C.C. Deville ????
Has anyone ever noticed that the HOLLYWOOD sign actually says HOLLOWOOD?
Hollow, wood.
I’ve seen this video dozens of times, and it’s just blown my fucking mind.
is there jim root?
Anybody else remember that annoying beep?
Vim pelo Fábio lima.
wir sehen uns nächste woche bei rock am ring …..
época de ouro , 2018 ta uma bosta .
*T H I C C NECK!!*
We have confirmed there are atleast 8.2k idiots walking this earth
Klaus😂🤣😆 mädchen wg
240p in 2018, fuuuck 😀
What is up with Corey’s hair
2018 todavía es un piezon!!
From malaysia good bye chester
From malaysia good bye chester and linkin park
In 2018 it feeeeels like forever since this song came out still as good as the first day though this the definition of a classic
no wonder he wore a mask in shipknot
Amazing vídeo, I loved this vídeo! ❤ Cingratulations
2018? 😍
What is the deal with everyone coming here just to say that this song was dedicated to Chester? Is it really that important to you all to get more likes on your comments?
Ui Ui ele tem boy band hahaha zuera muito boa a música!
Rip Chester
I dont sing outloud with many songs. This one i do.
This man talent is awsome that voice from slipknot scream then he has snuff and this type of song love him I’m happy he is the lead man to my favorite band Slipknot
Curtindo com amigos no feriado prolongado. Paz a todos.
fuckin love this track too much
Way before it’s time, a take on how fake Hollywood is… Summed up to a grifter breaking everything down… Most of us are just looking through the glass…
6/o4/18 ..still the note.
This used to be me and my best friends favorite song until she fucked me over and ruined our relationship, so Bree if you ever happen to read this… i deserved better..
Puede pasar el tiempo y esta canción es tan hermosa que no pasa de moda escucharla….😍😍😍
I thought he was funny in dumb and dumber with Jim Carrey
240 ? NICE! i like it
2018 🎶
12 years old……well fuck me i feel old.
Holy shit only noticing now that’s fuckin Cory Taylor
This video is weired to me because when I saw stone sour in Concert in Dubai back in 2007 the singer had no hair or at least very little hair lolz. But they were awesome in concert!
Big love from Denmark
This song gives me chills!! I’ve heard the acoustic version and about died from the chills!! I love everything in the song, his voice is amazing!! 😍😍
The very first Stone Sour song I’ve ever listened to. I wasn’t ready for something this good, really.
Came back here after discovering that this was Chester Bennington’s favourite song, and I think I understand why he loved this song so much. It’s not only good, it’s different from other Stone Sour songs and is in some way more emotional.
I really love it.
Looks like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
hear it on radio and never knew artist, took me 4 ever find it lol
It’s 2018 & I still listening this song like a lot bands 🙂 :p
Does Corey look like a slipknot?
I feel Corey wrote this song for ME!!! Everything written in this song is just like what I am living!!!! Maybe we are so alike
In the beginning of the video I saw the fuck em right in the pussy guy lmao
How much its real C.F
Awesome voice✌✌✌✌
Corey reminding me of Jukka rn
They all have time to socialize, and no time to be social.
Que pinta de gay que tenia Corey Taylor
People Like if you’re listening to this in 2018!!!
Hard to believe this is the same guy that sings/screams (sic)
Fuck …this takes me back to 6th grade (2006) right when this song came out… i love it. I miss middle school dude
What happened to music nowadays it’s a bunch of garbage and please don’t get me started on that mumble talk that they call music
0:18 and 1:04
Don’t pay attention to this comment it’s just a personal marker for me to practice this song
Wow! Didn’t even think that was Corey at first.
RIP Chester. Forever missed.
Wow!!! Just read that comment about Kurt Cobain. Proof that somethings really can’t be fixed!
Miss you
Miss mya
I have a tablet no phone they took them all 11
Classic track now, only seems yesterday heard it on kerang!#
🎶When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope🎶
2018 and always
Thank God he got a haircut.. this looks like a shitty wig.
Besttt music 2018 😉
Corey looks like Chris Jericho in the thumbnail
il est plus beau avec son masque ! mdr
Remember what your staring at his me
I love exactly how.he is feeling
Yeah is 2018.
When did harry start doing this
ihana biisi <3
Lars Eller anyone?
the best Song
kimi raikkonen???
Foda !
el vídeo tendría que haber sido una situación de alguna persona ajena a la banda. el tema musical, un temon.
I still remember when I saw this video on TV back then. I couldn’t believe this blonde guy is same as who anry shouts people=shit into mic. 😀
So this is what watching MTV while being food poisoned is
Just when I thought you couldn’t do anything dumber you do this, AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!
This video was the first time I saw Corey Taylor without mask. It was damn shocking!
2018 anyone?
im looking at you through 240p
God damn Billy Ray Cyrus
Sitting in a jail cell in Florida the first time I heard this song… changed my life
Seven Deadly Sins
This over 9000
This video is a perfect image of how life is now in 2018. All a bunch of people being so fake and trying to be something that really means 0 fucks. Selfies , getting likes. aka not seeing whats really going on in this world. Everybody wants to be noticed like thats gonna make you a better person. I say bull shit and F your pointless likes and thumb ups.
good song
Owen Wilson?
COREY TAYLOR has the greatest voice in Rock History!
i dare you to try an change my mind.
He’s so melodious
2018 ? Brazil ! o/
The bond between comrades transcends death!! RIP Chester Bennington.
2018 summer?
This is basically a perfect song Chester_Charles_Bennington loved so much from Stone_Sour…Corey sir is so fucking awesome as always…
& Corey has dedicated this song to his dear friend Chester many times…even after Chester’s death ☺
Anybody else here how this song is about MTV in Europe when corey had bad food poisoning?
my 2006 summer jam
i can’t believe chester is dead, its been almost a year now… rest in peace
is that the director from korns twisted transistor video at 3.08
When did c.c. Deville become famous. Haha. Loser
Give good quality!!!
got my puddin’ Love J Beene to listen to this song for the first time this morning she liked it.
Juli 2018 who’s with me?
been my Jam since I was 7. now I’m 19.
Getting my heart broken by the same girl for the hundredth time, slowly transitioning from Cannibal Corpse to Slipknot and then this. I hope she will choke on the glass I was looking through all these years…
Love this shit never sick of it 2018!
Old days hanging with josh lee Michael turner rob lee Chris Nelson and Michelle Larue rip brother 🙏🏻
The camera flash sound is so annoying. It ruins the music.
I wish I’d understood the lyrics how I do today a decade ago
My fav Stone Sour song ! and Song 3
Jim kinda looks like Malmsteen
it’s weird to see corey taylor singing like this
Real vs. fake at it’s finest..xo
Listening to this makes me sad cause I feel like Corey needs to sing and look at himself in the mirror.
I will never get used to seeing Corey’s face without the mask.
Melhor banda
Nice mucic
Why are there like 3 different versions of this song?
Sitting all alone inside your head…
An epidemic of the mannikins…class
we are so connected
I miss the hair of Corey Taylor :’c
it was my 2006…f*ck im old
Imagine all the money spent for shooting of this music video… Then they upload it in 240p.
R.I.P Tio Mario.
God has died
Its the star cows !!!!! that mooo for you.
Bester Sänger aller Zeiten!
I thought that was Cory but I wasn’t quite sure. I’m glad I got that figured out.
RIP Paul Walker
2018 ♥
Hi 2018
This is even more relevant now
When did chad kroeger join slipknot?
i remember listening to this when i was in 4th grade on 94.5 the buzz back in 2006… it’s crazy how time flies
I remember seeing this music video in the TV. My first reaction was: really this guys shouts and screams angry in a mask PEOPLE=SHIT? 😀
I remember being little and asking my mom if I could watch “that glass song with the fake people” on our computer. Now I’m asking her if I can see this band in concert.
Aí seus amante de boa música!
You know the stars they lie!
Sometimes it’s good to skip neck day.
just realized i always thought this a great song
back when jim root was still in stone sour :'(
Any one else notice how it barely shows jim roots face?
Use to listen to this song all the time! And still love it to this day!
The guy Jim Carrey poisoned with laxatives can sing good!
He looks like fucking Michael Starr
Why so low quality? 🙁
isso que música viva o rock n roll
A.O. miss you
Corey Taylor 🤘🏻
I forgot this song existed.
We need more music like this
Disappointed… was expecting a darker video, definitely looking through the glass of a hospital death bed would’ve been better than some Hollywood B.S
So much memories…
Before seeing video, thought this was about being in prison…..
still see stars threw the bars….
fam through the glass…
R.I.P Chester B.
I lost a cyber nut in this song lol
video is awesome! the bass player looks like the unabomber yet drives the band energy playing. well played. love the Hollowood and the parody of Paris Hilton.
They singing about
2018, still a bad ass song and video
I sing this to my fish
what’s his
then walk away
CanI get one like????
One of the best songs ever
The 2 dimensional theme is funny especially after he turned out to be a 2 dimensional liberal
idk I prefer the stone sour sound over slipknot. And i am in love with the sound.
They should make a acoustic version
Harry Dunne! 😏😏😏
@@listen to more music of Stone Sour>>
An epidemic of Americans contaminating everything.
august 2018
2018-Dont know how time that has passed is real….inside my head
Corey taylor 😍
my favourite
12 años…
Sim, sou um carioca que ama está música ❤️ um verdadeiro hino!
Slipknot 🤪🤪🤪
Love it!
Rip to my brotha lil 40 shame you past away n left a lil girl from a car chase walk me through the heaven gates homie ill see u again fly high love and always will miss u bub
Corey Taylor GOAT
Corey is simply the best❤💪
Kicking a$$ in 2018!
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
I’m new to stone sour what songs do you guys recommend
What a song to get u thru awesome to say the least top 10 for me a tune that’s got it with the lot🎸🎵🎤🍔 film clip is WoW song trumps it😉
See yinz in Pittsburgh Monday Corey
Pohaaa é Brasil!! Música do KCT!!!
I wonder what Cory would be like playing the joker?
I wish people still made music like this instead of making rap songs where the lyrics the singers say are just words they’re using to talk down to people as if they’re Superior to us.
2018 and 2019 and 2020 and so on and so forth?
in mid 2018 and I cant stop listening to this album and especially this and zzyxx rd. corey makes music that’s worth listening too.
what? are you fucking voyeur?
I ran out of Slipknot so here I am
This Song is Great. This Video is Digusting. The girls in this video look like crystal meth-heads crack–heads, Skin and Bones … I dont know who your Producer/Director was but this whole video shoot with the video evidence of these girls in this video is absurd, and from my perspective illegal. I will be sharing this on Facebook and Foxnews and CNN and MSN and all of the news outlets in order to follow up on the welfare of the female children portrayed in this video. Contact me at
My father was cremated to this song
Hits those feels
I’m a singer , I can no longer sing this song without choking up and getting tears in my eyes
Thanks for that dad 😂
Why is this only in 244p lol
When u are in love and use glasses…
jgxitzf,u,d,uur,ug kg kgckgcyicticfu it uf it gkg gixgickh hkciho vljvlvljcyoctixfxuxitxgickh h oh kh hocit fu ig hk hl l t yd,uthovjbkbbkvhkbkvjvkbovkbkbkbbbf u,yd,dyd,u,f jf jg gi jg gk ixigxkg h ig ti u gi h hlchk hd clhcho gjgkhcoclkbob yd,ufzti h khclhclckh uf uf igkgckhcyixtixxtu ighcohcoycoycohchocoy uf,jfhcjbkn,u ixyichkckhcyocitxutzuf g kg gkxkgxgkxkhcyociyxckbclhcoyci ug ig kgxkgxkg kh yi I fu u. ig jg kh khccoyxu,igoclhvjvbonnufzutzx ti gi kh khclhvljvkbknivotf,y, yd,u f jg khcigxif uf, fu uxtixk lhcocitxfixif,u fjxogcoh could ig kckhclhckhclhchoct ig ckhclhvjvjb uf uf ickgclhvjbivixu uf ig ig ljvohvycig u fxhkckhclhvljvoct uf,uf ufgj kg hlcigxig g kg kckhclhckhclhchoct hkchlvlvohci kgxkgxkg kh gocici ug. gk khcjvkbiviy f. ufxigckhcpuvou u gickhclhvivpuvjlvljvpci jg ig igxigck lhvljvuocciciyckh hk lhvlvljvbobi yd, uitxigckhccocohcclhvlhcyocigxig it hkchlvlvohci ug jg kglcockhchlcchkclcocyx jg gkxiyxkg hkclhvuvpvjlvidyzutxitxkgckcocyixix itxitxkhchkcitxjfztjxiuztixkg kckhclhckhclhchoct gxigxgxhkclhclhvluciyccihckclhvljvoxjxtgxkgxkhclhclhclhclhciyxi xiy og k ohccjviucyi j kg khcjpvibibibbuci,urzfzuxgi k lhvoucig lhcljvkhxxifxgixgkc vhkxxuxjg kg kciyxit jg kh hlvhvjbboboycuf xigckhckhcjvivxu tu,igxxjgxgkxkxgixkgckhchkckh lhcyixitfxixgixgj g hkchkchlcigxgkckh I uf,u,,uf. j k kgxkgxkgciyxkgckgciyxiyxhk ciyxfu,uf,xittixkgxkxkxixitxjgxkgxixitxitxigxkgxkgch h hlcut,,hd gi ig gk. kgxkgxkgciyxkgckgciyxiyxhk. fu ig igxkh hk ljbucu,uf,ifxjgxkgckhcjvjlvhl jg kg khcoyxgi hcjbbkvti,g,y,uf,uf gj kg khvjlvhlcigxitigxkgxkgckxixkgckgckxkgxkxitxtuxjgxkgxgxgkckhciyxitxfu it tkxkgxkg gxgkxkgckgxt gixkxkgxigkxkgxgkxkgxkhckhxixitxkgckhckhcixixigxg kgcgkxgk mg hkchkchlcigxgkckh zutxfu,uf jg kg kgxtkxktxtkxkgxkgxkgxktxtkxtkxkgxgkxykxktxix ig h kgchkclhchcyxkgxjgxjg hfzurxuf u ig g b .yci m hcyoitxjxixigxkhxkc khciyci fh jckhcxuxtuxixkgxogxkhckckcxkgcxixkgxkgckckgxxixkg kgxkgxgk hkchlvlvohci,yd,,fuxtocoyckhckciyxtixiyxgichkchkchvjvkv,ufxtixixgxkhcjvibiy hd,hf gkckgckhclvjlvg,fhchlckcoycicgkckhckckhcycgkxjgxkgxiyxixigxkxgociyckhckhckhckhckhclckhckhckhckgxgkg. kg kgxkgxg vbiv by m love ufzufxutxutxuf jg jg ig igxjg. xgixigxng gufxgjxhkcgixtixixfuxjgxgj kgxigxgixig gkxgkxgjxkg gk gkxgxkg kxgixixtixg jg kgxkgxkg k gk gk kgckg igxjg ick gi kg ig ixg ig g kg igxig g k itxtixtixgj kg txitxtixk kgxitxixti kgkg gh b h y ufdy*75″&(75373276575675675765(-“”85″58″85″(&56(“68″-8”)-65568″68″589508906568″855856(35868″8&”(8&””8&”&(657537537353765(- igcigcigcgi. kg gi ig gk kgxgi kg gk kg kgxgi kg gi gkxkg gi ig yiyixickgchkcgicgkcgkchk kgcogxigxig kgxkgxgk gkxgkxgjxkg kg kg gk kg igcigcigcgi g kgcogxigxig gk kgxgi gk kg itxtixtixgj gk kg hgi gk ig iy i gi gk gk kg hkcoychk k k ohcixti ig k hk iyxitxti m gk ohciyxgk kh oyxixitxgk gk igxgixkg kg ogxgk hkcyociycl hcohciyciyck hkcohcoychlch hcgj,hc,gj gj j igxixixitxgixkgxkg jc,igxigxgi kg ig itxigxgi gk kg igxuf,ujf,cn jg igif,fu fj jv kgcoyhochchcuvivvjvjvjvj g vibkvg hivkvbibjvh xtixixitxgkxgk k
I can’t tell whether this song is about Hollowood, mental illness or just missing somebody and looking at a photograph of them.
This “I’m a kind person” face of Corey… I guess that’s why he decided to originally cover it up in Slipknot. With those puppy eyes and sweet expressions, it’s clear he’s the kind of person you’d be lucky to chill with
Anybody else think this was a set-up to a Dumb & Dumber commercial?
This songs my life
Fuck yea
I bet there isn’t anyone here that thinks about Chester Bennington when they hear this song……………
Ima go see ozzy Osbourne and them at the end of september
Love thiz song💯💯💯
2018 here
Not gonna lie…..this was…very nice but I like him in slip knot more:3
Seems unlike Necky here to make such soft music
❤️never gets old.
Someone said Stone Sour was coming to town, and I knew the name was familiar, but couldn’t place it. It took two bars before I remembered them from this song — which triggered so many college memories for me, haha.
i actually the bass player and his son, he just opened up a restaurant here in buffalo. John Chao, not sure if i spelled John right not sure what version. he’s got a killer killer killer beard pretty nice and cool dude, he’s also kinda friends with my dad so it’s pretty awesome to see him in this video. great song. these guys are also really good live. and they play custer some time too lol.
Damn I forgot about this song but I finally found it again
I love Corey Taylor SO MUCH. He has such a beautiful, deep, smooth, dynamic voice but still has that rock grit to it. I gotta say though, I prefer his long on top, shaved bottom fade haircut to his longer hair here, it just kind of looks like a wig. He’s still HOT with any haircut though 😉
Akash: Sometimes I forget the difference between listening to music and letting the waves pass by just hearing it. Which do you prefer? #mugclub
coreys fucking hair lmao
2018… I remember my college times
Anyone notice the guy from the album cover at 1:06?
Who listened in 2018 ?
Me: wasn’t Jim in this band too where is he-
*sees the guitar and the hair*
Me: whoop there he is
This kinda reminds me of snuff (slipknot) tbh I kinda like Corey in slipknot but both bands or really good!
Hello from IOWA
How much is real?
Miss you brother😤😭
Two side… Grunge and metal..genius coreyyy
God Bless 🤘
Played this song at my dads funeral, it was a song he wanted to be played. Seems like everytime im listening to this im listening it with him again
When I’m feeling down, music has a way of getting me back to myself.
Wateing on God seems like forever for his Return..
1:24 Bono?
Slipknot singer is still better xD
Going too see soon
Corey looks like Jeff Daniels in dumb and dumber, just much cooler.
Нет слов.. 2018
2018 lml
These fucking “2018? ” comments need to be banned lol.
Fuck you tom tom
Corey. You’ve come a long way.
First song I turned to when I lost my Nan <3
At first I didn’t know that Corey Taylor sung this and I just found out and my mom has this song
Song still rocks it in 2018
Binge watching Stone Sour and Slipknot videos and songs!
😍😍😍😍😍😍 2018
Another mainstream Nickleback commercial band. Garbage.
The best Band👏👏😍❤️
Slipknot made this a long time ago…
The best song on my life,hello from Moscow,peace to all
but gold
One of my favorite songs
Отличная песня!
this song in concert in Council Bluffs was Awesome!
Corey is one of the best lyricists in metal history, and one of the most diverse vocalists as well
Singer looks like Jeff Daniels in dumb and dumber .
Watching this preparing for stone sour and ozzy concert!!
That fucking mop was hilarious
So looking forward to seeing these guys play next weekend. Always loved this song, and even though they’ll likely have a limited set due to opening for Ozzy, hoping they’ll be able to squeeze this one in.
ikibn altı ne be
Hello once again 240p.
Jim Root.
Anyone else have the shitty version from limewire back in the day with the annoying beep in it? I can’t unhear that damn beep
Just saw them open up for ozzy last night at jiffy lube in Bristow, Virginia! Played this song!
September 2018.
Am I right thinking this is about looking at old photographs and remembering things differently from how they were?
Miss you, Chester. I hope you have some relief now, bud. Meant a lot to all of us. Corey dedicated this to you, and so do we. Rest in peace, brother.
Whos here after the concert
2019 ?
Fuck yeah Slipknot
Still listening 2022
They did this tonight DTE beautiful love Corey Taylor youre an idle of mine
2018 and it’s still better than what followed
Star Cars still shining in 2018 it seems.
Esta música es de mi adolescencia
Anyboddy listening in 2022?
Лучший !!!!
He looks like that guy from dumb and dumber
I remember hearing this song in a YouTube video literally over a decade ago, now. This song was actually new at that time. (I feel kind of old now.) I still love it.
he looks so different now…
This song randomly made me get tears in my eyes.
its really awasome!!!!!!
Song playing in MUZO.FM
This Is Every Dog When Their Owner Leaves.
When this was popular back in the day, I was in college. I remember when I called the radio station and requested he play this song, unbeknownst to me, the DJ recorded the conversation he and I had about how much emotion the lead singer had whilst singing this song and stuff. Not long after I hung up, the DJ played the conversation we had on the radio right before he played the song.
My son was 23 when he was assaulted. Lived for 11 years after with a traumatic brain injury and then he hung himself in our backyard. We played this at his funeral. After his TBI he never had friends he could trust, no relationships and everything was a struggle. He is deeply, deeply missed.
2019 🤘
just won tickets, to see these guys and ozzy, oct 9th
The girl I have a huge crush on’s bday is tomorrow and she doesn’t like my music: metal, so I wanna send her this song bc it relates to our relationship. We wanna see each other but she moved to a different city. And Corey’s voice is beautiful
On today’s episode of How It’s Made, we will show you how cardboard cutouts are made
i know
its 2006
This is my favorite slipknot song
As im typing this they’re 3 miles away from me opening up for Ozzy Osbourne and I spent my pay check on a 6 string basd instead of a ticket 😔.
The real slipknot! Help a Marine. I need it!
This song reminds me of being locked up looking the glass in visitation don’t know how much time has passed but it feels like forever thank God I’m out now drinking and driving don’t mix there is old
Através do vidro ❤❤
Reminds me of all the fake wanna be people I met when I first moved to L.A. and Hollywood, it really is like that. Sad
Corey Taylor is beautiful in every way
I love you.
Isso me lembra o Chester :'( sdds <3
Makaveli was here
Pardon my ignorance, but @ 0:40 isn’t that the guy from 5 Finger Death Punch?
Oh Hi, Slipknot
Great song !
I remembered this video with better quality, maybe 720…
2018. Almost 6am.. Lol
best song, this is my fav song/ my disiest brothers song when he was still here
9.1k people are carboard pussies who love sucking furry cock
Corey tells truth…I agree with him, if shit dont change I will also wish to die.
This song is one of my favourite of Stone Sour. I just made a cover,
you check it here :
Hope you enjoy !
To me I interpret whats happening among the celebrities and how fake Hollywood is
Lead singer lightweight looks like the lead singer from Fozzy
Awesome video, great music
Great video!!!!
I want to thank Katie Elorna Garcia for introducing me to Stoned Sour. back in 2007
Totally relatable
Octubre 2018.
2K19 ?
From 2018 ..
Prefiro o Corey no Slipknot
It took me going to prison yo fully understand this song…
lukes lightsaber is on the camera
JulieMilllerOliverJRWolowiczSR always last….. Its OK
I have BPD…this song pretty much sums it up.
Rumo a 2019 com esse hino
and the bass player does that Unibomber thing….i like that look the brunette look she gave the singer lol
Amo, amo, amo sem fim 💜💜🖤
Woah this is from 2006
2018 I’m Here 😍😍😍
I miss my brother. Love baby girl bear 💕
Tripp video, but great video! One of my favorite songs…Rock on!
Legends watch in 144p
I always thought this song was by fuel
And its the stars, that shine for you!
Musica mt foda ! Corey arrebenta…
2018 ?
20 second ad I can’t skip
luv this. now come at me
just now realized… hollowood very fitting
This song does something to me. Like I’ve heard it playing on the radio dozens of times and all I remember over that time is listening to the hook (🎶And it’s the stars, the stars, that shine for you🎶) but now, fully understanding the song, the lyrics, and THE MESSAGE, man, kinda brings water to ya eyes, ya know?? Deep, deep as the Atlantic. I’m a pure trap music junkie, but man, this right here is special
This song has a special place in my heart❤️
It’s better with slipknot(esta mejor con slipknot)
240p ?
This is Real GOOD MUSIC !!!!!
im singing this at the talent show
*Corey, soooo sweet here. lol*
0:08 When you die in GTA
So amazing
It weird watching corey sing without yelling at you through a mask. Also never seen him with blonde hair lol.
I’ve listened to this song thousands of times and finally just payed attention to the music video…IS THIS AN ALUMINATI REFERENCE??
Basic training Lackland AF base Jan-March ‘07. Wasn’t even a big fan of this song then, but now I love how music can just take me back and I can remember things I forgot.
Never caught the meaning more than I did tonight…. In a damn good way
schlechte kopie
Pinche Alexander Hacha se mamo con la rola :v
Don’t know how much time has passed.. all I know is that it feels like forever
slipknot singer is better
*Holy difference*
No one has yet to describe how this feels to me…
2006 was 12 years ago damn
Edit: it’s now been 14 years gonna go kms now
What a great tune! I love this song.
2018 feels bad man <3
No body can expect this from a lead singer of slipknot..corey you are amazing..snuff
i can’t belive that this is the same corey taylor who happens to be the lead singer of slipknot.
this song makes me think of the one that got away. I just want to sit in a corner wearing all black while holding the sharpest razor. I’m so emo. I love pain
Corey Taylor can stretch all genres!
Обожаю, как поёт Кори 💙
I see mr gray that day he seen me to fav me I see hated of thee
this song is all cut up LUL
Brasil ????
first it was falling in reverse bad girls club, now we have through the glass for emo kpop.
Cadê os BR aqui em 2018?
November 2018?
November 2018?
Foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2018-2068-2099
Compare this to Spit it out
November ???
11/2018? 😍
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
November 8th, 2018 anyone else?
Don’t fall for the fame, glitz and glamour projection, it’s ALL bullshit.
I’ve seen them for the 1st time in concert this year in June.
Wow amazing band live!
I prefer Slipknot’s front man.
This is the worst song ever recorded.
Fucking roadrunners lol from here to there and thank you for the coyote
Corey, I love you so much! Your voice… ♥
Larry Peoples brought me here and woke my soul ❤💋thank you!
Woke up with this in my he’s so you know I just gotta jamm it this November AM
Melania Trump! MAGA just needs you to stick around for a while. Melania. Trump 2020 mother fuckers
Kid Rock is in Detroit, Mods are monsters is in Seattle. Stone Sour , you could possibly help make America great again. Ali Alexander sent me
What the hell’s with Corey Taylor’s hair???
Nesse clipe o Corey pareçe o Deby do Filme Deby Loide kkkkkk
Realize that this blond positively looking fellow was puting on ugly and scary mask just to scream his face off in “Surfacing”, “Wait and bleed” and “duality” 🙂 – if I would not know I would not believe it 😛
PS: why each bands of early 2000 had they own style (SLIPKNOT, POD, PAPA ROUCH, SOAD, TOOL, EL NINIO ect.) and now all recent bands sounds bland and similar at the same time
1:30 😉 this beat!
Corey Taylor is sooooo talented….. RIP Jordan miss you buddy thank you for introducing me to metal and artists like Corey Taylor
Русские есть?
Hollowood – just now noticing that after all these years!!! Lmao and people say weed is bad.. Smh
Самая любимая песня , навсегда .
Is it me or does corey Taylor look like Harry from Dumb and Dumber 😂💀
desde el 2007 llevaba buscando esta canción
Im not jesus you can RUN AWAY!!!
2018.17.11. 15:10:21 ???.?
Great drum mix!
my mom died before 2 months ago… somehow this song reminds me her… amazing song…
November 2018?
Love your sing voice
All smiles he don’t know me but really does any one but my 3 lil boys
Only my boys and the oldest one who have already seen these roads we all are walking gonna like their because they have done it all histry repeats itself like we all do riffing around the block o er over again only the ones stay faces change but 123 u know u are my heart songs and lirics no go do something with all this unlike we did to let u see the wrong doings inside of u and me created like the song bad company lyirks for these babies to see. U and me on the outside looking in playing pretend but really lil bare feet Innocent eoajaylojlbrodjack b right back to help out parents see how they did to get to us broken hearted missing out I love you all think of them babies.
Real life of an addict.
Some thing s sometimes u just have to block out to make certain thing tie together in the lyrics of songs that somehow find a way throw the wall we guard around our untrusted hurtful but trying to heal and like usual win a part bc a start. I just want to write music can u just try try . Bc now breathe and break that is y I took a step back to see how us act. And believe I find out the friend facts. But these roads words of a broken art.
He looks like Corey Taylor
Its been 12 years. Who’s still listening ? 🙂
2018 are you here?
this song makes me think of meth and jail cause youd be looking thru the glass
Thanksgiving day 11/22/18 sitting home alone this song hits me hard
Who the fuck disliked this
How can one man switch between songs like Iowa and songs like this? One of the most talented musicians alive
Can someone tell me the real meaning of the song.
There was this girl 1 year older. I was in 4th or 5th grade she was sooo pretty. She was way out of my league. This is what the song remindes me of.
Corey Taylor is such a great musician, he is so versatile and do it great in both bands. Came here for Slipknot and were expecting Corey to scream on my ear but instead heard this great clean version of him A true artist.
Corey Taylor? i thought he was Kurt Cobain
This day? Damn
I told an old manager i used to work for to listen to this song and asked him if it sounded like county jail, he listened and started laughing
Hell yeah
Indo pra 2019 já kk
Miércoles 28 de noviembre de 2018, practicando sexo anal con una mujer de 43 años en Lima – Perú, Miraflores y oyendo Stone Sour bebiendo unos tragos mientras ella se mete su coca por la nariz
2018 november
I love you Corey Taylor
This song still makes me cry!! 2018 🖤
I swear even his commercial music has lyrics that just force you to think and reverberate through your soul.
2018 and aways!❤🎧
Show Corey Taylors brother maybe🤔😅
Same Sound😎😎
An epicpademic of ilegal aliens ruining everything
I’m looking at you through your ass.
I’m looking at you through your ass
Heard this on the radio and had no idea it was Corey or stone sour… Hes so versitle
Not gonna lie…..I kinda like x
Esse clipe passava direto na Mix Tv e na Mtv sdd
This was Chesters Favourite Song
Love this song ever since I first heard it
Forgotten song…. Glad I came across it Again thank you guys:)
Happy to find this again.
No one cares that your listening to it in a specific year, just shut up and listen to a masterpiece
Like si vienes por Slipknot ;v
stupid fake people
eu invoco os BR para comparecer a este comentario.
December of 18? Like if so.
hollow people. 🙁
like Barbie dolls. f that
Is that really Corey taylor??? 😦😦 he looks so different.. I’ve been listening to stone sour for a while liken10 years and never put it together!!!!
First time I heard this was about 30 hours ago and been on repeat si ce haha where has this relic been hiding
December 2018 anyone? Happy new year in advance!!!
So I’ve just realised that this is Corey… I hated Stone sour thought the music was shit (still do) and loved Slipknot… fuck I’m so confused right now
Dec 2018 anyone
So don’t worry in Advance they found many who agreed
I wanna cry cause I didn’t realize how old this song is. I thought Stone Sour was a fairly new group…
Forever maybe?!
rebjat ona horowa 2018! po4ti 2019 ! siljno!
ehh corey really? This is shit pop
happy birthday Corey! 45 already, please stop the clocks….
Happy birthday Corey Taylor!
He is 45 years old now
240p kept me from realizing people were made of cardboard
Looks like C.C.Deville in the background.
My boyfriend sang this song to me yesterday night :’) his voice is beautiful & this song is too
10 décembre 2018 ??
This song summarizes 1/4 of my life
Omg i never thought this is slip alter knot
He have so much amazing voice like mshadow omg
Roadrunner 2006? Dafuq?
After all these years this video still fucks with my mind
My mom is friend made this song and this band bought it from him ..🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻🎸🎸
Is it just me or do you hate Corey’s hair in this video
É impressão minha ou essa versão não tem aquelas viradas na bateria antes de entrar no refrão?
Love this song
I’m a big fan of Slipknot and this was my first Stone Sour song
Someone needs to stop that bald man, his powers of turning things into cardboard is getting out of control!
He is saying Hollywood is a lie” the star lies,,” it is all fake no one is happy
difference is you haven’t heard through the window
thank god you only got your hands on five of my poems or holy fuck holy wood would be -wait
oh right loll
This song reminds me of my fiance that passed away 🙁
at 1:19 I waited for siren sound. If you downloaded this song from bearshare, limewire, ares, etc.. you will remember the siren
Came here for Corey and slipknot
240p FTW!
anybody listening from 122245646
You here Debbie? 😂😂
I wish there was still music like this. RIP music
0:40 pewds?
simple idea (but that says something) and therefore easy to understand, even for a foreigner like me. I’m not a fan of video clips but this one surprised me
Fuck he looks not evil and a bit gay
This song was originally inspired by frontman Corey Taylor’s outrage at the music industry and how he felt that the musical revolution had never taken place. Taylor was quoted as having said:
“ I remember exactly where I was. It was 2004 and I was on tour with Slipknot. I was sitting in a European hotel room watching a music video channel, seeing act after act after act of this insane, innocuous, plastic music. They were plastic, bubbly, gossamer-thin groups where it was really more about the clothes they wore and the length of their cheekbones than it was about the content of the song they were singing. It really made me mad. I was like, “Is this it? Have we just gone full circle? Did the singer/songwriter revolution never happen? Is it just the same drivel from the same replicate over and over again?” … “Through Glass” is really a very angry song. It’s me basically calling bullshit on pretty much everyone involved with the American Idol-type shows. It has its place, but when you’re basically cornering the market and making it very hard for anyone who actually writes their own music to get ahead, then it’s wrong and that’s really why I wrote this song.”
Years later, Taylor elaborated on the origins of the song, saying that he watched so much European music television because he was suffering from food poisoning as a result of eating at a Swedish McDonald’s restaurant and was unable to move and change the channel from MTV Europe.
only now in late 2018 i could notice that the sign says “Hollowood” in the background and i think it is epic
When you’ve known about both SLIPKNOT and Stone Sour since their beginnings, and had NO FUCKING IDEA that it was Vorey Taylor singing for both. Mind blown. I was today years old when I found out.
Corey looks so much like Jerry Cantrell in this
Люди это ж про вас клип, зачем вы лайкаете?
I’m looking at you through glass😶
I love Slipknot
Is this Corey Taylor from Slipknot?
Axel Rose que em
i love this song
This is my dad’s favorite song. I love it.
So weird hearing his voice like this when coming from slipknot songs
C mamo cory tailor
I was really impressed.I think maybe they are better than slipknot.
been 13 years since I last heard this song
back when youtube was 240p
I’ve known about this song for a long while, never realizing stone sour and corey were the producers until now…
This song fed my musical dreams sooooo much back in 2006, which didn’t really go as planned 🙂 All good. I am still going for them in 2018 #OLDASS LOL!!!!
Anyone listening in 2032?
Deus do céu! Nada e para sempre …? aparece uma eternidade !!! Ja nao aguento mais.
The fucking Nostalgia
Corey, I’ve loved you for 20 years, I’ll love u another 20
Algum br ouvindo ?
Today is the last day of 2018….
And I’m here playing music marathon…..
2020? V:
240p lol
This is me how I feel going into 2019.
2019 and Im still rocking this song! Whos with me on that? 🔥🔥
In this vid Corey looks like Stone cold Steve Austin when he was in wcw.
2019 and we’re back again 😉
2019? Ok
I’m sorry peeps, I gotta….. 2019 anyone?
2019????? Dont know how much time has passed oh God it feels like forever …..
1-1-2019 @0003
Getting some major Snuff vibes here
If you can not explain an answer given to you in another way.
You either do not understand or lack comprehension.
Drop the cliche. FOOL.
No more píty.
02/01/2019 lol
La cancion está bien pero la verdad el video no me gusta se ve horrible para hacer una canción hermosa.
2019.God bless Corey
Through 240p
2019 anyone?
0:38 Hobo Michael Myers?
essa outra banda do Corey Taylor é foda de mais assim como Slipknot. #Stone sour
trust me!!! every black guy that you non ethnic people fantisize or have vivid mesomerizations about……. is not the rapist AND bloddy MURDERER. that you caucasin racist patrey us to be!!!
2019 anyone?
Because I’m looking at you though the glass don’t know how much time has passed
2019 carai
anyone listening in 2019?
2019 !? I love this song !!
I love this song
Corey looks a lot like Chris Jericho here
2019 😎
y kis guturales :v xd?okno de todos modos corey tiene una grandiosa voz
Yes that’s Corey Taylor, but nobody’s commenting about Jim Root from slipknot?? He’s there too guys
2019 still awesome XD
Corey Taylor voice is highly underrated this song is fucken awesome!🎼💯
Anyone listening in 2873? (Please stop)
2019 anyone ?
This song reminds me of my struggle with my addiction . im coming up on 3 yrs clean and sober and have never felt so much clarity .
2019 ?
2019 still fuckin awesome song.
2019 i Love its music 😍😍
The singer looks like corey talor. Hmmm😂
0:41 that guy looks like Layne Staley
Sounds like blurry
I first heard this last 2017. I miss that year. It was so much fun, my heart was whole. Friends were many. But now I just have nothing. I’m empty. Thanks to this song it makes me remember my childhood and the good old days.
Dnb hardcore version by Nitrogenetics…
2019!!! Stand up!
Why is it tilted “Through Glass” rather than Through The Glass?
13/01/2019 alguém????
Corey Taylor?
Did Stone Sour just predict Instagram?
This song is amazing
12 years and I still love this song…
Se um dia vc achar esse comentário perdido por aqui, até hj penso em ti quando escuto isso…
slipknot – through glass
2019 best music
Música my Life 🤘❤👏
Há mais de um ano sem ver o grande amor da minha vida… Sabendo que independente disso eu sempre estive presente em seus pensamentos em cartas, pensamentos,e orações #TeAmo #Joel
This video thaught me someting…
This world is full of fake people
Janeek !
Anyone listening on Earth?
2019 67 MILLION
И то, что было набело откроется потом))
(2019) Listenin’ now And forever, do you together me???(algum BR)
Nickleback Light
Ohh, nobody wrote “still listening in 2019?” :O
This is what happens to people when they start wearing skinny jeans
I didnt know fred durst sang for stone sour
Amazing singer and song writer.
2019 ??
Amazing video very real!!!
like si estas viendo esto en 2019👍👍👍👍
First song that I ever heard by them!
Corey Taylor has some vocal range!!!!!!
Sounds so much like the lead singer from slipknot 😛 * casts fishing line*
что эта хуйня , что слипнот хуйня. Никельбэк рулит.
i use to listen to this song when i was 6-7, it’s been 10 years and it popped into my head again. it’s such a good song.
just remembering how i sat in a taxi back home. returning from a party, being tipsy/drunk and still heartbroken. listened to this song and wrote a msg to my ex and he replied something stupid.
now, several years later. i just moved in with my better half, never have been happier with a man.
but still, this song transports me right back to darker and such sad times, though it’s very beautiful song!
Best album
Corey Taylor is a pussy lol
Pour another drink n listen to n amazing song that has grown old but is still relevant .. I know I’m not the only one
So many memories when I hear this song
I’ve loved this song and video Ever Since ! Wow…Plastic people and fake souls…
2019 !
I always loved this song and knew of and liked Stone Sour. I knew who Slipknot was and have grown to love their music over the past six years. My mind was blown when I found out it was the same vocalist.
Forever feels like home…
my dad keeps telling me to listen to these songs lmao
very good song
Everytime I hear this song i remember Chester because Corey did tribute to Chester with this song
He looks like a young Stone Cold Steve Austin lmao
2022 anyone?
Which kind of potato was this filmed with?
Except for the band.. I want to slowly murder everybody in this video.. And then Napalm that entire city
Wish that my girl would have waited…………………
Through the Glass by Stone Sour.
And. “Planetary Duality” by The Faceless.
Как ты себя ведешь?!
Дай цифры свои.
Chris jericho
good.=bad?/ oh oh me ho 4.
Still 2019
This is about how fake and plastic Hollywood is. And they know it, but they love the money to much. And then there’s fans 😐
Love it
Corey are you in the light?
Es bellísimo. Jpg
Speed to 1.25x is better
Anyone listening 2019
this rocks
2019 alguém??
Da like
I didn’t knew Corey Taylor had a twin brother.
Is that blonde guy Poison’s CC Deville?
The glass is my life! I I need es mo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2019 anyone
2019 Russia СУКА!!!
2019 welcome
Too sad..speed up to 1.25 for best quality.
Corey Taylor <3
This song puts me in my emotions like heck
how shallow hollywood is
This video kind of reminds me of Alice in Chains’ “It’s Your Decision”
great song,it fuckin rocks!!!
WAOOOO!!!!!!!! EXCELENT SONG!!!!!!!! I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!
This so g meant a lot to me.
He’s better at slipknot
2019 and this song still resonates with me
Jim root best guitarist
Try to change my mind
Through glass … through the never yes … pursuit contineus …
2019? :3
He’s like a blonde ed sheran 🙂
Trump’s presidency summed up.
2019 :))
February 2019 🎤
Cadê os brs em pleno 2019??
this song takes me back to the good old days
2019 Love this song, ever since I was a kid.
A young Jeff Daniels is the lead singer???
The Feels
I just came from Eeyore to this and I’m loving the difference
By far one of the greatest music videos. There are so many layers!
why the fuck did it take me years to finally realize that Corey was the voice in Stone Sour…..
(.____________________________________________.)/ (.____.)/
This is better than Ariel Pink.
This song reminds me about Snuff
2019 ?
Anybody listening in 1942?
Shit.. I forgot time travel is not yet discovered in this year.
This song describes my depersonalization
2019 anybody
Am I the only one? I was today years old when I figured out that’s Corey Taylor.. wtf!? Lmao all these years and I never paid close enough attention.
All I see is Chris Chan kissing his imaginary wife
He’s better than Slipknots vocalist tbh
No matter how much time passes I relate to this song so much. I don’t care how old I get I’ll always love this song
I can relate. This song is the very definition of mental disorder DPDR that I am experiencing for weeks now 🙁
This song….OMG my heart shatters at the memories
I’m looking at my cat through the screen door, don’t know how much time he stopped staring at me.
holy shit, first time i listened to that song was from that channel back in to 2006 xD holy shit, time flies dude!
In Bojack house
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
13 years best song
Really love this song & message…and the video! So much so that I don’t which one I love more ! LoL..Corey Taylor & Co. All attired appropriately…
Apareçam Seus BR🇧🇷
Notice how at least all the fake people were at least talking to each other instead of staring at some fake place on their phones that they’d rather be? How times have changed.
2019? 🖤
This IS the same popular drival everyone is doing.
Looking at you through the glass, wondering who busted ass…
This song was the end of an era.
2019 and it still sounds so soothing. :’)
2019 😎
2019 ?
Love this song got me through some rough times in my life glad to know that’s the beautiful thing about music it can take you where other places can’t…
This is Nickelback lite
C.C. Deville is still alive??
God, I cant believe it’s been 12 (13?) years since this song came out. Crazy.
I’m so glad he failed both suicide attempts. The world needs Corey Taylor.
I like the singer from Slipknot better!
I was about to say “LEL THE VOCALIST LOOKS LIKE COREY TAYLOR”… pewrdoun pour el retrasou awhre locou
2019 ?
Anyone in 2019??????
2658 ?
First time I heard this I was a homeless teenager. 2019 and it still hits a nerve.
Love this song!! Who’s watching in 2019?
2019 and still the best song!
I Thought he’d said “Epidemic of Dominicans”
Just came here to check Dominicans rage
This song reminds me of my ex wife and it fucking sucks. But such a good song.
City Morgue brought me here
2019 ❤️
You said Corey Taylor has the greatest voice in rock Am sorry but Freddie Mercury’ had the greatest voice in rock he all ways will have he was the god of all music Fact
Corey really that hair, please stop it
corey taylor multi talented artist ? shiz man lol yeh its true man and we are rocvkign on yo bro lol !
its weird to see Jim Root use regular Telecaster not his signature
That hair. <3
🙂 2019
Помню, когда мой папа играл эту песню на рок гитаре… И я пела эту песню вместе с ним…. Помню. Люблю. Скорблю…
Папочка.. я тебя никогда не перестану любить..
What a talented Corey 😆
Is that Lucius Malfoy singing?
Sup u married him
I couldn’t have done no better r it do s elf
The lirics are wrong.
Whatever, 2019!
Shit… it still gives me chills to hear his voice…I am really amazed by his music and the band as well…
Dumb or dumber?
2019 Thank you
from russia with love
Ein geiler Song! Corey’s Stimme hatt so viel Potenzial!
Odeio esse povo q posta nos coments: 2019? 2018? 2077?
Wow, this was one of my favorites growing up. Now coming back and taking in the words and the video, this is obviously about the music industry and mk ultra. Wild
This song brings back too many good memories.
Anyone notice the sign says hollowood not hollywood so fucking true
This song came out in 2006 and it turned out to be a prophecy of what life is like now.
My mom loves this song when its on the raido my mom and ad say SHH SHHH and i say oh TURN IT UP.
He looks like Loyd from Deby & Loyd
I always thought it was “an epidemic of Dominicans contaminating everything.”. 🤭
Corey Taylor looks like a long haired Ed Sheeran
I love this song but the video is awful…lulz go home 2006, you’re drunk.
When I first saw this music video, the timing of the special effect was STUNNING to me.
If fans have never got sent to prison, they have no idea about whats being said.
Reminds me of my brother and dad. Rip love you both hope you both are at peace
This hair makes want to. “push my finger into my eeeeeyesss is the only thing slowly stops the haaaair
I saw a fucking dildo the other day I was like the fuck it was on the road I was like lol
The video reminds me to stay away from fake people and stick close to the real one’s.
tremendo video en contra de las apariencias!!!
This dude is from slipknot??? Insane hahaha
2019 anyone?
Ed sheeran with long hair..hahaha
Ah essa canção💜💜💜
Alguém em 2019?
never trust a star
Totally forgot how beautiful this tune was until I watched it sung live when Stone Sour opened for Ozzy in Toronto 2018.
this is irreparable to my consciousness I ;Ike it
Man i wish i understood this video when i was a kid watching Kerrang. It makes sense now.
Corey with this hair looks exactly like Harry from dumb and dumber XD
Its the starts the payrents the light of satan
I’ve always loved this song. Growing up in a family that is “hip hop” my brothers made fun of me for listening to this and bands like nirvana and such. It’s cool.
Ah my childhood song
2019 oh, hello
If You thought that You loved Me more for some reason, You were just wrong and I was just foolish enough to believe myself like a fool,,, sry!,,, Lols,,,, ✨✨✨
To believe my thoughts and dreams is the product of my foolish self and foolish ways!,,, ✨
Ollie, you were the best dude!,,, ✨✨✨✨✨
From creepy pasta😜
Depression is back
This is a truly beautiful song
This 240p though
Who are the stars they lie 🇧🇷💙
“They’re different from other people, because they experience life from the perspective of their souls instead of their bodies. Imagine living your whole life inside a giant puppet, unable to get out, forced to use it every time you need to interact with a person from the outside world.”
This was the most trippy music video ever lmao
Quem é BR curti aqui
Its Corey’s natural hair except for his natural red hair. His hair is really nice very curly soft and thick. its been a long time since I have spoken too Corey about this video he had told me they tried to straighten his hair but it would not stay.. I met all of the band members for Stone Sour we had fun…
Wow even he had a cobain phase. 😂😂
Anyone else still hear the limewire BEEEEEEEP in this song??
Corey And Jim Hell Yeah
1:45 Kevin Hart?
God I miss those days
Eu sei que tá cheio de br aqui!
I hope whoever wrote this from prison gets a cut
Dumb and dumber 🤣
this song inspired me to become a musician
What the fuck the Green Arrow is doing in this videoclip? xD 0:40
“Remember what you’re staring at is me” that hit me hard🥺
Who’s watching in 2019?🖤
was his hair in this real?
Muito foda 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🎸🎧🎶🎤
Dear Boys in Heaven ..😔😔
I miss you so much..
💔💔.. I fought Help oldest son..who couldn’t bare living without his brother who passed away from a heart condition..😔He listened to this With me ..
now ..I see my Boys seeing me through the Looking Glass of Stars in Heaven ✨
Love Mom
Is that corey taylor for real or does he look so damn strange because of 240p?
Haha I spot 0:45 C.C. DeVille the lead guitarist of the multi-platinum-selling glam metal band Poison!
Saudades época escola
very god
The young actors sure must feel like cosplayers.
Esto si es musica, alguien 2019?
Feels like forever
You know that feeling you get when you finally see a music video for a song, and it’s nothing like you imagined it would be?
i look at this like losing a dad to prision,
Is that C.C. Deville?
i think skinheads look best in the black and grey army gear or the blue suit….aha but really u guys lookin pretty stylin representin
Can you say Dave Matthews?
Man this song takes me back. I remember I came back to the city after graduating in the bush(forest but everyone calls it the bush) and I didn’t take into account where I was going to live and ended up homeless. I stayed where ever I could but everyone else was still living at home and had to ask their parents who either said no or for only one night. I got drunk whenever I could and was arrested by the same cops two nights in a row for being drunk in public and spent two nights in the drunk tank. I was arrested quite a bit for public drunkenness then and after I found a home right before fall hit. Fucked up fun time.
69 million views
fuck the haters
back in my day,…… i had to deal with low def videos on you tube……. hahahaha
Geez why cant they all be so hot dang wish were real people anymore gahhhhhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Jim Root and Corey Taylor are epic
Still putting things into perspective in 2019.
Puta temaso tan bueno
This song reminds me of my “ex” best friend..I miss her so much💔
hey harry .. i hate you alittle your attitude scares me….
harry styles i’m williella pearl franklin i’m 35 years old.. i love you still get well my friend ..
This song has taken on a whole new meaning for me.
Bob Rock?
O that’s a nice
What kind of Nickelback is this?
If you ever get a chance watch 2001: A Space Odyssey and then listen to this song.
Is it Hollywood or Hollowood
whats with slipknot
888888heinriech himler =666+charles manson came out of the sea all is one satan is walt disney bury me with all the lights out bury me with all my ice on cyrogenics Jackson Elvis Hurless, my son is satan!!!!!!
Ordo Templi Orientis going forward in reverse, Witch=wisdom-JESUS
A voz do Corey é tão linda.😍
240p really ? we want 1080p for this song
Bullshit this song is about the cartrashians and all their followers fake yeahhhhhh. Fake babe!!! You fkfake.
When this song came out I was so amazed at how something had finally captured the way I felt! My mom was in prison. My life was broken and invalidated at every turn. I didn’t know anything about who sang it for years to come. You take it all away. The pain of not being cared for. I love you. My escape.
I’ve never been loved enough by anyone to save me from the worst. It’s a shame people don’t know the value of proper communications and safety plans. I spent so many years in addiction because it’s what I came from and so.. I guess as I was wasting away right down the street the others that could’ve helped thought “it’s where she came. It’s okay with her.” I was 16 when I ran to drugs for My help. I’m now 1 year and 2 months sober on the 22nd. I am repairing my life and I know that My daughters love me though. If you find yourself single again Corey you should take me out.
Lembro que alguns anos atrás eu entrava no tumblr e tinha uma ótima playlist, quando tocou essa música eu coloquei no repete até eu aprender, e Agora, dps de um bom tempo sem entrar no tumblr bateu saudade vim aqui ouvir dnv, não sei de quem era aquela conta, mas onde quer que vc esteja, MUITO OBRIGADA por me apresentar essa música incrível. ❤
The ?
G.G Allin on bass?
Seems suething atm.
Alguém em 2019?
Harry Dunn
I think after some time passed, he went across country with his buddy Lloyd, to return a briefcase to Mary Swanson.
Slipknot mode activated: 3:53
Clipe muito bom e música nem se fala.
I went to jail and my girl left me I love this song fml I miss her
I spend too much time sitting alone inside my head…
just fucking now i realized it was corey singing it
Great song
I never truly knew what this song meant until today. It’s not just about celebrity culture it’s about loneliness and isolation “I’m looking at you though the glass don’t know how much time is past oh God it feels like forever what no one ever tells you is forever feels like home sitting all alone in your head”
More forgettable than nickle-biebs but look how this bleeds your ears out.
I was 13 when this song came out on the radio. Good times. Now I’m 26 lol
This guy kinda sounds like the lead singer of slipknot
dude shave that stupid fkn hair and put the fkn mask back on
My favorite from Corey taylors creation ,Hes such an artist
The song is from 2006 but it is surprising nothing has changed in this environment since all these years. It is still up to date.
R.I.P Corey Taylor :,(
As you can see through the glass
Its Corey’s neck
Aw some
this song reminds me of where i am with my marriage/seperation from my wife. LOVE THIS!
2019 – I love Stone Sour, from Brazil
Such a tune ❤️
So you are telling me that you can listen to this song over and over and still not get enough of it?
when musical videoclips where so creative and visually amazing…
This song will forever be a legendary one
Wow. In the background there’s SO much Commie propaganda. Black dudes talking to white girls and Asian girls talking to white guys everywhere. WTF? Will no one fight? No wonder he tried to killed Himself twice.
2019 still rocks! Only ♥️ from 🇬🇷
dang man, after a good 10-15 years hearing these songs again is like watching your favorite VHS movies in HD
Hehehe…69 views
Two years ago I commented on this video, this song means allot to me. Thank you Corey Taylor.
This song l, so true about the entertainment business. This song fits perfect today, “Hollowood”, haha.
He will give you the shirt off his back lmfao
Hungry hungry Hippo’s
Stalker like? Idk but still a great song
Who else will be jamming out to this in 2050?
The second best 240p video in youtube 🙂
What is left, satan?
K linda canción
Eu simplesmente amo essa música de toda minha alma pois marcou um momento incrível em minha vida. Eu sempre vou lembrar de vc
I just noticed instead of Hollywood it says hollowood.
i put suefacing and this at the same time in the same pc and is like a a chihuahua vz a lion, and this almost does not sound
This man is the lead singer of slip knot?! I dont belive it
sign of getting old, Ive never heard of him, but really like this. I think his hair looks great, not sure why nobody likes it. I think its sexy, but then again, by hubs is bald, so any hair looks good 2 me, lol. PS, totally faked me out with the background.
You forget that this is the singer for slipknot
I always thought he said “fucking from the heart”…..
i listen to this 2019. am i an alien? i love it still though
…гляжу на тебя через стекло… —
не знаю, сколько времени прошло..
..о, Боже! – словно целая вечность!..
но никто и никогда не скажет тебе,
что вечность эта стала для меня сейчас пристанищем,
когда ты, уйдя в себя, со своими мыслями наедине, сидишь..
…”ну, как ты там?” — тебя спросил бы, —
но уже настроен, что ответ твой будет непростым…
когда что-то – может быть и душа, становится, как и прежде,
словно распрямившийся сложенный из бумаги человечек,
или как сложенная записка… —
…а сам ни капельки и не надеюсь… –
и пока стою снаружи, и внутрь заглядываю,
пытаясь поверить в то, что вижу вновь тебя, –
осознаю, что ты изумлённо смотришь на меня..
– ведь я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
не зная, сколько времени прошло!..
всё, что я знаю – смотрю будто целую вечность!
…но никто и никогда не скажет тебе,
что вечность эта стала для меня пристанищем сейчас,
когда ты, со своими мыслями наедине, сидишь, уйдя в себя..
..столько всего хочется спросить.. ..не сплю ли я сейчас?..
– по сравнению с тобой все, кто мне встречается, –
словно бездушные куклы, — напасть какая-то!..
– …когда мысли от сердца исходят… –
..но нет — этого больше не случается! –
просто слышишь какие-то звуки невнятные —
..лишь бессмысленные и пустые голосов подобия!..
— прежде чем ты не признаешься сама себе,
что сейчас неподходящая обстановка, – вспомни! –
обстановка всего лишь не похожа на то, что видела ты раньше!
…и вот, я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
— не зная, сколько времени прошло!!..
всё, что я знаю – словно целая вечность!
…но никто и никогда не скажет тебе,
что вечность эта стала для меня пристанищем сейчас,
когда ты, со своими мыслями наедине, сидишь, уйдя в себя..
..ведь я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
не зная, сколько времени прошло!..
всё, что я знаю – смотрю будто целую вечность!
…но никто и никогда не скажет тебе,
что вечность эта стала для меня пристанищем сейчас,
когда ты, со своими мыслями наедине, сидишь, уйдя в себя!..
..и эти “звёзды”,
что так ослепляют тебя!..
..эти “звёзды” —
обманчивы так!..
…гляжу на тебя через стекло… —
не знаю, сколько времени прошло..
..о, Боже! – словно целая вечность!..
но никто и никогда не скажет тебе,
что вечность эта стала для меня сейчас пристанищем,
когда ты, уйдя в себя, со своими мыслями наедине, сидишь..
– ведь я смотрю на тебя через стекло,
не зная, сколько времени прошло!..
всё, что знаю – смотрю будто целую вечность!
…но никто и никогда не скажет тебе,
что вечность эта стала для меня пристанищем сейчас,
когда ты, со своими мыслями наедине, сидишь, уйдя в себя!!..
и все эти “звёзды”,
что сияют для тебя,
эти “звёзды”, –
так обманчивы!..
и все эти “звёзды”,
что сияют для тебя,
эти “звёзды”, –
обманывают тебя!!..
кто эти “звёзды”?!
какие это “звёзды”?!
— …они всё врут!!!…
seems like he is talking about being in prison. I know he’s not but still,
Pure poetry 😎👍✌️
Watch the video while high…
Miss you Ray. You know why
This was my boyfriend’s and my first Kiss!! I love you so much!!
Gay side of taylor😂
that is neck metal core
my son loves this song…he used to listen everynight….
from Aizawl south_Mizoram_India/
Sitting all alone inside my head
Me: *explains to my mom that Corey sings for Stone Sour and Slipknot*
Mom: What? But this doesn’t sound evil though! I thought Slipknot was evil!
Me: *facepalms*
may 2019 anyone? alsooooooo, this has got to be one of the oldest music videos posted to youtube! fuck will be 13 years in 5 months…if it were a child it would be starting high school in the fall! lol
This band sucks now without Jim Root. That last album was horrible and Corey was bragging it was going to be the hardest album they’ve ever done LOL, ummm not even close.
i came to see the other band of Corey Taler, i staid for the music….
im here a whole hour for this one song.
Good morning waking up to my baby doll baby..are u💖💕🌸
Wtfffffff I never knew who sang this song until today
A beautiful girl inside and out showed me this song a few years back. Now that beautiful girl is just a girl.
2020 anyone?
Heard this song in my head a lot I had to find this
Jeff Daniels Aprove!
I remember this is the very first time I’ve seen Corey Taylor unmasked, a friend referred me to stone sour
Salve ✌
what a great song 😀 like it, enjoy it.
lg ME
That’s not Corey Taylor. That’s (s)Kurt Cobain.
What if lifes shadow is what you are i survived the lake of fire ?-to enjoy yourself now jesus again i am satan the mystery is marriage is love going back the image of jealousy god is a man of war a fallen demon that i killed your coven the government washington district of cail i am the cult of Able god of love so are you just saying you dont want none proverbs 10 12 also babylons shame all things will be revealed by the power of the holy spirit
That’s a very weird transition from “People = Shit” to this.
2019 here, Corey is unbelievable
Good song
your song explains… why you wear the mask.
So this Corey guy is apart of this band and Slipknot???? Wow how does he manage time.. or is this the old band in the 90’s that started before Slipknot?? Sorry I never heard of this group only Slipknot
corey looks like jerry cantrell from alice in chains in the your decision music video, who also looks like lucius malfoy
Anyone else see a young Harry Dunn when looking at him?
I’m gunna have to write a book on this called insecure and angry lol
I’m not talking about the music, just the message it unfolds
I’m looking at you through the mask
I wish I looked that bad ass playing bass!
He’s still fucking sexy as hell
His hair looks like Harry’s from dumb and dumber
This song was one of Chester Bennington favourite songs R.I.P Chester Bennington
My mom is obsessed with this song #love this song
Take a moment to think that this man’s the lead singer of what non-metalheads think it’s some satan summoning cult… And also the man who shamelessly sang the SpongeBob theme in from of thousands of people
Anyone remember the version had the irritating beep alarm noise around the 1:15 mark briefly?
Its crazy how the comments are still active
I think that is the only bassist i have ever thought looked cool lol
I seriously think that one dude is C.C. DeVille from Poison….
Co sto capelli non se po’ guardá! 😂
I love you soooooooo much, Tommy.
Is there anyone besides me that knows Stone Sour is older than Slipknot
Me and my band are covering this. Great song
So crisp. 240p
a melhor musica da decada passada. nao teve outra melhor, em nenhum outro estilo.
2006 …
This brings back horrible memories and terrible feelings from my youth. But nevertheless, it’s a great song. Maybe in its beauty I can someday find the strength to heal and get over the cold unforgiving past…
Algum BR em 2019🐐🐐
That backdrop thoooo
very good lyrics, crap video quality, shame.
Damn anyone 2019??
Jim root: *starts headbanging aggressively*
Stone Sour : We don’t do that here.
I’ve never seen both singers from Slipknot and Stone Sour in the same room together, hmmmm
Corey is the best lyricist. His words hit deep.
Way better music than Slipknot.
The stars the stars
“I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much times has passed,
Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head”
so … Just Monika???
am I the only one who gets tears listening to that song?
Corey Taylor é foda dms na moral
Absolutely my impression of L.A. This is spot on. Random people in bars rattling off their resumes trying to figure out what I could do for them.
Сейчас актуально как никогда.
2006??? Jesus, it feels like yesterday!!!!!!
Hollywood in a nutshell.
My heart aches for Corey.
This is trippy as hell after thinking about your position in life after hitting stuff with a couple of your best friends.
Amo demais
That tattoo has nothing to do with the other bobwire 16yrsold the star is a sherriff emblem on my eye Anoka txcntr so gulity ass better revelation
Still wanna go to aspen?
Man this is one mild Slipknot Video…
I always got a wrongfully accused being locked up for life as he watches his love get old through visitings at night he looks at the stars in the night sky thinking about her through the little window in the cell #maybejustme #imprettyhigh close your eyes and listen if you feel the same comment below
I love this man💜
Обожаю эту песню, одна из любимых 🔥💙
When i found out that this is corey taylor from slipknot i was shocked and surprised
I often think to myself that people who appreciate this kind of music are more in touch with life, death and the nature of the human condition. I’m 20 years old and I remember listening to this song when I was 6. It would play on the radio all of the time. You’d think i’d be busy with my thumb up my ass listening to nonsense all day (which a large percent of people just like me are doing themselves) yet its these memories that I can relive when listening to songs like this that help me seek a deeper meaning and appreciate music for what it is. I wish more people could appreciate this kind of stuff, I feel that people could feel a deeper empathy for people that they otherwise typically felt indifferent towards. Personally I feel in touch with myself spiritually and artistically as a byproduct of this. Just some food for thought.
This dude reminds of the slipknot lead singer!
The Dark Side Approves
This video should have more views
I come from The Negative one..the transition is HEAVY.
2006? Wtf ? Still hearing the Song in 2019
Still smackin this will until I die
This is so weird. I just recently got into Slipknot, heard he was in another band and researched, and now I end up here, listening to a song I heard all the time as a kid. What the fuck this is weird.
I thought it was Kurt from nirvana for a second
Corey looking brother Denerys GOT.
Wich onde: null and void instead of voices or no more sad voices?
Corey baritone or tenor? A4#…
“An epidemic of mannequins contaminating everything”…so insightful…such a shame…genuine pain from a an obviously emotionally traumatised artist…a warning about the falseness and whorishness of the media as a whole..😢😢
I knew Chris Jericho was in a band but I didn’t know he sang this song…😂
I discovered this song late back in 2013. It still gives me a sense of nostalgia from my last year of high school. I still remember this song from time to time and sing out the chorus.
I just googled hundreds of songs because this was stuck in my head and I couldn’t remember the name of it. Ugh.
I know the girl with the dog
And butthole
Damn Corey looked dumb in that haircut
Corey Taylor is so short next to everyone else. I didn’t realize it until I paid close attention to everyone he passed.
anyone think blonde hair is wierd for corey
Weird hes also in slipknot
Is that Corey Taylor?
Is he talking about stars like celebrities lying to everyone
Id take this over new slipknot any day..he became one of those hollywood brainwashed mannequins .
“An epidemic of the mannequins contaminating everything”-Kardashians and the rest of the IG trash, I’m looking at you.
so good!
Ich vermisse dich!!! -P….
АХАХХАХА кори ты ли это
the world needs softies.
Есть кто от рОк привет!?))
Love this song
In the moral the vocal of Corey Taylor is simply incredible..
Stone Sour should have done a Slipknot cover
Shitty band, shitty song.
Corey is my inspiration. Day by day.
My God Corey’s hair! Hahaha! It looks so different in this video.
He looks like Worzel Gummidge.
How much is real so much to question
This guy has kept me going and really offered the words that I’ve struggled to find.. Corey’s journey through life has been really encouraging..
Anyone else notice the album guy with the binoculars
Omg that hair 🤣
Is Corey woke? I need more woke people…and that’s not a SjW term…it’s a trippy dippy psychedelic phrase they are trying to steel.
because he knows whats it’s like its like to sit in your head
Kevin Hart at 1:17
Fun song to play
Only one way to play this song….a hint if your windows are not broken it’s not loud enough
Scream Queen here; bet you didn’t know I knew Stone Sour, bet you didn’t know they wrote this song for me and my man Edward Furlong….I hadn’t heard this in a while…..In fact I’d actually forgotten about it…then the other day he was playing this 4 me in the garage….with his band Wicked Prayer….and yes…we got the band name after I suggested it from The Wicked Prayer remake that I helped him with {Gotta go See it; you’ll be amazed.} We also crossed it with The Crow Salvation which is the only Crow Sequal Either of us liked….And the best part is Whenever he finds someone who killed him They say”Wait I know you, but you can’t be you, we killed you there ain’t no coming back”
And this song is in Wicked Prayer because it is a metephor 4 the fact that he had 2 start over….2 get me back, and 2 get his life back so we could all be happy again….Cause with the lyrics ( and the video) Hollywood and peoples perception of it can be incredibly fake, because people don’t think about it. They think its all like Lifestyles of The Rich and Famous, when its more like E! True Hollywood Story, Or Behind The Music because take all the money all the women all the fame….completely out of this and its people who Not Only want 2 live their lives….they can actually be in love….So when they say at the end of E! True Hollywood Story “That they wouldn’t wish their lives on anyone….that’s only partly true, because if you know how 2 survive then you’re not just gonna fade into obscurity like so many others have. So this goes 2 everyone who gets this….Don’t give up, and make sure 2 live life how you want 2, not how other people think you should
Hey guys check out my recent Stone Sour guitar cover:
Why does Corey’s hair remember me the Nickelback’s vocalist hair (just a little bit)?? Ps: I don’t listen to Nickelback, just to informate you…
One of my favorite songs. Listen to it everyday.
song still hits home 12 years on
Wow just found some real music 🎧
why is Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luther singing haha just kidding love me some Stone Sour and Slipknot
You killed my best friend you bastard! – dumb and dumber
❤️ you Corey.
Why did he look like chris jericho
Took me awhile to realize that this is Slipknot unmasked. One band thrashes while the other rocks hard.
is the blonde guy with the cowboy hate and shades CC. Deville from Poison????????
this song hit at work while we were doing plate changes setting up for a different product
Slip knot. No metal.
I still can’t figure out how the edition does🙊
stop tho pls
‘Remember its just different from what you’ve seen’ good stuff stone sour!
Bothered Through Glass lookng at the world!
I wonder what the singer of slipknot thinks about this.
Who’s here purely for the sake of nostalgia?
so crazy that this band started before slipknot, I always thought stone sour was a side project!
give me back my 2007!!!
One of my favorite song love it
We all look through glass..
My wife use to say it was a story about a pissed off fish… 😀
No one ever tells you that forever feels like home sitting all alone inside your head……
mi vida, esto es todos los malditos benditos dias!
I never knew how much pain Corey had. Reading comments i learn something about rockers. I have always liked how corey always sings with so much emotion. And def wears his heart on his sleeve. One of todays best singers for rock bands.
I heard that this is Shinya’s favorite song. (you know… Shinya from Dir En Grey. Corey Taylor loves Dir En Grey.)
I also realized that the photographer in this video played KoRn’s manager in their “Twisted Transister” music video😂😂😂😂
I also realized that this came out in July of ’06. I was born in August of ’06… Wow!
I love the cardboard cutout idea
Huele a 2001 . .
This guy needs to stop ripping off the vocal sound of the slipknot singer!😠😋
Corey, saw you in denver with Ozzy…Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Memorable concert..You Are Awesome!!!!!!
my new karaoke song! m/
Blonde guy with the hat looks like C.C. DeVille. 😂
1:00 i was expecting him to start screaming
ชอบนายว่ะ เจ๋งสุด
Stone Sour = Emo Slipknot
Scream Queen; Hey guys! Got my last 2 movies out—They’re 2 fairytale movies Ones Called Unhappily Ever After and ones Called Thru The looking Glass (And Yep That’s a reference 2 this song—And R friend Corey….Who plays The Mad Hatter—-These R our Last 2 Movies and They’re Fairytales for a reason…..Going with How Hollywood Doesn’t want you 2 have a Happily Ever After—-Because They want you 2 be a certain way—-(How they think you should be—-So The Fairytale world Intertwine with how—If you do this—-Fall into place you’ll not only lose your life—you’ll lose your way—and The Fairytale will end….Corey’s The Mad Hatter—(Along with Mary Kate—Ashley—Beastly—Who show you—That you can live your life Just The way you want it—But it’s not a traditional Disney Fairytale—-Besides These 2 Fairytale Heavy Hitters—We have Melanie Martinez (Mad Hatter….As Alice) Mila Kunis (Aerosmith’s Jaded—Amy Lee—As The Snow White Queen—So we have all The True Heroines The Dark Angels (Jimmy 4 Me–) My different Versions of Alice and Wonderland—Also The Stone Temple Pilot Sour Girl Vid—As A Darker version of Alice and Wonderland—and No matter what—-(When the Clock Strikes Midnight….Let me Love you, Let me Rule you, and I will be your slave….You have no power over me—-and you’re allowed 2 live your own happily ever after—However you want it!
Makes me feel old knowing I was 15 when this song came out. It’s been a permanent part of my playlist since then.
My dad recommended this song to me. He said he thought of me while listening to it. He has also recommended showdown get up. I treasure my dad so much
This song reminds me of Snuff
“How much is real? So much to question, epidemic of the manakans contaminating everything.” Cut shot to Hollywood. Chorus “It’s the stars who shine through you and its the stars that lie to us.” Called out all of Hollywood
Corey doing his best David Spade impression?
CC pick up that guitar, and smoke crack with me, huh!
August 9th 2019.
Anyone else here after listening to #WeAreNotYourKind
0:51 THOR 2019
Searching Songs about Feral and damn wasn’t disappointed…
I heard this before and it made me think of two beings, Separated from each other & time of waiting
To the final breath.
Feral Obito / Feral Furuta
FeralSenpai 🖤
All though this song kinda make me see Feral x Ken.
“Looking at you trough the glass”
That hit me..
Such a diamond..
Saw you guys in Toronto with my girl at I think it was the Rebel venue or something like that.
Road runner: You know what would sound good? Camera flashes. Fuck the music spam that shutter Bill.
2019 Br
This man looks 10x better without hair.
Just listen dont judges
We Are Not Your Kind
2019 and still blasting this shit
i make that shit work
Booooooring american “Ed Sheran” 🙂
This music video was ahead of it’s time
Am i the only one that digs Coreys hair?
I never liked this type of music but gahhh damn lol 🔥
best 2000’s song
When was this on the radio
My Sister Sara thinks he’s sexy
You know we failed as a species when people started listening to Plastic trash like Cardi Pee rather than Corey Taylor
моя молодость
в душЕ ♥
Oh my god his hair…. emo Corey is something else
This Voice is… Magic normal is the King Corey Taylor 🎤🔥🎸😈
If you’re 555…
Which pixel is Jim?
I still refuse to believe that it’s the same Corey from Slipknot, he can do it all lol
I hate this song … I hate stone sour , I love slipknot 1997_2004
I miss slipknot
Amazing video editing like what
My all time favorite song by stone sour….fell in love with his voice the first time….its one of the most amazing voices with some of the most amazing levels with his vocal abilities….
My uncle Ray Taylor was a Heli pilot in Vietnam and died saving others leaving carnage for his wife a 3 kids 2 girls and a little baby boy in WNY, ……..enjoying your music to bring me back from the edge.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Musica lokaa, quem esta ouvindo 2019 ?
He looks like John 5 in this video..haha
My first song which I learned alone on the guitar lol many many years agi
Fuck guild lines
Damn it!!!
Cadê os BR’s? eu sei que vocês estão aqui haha. Que música! ❤️❤️🎶
2019 i am still watching
Knowing the true meaning of this song and how it became to be i can’t help not to laugh but at the same time i feel is pain and i feel sorry for those maids
I always felt this way, talking to my son while in jail. ( I did time but never had a child) it could’ve been
When I listen to this, it reminds me of when my dad was still around. Miss you dad.
Pretty sure Corey’s voice can stop a tank.
From slipknot to softknot. Not bad at all.
This is mine n my dads song to dance to at my wedding this Saturday
Slipknot brought me here
Love this song so damn much
This song 😓remember me a person
James root is too young haha
Well done Angela Oliver said hello
I dedicate this song to my nephew dom. Stay strong
Look your to the glass,,,,ngacaa
This is the first song that I heard from Stone Sour and it marked me so hard that the band became one of my favorite
I love you
Love song ❤❤🎶🎶
being flat takes on a new meaning
To think this is the same guy from slipknot
I fuckn love Corey 😚😚 El Salvador 🇸🇻 up in diz bitch 💪👺
i believe the stars lie , ive seen it happen
I had completely forgotten how cheesy the chorus in this song is
For someone who has looked through the glass for so much of my life! This song shines for me!
After the song finished YouTube recommend Solway Firth to me…what a journey
I don’t understand how someone missed a like more than 10,000 times.
” epidemic of the mannequin contaminating everything” Describes the NPC’s and this crap empty world we live in to a tee.
Corey Taylor + “Yehea” = James Hetfield xd
You know the guitar player to Slipknot is in this band too right? 🤦
Who else here from 2078?!
People do what they gotta do 2 survive mentally physically it’s better than suicide cop outs
not even if life was a glass, you would never look trough it.others will always mind what you know, you are not you,you are others
Watching this still blows my mind. Cory is one talented dude. Many trying such different types of music would be laughed at. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure many hard core dudes do but I dig the different styles.
This is a Stone Sour song? What the FUCK
Anyone 2019? Like
Jim are so sexy
play this track at 0.75 speed
I can’t believe that everyone are like “omg would you believe that the singer here is the same singer as Slipknot’s singer” I mean, does anybody here remember jim root?
Nickelback sucks
Great concept of all the trendy and rich people looking happy and wealthy but proving out to be fake and paper-thin (as personalities) at the end.
2019 September…
13 year’s with Stone sour and 17 with Corey…
Thanks for great music
Great fucking song. Love this video too. So fucking true.
I love this song, because recently I went through a window and got pretty scared up. So whenever I hear this song or Made of Scars I laugh about it.
2006 este vídeo y aún esa canción me encanta como si fuera ayer
Good song.
Does anyone know what year this is from? Thnx
Stone sour – through the glass…. My favorite song!!! 😍 #linkinpark – rock band!!!! Thanks for the great song!!!
good music Doesent abide by time. corey is the best
I still laugh at the C.C. DeVille cameo
It really sounds like any NICKELBACK song. It’s like a rip-off of their style!
Love stone sour but I will always be a maggot till the day I die.
I can’t listen to this song the same and knowing this is the lead for Slipknot
haha my bday…..and my moon 22 ~ 29
James Root.
I guess I can’t leave the Mid-2000’s. I’ve been binging all the music from 2001-2009.
This song has a jars of clay vibe
My man corey is a fucking musical genius
For some reason, I feel like Stone Sour is about to head into a different direction with the stuff they’re making now. I miss albums like this that I listened to years ago and still do. Wonder if it’s possible to go back to these types of albums, then re-make then into new Stone Sour albums.
красивая песня, в мое время такого не было
I don’t know Harry Dunne was a mediocre singer in a generic rock band.
Snuff should have been a stone sour song
Looks like Chris jericho in the thumbnail
I finally know who sing this song. I used to listen this song but i never know who sing this and what is title of this song. So sad.
And Nickelback wants to run their mouth about Cory Taylor you aint got nothing on Cory Taylor this song is better then anything they’ve ever produced
Still an amazing song
Woooow is the first time that i can see the guy with the min oculars that appears on the cover of the disc….. I love that.
There a brian that has idea that glass that he lift to his soon to is Carla Webster
Corey Taylor in Slipknot : 😈😡👹👿👺
Corey Taylor in Stone Sour : 😀🙂🥰😌
Not a big fan of slipknot because they are too crazy for me but I love his singing in stone sour.
They say selfish silently
From the back of there mind
Holding failures above your said
Breaking apart invisible seems
Quietly already dead instead
Gains are the only grants
Unlock the tic of the clock
Take your gifted breath
And never exhale dreams over your life there yours your right
Grab your courage and your past
Rip apart there underestimated art
Never has a beginning the class
How you continue is up to u
Head up high
Check my cover out 😊
240p we meet again
Simplemente me encanta 😊
Hey Can you call? I am not sure where you went?
the world needs you, Cidd, like it needs Corey Taylor 😉
people busy looking at u through the glass in today’s generation faking everything
My fucking heart hurts. Sing this shit😥
I’m looking at you through my ass dont know if that’s prolapsed
Who knew that Corky Romano could play the drums LOL
3:32 always gives me chills
1:07 looks a lot like comewhatevermay album cover
Man this is disgusting. It really is as horrible as nickelback…
*why does this guy sound like Corey Taylor from slipknot*
why does the backdrop say HOLLOWOOD instead of HOLLYWOOD?
I know that dude, he played in Dumb and Dumber !
ive just listen to this song. shit im so late
such a great song
Visual só kurt kobain
One of my favorite songs in general!!!
Que baita som.
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
You’re right Corey the stars do lie.
so my friend is already sleeping, but he knows that it is his song. probably because he’s shaking
Am looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much time has passed. Why you calling the police on me??
What is wrong with his hair 😂
Its gonna be one sad day when Corey Taylor throws in the towel and stops making music.
don’t you dare leave us, we need you
Great song and a music video.
Brilliant Video/Song.
Essa música tocava na rádio cidade relíquia!
Damn slip knot got wicked heavy. I love it
I used to listen to this song while my sons father was in prison and cry
this is a worse version of nickel back
Corey I love Yellow Im fucked up like that but Im switching to silver haired girls they need me more🎅
Remember this guy vacal of Slipknot
bRuH Just realized this is Corey Taylor lol
A great guy , amazing voice.
I can’t believe this video 13 years ago…
Woww time goes really fast !!
Why is keemstar playing the electric guitar
I’m looking at you through your ass
Don’t know how much gas has passed
All I know is my eye feels like it’s leather.
Stone Sour its more like New Nirvana and Corey Taylor SS side is new Kurt Cobain
when corey taylor has a whimp moment
damn Tigers class of 2010 we listened to this shit for 4 years straight every morning. I couldn’t stand it every damn morbidly depressing morning but now….now I love it.
just thanks Corey!! 2019 and still here everyday!!
Therapist: Blonde Corey isn’t real, he can’t hurt you
Blonde Corey:
Aaron Lewis is just like sub zero should be here is the gift of prophecy
I heard this today on the radio n instantly liked
I’m so glad we got to hear this version of Cory’s voice. He has such a beautiful voice, loves his music variety like me. I read he was making a Jazz album too. Sweet.
October 2019 🤟🏻😎
My uncle was signed to the same record label as stone sour? Fucking dope!
Whos here 2019
I’m 15 and still listening to this song and I still remember when this song played I’m my dad’s Ute. then I was hooked. now I’ve been listening to this for many years now.
Corey taylor ❤👊👊
one of the best singer will ever see
Awww. the Pressures of Tour and Celebrity….
Star cows
Even when Corey doesn’t look like he’s gonna murder me I’m still intimidated by his neck!
2019 ❤️
lançada 14 anos trás e continua uma das minhas músicas preferidas
Through the glasses to people equal to shit…wtf…
2019 almost 2020 still love this song!!!
Depression: the song.
Yet beautiful.
Hey Cody remains me occur this
that corey is one ugly mug with that albino look.whoe!
Wicked vidz Bro’s!
is this nickelback?
Forever feels like cum, sitting all alone inside your hand.
Loved this song in high school. Big Ryder fan. Just an actress, but hey at least I could listen. Yeah, 17, 33 now.
Hey! I know him
2019?? Anyone??
Who is still looking trought the glass?! 🙏
Essa musica nunca ira morrer 🤙🤘
Im so happy to discover this song, jamming and chilling while i play it on my guitar ❤
The Combat Barbie sent me here.
She had a short clip of it in her story, and I immediately had to listen to it in its entirety.
Wasn’t I always the red of Slipknot??? Just shocked. he shs the album for the first time, maybe she didn’t knew. Hell, I didn’t. What??? Knowing Slipknot without Corey not affended at all. “You could… What??? “And about Stone Sour. Oh God, just always knew them. Lucky you went by print over the title. But yeah, wasn’t I always Hollywood. Duh! “You just win your Slipknot Stone Sour case. “Ohhh, guess I did. How old are you? 16. What a young fan you make. Huh? Maybe… My colored nails always bonded with all age fans. “Lucky she started with Slipknot or were all doom. By the way, I’m dead. Hmmm…*sadly. Just came to late. I won. Okay… how many times never knew the Corey. Plus never was A Taylor Shoe. “Ohhhhh…,
Toooop…. is that.
Wow this reminds me of Project Looking Glass. After researching it, this song popped in my head. What an amazing song and video
Corey taylor is like the guy from the dump and dumper
1:30 hardest rocking for a song like this
Bojack’s Horseman House!!!
2019 y aún lo sigo escuchando.. pensar que hace 13 años atrás cuando empezaba la canción creí por un momento que era limp Bizkit pero luego supe que corey Taylor se quitó la máscara de Slipknot
Shape Shifting reptilian
His neck is HUGE
Still a good song 2019 it puts me to sleep
always perfect
it doesnt matter when
sempre boa pra krlho
This is a great tune…
VFX for this is surprisingly good.
My favourite slipknot song
And if the stars they shine for you
The star s they lie
я думал блять, чё голос такой знакомый..
I will be telling my kids and my grandchildren about Corey and about how amazing he was and about the fucking amazing music he made!
Corey looks like Chris Jericho in the thumb nail
somehow i know this song and just wanna sing it
Corey Taylor in Slipknot this a way better
Parece o vocalista do slipknot
Parece que lo grabaron con una calculadora, subanla minimo 480p
He shows us that no matter how deep the dark is, thereis always a way back with a bit of help from above.
Fucking didn’t know John 5 sang for Stone Sour!
Hes talking about Illuminati
I love you corey
Corey is our
i literally hate this song
Corey Taylor melhor cantor
Corey just keeps getting HOTTER every year !!!! DAMN ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’ve been listening to this when It first came out didn’t even have a mil time flies
One of the greatest lyrical compositions of our time.
Coreys cool but I hates his stupid blazer phase lol
muti foda faz mais
nobody cares what year ur listening to this. its fn timeless. thank you
Until you sign the deal, you’re on the other side.
Every time the music stops I feel like it’s gonna go metal with Corey screaming but all it is is just clean guitar and good melody. A nice alternative
Brasil !¡!¡
Da hora
All because I’m suppose to hang myself for this life the next four years and even if Jonathan came back to me it’s still his mother’s drowning. So hang myself for Trent Hollywood or drown myself for Trent Hollywood. I mean he just doesn’t shows. Well at least the youngest of the blue eyes is the oldest part of you. Mid-thirties. Well at least I proved the real meth high of Mexican Latina always fighting for jealous game and just challenges fuckin well I’m life. I always heard their challenge was sex. Anyway…
damn, Corey is a psychic
The atmosphere and the music makes me cry. We missing it in nowadays.
Damn Corey, great song!! Also good visual work …
After 13 years still a killer tune!!!!!
Came from Unsainted to this lol, a surprise, but a pleasant one
I like slipknot better
2019 still my shit
what a cool video
Takes your troubles away
please bump.
reminds me of Jake Busey……just me
…How much time has passed “14years” agoooo❤
He”s HOT!
Reminds me of my dad he’s still alife
i keep thinking he’s going to scream at every build up
The stars
We’re doing it har
22 december, happy christmas guys
best video award
Damn I miss waking up early on a school day and waiting for this song to come on MTV.
I’m here because my friend who had cancer died and this was her favorite song. M used to wake up every morning and say her prayers to God to this song and just cry. Her mom would fall apart and I would pick her up again. It happened everyday until she passed away in her sleep in September of 2015. It’s been years since her funeral, and we played this at it, but every time I hear Corey sing it’s like her angel is singing to me behind him telling me that she’s alright and it’s ok to keep living, even though I’m living without her. Even if living this way is actually being, in some way, dead too. That her love is still surrounding me, and that she’s with God now. It just helps to know that such a beautiful song can touch the lives of so many people and that maybe someone else out there feels the same way that I do when faced with the loss of a loved one. I’m sorry, everything I just wrote was complete bullshit. Lol.
Yeats: Az Ég köntösére vágyik
köszönöm szépen mindenki nevében az egész kerek egy világon én vagyok az 1 itt és most
violinkulcs és tovább
Corey tão lindo nesse clipe, pqp que homem!
Before drougs
I can’t believe that’s guy sing heretic anthem
its kind a weird and funny when my girlfriend hate slipknot, but she loved stone sour so much.
I was about to end my life earlier. Thankfully I managed to pull myself out of it and decided to listen to my old favourite bands to try and feel better. Slipknot and Stone Sour have saved me so many times. Thank you Corey for saving me again 🖤
I’m looking at the glass. And counting.
Just noticed the Hollywood sign actually says [hollow]ood
Remember this is the same guy from slipknot
Welcome to 2020
2020 irod
Corey qlo echo ah chris fehn cuando podia aumentarle el sueldo, esta todo tapado en plata el wn si yo fuera tu no tendria cara ni pa mirar ah mi hijo hijo
like the song. but the vid always makes me feel a type of way…
When the vocalist of slipknot get sic
Got here from a Twitter post. Great song and video.
Some songs just will never get old
Beautiful song. One of my most favorites ❤️
Anyone else have that PSP music disc? That’s how I found out about Stone Sour.
2020 still rocking out
This fucker is good
Classic .. and sadly only realised today “scuzz” channel is no more.. 😢 where have I been 😢
Project lookinglass
Jamming this out in 2020! Such a fun song to play on guitar aswell. What a classic!
Zach King need to see this
🔥Top de mais essa música 🔥
1:03 *waiting for the yelling*
the cinematography on this song is as awesome as the lyrics and music.
Came from killstation
Shit, I wish had discovered this song on high School. :/
It’s crazy that this song is about corey shitting a bed and being stuck watching mtv europe in a hotel room
Hey he kinda looks like the singer of slipknot but different huh small world 🤥🥵
This was just to fire
Não dá pra explicar. Só é possível sentir.
Essa música e foda ….
Looks weird with hair but when u sing like that u can look any way you want to. Most amazing vocalist on Earth.
I don’t believe that is Corey from Slipknot
2020 and this song is still inside my head and got me thinking how true it is.
The staaahh-haaars, the staaah- haaars still stuck in my head
Reminds me of the women in my life
Gotta be impressed with the effects: People & things going from ‘motion’ to being picked up as props. Well done
This Guy Looks Like Corey Taylor From Slipknot
This is emo garbage.
Corey Taylor is such a boomer.
This was one of my go to songs when I was an angsty teen feeling angst I’m not even that old now but man the passage of time is weird to think about
Last days just addicted from his songs. Feeling nostalgia
Corey taylor is the only person that gets me through the day
Brasil 2020 🇧🇷
Great song, but I can’t help but think Corey looks like Harry Dunne with that hair.
Slipknot 😃
get cancer
2020 still listen to all corey taylor song
Great song
This has a very deep meaning and I like it because of that
Corey Taylor is so freakin talented, he is one of a kind m/
Glad he is still with us
And here i sit broken hearted 2020
This is by far my favorite Slipknot song
R.i.p Kobe Bryant 🙏.
What other badass songs do y’all recommend like this type style??
Corey Taylor.
Non coments let the fucking shine and music play in peace
Sharp contrast to Slipknot. Like going from lite beer to Jack Daniels.
Harry from Dumb and Dumber looks like he’s doing well.
Deep song like rabbithole deep.
I saw that you fuckng rude shitbags
🙅🖕 I’m not sorry one bit you got what you deserved
It’s the stars that lie to me
My crown of crooked teeth, thorns of your foul smelling rose and falling stars
Video quality: 240p
Music quality: 8k
Oliver Queen
4 words to describe stone sour
It’s just boring slipknot
my nephew said here’s a song you never heard of, its so cute when they think they discovered something.
2020 and still listening to them! 💙
2020 and still can’t get used the blonde hair..😂
2020 still better music than cardi b and whatever the hell else is going on
Here in 2020 for one of chesters favorite songs
The more I listened to it the more I love it
Better than average!
I’m sitting in my car, this song comes out on the radio, I wanted to just break down and cry and scream. My brother ended his life a week ago, were waiting on lab results for my mother praying the Dr is wrong about leukemia. And I just feel so helpless wish I could just crawl under a rock.
You mean to tell me…. that this is the Slipknot Corey? Nah , I don’t see a mask on this blonde guy or hear aggressive screams 🤔
So happy I’m named after Corey Taylor
This song never gets old. It’s 2020 and cd still spinning.
240p ??? official video?? WTF Roadrunner?
how do you know is the guy from slipknot if the guy always has a mask? doesn’t make any sense
2:57 👌🏼
This is the same guy who went “PEOPLE = SHIT! PEOPLE = SHIT!”
Makes me think of being locked up.
When you tell yourself it’s just a different scene, remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen!
Forever brother.
This song hits different when your sitting in jail/prison
wtf this the dude from Slipknot it sounds so different like a alternate universe or something
I actually understand what he’s saying
Esse é o Corey Taylor?
I died when the guy picked up the pool
While incarcerated for longer than most..I feel this song
I was searching for this song since i was 8 im now 18 shit time flies
O vocalista parece o Debi !!
had this song in a dream
awesome song but 240p 🙁
240p? WTF Roadrunner Records?
Hana brought me here.. I’m so glad.. I love covers because they introduce you to music you may not have noticed the first time around..
This songs about gas )(‘.!
My friends and family still dont believe this is the same guy from Slipknot
I can’t believe that’s Corey taylor he looks so different now lol apposed to what he looked like then Maybe he changed his hair color.
How do you slow walk again?
May this man live to a 1000 years old and continue to shine this is the only man I’ve ever loved pure legend
To think he almost committed suicide 2 times, if he did he wouldn’t have saved thousands of fans
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
I remember this song as a child.
I thank my father for getting me into good music as an infant. This song is my childhood
Is this listentnig all the time
This performance is beautiful
1:05 🔥
👇 👇 👇 👇💖
2020! March mutha fuckers!!!
Love Love Love Love Love Love
Liked like
fuck yeah man, glad hes still with us… rock on man
Who listeng
I swear to god some times i feel he may just be doing that …strange i know but a familar peace of mind…
If only it was true lol
good melo
It’s Correy Taylor.
Listening to this kinda feels like Forever becouse I dont know how much time have passed
It’s all about perspective…
Harry! Lol when Harry met lloyd
When this song came out, I was 20 years old. I was really depressed, I stayed at home for 3 months without leaving. Brings back old memories…
Just gotten childhood nostalgia from this song
I like how the people are moving then get picked up
0:43 is that guy based on Brett Michaels ??
Cooler Song echt mal was zum relaxen
Still loving this tune! 🤙
indubitavelmente, A MÚSICA TEMA DOS ANOS 2000~2010. nao houve outra igual. atemporal como deveria ser. –
this music was, no doubt, the all time classic music between 2000~2010. no other song can overcome this masterpiece.
ur song writer is amazing. hope u invested ur money well 😉
I’m just bow knowing this. 😂😂😂
Didn’t know Bob Rock is also a lead singer.
No Felipe Matias he looks like he’s from the dudesons
I constantly stayed stoned when this song was popular.
С вами с 2006……
Amoooooo 💗
Le vendiste un periquito muerto a un niño ciego?
I just love this song, but the video is probably a pretty accurate commentary on the shallowness of your new celebrity “friends,” when you make it big.
Project Looking Glass. Cory speaks truth. Wwg1wga
Que grande el Pollo Sobrero.
A little practice could make him get into a metal band
Hell of a voice far play 🤘
How much is real?
So much to question
A pandemic of Corona
Contaminating everything
And if it came from China
It never did right from the start
Just listen to your doctors
Before you tell yourself
Its just another flu you got
Andddd remember to wash your handsssss!
Where is Jim Carrey?
When your family is quarantined in the nursing home because of the coronavirus.
2020 from 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 Australia
This song sure is a lot more relevant today in the me too era/ Harvey Weinstein era and all the Hollywood corruption.
It’s weird seeing him with hair
only 75 million views – so much underrated
I prefer slipknot
I was just starting high school when this song came out…. wow how time flies, and this song is still so good!
Still listening to this in 2020 😢
Perfect description of now
Good music
corona virus song
This song is all I listen to while I wait for the Pandemic to end.
how much is real, so much to question!?!?!
Perfect quarantine anthem!
2020 baby.
So much more relevant now!!,
3:59 I loved that final cymbal tap.
For everyone who is amazed at Corey’s talented depth…
Remember that this is a guy who’s also written numerous acclaimed books.
My 6 year old has done a cover of this, we absolutely love this song!
Anyone watching this in 2020 🦠? Stay safe wherever you are people!
I love Corey sooo much, but please keep your hair curly!!!!
anime intro: Slipknot
anime outro: Stone Sour
When your BF is locked up. 😢
No black people like this music it is sad they missing out
🙁 this should be top music of America. not that rap cardi b bullsh*t
Awesome vocalist.
It’s such a beautiful song
This song, especially that opening line, really struck a chord with me in 2005-2007. I’ve dealt with depression throughout my life, but that period of time was easily the worst of my entire life, and for the first time I experienced what people talk about; that feeling that someone has somehow managed to perfectly encapsulate your feelings and the words you want to say, in the form of a song.
This songs never gets old in part because of the lyrics that were visionary of our current society. I’ve just made a cover of this song if you guys want to check it out 😉 take care
The scream at the end is amazing ! I wonder if this singer has ever thought about doing some heavier music
Este verga parece el de Slipknot :v
Is the long haired Telecaster player Jim Root, I cant tell without his mask or beard ?
Really great song…
Come to my new channel to see and support my cover of this music! Thank you soo much!
2020 ♥
The stars shine for you 😍 Corey
Juggling two ultimate bands this guy is a music god
When you visit your mom but can’t go in cause of covid
2020 lockdown listening to real music
I finally found it! I been trying to find this for 4 days now 🤣 this bloody lockdown got me going crazy searching for this, i knew the melody but couldnt remember the lyrics as im on a nestolga trip atm 😂
Oh god it feels like forever…
Since the lockdown I’ve been looking to all of you through the glass
Who still listening 2020 ?
came here from stevie t
Wow, young corey taylor
Corey Taylor love 😍
Brasil 😍❤️
I wanna see Slipknot covering this
i’ve yearned long and longer to hit that reset button and admittedly the more the days just go on and on without her, the closer it has move to my head.
100% April 2020
Anyone gonna mention the awesome editing of being able to take a real person and edit it just perfect as to make them turn into a cardboard cutout?
They had mask’s for a reason.
I don’t know who this corey Taylor guy is but he sounds a lot like corey taylor from slipknot.
To me Corey has turned out to be one of the “stars that lie”
Real slowpoke here. This is my first time realizing that Corey is in this band. I remember this song clearly and I knew that Corey sings in Stone Sour but I never really knew the band whos song this is. And this is my first time actually searching this band in youtube. Speaking about coming late to the party.
2020 aqui ❤
Oo still I love this song
This song so reminds me of being in jail, looking at you through the glass and you don’t wanna keep up with how much time has passed.
2020 anyone?
Could you imagine this is the same guy from slipknot
This reminds of move me by badflower
En que banda estuvo primer año Stone sour o slipknot?
Covid-19 anyone?
I searched “feels like forever” and got here, and glad i did
We need more songs about Hollywood being fake, I don’t think there are enough
Corey wishes his hair was as cool as Jim’s
Eu no Brasil 🇧🇷 em Abril de 2020 mais alguém ouvindo?
But actually, meanwhile, I also have another auntie ( same side of my birth family. I was adopted and had found my birthmother . well, she’s is also dying slowly too. My 2 of my favorite 2 aunties from the same side . 3 sisters dying 2gethother. I am so very happy to meet them.
Love itttt, who still here? 2020 people report yourself!!!
This boy can sing and is a cutie I always thought
2:32 tricky spin + tap lightly = classy shit
Quarantine 2020. Through the glass
I never noticed how vh1 this song was
I remember this song from a list of break up songs from a book about a teen photographer making love with his best friend who was in his photography class instead of his girlfriend. Wish I could remember the books name.
Te encontré !
Dude looks like harry dunn
2020 ouvindo essa MARAVILHA! Corey tem uma voz do CARALHOOOOO 🔥💪💪💀
Canımın içi sevgilimm.
Just realized this is the official quarantine theme of 2020
I didn’t know that was Chris Jericho
couldn’t be more relevant in 2020
I love playing most of these tunes (Rubedog.. Public Figure Musician.. Bassist)
“I’m looking at you through the glass. Don’t know how much times has passed, Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that Forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head” This song fits the situation of 2020
No one never tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting inside all alone inside your head!!!!!!!!❤
Did they film this with a potato?
Sdss acordar pro trabalho com essa musica em 2011 ;_;
2020 lol 😝
damn been a while since i listened to this song since my cousin shot him self and this was playing on his radio. he said this was his favorite song so we played it at his funeral RIP John Hues… i miss you bro hope you’re flying high right now.
Shopping during lockdown. 1:33
So, this guy was predicting the 2020 lockdown coronavirus crisis….
Loving the metaphors of this video. Everything is fake. Everything is a lie
I thought this was Chris Jericho from wwe
I sing the first line when i check out.
How it is everytime you go to a store
This song is about selling your soul for Rock and Roll.
I didnt realize this was corey taylor
2020 coronavirus retail worker anthem
This song is so repetitive 🙄
When did Harry from Dumb and Dumber start a band?
These fuckers made the best coronavirus song before it was ever thought of wtf
2020 theme… 🤷♂️🤔🤣
This so life in 2020…all have glass between us and the next person in public places
The stars lie for you
Before he died my brother loved this song, today would have been his 31st birthday, he would have loved to have met Corey.
This is me during corona
I think people don’t really realize that much of creativity and artistry comes from a place of pain. The pain gives you a more honest perspective and let’s you truly appreciate the wonderful things in life. It’s not in what they say, but what they don’t tell you.
2020 Quarantine , I dont know how much time has pass ?
This makes me think of my dad for some reason.. R.I.P Dad, miss & love you so much.
Seems like yesterday I was watching this on VH1 getting dressed before school, sophomore year of high school. Moments like these make me feel wistful at the impermanence of things.
0:20 great, thanks :3
Alguém do Brasil curtindo essa obra de arte em 2020??? Deixa um like aí
Y estas estrellas, están brillando por tí
Y estas estrellas, pueden mentir por tí…
I never knew Jeff Daniels played a Rock Star! What movie is this? 🤔
Кори охуенен. В двух группах играть это пиздец. Некоторые в одной то нихуя не могут.
Cashiers: Cause I’m looking at you through the glass. Don’t know how much time has passed all I know is that it feels like forever
Me at any checkout lane lately:
🎶🎶”I’m looking at you through the glass. Don’t know how much time has passed. All I know is that it feels like forever!”🎶🎶🎶
Clerk: “Ma’am this is the 3rd time this week, please just go!”
The lyrics and symbolism in this video are bad. Ass.
The singer looks exactly like kyle turley in the thumbnail… that’s why i clicked lol
I prefer this to Slipknot, but Slipknot is not so bad either.
I hear this song whenever I drive by my gym knowing it’s closed.
I didnt even know this song was by stonesour
Looking at you through the glass, checking out at Walmart because of this pandemic
I was watching the documentary “Out of Shadows” and it made me think of this video.
Years ago I made a shortcut to this video:
This hits different in quarantine
Unabomber at 0:41.
Awesome song and voice from Corey. Side note: He looks like Lex Luthor (Smallville – Rosenbaum) with long hair.
A friend sent me here. Glad he did 😁
This is arguable one of Jeff Daniels best performances
Love this
I love that little bit of Slipknot that comes in right at the very end
James Root <3
An intelligent song for once, not all’s lost
Anyone else find it eerie how he looks like the frontman from Slipknot?
this song is 13 and a half years old
I hate this music.
I clicked on this video just to hate on it.
First time I heard this song, I imagined a criminal looking at his girl through the glass of prison visitor’s booth.
Then I thought, no, he’s looking at a photo of his dead wife through the glass of a picture frame.
And then I thought, no, he’s looking at himself through the glass of a mirror.
Now I realize the glass is that of a TV or, more appropriately, our smartphones.
Catchy ass tune.
13 years ago, disgusting
1:07 you can see a man with binoculars .It’s the same with the picture of the album
Slipknot version of this song please.
thank god he never kept this hairstyle need looks better with nordic look
He writes a song like this yet hes so far left… where’d you go wrong bro?
This song is about social distance between us all, strange times aint it?
Corey is a bad ass. Enough said.
I miss you Alyssa Mc D. This is the only song that reminds me deeply of you god it feels like forever since I felt your hands… someday we will be together. I wanted to be there for you and I still will even though your dead. Even though you gave up when I wanted to do it most god I just miss you so much it’s like I’m looking at you through a glass.. never knowing how much time has passed. I love you~
It’s stranger not seeing Corey without a mask, love this band!
This video is awesome. Like Tim Minchin’s leaving LA.
I’m still looking though the glass at the stars
Böyle olmamalıydı.
Hollowood…..the truth according to slipknot….I’m a believer
zeah like slipknot
holy shit, this video going on fourteen years.
They are just brilliant to this day
I was 2 years old when this was posted on youtube..
just wow
Nice 👍 👍🤘
Video 240
Music 4K 🔥🔥🔥
Cade os Brs na QUARENTENA ?
Boa pra caralho
Mano, como aquela frase “nunca julgue um livro pela capa” faz sentido, eu nunca ouvi a banda secundária do corey taylor por puro achismo, pensava: stone sour não é tão bom quanto slipknot, nunca estive tão equivocado na minha vida, me arrependo de ter conhecido o stone só agora.. puta banda do caralho
I’m looking through the glass.
It’s called; I can’t get out my house cause of Quarantine.
Dude Corey looks so wierd with the long blond hair
I only really “found” this song now, haha… and I already liked all kinds of alternative rocky stuff like this. Of course I’ve heard it all over the radio for years but didn’t know this was a Stone Sour song.
What a perfect song for this time with so much time to look outside while we ate stuck inside. Wish I had some maniquins to talk to
AMO [;
I had NO idea how heavy this song is. this is brilliant
I’ve seen this video so many times and it’s the first time I’m noticing the sign says “Hollowood” 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
Corey’s voice sounds like he made a sound in his head that eminates pure empathy from a void
Poetry in motion @ its finest! This party looks devine !
I saw Corey Taylor do this song live when they opened up for evanescence in edmonton and he had to stop half way through because he was crying to much? I wonder what this song means to him because its amazing!!!
He does not look so psychosocial after all
Reminds me of jakey busey
Love Stone Sour!
Лайкай бро и сис)) я из мая 2020
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
Roadrunner records I would love to be an artist for you guys
This song feels like the missing piece that feels the void in my life
When corey hides more emotion in this video than in a slipknot video
Everyone likes Stone sour
Musicians are sexy
Hollywood is a big lie
Reminds me of coming home for some reason….so glad to be back.
I know i will. I literally play it every day. Listen to Through Glass [Acoustic Stone Sour Cover/Demo 1] by SyrDoN on #SoundCloud
This song helped me get through two rejections and 1 breakup
Everytime i fall in love with this video
Who here at 4/20/2069
Esse cabelinho de corey tá umas graça
ı love this guy with a mask
hard to believe this the same guy who screamed on people = shit
13 years??? Am i really 17 now?
Sitting all alone inside your head…. damn man.
someone make a doomer version plz
New song for corona virus
Everybody talking about Slipknot’s guy but nobody talks about
the idol, the legendary man, an actor, doctor, teacher, police officer, business man, architect, technician, lawyer, etc.
Me all day very day
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
He needs more song like these honestly I love rap music but this right here is some fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
Vermilion pt. 3?
Name girl at 0.11 ?
Or when did this come out? Between 04 and 06-ish?
Through Glass
Stone Sour
Através do Vidro
Estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
Oh Deus, parece uma eternidade
Mas ninguém nunca te diz
Que a eternidade é como estar em casa
Sentado sozinho dentro de sua cabeça
Estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
Tudo que sei é que parece uma eternidade
Mas ninguém nunca te diz que a eternidade é como estar em casa
Sentado sozinho dentro de sua cabeça
Como você se sente? Essa é a questão
Mas me esqueci, você não espera uma resposta fácil
Quando algo como uma alma se torna inicializada e dobrada
Como uma boneca de papel e pequenos bilhetes, você não pode esperar por um pouco de esperança
E enquanto você está lá fora olhando para dentro Descrevendo o que você vê
Lembre-se que o que você está encarando sou eu!
Porque estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
Tudo que eu sei, é que parece ser para sempre, quando ninguém nunca te conta que pra sempre
Se parece com nossa casa, sentado sozinho dentro de sua cabeça!
O quanto é real? Demais para questionar!
Uma epidemia de manequins
Contaminando tudo
Quando o pensamento veio do coração, Isso nunca se fez certo desde o começo Apenas ouço os ruídos, o nada e o vazio em vez de vozes
Antes de dizer a si mesmo e apenas uma cena diferente
Lembre-se, é diferente de tudo que você já tenha visto
Estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
E tudo que sei é que parece uma eternidade, mas ninguém nunca te contou
Que na eternidade você se sente em casa, sentado sozinho dentro da sua cabeça
Porque estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
E tudo que eu sei é que parece uma eternidade, mas ninguém nunca te contou
Que na eternidade você se sente em casa, sentado sozinho dentro da sua cabeça
E são as estrelas
As estrelas
Que brilham para você!
E são as estrelas
As estrelas
Que mentem pra você, yeah-ah
Estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
Deus, parece uma eternidade, mas ninguém te conta
Que pra sempre é como estar em casa, sentado sozinho dentro de sua cabeça
Porque estou olhando para você através do vidro
Não sei quanto tempo se passou
Tudo que eu sei, é que parece ser para sempre, quando ninguém nunca te conta que pra sempre
Se parece com nossa casa, sentado sozinho dentro de sua cabeça!
E são as estrelas, as estrelas
Que brilham pra você!, yeah-ah
E são as estrelas, as estrelas
Que mentem pra você!, yeah-ah
E são as estrelas, as estrelas
Que brilham pra você!, yeah-ah
E são as estrelas, as estrelas
Que brilham pra você!, yeah-ah
E são as estrelas, as estrelas
Que mentem pra você!, yeah-ah
E são as estrelas, as estrelas
Que brilham pra você!, yeah-ah
Oh, e as estrelas
Oh, e as estrelas, elas mentem
This lead singer’s amazing. He should join a band called Slipknot
Not hating on stone sour but corey looks like a more rough version of the singer from dragonforce
Че то это не слипнот
Anyone heard of JESUS???
I wish he would do more of these kind of vocals with slipknot
Watching the membwrs for slipknot get all ominous and ready to play and they start to throwdown and its total bumbley but rock and the throwing down does not match at all. Its like stone sour is one giant unintentional troll.
Boas lembranças 🌹
Só não posso ser mais claro rsrs.
It was worth itt
Fuck hollywood
E (Einstein) = MC (My Conscious)2 +
MC (My Confusion)2 is / = ∆ (Self). If you do it simpler, MC is both to begin with.
I love this song. It’s like this dude did at least as much shrooms as I did once, that concluded that math above. You go far enough looking for God or whatever for what the explanation there must be for all of this, and what you will finally run into is your self. Anyone who has never gone down the rabbit whole will not understand this. Do 10 grams of caps, and 2 grams of micro dust. You’ll meet God I promise!!! Acceptance is key! When you do, you will see! If you ever choose sight, and do. Find me! I have something to show you!! Even if you found that my body is dead does not mean you can not find me. And it doesn’t mean I didn’t leave behind what I have to show you!
But you don’t expect an easy answer do you? This is how easy it is though!! ∆
The most honest depiction of celebrity culture ive ever seen
Maybe the problem w politics these days is – those reptiles think they’re ‘stars’…haha
My give this song to son when I was comma
When this song was released we were still wondering why the singers of Stone Sour and Slipknot were never seen in the same place at the same time
I never realized how much truth this holds, especially in current day.
I love that root was all into dancing in the back lol shocked he wasn’t using a jazz master tho
He likes Corey Taylor
Soulful song
Sounds like bubblegum music. But it’s plugged in to big amps so I guess its rock.
i love you brother
How much is real?
Tfues new band
É pra desgraçar o jovem de quarentena
Кто нибудь пробовал положить на эти аккорды песню Би-2 – Мой рок-н-ролл? :))) Это, конечно не удивительно, но все же ))
I love how Corey looks like Harry from Dumb & Dumber in this video. Awesome song.
Is this after or before Corey dyed his hair? (vol. 3)
1:09 Misheard Lyrics: “An epidemic of Dominicans contaminating everything.”
Eu odeio o tempo 😔
And the stars shines for you #Corey and we need u always
Sounds like if Slipknot went Disney Channel
this song just reminds me of Chester Bennington 🇧🇷😢
2020 people here?
Esta canción.. Es tan real.. Como la vida.. Como los humanos hoy en día…. Hace 13 años la escuchaba…mi alma respira……..
My favorite song I miss you Sarah
This song will never get old! A Masterpiece
this is best agressive goood vocal ever, greetings to the wise :p
Quaretine on!
the bad definition quality of these good old music videos really upsets me 🙁
I miss you sol.
Polish version of Stone Sour with female vocal. Better than original:
the editing for this video is outstanding
This guy and slipknots lead singer should collab
Corey looks…. interesting with straight, normal colored hair. It’s not bad, I just gotta get use to it.
I’ve been trying to find this song for over ten years now, I found it by typing in a yahoo search engine “what is the name of the music video in hollywood where the people are cardboard cutouts”?
My dad sang this to me whenever I was in my mom’s stomach 🥺
I’m not gay, but i fucking love this dude
´who is this dude? he sounds like the singer from Slipnknot
I’m smoking through the empty glass
Do not know what kind of grass
my freedom and real people who care then destroying me and my kids
so stuck in me head, help 🙂
Who here loves the Dresden Files?
This is still a great song in 2020
0:30 she’s looks like a woman from Snuff. By the way the song fuckng AWESOME
I practiced this for two weeks for karaoke, I actually did good…I just had to close my eyes…actually broight a crowd out the next show good times
It’s really lonely looking back and being without the people you love most. Working far from home doesn’t feel as good as they said it would
I cried because my daughter amost died when she was a baby
I loved this video and the message behind it.
Corey Taylor is a GOD
It’s showing how fake Hollywood is. He knows something the masses don’t. Fortunately 2020 is revealing it’s truth. Wake up people and spread the word about these pedophile junkies
I was a kid when i listen this and now im a teenager
TIk T0K BrOuGhT me HeRe
Des Moines IA wya!!!
quarantine vibes 100%
meme brought me here
The hair 😂
1:27 just noticed that said Hollowood in the background… damn…
one of my favorite songs ever. period
Сру зе в глаз
Omg Corey hair is terrible.
YOU CAN’T SEE CALIFORNIA… oh wait wrong song.
Great video, is fucking awesome!
Tak bardzo cię szanuję
Does it make sence. This was the song that moved most as a child
One of undead Corey
Lol he sounds like the masked dude from Slipknot
Anyone else come here after singing this song randomly during lockdown? lol
Stone Sour
Three Days Grace
Black Sabbath
Alice in Chains
*N O S T A L G I A* ❤🔥😍
I miss them 💕💞
This is how I felt at the grocery store checkout looking through the “protective” glass since covid19 started
For a 13 year old song this is fire
To all awake jfk jr still alive gonna dismantle this corruption eating the world wwg1wga the great awakening maga from canada all my blessings
Looking at you through the plexi glass, all I know it that it feels like forever. NOVID
Corey Taylor looks handsome without mask
Just posted a little acoustic cover of this on my channel if anyone fancies a little listen 🙂
2020 escutando Stone Sour e Slipknot.
I always like StoneSour Since a kid
stone souls through
stone souls through
stone souls through
stone souls through
stone souls through
stone souls through
I remember thinking the lead singer looked like a doofus watching this in my Slipknot shirt in highschool… Then ended up realizing I was the doofus.
Beat singer/ front man of our generation. #Corey 🎤🎸🎶
3 times repeated when i heard this song
You know that feeling when you find your new favorite song? I’m living it right now 😌
Dude, never before has forever seemed like home so much
Who ever disliked you have Corona
Tribecon tribestar uca psi usca ag sk northridge defeating the past shadow of not knowing the peceiver of what we portray the bad athimers are now watched on the otherside of the contiunium better to defeat our shadow then to be tudunraned I wish avolin would be become more with listed with avolin veesus nvm pronock what a shame the world of avoidence is … dreams is allia who beleive in what we can love without forgivness..
Deferberishment the rti deserve as well as mm5 and yannica who don’t care our support..
there are songs that when you hear them for the 1st time you know is gonna be with you for the rest of your life, this is one of those songs.
Someone in 2020?
Tell them Jamie Padgett in defuniak Springs Fl needs a new partner must have a beard!
Every night I listen to this
Every night I cry
Can someone please tell me his name? I cant find it on google
Can’t believe I only just noticed the the lead singer is from nickleback
I didn’t know he was a band.
Harry? Where is Lloyd? I love dumb and dumber?
Great song
Looking through the grass
Stone Sour
Three Days Grace
Lamb of God
Breaking Benjamin
Alice in Chains
*N O S T A L G I A* ❤❤
This was my mom and dads song, they never got married but this was the planned song for when they got married. Sadly they never ended up together but i still listen to this song all the time for them
All I know is that the chorus hits hard
Musica linda! Envolvente amo!
Fala moçada! Acessem nosso cover de Stone Sour!
Inscrevam-se no nosso canal! Obrigado!
Speak up! Access our Stone Sour cover!
Subscribe to our channel! Thank you!
after dumb n dumberer jeff daniels was like yooooo i can sing outta the mut van
There has been a reason why I have loved this song & been on repeat last few year… I can see why now they say don’t listen to the stars, they lie to you & why trump said fuk the mask & covid it was trick for those to be able to cover their face & hide From the truth & their true Identity… U think God came back fighting saying please enough is enough nicely!? No!!! He came back with a vengence with his army to prosecute the right & wrong ones! #2020🤘🌪🦌✝🇺🇸✝🦌🌪🤘
I can relate to this song on so many levels. Thank you Corey!
This is on the way other side of the spectrum from Frail Limb Nursery/Purity
This song is fucking amazing!
I didn’t knew Vince Neil was sang in alternative band
Eu aos 90 anos certamente ainda serei fã de Corey Taylor.
I just noticed it says Hollowood. Apparently, I’m slow. Lol One of my favorite songs and videos.
parece el de tonto y retonto jajajajaa
Woah, he has the same voice like the singer from Slipknot! Amazing!
2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣. 💚
I am a fulchrume /Of/: ‘the rouge,
Так вот откуда Linkin Park взяли идею для музыкального видео Lost in the Echo.
Im listening to this again..remembering him..
Hanson lead singer all grown up.
its all slipknot got news for ya guys…do you honestly believe that the main singer just jumped into a new band? nope….they just wanted to go lighter. some of the stone sour videos even show them jamming watch the body movements…its them. if you think anything else then you most likely are closed minded
❤️ so many years have passed and this song is still amazing ❤️
The tears have retrieved 4 now. Back to say what a great song. I can’t believe this is the same singer who sings 99% of his songs like a mad pissed off Pitbull. Love it!! 😷
Covid lockdown has got me looking through the glass. 👁 👁
Describing what you see cause remember that it’s me……… And I’m looking thru the glass
I miss you my sister…. XxxOoo 🍀
I’m 52 years old and this song is one of my absolute favorites, still loving it in August of 2020.
One of the best songs of all time!
This song is amazing they played it at my brother’s funeral he passed away at 35. He committed sucide Aug 22nd was his birthday he died on August 24, 2019
Algum brasileiro 🇧🇷
I wish I could give this video a million thumbs up!
First introduced to this on the radio, 2020… love it.
I think the quarantine provoked it (U.S.).
This can be interpreted in so many different ways, it’s insane.
i’m still waiting Stone Sour make a song featuring Slipknot..
Came here for great music, that was one of the greatest concert I ever attended which had Slipnot or Stone Sour.
Where sid?
so this was the song he wrote to contest the nicklback guy?.. this song is one of the best in the bast 20 years
Thank you, Beautiful Corey, for assisting us with our Awakening. See you on the Other Side, my Brother 💜💜💜
Why does the lead singer sound like the guy from slipknot
Da hora parece um vampoiro💗
This song came out one teenager ago…
Thought came from the heart. Never did right from the start
Good song miss singing this with my friend he loves this song
Who Think Stone sour is much better than Justin Bieber
This jUst as bad and cheesy as any Nickelback song. I’m sorry I love Corey. But this is the exact music he talked shit about in the early Slipknot days. If this isn’t selling out I don’t know what is. I was thrilled to hear the news that Corey said StoneSour has ran its course and it was going on a permanent hiatus. I felt they ran there course after the first album. We didn’t need anymore StoneSour after that. He shoulda put that energy into Slipknot. We woulda had two more Knot albums at least. Clown was offended by Corey doing StoneSour. He thought everyone’s focus should be on Slipknot and Slipknot only. StoneSour was only possible because of Coreys Slipknot fame. There’s a reason Slipknot was discovered and signed to a major label And not StoneSour
I love Led Zeppelin
who is not from 2020 and still listens to this daily? show your self
one awesome tune
Broke a lot of mirrors .. ever to come back here
lead singer is corey taylor and he is in slipknot as the lead singer
It’s crazy how this song has a whole different meaning since the invention of smartphones and talking to people on your phone. With video chats, Facebook Live, Skype, etc., looking at someone through the glass has become the norm nowadays but I’m positive that Corey Taylor did not mean that when he wrote the song 15 years ago but he’s still a genius nonetheless.
Friday August 21st 2020 i just now found out this dude is Corey taylor
Is Corey or Jerry Cantrell?? ._.
Beeper beeps beeper beep beep
I don’t always listen to Stone Sour, but when I do, so do my neighbors!
Nostalgia da MTV
Poor man’s Nickleback
Anyone notice it says Hollowood in the background?
This Americans contaminating everything
As if the starts they lie to you?
The stars they lie
2020 Melbourne red pill life
I just love this song so much
Надо включить этот трек в свой следующий топ)))
Johnny Sins as the cardboard collector
Stone sour me gustó mucho más que slipknot aparte de que Corey estaba en una onda más underground en este proyecto…
Cool Song … don’t the Video?
ment.. get the VIdeo
This was released on 2006 and I heard it only in 2019? What the actual fu**.
Damn best video ever
sometimes sitting all alone inside your head can be a good thing.
Escutei agora pela primeira vez… gostei de cara …. adicionei na minha playlist
My mother died last night and I’m still in shock all I can do is listen to music
I’m looking at u stupid ass, don’t u think it’s time u passed, come on bro, u know it feels like forever, n no one seems to tell u, cause we know that it’s your home, but can we get a Toke, it’s not YOUR WEEEED, bitch this is OURS, it’s OURS, who lied to u
I love diet slipknot
Nice mellow song and Jim is still head banging 😂😂😂
oh shit guys! what they say is true, we have found the last 240p on youtube. shame on you Roadrunner Records!
I remember hearing this song throughout my childhood on the radio and it really grew on me I loved it, and then I decided to look it up on YouTube for the first time and it was one of the greatest decisions I’ve made recently
I’m just now finding out this is Cory Taylor 😭
What the hell pick up a book!!!! Seven deadly ains
This song makes me feel better about my depersonalization and derealization. It gives me comfort knowing that I’m not the only one who feels like they’re constantly looking at the world while being trapped alone inside their head.
That 240p quality tho
Who’s this chick singing?
Cretids for money on my card my daughter is not my card or the unavers anymore I I’m Patrick muston Cory Taylor is the unavers
I have my soul to
I’m a guy male that’s not gay
I get money for singing
My self as a million hare
The unavers is not my paye
I’m the unavers and God and saint
Cassie is not anymore
On my paye list
Nether is Tina she gots a grand every time she sing
I’m my own paye for the wrest of my life and the unavers
My two aerst are stone sour and slipknot and troy lanz and drake I’m out of heath west and don’t need there help for money anymore I get my own money straight male
I do not take pills anymore because im eligic to them
Im so glad my lad introduced me to stone sour!!!!im sure ive been living in a cave all my life!!!!
Stone sour blondy…
Lady boner every fucken time
This song was going thru my head , all I had were just a few little lyrics , typed those into google, and I ended up here , so it worked
I remembered, how much is real…
Still here in 2020.
Btw does Corey Taylors hair remind anybody else of Harry from dumb and dumber
I remember when I was a kid and this song was new, I’ve always loved it. Especially now <3
So true Hollywood suck lots of fake people over there and political correctness.
Suuupeeer……my life!!!
This Corey guy looks real familiar
2020 ???
I am looking at you through the plastic
OMG you look fantastic…
Corey Taylor is my favourite singer I push my fingers in my eyes your a legend bro best of all time you have got me through so many bad times I tip my hat to you
I love this song, I always had a crush on the drummer
I have mi droide in seuf
only true slipknot fans realize that this is ALL slipknot…doubt me? dont go writing me saying some bullshit just watch their movements. listen to their beat its slipknot they just decided to go lighter. i mean come on the band have been together since the 90s do you really think corey will just up and go into a new band…nope
o Humberto Gessinger tá diferente
Essa música é demais!
U kno
He almost looks like the Slipknot’s lead vocalist.LOL
Im glad to say, im living and can listen to Corey Tailors music
Is the lead vocalist Chris Jericho’s brother lol
This is my fathers favourite song. He showed it to me and I loved it. Whenever we go on a car ride, he immediately turns on this song and we sing along the lyrics over and over again. My father and I have a kinda complicated relationship but everything is okay and forgiven when this song starts playing. We’ve never talked about those complications, we just know that everythings okay now. And I want that it all stays like it is.
This song clearly defines seeing your ex or someone you loved or maybe someone you wanted to be with on social media
Only a matter of time til a liberal sees this and says this is racist cuz he shook his head at the black people
The singer looks like corey taylor from slipknot
70s: Black Sabbath
80s: Metallica
90s: Pantera
2000s: Slipknot
Still your song Leah.
really brilliant song
Wow, the singer looks and sounds just like that Slipknot dude
I don’t like it, no
Stars lying to America more than ever right now.
Saw that video so many times without realizing dat tall boi with the guitar is Jim Root#4… He’s so modest
Lite rock r ass off. Lite jam
Nostalgia hitting really hard right now 🙁
That moment people realised singer of stone sour is the the same as of slipknot.
Talented guys through on through
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
Oh! Mairzy doats and dozy doats
Dude he should join this heavy metal band called Slipknot
that hair is Fucking phenomenal!!!
Singer looks like a bad ass young Harry Dunne, from “Dumb and dumberer”
Back when Jim was still in the band
This is life especially during #2020 #prayforamerica 🇺🇸
Corey Taylor shows his that he has different ranges such a legend long live stone sour slipknot they are my favourite bands
Me singning to rainbow dash in my jar
As much as I like Corey Taylor,this band should be named Gay Slipknot😂😂😂😂😂
ed sheran + blink 182 = stone sour
damn he looks just like slipknots lead singer
Can the pain really go away, when the memory is there to stay?
2006… dayumn
2020 anyone ?
You are dumb they started like 11 years ago
What an awesome song and what an awesome video
I kiss you stone sour
The vocalist is so handsome. He should cover his face with mask in another band.
The singer looks a lot like corey taylor. he should do a solo album called something like CMFT l.
Songs reminds of me sitting in front off my father in prison
Corey taylor is the lead singer for slipknot
Como Stone Sour pode ser tão bom e Spliknot tão horrível se a banda é a mesma? ??
La letra traducida español es tan triste …
Solo queria que me dijeras porque …y ahora me ire a chile lo prometo a verte solo dime la direccion que yano puedo mas aguantar tanto dolor te buscare Rbl
This tune is intemporal
Corey is a poet.
corey taylor should be a 90s poet in the book of poets who are taught about in schools,im not joking!
Look at Corey Taylor and look at him now. What a hunk
Damn it, I would of had them all if Knotts was open this month. All of them. Including cute Corey 🤩💋
Quality in 240p
One thing is clear in 2020… The stars are definitely lying to you.
I’m pretty passively suicidal right now. I stick around for family. Can’t wait till it’s over.
This song deserves to be recognized and shared it’s a beautiful song it’s in depth if you just listen and go all kinds of different ways for you to think and interpret it hazematizer at work
Project looking Glass. Bob Lazar. Look it up. I see this song through a whole new light.
Everyone gangsta until Vin diesel ripoff comes to pick you up
Really cool video. Really cool song.
I hope he passes his voice onto his sons, if he has any.
oldest youtube video for me
Love this song so much help me out in so many ways
Shout out to all the fake fuckers in our lives.
3:20 love that part lol
Não sabia que Corey Taylor tinha um irmão gêmeo q tbm canta😶
always relevant ! the plastic culture of glamorous world !
Dang. I never realized that kurt cobain and corey taylor had a baby
Sitting all alone inside your head
Middle school dayyyys
This song got me through some tough days in Iraq, I literally gain all senses and memories of that place when I hear this. I hope these artist know the impact they have on our lives and just how grateful we are to have them.
Remember when Corey from slipknot met Corey from stone sour
Why does it say hollowood instead of Hollywood
this shit hits home, Corey Taylor is one of my biggest inspirations for my music <3
Fact… ❤️
Omg 14 years ago
One of my favorite songs. Filled with so much emotion straight from the heart. So beautiful….🎶🔥😎💀🖤
Uparam o vídeo por um nokya
“Forever Feels Like Home”
He sounds just like the main vocalist from Slipknot
Boa Noite! Tudo bem! Sou Márcio Costa o canhotinho do forró estou com você por aqui viu… Te espero nas inscrições pode ser?
this song suits lockdown. i love the line “when a soul becomes initialized folding up like paper towels and little notes, you can’t expect the bitter folks”
Stone Sour is my band. Yay!q
in times of darkness this song real lifts me up so thank you corey taylor
Adoro 🇵🇹🇳🇱 you need to make lives😎
If Corey’s voice doesn’t give it away, its Jim’s headbanging.
I love how most of commenters are just Slipknot’s fans messing with Corey
He wanted to joined SLIPKNOT in the beginning but it was just a matter of time..
My wife: How do we tell our kids about the cruel world?
Me: i know just the way
Nostalgia mano…
Estava ouvindo isso ah 3 anos atrás….
2020 🎶
Pppppp dth m7😚💀😂
stay in the groove,it works for me.
Is it “stars” or “dark hours” because I’m sure I’ve heard both
Quarantined during pandemic 2020…
Feels bad man
Still amazing so many years later!
Staring down the tunnel of depression,
A nanosecond of eternal justice
Standing on the edge of a story,
Just think and release,
White knuckles deep in grief
Holding on to a page of substance.
Too late now, how many memories
Will flash before the final blow
To a pretty crown
As shades of indigo stain
The promise of realities
Kiss upon a canvas spine?
Jumping to conclusions
Free fall; air penetrates skin
Stimulating nerves of freedom
As flesh is carried along moon’s breath;
Glistening in a pool of flight,
Limbs reach for second guessing
Of a living vase slipped through rash fingers,
Cold concrete shatters ecstasy
Freezing illusions into fractured frames.
Limp notions bounce back
Ping ponging on wintry sod
The sound is of calcium crushing
With divine truth and conquered
Brevity like the sun melting
To eternity… it shines no more.
14 years later.If you still watching you’re legend.
Excellent song
a perfect song starting silently and then is becoming faster and louder and at the end we have a nearly typical slipknot scream
My Grandma used to sing this to me before i want to bed
Such a great song
Pasar de escuchar slipknot a esto si es un gran cambio xddddd
This song is so much how my heart misses my late husband ❤️
I found this song from a porn video, lmao.
Is this it? Pathetic
My god that hair. LOL. Looks like Ed Sheerans old brother that just loves nickelback…
This one and vermilion bloodstone mix are my favorite
These songs never fail to relate, even 20 years later.
Corey paid tribute to Chester Bennington with this song.❤️
I love this song.. with covidworking in retail, this song plays in my mind as I look at customers through the clear plastic..😂😂
Pero si el el mismísimo Cori Teilor
Alguien más escuchando esta joyita terminando este nefasto año 2020??? 😢❤️
Corey Taylor is the Best👍🏿
Predicting Instagram, mainstream media and Covid19 lockdown.
Powerful and timely song 💗🙏🏼💗
2020 а я все ещё слушаю ❤️
This song is like an orgasm that never happens. Totally anticlimactic every time he builds up to…nothing.
Pq choras pequenina🖤🤘🏻😍
I love nickleback lite 😂
Looking at you through the glass…. So I am looking at the glass…love slipknot
2020 seems appropriate! 🤘
I’m looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much time has past, all I know is that it feels like forever…
That hair though 😂
Love ya Corey 🖤🤘
Song is amazing
Thanksgiving listening 2020
14 years old and i still hear this as the most popular song on my favorite radio station. Hell yea
This song is about cellular cosmology
My favorite song
Corey is right, the stars lie
Thanks YouTube algorithm
Wait is this whole song about Parasocial relationships with media figures and their On camera personalities?
I haven’t listen to this song in a long time.. still got the lyrics down
Can relate having DPDR
if your gf broke up with you in 2020 just wear your L crown proudly
I just want to give a shout out to Stone Sour and Corey Taylor you guys are f****** march love
omg is it lex luthor from smallville WITH HAIR?!?!
I think the only people that listened to stone sour were slipknot fans
Привет из 2020 ❤
RIP Chad Jones, Jonny Cannon, Tony Fluhart, Kenny Pye. All great ones lost to this struggle we call life.
I still can’t believe this came out 14 years ago, music back then was hosnestly better
Are we not gonna talk about his hair?
Pretty much sums up 2020. Still my favorite.
back when music used to mean something
Honest to god when I found out this was corey taylor with the bleach blond hair and the soulful lyrics I was fucking shocked lol.. Dude range is insane
2021 уже на носу!кто здесь?!
Luv this
I used to song this in prison… 💙💙💙🙏God for sobriety
For my sis, she died by her own hand a week ago. Crying.
0:53, Oliver Queen ?
Any sidekick users here
The fact that Jim used the same Tele for both Slipknot and Sour… that’s one versatile axe
Music was so much better back then🥺💖I was like 2 years old when this came out
Why’s it so Fucking hard to believe time goes on and music is forever and if you love it it’ll always be there?
Being biracial all this racial divide sucks because in music, white kids love black culture and black kids love white culture and its the best when everyone can hang out and vibe to the music. My best memories are when everyone hung out together – in the 90s it was whack to be racist. ❤️
December 2020 who’s here ?
Too much memories with this song …🥺🥺🥺
זה היה השיר שבו היו סוגרים את הקומה השנייה במוסד
תנו לייק ריספקט
I remember being a child and my parents didn’t like “the guy from slipknot” and hated me listening to them, but they loved listening to Stonesour on the radio. If only they knew. 😅
Jeff Daniel’s got a great voice
Adoro essa banda
Alv hace 14 años!!!! 😱😱😱
My sad song
Amazing…the Singer of stone sour could be the brother of the singer of slipknot 😱
One of my favorites
What do u see when u look over me?~
Matthew sanders aka M.Shadows of A7X, Johnny Vodka of papa roach and corey taylor of #slipknot
Dang this guy can sing
this singer looks like the Slipknot’s singer, the same voice and the same name, and nobody ever saw both of ’em together. Maybe ’em is the same person?
I don’t like the flashes and sound.
Que tema !!!! Me recuerda mucho a una persona muy especial aún 2020 SCVC
Good band and amazing singer who happens to look like the blond guy in dumb and dumber
I’ve been sitting and running inside my head, since I’ve had a head. Though I’m never alone
Goona say stone sour is way much better than Justin Bieber who hates justin Bieber
Сам пел про дермо голивуда…. и сам таким стал дермом..
14 лет назад, е..бануться.почти пол жизни моей прошло как этот клип вышел. Я в а… еу если честно.
its true when you are looking in the glass yourself in the glass, just sayin
Ustedes no son los creadores , ni participes de esta banda.
Sera reportado el canal y dado de baja.
Guys you’ll never believe it, Stone Sours singer sounds a lot like Corey Taylor from slipknot
Life is not fair….
this song
Dammit. Take off your blonde wig
This guy is from slipknot
Jim Root is so overlooked….My favorite musician
My buddy showed me this at work once upon a time, i still listen to it for my bro. Br is still in my mind, still feels like forever since i seen my work buddies…
This song considerably outperforms the other rock songs, okay?
1-1-21-friday God bless everyone around the world in this very difficult time see you around Vatos
He looks like Slipknot’s lead singer.
This song makes me wanna see California without marlon brando’s eyes.
O debi até que canta bem !!
Such a beautiful song…
This song is too real
why ur x isnt allowed back eather al de lp. xdtk. oud cguon kudc yo ox.uxo.xtp. yd cil. otxkj di. i ,se in my ed no better in i tech zgc and cb to dr i got no bong r. otc vh. ky cyi. otx gi cj so take her home rrx ck cl oixcon it cum ud yi nirx gin ll um bjm gl fo se go giv proatut his x back by lisa drip. yi ku fyio md cgiln ot ccguim so u want him he has he end of this place i dont stop him from fucking talk to bitches fo ot yo u who dose no one thats who px u
Finally. After years, I finally found this song
omg.. i just figured out today after a lifetime of slipknot he made this music… i need some time to process this
I JUST WANT EVERYTHING THAT I’VE SHUTDOWN OF MYSELF TO COME BACK!!! I need to hammer myself back out of where I shoved myself into so badly! and this song says so much about how hard it is. I need to unfold myself!
These songs, still trippy, just like a vacuum picking up the crumbs on a floor, taking my breath away, puddle of mudd, and nirvana are some of my all time favorite
2021? 🙂
I remember my friend Blaine was singing this to me. He was great person. I miss him sadly he moved to Oregon
every time i listen to this song it remebers me about my job i would always listen to this song
Just discovered this song and God how apt is it for 2020.
Trying to hook up to my new sound bar… They thought I was loud bef
Honey for my ♥ thank You Hyoga
Why there are so many dislikes?
2021…my best fucking vocalist🤘🤘you fucking rock Corey!!! Suriname!!!🇸🇷
2021, and still awesome
Memories .
I’m sitting all alone home and listen to through the glass
14 años ya…me siento biejo
Best song they ever came out with
I thought Stone Sour was going to be Heavy as Slipknot
Corey looks like Garth from Wayne’s world lol
Falling star at Colton California. Mt.vernon.
damn i was watching slipknot interviews and i was like i’ll check out stone sour and now i’ve been listeing to this on repeat
Infeel as if corey feels right now we are all justblooking through the glass at all thr people that are preparing to leave us behind on this shitty planet…
Eveey one keep ur chins up
I haven’t heard this song in over 10 years. I remember playing it on my guitar in the park my friends and I used to hang out. Today I was fooling around with the guitar and I came up with something that sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. It was just three cords, and I played them over and over until the line “stars that shine for you” popped into my head. I googled it, got here, and the second Corey begins with the first “I’m looking at you through the glass”, the entire melody came back to my head. All the sudden, I’m sitting in a park at night, with longer hair and glasses, and I’m drinking with some old friends while playing guitar. In case I didn’t make it clear enough, this has been a fucking trip. Greetings from Spain
I always think about my baby brother when i hear this song. So much raw emotion
SLIPKNOT ANYONE?…. This video is badass…
who’s here from the story “Get Lucky” in episode?
14 years ago?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??🤯🤯🤯🤯 I remember this song on much music countdown ☹️
Мне нравится))))
Самая классная песня!)))
Great talent, but lead singers hair looks drier than hay. One spark and this dudes gone
*cries in emo*
This song reminds me of my dad and my brother, may they rest in peace
This song is the virus now stuck at home…… Looking
Clown should join Stone Sour the band lack of keg action
Songs like this do not age.
Me: can we listen to slipknot??
My mom: we already have slipknot at home
Slipknot at home:
This song is currently more relevant than ever.
Holy shit the fact that this guy did vocals for disasterpiece and this is crazy
Кори Тейлор красавчик!!!!!
Is that james?
Январь 2021❤️
2021 and still listening to stonesour
Yeah this song is older than me but that doesn’t mean I can’t love it
The Pandemic of the Mannequins Initializing everything. How much is real but I don’t expect the easy answers Seems like ESP of what’s up
Take me back bros
God: We have only two voices left….. so would you like to sound like the angels of heaven or the demons of hell?
Corey Taylor: Yes!
Love slipknot and stone sour!!
I feel like this song describes derealization so well…
Thank you for this song 🙂
14 years later and still get back to this, great memories
I OD’d to this song.
Some guy did this last weekend at a karaoke bar hadn’t heard it in years. Great song !
это моя любимая группа, respect it s perfection!
best song <3
Super kawalek
this song is old than i am by a year
It kinda reminds me of the Anthem songs like Fuel “Hemorrhage in my Hands” kinda of
Hay que ser demente para que esta canción no te conmueva en lo más profundo de tu ser…
This is a freestyle.
The last decade in which LAST TRUE ROCK TUNES could exist! From 2010 until now, there are only BULLSHIT. I hated 2000s and now I miss them :-(. THERE’S NO ORIGINAL ROCK SONGS ANYMORE today, only revivals and covers 🙁 It’s a pity! Fucking Trap and Reggaeton.
Love love love this man. Want him to just lay on me!
Looking like a Jerry Cantrell
Ask yourselves would GOD use music to speak? GOD made us all EQUAL and GOD LOVE’S us all as FAMILY plz accept
If I said this song is me would anyone understand?
My Idol Mr Taylor 👌
Is the singer the inofficial brother of Kurt Cobain? Corey Cobain?
Shit I miss 2006 seriously
With long blonde hair Corey looks like Chris Jericho and with long black hair and beard he looks like AJ styles
Cody tell momma bev good news natile and kerstion the things army the same I don’t think the future is not prominent norscon delenia the outro family a new day it’s all a false claybreth but a truth if what is and what dreams can be…
Every fan of Stone Sour must comment this video:
This song reminds me of everyone I have met on highschool. The plastic dolls of our society not realising how fake their entertainment is judging others for things that they cant understand the message of. I wish people could go beyond the surface and start to realise that music is more than just whats on the surface. Then again, if people did that there would be a lot more actually good rappers like Kid Bookie being played through peoples speakers instead of people like Cardi B or Tekashi 69.
I believe he’s talking about how people judge his life because he is a celebrity. But noone knows who he really is. They should remember he is a real human with feelings before passing judgement. Idk if that’s correct but it’s what I took away from the song.
This was uploaded in 2006?!?!? That’s crazy the oldest music videos uploaded to yt I usually see are around 2009 which is when I’m assuming most people really started using yt for videos so this being uploaded in 06 is kinda nuts idk
I remember when I was 4, I would sit in my room with my brother and we would just listen to a bunch of songs. This one he liked in particularly.
Nostalgia is one funny emotion isn’t it?
240p! Damn, I remember that this was so 4K HD when I saw this video for the first time
Αληθινοι ερωτες
And best song of 2021 goes to
He’s great he sounds like that guy from slipknot
love this song
Wasnt there a different version of this video….i seem to remember a scene where he is in like a jail visit type thi g..behind the glass
Can’t get this song outta my head🤣
What a great video!
Busco a Atena, mi gemela perdida :,(
Where vermilion pt2 rose from
Can’t believe no one did a swap face with Jeff Daniels yet with this video 😂
I hope that everyone here is okay. Please be safe and remember that people care about you, even if it may not feel like it sometimes. If you are feeling troubled, maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. I wish you all the best.
Gin Blossoms, anyone?
Literally DPDR
Holy shit, after 15 years I realised that this video is actually amazing.
I never paid attention to it while listening.
Jeff Daniels can sing damn. jk
Wau ❤❤❤
Fico me perguntando qual é o sentido desse homem maravilhoso esconder esse rosto lindo com a máscara na banda Slipknot??? O que é bonito é pra se mostrar meu filho kkk mais alguém fica indignado com isso??
Rest In Peace to all the people who loved this song and can no longer listen.
My best friend of all time joined the 27 club and he would always live so fast and he would jam this song as if it was a Katy perry song and just dance around like as if he knew he was leaving soon. This song messes me up so much but helps so much
Play over and over again.
read lacan
I love his hair 😌❤
I’m starting to think that the crow house was right in his opening statement on one of his videos it’s already been deleted it was really powerful it started off with. What if I told you that everything you have been told all of your life was a lie. That statement alone would fly way above most people’s head but it hit me hard he also had a picture posted on one of his videos have a man standing there with a cell phone on his forehead and roots coming out of the phone into his brain wow what a great analogy I got to admit it hurt me to watch his videos at first I couldn’t watch most of them all the way through I couldn’t believe my ears what scared me the most was everything that he was saying felt so true and real as if as if everything I’ve seen and experienced all of my life started coming back in bits and pieces backing up the things he was saying giving them credibility.
The lead singer of Stone sour is the lead singer of Slipknot
2021 anyone?
jeff daniels/harry stamper sings pretty damn good!
Hollywood is so fake ….. real talk
♥️I love the lyrics and the video. Keeping faith …for the one exception to the rule.
And now Corey Taylor screams at concert: People = Shit!!!!!
Yk the lead singer of stone sour looks a lot like the lead singer from slipknot
Is it judt me or does every girl in this video look anorexic?
Love this song
Oh stone sour is much more than Justin Bieber
this will forever be one of my favorite songs
I don’t know. I’m not a expert but I feel he has one of the best musical minds in the business. He’s a genius yes?
iron maiden
stone sour
avenged sevenfold
foo fighters
judas priest
System of a Down
pearl jam
led zeppelin
guns n’ roses
pink floyd
this is my favorite bands 🤘
I wonder what the lead singer of Slipknot looks like without his mask.
This video was posted when i was 3 months old wow that werid
is this song a joke?
This video deserves to remastered in FHD!
La mejor cancion que he escuchado 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Lyrics helping with some good things right now only song I used to dislike from them everything they put I’l
His sound like as Corey Taylor
Reality that life is your own ego understanding the difficulty of bonding with others..everything is fucked up and cooked fake! Johnny Cash..I see a Darkness. Simplified version of the same emotion.
therapist: long blonde hair corey taylor is not real. he can’t hurt you.
corey taylor:
14 лет назад выложено видео, это не самое первое случайно?
This guy has a voice simillar to corey taylor from slipnknot. lol
I love you
This guy sounds a lot like corey taylor?
06 was a great year for Rock this song sounds so Futuristic especially when I first heard it about 7 – 8 years ago
THE STARS !!!!!!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
wiwa la donna senza MOLTENI
Mi piacciono proprio
Corey Lipa
imagine being 39 years old, always listening to slipknot, judas priest, led zeppelin etc… and then figure out corey is in a band called stoned sour just … singing… 😲😵
This song aged so well – its wisdom is legendary.
2021 anyone? One of the greatest songs from my childhood! Better than most songs developed these past few years.
Try singing this song on karaoke. The chorus is brutal for me.
Rock rock anddddd rolllllllll I love cory taler
Not gonna lie. They had us in the first half.
now i just like this song, but its clearly about serving prison time away from your loved ones, and i haven’t even been arrested
I don’t know… That singer guy… They should take someone different. The singer of Slipknot will be good choice.
This song sucks
The 2000s was the start of all the bs 90s was the last fun decade
Saw this live at louder than life and man 👏🏽
I miss you Leah 🙁
After all these years, I just now noticed the Hollowood sign…
Slipknot is beautiful
I love my Loren❣️
I love Corey and Jim but this song is objectively bad
Hard to believe that this song involves band members of Slipknot. It’s got Duncan Sheik and Poets Of The Fall written all over it.
Who is here in 2021
Play Wait and Bleed!
the lead singer looks like stunning steve austin
dude looks way cooler with a shaved head.
Jon wheeler forever 🙏🙏🙏
I miss music like this.
2021 and still listening this masterpiece
2021 anyone????
2021 ???
bro wheres the 1080p version of this video? i feel like ive waited long enough
Siis helvetti tää on brutaalia
Who is still listing in 2021
Wtf 14 years ago 😂
Damn this shit is 2006! I was 5 years old
Too bad the effing lyrics in the description doesn’t follow the way it’s sung in the video…. good job
Brings back memories… I actually miss my ex girlfriend.
Damn, Harry Dunne got singing chops!
Who is listening in April 2021??? Go Corona Go
Thumbs up
funny thing is he loks so far from being a person whod be a rock start he looks like hed be a computer savvy tech dude !lol
dude is that the guitarist from the perfect circle !!??
Through the glass
I just noticed it says hollowood.
Many Russians are know this track like DJ Antoine – How do you feel.
what is the name of the guitarist that has a beard ?
In fact, he should join Backstreet’s Boy in the first place.
This is good music. Not that Slipknot bull$h!t
Коментарий для зашедших в 2021
Are they racist? All they removing is black and asian.. Stupid band
Corey is musically bipolar
How the hell the guy in hoodie made it to get to this elite party?
Друзья уходят! Скорее бы уже!
If slipknot was a Mormon band
Love this song 😎😎🤟
Im 15, i have good taste because of my dad, but wow 14 years ago this song was made yet i remember listening to it when i was like 5
Melhor musica… sem mais
corey taylor with blonde hair kinda looks like harry from dumb n dumber
Legit still can’t believe stone sour came before slipknot it still blows my mind
They constantly played this at work I wondered what it was. This whole song is mostly a pre chorus haha
Stone sour vs who hates Justin Bieber
Hey that’s me from 4 years ago… LMMO
the sound of the camera flash kinda ruins the start of this 🙁
He looks like Harry Dunne
I swear when I was younger this was a completely different person.
Will always be one of my favorite songs ever… what a incredible artist he is
Jim Root and Corey Taylor change band called Stone Slipknot
I wish dude would come get all this cardboard Rona already..
when your voice is so good you don’t need the beat to drop for the first half
i am 14 teen and i love this song i have been listing to this song for 3 years
and so it never really was under stood
My dad used to play this all the time when I was younger. And some how 8 years later I still remember all the words
Это наверно лучшая песня детства,спасибо тебе прекрасное мгновение за подаренную возможность слушать это
those transitions between people/buildings and cutouts was incredibly smooth. Im actually very impressed.
Luv my CMFT🥰💋, SLIPKNOT IN OHIO, SEPTEMBER, Tix bought can’t wait
I feel old seeing this isn’t widescreen
I played this song on the guitar and my mom and my two dogs just slept in piece =,)
2021 crew?
The best song
Alguém curtindo esse som em 2021..?
I think he did
You know we’re on the street is that Cory’s growing out his hair again.
It’s the stars that lie to you.
Through the glass= TV How much is real = What can you trust Stars lying = hollywood
Hollywood is a lonely place
Am 10 and love this song so much its 2021 where did I get this from
One of Corey Taylors best Songs. Amazing Voice.
It felt like they played this song so often back in the day.
This song makes me want to break in someone’s house and toast all their bread and put it back in the bag.
The singer reminds me of corey taylor. He should sing metal
Fuckin bitchin tune. Straight up solid.
My fav song for 3 years
I remember listening to this song playing MW2, in the Underpass map… Memories 🙏
this used to be the video quality accepted online, crazy.
❤️ 🌍 ✌️
Dunno why I keep expecting him to scream at every build-up
Corey makes me feel at home.
Love this ducking song
A fiancé of mine passed away in 2006 right around the time of this song! Everyday not a day goes by i don’t think of him and who or where wed be right now if he was still around! I listen to this because, it reminds me of him ! Also how now he is looking at me threw the glass and one day well meet again!!! Always 💘 loved
One of the rare bands i can listen to the entire discography without skiping a single song.
He was a prophet, it’s the stars the lie to you. We are in 2 different realities now, think that could of happened without their influence.
shit for some reason I thought this song was about being in prison. now seeing this video its taken on a different meaning. I thought it was about person in prison getting a prison visit and sitting behind the glass booth. I guess it makes sense both ways but it seems more shallow now.
Is this Corey Taylor looking in the mirror, or is this his reflection staring back him.
Haha his hair
Great song! They could’ve done much better with a better video. Video is terrible the director obviously was on crack. All that gyration from the band does not fit the song. They act like they’re on crack to. Too bad. Video would’ve had a lot of potential. I guess that’s what drugs do to you.
Idk why but everytime I listen to Stone Sour songs I can just imagine an alternate universe where Slipknot never existed
Jeff Daniels looks young here.
This will show nickelback Corey
Holy shit this song is already years old and here I am listening to it again
looking like Harry from Dumb and Dumber
Aquela vibe meio bad que tu gosta🤭 algum brasileiro plys🙏
Slipknot Clown 00:40
2021 Brasil
Is that the swimming pool from ‘Burn’ by Usher?
How he knew it…. ? I was in it, I heard it after work one day n heard the singer
It’s amazing
corey cobain
crazy to see how Corey has changes isnt it?
Beutiful song 7th grade days I remember buying the CD come whatever may
His son goes to my school
this corey taylor looks and sounds kinda like the guy from slipknot, you would almost think they were the same person !!!
Replace the word stars with the word bodies in any song ever sung and it takes on a whole new meaning.
Whoa. This just hit me
Lost my grandpa today, during covid I listened to this song all the time, never got to say goodbye. Wasn’t allowed to see him but through the door. fuck cancer
I don’t care what the new generation says, rock/Metal is the best genre.
Wonder is those actors got to keep the cut outs of themselves 🧐
He sounds so much like the one in slipknot , listen to snuff they sound the same .
I only i have corey voice. I will make a band, sleepNot. Our album name would be “sleepless”.. sounds metal right. Ik..
Has corey taylor from slipknot met the corey taylor from stone sour already?
Chile 2021
Umm Corey Taylor just thank you x
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel, that is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
So while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real, so much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
But never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars?
Who are the stars?
They lie…
This song reminds me of an old friend who disappeared from my life for no reason.
He simply stopped talking to me without even having an argument.
Jeez, didn’t know this was dude from slipknot. Gotta say he did the alter ego transition from band to band thing better than anyone I can recall.
the echo in with you are nice
El mejor tema del mundo
Love this song
It takes me to the high school life in the past .
5 stars forever
Look at this is a remix and is better than the song hahaha
I can’t believe this one slipknot
I remember when this band came out, I was an obsessed teenage skateboarder that was already a slipknot fan!
I love this song
Could this be meaning of this song be anymore relevant in 2020!
Kiryu Coco is graduating from Hololive so is the only song I can listen to before she graduates. I wish I could sing this to her
The story says Corey Taylor had food poisoning that had incapacitated so badly that he couldn’t move in his hotel room in Sweden. The TV was turned on and MTV was on, and he couldn’t move to change it or turned it of so he got so annoyed about what music was listening on MTV that with the little force he had he wrote Through Glass while having explosive diarrhea and I quote’
“And that song’s a very angry song. A lot of people are like, ‘I dedicate this to my baby.’ Or, ‘This song is about somebody in prison.’
No. No. This song is about fuck MTV. Like, it’s such an angry song. And the fact that it has turned into this whole thing where it’s out of my hands now and the fact that it’s… Even more people sing it now then they did 10 years ago when it came out. Or 12 years ago, actually. It’s astounding.
So I think that’s the one that I’m the most proud of with Stone Sour. Because I had no fucking intentions of writing a No. 1 song. I was just throwing up out of my ass.”
– Corey Taylor
full story here
There aren’t voices. Just one voice.
And it Hates Me.
Is there anything more real than all the “fake” in this video?
I’m here
Things only got worse after 2020.
Meaningful clip 👏🏻
This Lead Singer’s amazing. He should made an album for his own
I can’t put my finger on it but the lead singer looks like the one from Slipknot
No one ever tells you how easy it is to fall in love but nobody ever tells you how difficult it is when you are in love the song is a perfect example
My younger brother committed suicide last weekend by overdosing on something. He was found with headphones on, presumably listening to something. This is his youtube account. He made a playlist containing 6 songs that was edited the day he passed. This is one of the 6 songs. With the method he used, he was dead after about 30 minutes, probably unconscious around 12 minutes. I like to think that it was peaceful for him with his music on. I love you Myles, I’ll miss you everyday for the rest of my life.
Stoneknot slipsour
My dad died from Alzheimer’s and that’s what I hear in this song it was how he used to view the world and me at the end. I was lucky he knew me as that girl till the end
wokewood right now.. lmao
Corey Taylor
Pitch perfect on melodies and amazing tone,my favorite next to Janette Napalitano, lolo concrete blonde
They’re mine. The star’s.
If this came out today, they would have “suicided” themselves.
Your All fake ass fuck
Me on Halloween 2006: can’t believe I’m watching this on an iPod 5th gen
Me on Juneteenth 2021: when was this potato born?
Ok…. Haha
Algum brasileiro em 2021??
were all music videos 240p back in the day?
I’m 31 now this come out when I was like 14 15 I loved cory Taylor and syteam of a down and Korn all the good songs that was on kerrang anybody remember
I love you Alicia Dalton
Maldito mocinho dos alargadores e olhar misterioso e cara de sonso💔
I love this song sooo muchhh 😭
This song was invented by the United States government to convince you to hate Dominicans. Fuck that.
Can’t believe this Cory Taylor
Alright. I’ve liked this song for years, but had never seen the music video. Now that I have, it’s fuckin awesome. What a brilliantly shot video.
Theme song for 2020?
I’m almost 70. By this point, pretty burned out on humanity in general.
I find listening to music is my solace
The crazy thing is he was in slipknot
This is real talent, going from screaming your soul out then going to this gold from just taking off the masks. The goats right here👆
Eeeee Кори ♥️🤟🤘
Having experienced multiple deaths in my life, I can tell you that it does not get easier as time passes. Something will trigger those thoughts along the way, but what can you do but move forward?
Everything’s so blurry
Isn’t that Corey Taylor or is it just me
I thought this song was about jail but I guess it’s about something else
If good music is still a respected thing thing this song is that 🎶 KEEp THIS ON THE GOLDEN YEARS playlist with Saosin and Senses fail lolz
I´m here because I know an Hardcore remix called Nitrogenetics – Inside Your Head 😀
Hey, this guy seem like Ed Sheran..Did you watch the difference ?
Such a good video it’s awsome even at 240p
Corey looks like the guy from Dumb and Dumber🥲
The 2004’s was such a good year for music
Videos back then were damn creative.
If Corey Taylor ever leaves slipknot they should pick this guy up
a deriva
lo voy a ver solo para ser parte de mi infancia por la vejez del video
Poque la calidad jaja ><
One of the greatest songs I’ve ever heard. It describes my life. I feel like a soul enshrouded in interesting wrapping paper. Now I’m sad.
Hey am I the only one that has listened to this song for years and never knew this is Corey Tayler from slipknot (in my defense I only became a slipknot fan recently, and I only knew this song from Stone Sour)
Why is keemstar playing the guitar?
Omg I forgot this song exists! I’m back in my angst
Don’t get lost when fake people wine and dine you. If they can be crumbled as easily as paper trash, it wasn’t worth it
I cant ever wear this song out! Along with “Bother”! I could name more and more. And I could go on and on about this band. Truly and exceptionally very blessed and gifted beyond all expectations that even the Mighty Lord Jesus-Christ would have expected. Surely I say that Father GOD has everything to do with these men coming together in this junction of our existence if not to save only me from “not being able to carry on” but maybe possibly you too my friend. I would like to. First and Foremost. thank GOD!
What a blessing it is to hear and feel these incredible musically gifted and blessed artists. No matter what your beliefs are my friends these are my beliefs. God Bless you ALL!!!
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
RoadrunnerRecordsStonSourThroughGlassAngelBEAUTIFULAlwaysAdmireUrBeautyGospelsGodSpellsBibleReadAsYouSpeakAngelStoodInTheMistOfUsEspoAllDimensions24:36LUKE24:31_32VanishedDidItBurnAsOpenTheScripturesWordBecameFlesh1:14JOHN20:22HolySpiritCherubELOHIMForceJediDestroyingWeaponInHand9:1Ezekiel18:4HiHRUWhatsUpGOD105mgZincMutationSurvivalAnimalsInHeaven11:Isaiah8:20UrMindsTooPowerFullLifesLovesMemoriesMiraclesLearnsArtsSciencesMusiciansVoicesSingsFeelsItsReverences1:7Prov31:12AngelsBeautifulDances16:8EZE44:23HeavenAngelsGuardians18:10Mat19:26ALLLove2:15:1JOHN4:8_18LovethNotKnowthNotGodForGodIsLoveKeyOfDavid3:7_8Rev11:19ArkVoicesAngels68:17PSalm120_134SongOfDegreesMusicRead51:10_12PS144_War6:16:2Sam22:SelahStopPauseMeditateSongOfDegreesDanceReadSingPromiseOffSpringGivesLife15YearsToHaveKidsAhazSunDailSolarSystemISAIAH38DAVIDWeapon2Kings20_9ApexTecBiologicalSpiritaulEngineeringLostDayCalendarsHaveExtraDayStoodAllStillMoreDieByeHailStoneThenAnyFightOfMan10:11_14JOSHUA2:11HeartsMeltExpatooLiesWhoresLiveItUp17:REV10:7_11StoicheioLittleBookSeraphimsIAMSendMe6:2_8ISA29:6_18_24BookEatItMysteryRollBitterToSweat3:1_3EZE9:1ELOHIMForceOccurs2700TimesLearnSacredNamesGodELOHIMForceLordHelpHimMovedThem18:31_2CHRON3:2DomOfTheRockSatanWillSit2THESS2:4ClaimsToBeThereGodAntiGetTheDay37Psalms51:10_12MusicSingReadCreateinMeACleanHeartReadFindElijah8Miracles1_2_Kings17:1_18:45_1:10_2:8Elishas16Miracles2Kings2:14_6:17_13:21MiraclesRetrogradePlanetsKeyOfDavid3:7_8Rev 11:5ElijahMoses2OliveWitnessesProphecyShutHeavenFireDevourethEvacStayDontBurnHousesLeaveNWOWill!BeSafeAllCoronaHivCantEnterWomb89SarahBabytime21:7GEN4TribesJacobConsimateMarriage16:8EZE37_38:22AsteroidsRacesKillUrRapistWorldWideShophetumHebSetThingsRightRule18:19:JUDGES7:6SpiritualStrenghALMightGod300ELShaddaiEnsampleExampleSeeAWayThrough10:11_13Cor11:ChirstInHeadCoverNephilimWillExpatooUnlearnedSameProblemsFuturePastFiresCalculatedFloods19:24GEN6:_9:14RainbowFloodsNephilimVoidTOHUW4:22_28JER51:25_29DestroyingMountainVolcanoesAngels24:36LUKE9:48RecieveInMyNameRecievedMe!WickedNeverGetAhead37:7_20_34PSALMS40:ThoughtsPatientlyMagnifiedAllLauguagesSayWeWillGoWithYouForWeHaveHeardGodIsWithYou8:23ZECH13:RemnantBloodAllProphetGeneration’s11:50_51LUKE12:9_12BeReady!UNeverRead10:26_27!LUKE10:19SpiritualWeaponLove4:18.1JOHN2:18_29AntiChirstWhoresFigs11:13MARK13:23ToldAllThingsSurvival42:15JOB38:2EducatedIdiotsConfusion71:PSALMS119:99MoreUnderstandingMillennium20:REV12:15FloodLiesEZE13:20NoRapture1:2_1PETER4:17TeachersJudgeFirst!GuardianAngelBeholdMyHeavenlyFatherGetHisAttention18:10MAT19:26WithMenWithGod!AllThingsArePossibleEnsampleExamples10:11!1COR!10:13AllCommonMakeWayEscapeAbleBearIt!Choosen2:9!1PET!3:12EyesOverRighteousEarsOpenThierPrayersLordAgainstDoEvilWarfare10:!2COR12:9GodIsAtHisStrongestWhenWeAreWeakestChirstFutureThatWeCanDoAllWeCanTurnItOverGodForHisStrengthUnlimitedLifeChp2_5JAMES1:2_CountItAllJoyTestFaithDontLetChangeSpecailPersonProphecy2:AMOS8:11FamieSpiritWalkInTheSpirit5:25GAL6:1_7MockedSaltOfTheEarthLostItsSavourGoodForNoThing5:13MAT11:7JesusConceringJohnWildernessPeopleOfTheWorldBlowOverLikeGrassBelieveThisWayThatWayReedInWindDecieved!Testified3:JOHN8:44UrFatherSatan!MindsOfChildrenMakeTheLaws3:4!ISA30:30PestilencGreatHailStonesFireBrimstoneWorldWide38:22EZE13:11_13InMyFuryComsumeIt!4:JAME5:17_18PrayNotRainPrayedRainEarthWhiteHorse6:REV19:RealChirst11_20DecievedMarkForeheadWorkInHandTheMindNephilim6:7Gen3:3ShallNotEatTouchHebrewNawgahSexSerpentAdamEveMolestedHolyPregnantedMindsExpatto5:!2COR11:2_3BeguiledEveSubtilyMindsCorrupted!SimplicityChirstTeachingExapatooInfiltratorRedeemed10:ZECH1:18HiddenDynasty4HornsPoliticalEconomicEducationReglionHeadTop50%NotBodyJudasFireFighterOtherCountryArmysAreHereLawStatutes17:19DEU22:25ForceRapeAnybodyKnowledgeLayWithTouchShallDie!EmotionallyProgramedTvDeceptionAllOnlinePublicGroupsPimpsArmysSoldierRapiestChildMolested!zgrnLigt!lacs!PrtectTheresWickFlee28:1PROV1:7BeginWisdomWatchFearHangLeftInWeekMilitaryAnyChargeGetOutInCourt!GetListGrhLigtStackedPaperWorkOnMilitary!KidsPiontThemOutCastFirstStoneArmysOfAllSoldierWhosPayingJudasHadLotOfHelpMessingWrongPeopleJudasDeathHadHelpCutThroatDownStomach1:18ACTS18:9_28AquilaPriscillaKeyChoosen43:10ISA40MyPeopleDisobedience10:1_7LEV19:28ShalNotWorshipDeadCutTattoo16:6Jer8:14GallPoppyJuiceHeroinProphecyAntiChirstType9:8_57JUD20:end!ToSetThingsRightToRules(MeaningOfJudges!)JUDGES20:5RapeToDeath,allJudges21:needToDoThisPSALM84:2LongethCourtsofTheLordJesusSendRapistChildmoslerPublicDeathPeopleSeeLearnReadMinds11:20JER2O:12SeestHeart7timesADaySpiritaul7Completeness!ISA6:6_8SeraphFlewLiveCoalLaidItUponMyMouthTouchThyLipsIniquitySinPurgedVoiceWhomShallWeSendWhoWillGoForUsHereAmISendMe!STIOCHEION!Spiritual44:EZE3:1_3ThouFindestEatThisRollSpeakOpenedMyMouthBecameAsSweatAsHoneyVisionsAnswersTimeMiraclesLampToMyFeetPath!PSALM51:10_12CreateInMeACleanHeartOGod!MyPeopleAreDestroyedForLackOfKnowledge4:6Hosea6:6iDesiredMercyLoveNotMoneyKnowledgeOfGodMoreThanBurntOfferingsWhores17:REV10:7_11EventsButteryFlyEffectsMomentosTheWordisLampTooMyFeetLiteTooMyPath119:105Psalms144HandsToWarFingersToFightEventsGravitationalsPowersPlanetsRetrogrades3FullMoons30daysEvery50DayCrosticsSpringEquiox20th15DayCountChirstBecameArePassover5:7!1COR13:CharityApirl1FoolsHaveHoliday!Stephen7:ACTS2:Petecost50dayAfterChirstDefeatedDeath7:HEB2:14SummerSolsticeJune21TemporalPsychosis20thRelativityVisionsElectOfGod2:28Joel3:15PerfectDayNoPremeditatedAnything2:Acts9:15ChoosenVessalSayInFlesh5%Put2Words95%Trust2:4!1THES5:3SignOfTimesDiscernWorldsincreasinglySpiritualLaborPainsNoEscapeBellysTrvailingLimitsTimePlanetsEclipsingSolarSystemWorldWideEffectsEveryTimeForfulled!Notes2SisterCalledU66:4!ISA43:26JustifiedVengence21:22Luke10:18SatanLighting2Thessalonians2:4AgreeingMark13:14OughtNotRevelation13:13SnapFingerLightingHe’sThereEarthTrembleShake14:16ISAIAH66:4CalledNOAnswersDelusionsEnterPeacefully11:24Danial2:47AntiChirstTypeYouKillEverybodyAnyWayDoAnythingToHimButKillJobSatan1:_37:Job38:1_2BattleChariotLordsAnswersJobWhoIsThisDarkenethCounselWithoutKnowledgeSatanSent3Guys36ChaptersEducated!IdiotsEndLived210DoublePortionLifeDaughters2NoMenMentionedAshesFromWithinSatansDeath28:18_19Ezekiel13:HuntSoulsRaptureToSatanStayFight21:15LUKE9EjectedKnowledge4:7Hosea6:6LoveKnowledgeNotMoneyScamsMultiBillion4HiddenDynasties1thPolitical2thEconomic3thEducation4thReligionsHornsMeansPowers1:18Zechariah5:1_11SymbolicalRollSignsUnlearnedFlyAwayWhoresAntiChirstBrides6thTrumpAngelWarningRealChirst7trumpVirginsBridesOfChirstStandsAgainstSatanEphesians6:10_ShieldOfFaithAreNotUnfaithfulWithChildisBlessingHaveBabyOkItsSpiritaullyHolySeducedPregnantInMindSpiritualWithChildUnfaithDeceivedSatanMolostedLikeAdamSinFirstGayRepentedExpattooUnlearnedWhoringAfterDoingTheWorkAntiChirstRaptureToSatanAt6thTrumpThereAreWithChildWhenRealChirstComesHomeAllWhoringThereBedThinkingitsChirst95%worldItsAntiChirst13:17Mark15:38VeilTempleTopBottemChirstProphecyDestoryPerversion6:5Genesis3:3BeuiledTouchSexNawgahSpiritaulHolySeducesExapatooPeople2COR2:_15ChasesVirginsSatanDiguisedBeguiledEveAdamExpattooLuciferTraslationMorningStarMaleAtSunRiseFemaleAtSunSetPreverted14:12iSA65:4_9SwineSmokeHellAshesGoneElectIheritItIntercessionOperationAngelsHelpReadBibleStuffButteryFlyEffectsJustifieth8:26_33Romans7:18FleshDwellethNoGoodThingFamines8:11AMOS3:7SecretsDryGroundGodArkPower3:17Joshua4:18SolesFeetLiftedUpDryLandEventsChallenges18:!2KING2:7_8ComeBackRead!Elijah!Elisha!SmoteThe(Water)!TimeTravelGetThisDoneReadEZEKIELchapter1WholeThingGetInRiver(Water)River(Chebar)meansHebrew(LENGTHofTIME)WatchEveryBodyNextToYouForFullMoonsEntertainingAngels13:2Hebrew12:29ElohimConsumingFireHadNoPower3:27Daniel4:33_DanielWatchHim7YearsBabelonKingsLycanthropyWerewolvesWantsBackHisEmpireGenetenicMiracleWeaponsPlusVampiresMutationsGogsMagogsWorldsMutationCreaturesHelixCurve8:19_33Romans12:2TransformedFuBillGatesFuAllPossible9:23Mark10:27WithGodAllPossibleSpiritIntercession8:26Roman13:1OrdainAdvancedTodayCanExplainHybridsRibsHelixCurve2:21Genesis3:3ExapatooBeguilingTouchMeansSexSatanScreechOwlVampireLilith34::14Isaiah53ProphecyTransformedWorks12:2Romans12:20HeapcoalsFireForeheadsThey’llThinkGlobelWarmingSpeakingConscieneSearedHotIron4:2Timothy2:1_15SoldiersDevouringFlamingFireRoundAbout2:3Lamentations4:7NazaritesWar144Psalms68:17Gods20000Vehicles1000AngelStabAnyoneAnyWhereAnyPlaceAnyTime4:12Hebrews10:7VolumeOfGodScorpionStingEnemyBreakBackBonesWorldWideAllSouls18:4Ezekiel9:1InHandDestroyingWeaponElohimJediTavZealSealOfGodInForehead9:3_4Revelation9:11AngelOfDeathCursesMindChildBabyRuleOverThem3:2Isaiah54:16:17BloodOnTheWallNoDefencesMillionsReadingWorldWideEnemyIsDeadAreYouUnderWaterToo26:8Leviticus26:36SoundOfShakenLeafWillChaseYouAngelFollowToUrDeath4000CursesPlaugesWillFallisaiah43:26JustifiedClaimPromisesWordFromTheAngels10:12_Daniel3:29Mark9:23AllDoubleDestruction17:18Jer31:29_37PastSourGrapeFutureKidsTastaSourGrapeWhirlWind30:23_24JER7:23StudyHeart17:5JER20:12VengeanceOpenCause1820TheIncredibleCoverUpHistoryOfRapture10$CompanionBibileBullinger100$FreeSHepherdCHapelUTubeStudyStopMutationsEveryone100mgZincStopCovidIsHIVIsCovidNowAirBornStopMutations105MGZincProtectFromEnteringTheWombTakeNewphew4ThBabyHeroImmuneNaturallyEverydayExampleFriendPregnantGotPoisonIvyBadBaby30YearsNowImmuneToPoisonIvyWorldWideAllWomenNeedToBeWithChildimmuneInWombZincProtectsReadSongDegreesEveryday15YearsPromiseToHaveKidsLoveGodsPromisesReadStudy’sWordToTheWiseMyThemeSongMyWayJesus
The singer reminds me of Corey Taylor
friendly reminder that this singer also sung songs like eyeless, disasterpiece, spit it out, eeyore
My boys. Iowa all the way!
thank you taylor for singing this song! it is a big part of my life that i can let go of when i listen to this song.;];];];];];];];];];];];];];];];]
No puedo creerlo!!!! Llevo más de una década buscando esta canción! Y me la cruce de la manera menos imaginada ….Tenía algunos sonsonetes y acordes en mi mente , pero hoy por fin di cuenta que era Stone Sour!
Por cosas cómo está, el
Rock prevalecerá !!! 🤘🏼
I’ve always liked stone sour better than slipknot. Still like slipknot, but this band is better musically. Corey Taylor is awesome
Bloody Mary. Cause I am looking through glass. But what if the stars shine for you
Forever feels like home
who’s listening in 2021!
this was posted before i was born lol…still a masterpiece
I don’t care what the new generation says, metal/ rock is the best genre.
I know this isn’t slipknot
but RIP Joey Jordison 🥺
Im in love in your voice when i heard the wait and bleed of the first time, but this song is the most perfect in this world 😀
Essa música traz tantas lembranças gostosas de anos atrás, quando tudo ainda era bom por aqui
I’m guessing there’s no star cows in this
man, those were the days, young, strong, top of my game and enjoying life without a worry, now everyone is dying “(
Snuff e Through Glass nunca terão o mesmo sentido agora que Joey se foi.
Descanse em Paz, Joey.
I have nearly listen to every slipknot song today after hearing about Joey’s death and I have looked at all the comments and it is amazing how many people have paid their respects to Joey
Joey Jordison I’m looking @ u thru the glass
Harry Dunne can sing!!
respect Joey
Jeff Loomis all along…
I Remember the first time I met Stone Sour and watched this video was on MuchMusic (Argentina) at the end of 2006, it was once but never knew the band’s and song’s name, I only remembered a video which was a movie scene where showed manikins that others take away at the end of it. I always wanted to know who were and which the song called, and after 15 years fortunetely and thanks of youtube I discovered this great band and this hard, deep, and realistic song. Great song and video, 15 years later keeps being brilliant.
I cant home. It was never home.
Мурашки по коже от этой песни!!!
Ouvia na rádio mas não sabia quem cantava…
Som da hora
Imagine if the lead singer was in a metal band also that would be sic.
2:54 2:57 3:00 3:49 the most badass moments in this music video
Who else is watching this in 240p in 2021.
The movie star’s they tell lies to you.
A glass cylinder
I’m on stage trapped in a small class cylinder
Trying to run
How do you feel now ????
Love u
Did anyone recognised HOLLOWOOD in the background?
Corey mother fuckin Taylor is one of the best singers ever
Reupload this in HQ, please!
There’s no way this is the same guy who sings for Slipknot
Corey Taylor has had so many different hairstyles lol
i think the singer and the long haired guitar player can fit well with slipknot
So weird to see corey taylor like this after watching him set a fan on fire at a slipknot show
Forever feels like home
2006 damn
Pretty sure this is Corey Taylor giving MTV the middle finger if I remember correctly
Обожаю 💖
que isso igão
foda mlk
Starz??? Anyone chekn out the METEOR SHOWER going on RIGHT NOW???
I wear glasses. I’m looking at you through the glass 🙂
Still waiting for the HD video
When Corey had hair. Funny that he is mainstream now on pop and rock radio but talking about mainstream
This is probably the best stone sour music video, everything else is cheese
RIP jj
Amazing voice 💖 this song!
Doctor : white hair Corey Taylor doesent exist, he can’t hurt you.
White hair Corey Taylor:
Can’t understand how so many people like Slipknot, whose music I cannot swallow. Stone Sour in my opinion is way way better
2021. ))
Underrated song!!!
When I was younger I never really liked this band because it wasn’t as hard as slipknot, now that I’m older i can actually appreciate this master piece
This lead singer is amazing. He should be in nostalgia critic’s the wall.
I can’t believe this is the same dude that sings disasterpiece.
Anyone else think this is about prison visitation on some level? Thats what i take from it, it reminds me of visiting my sister.
Wow!!! Who knew Harry Dunn could sing!!! 🤣
😱Corey Taylor simplesmente maravilhoso, amo ❤❤❤❤
This song is like both me and Steven were heartbroken because of the COVID crap I mean right before it started our love bond were indestructible.
I mean his touch his words makes me feel like secured, warm and protected.
I was looking for the “I’m looking at your through my ass, don’t know how much gas I’ve passed,” comment but I can’t find it 🙁
Corey Taylor is freaking beautiful….
When I was 18 I would listen to this song because my dad was in prison. Got me through a rough patch in life for sure.
I don’t know how much time has passed since I last listened to this song but it does feel like forever 🥺
Should everything come out of the darkest corner of our lives and into our music 🎵 CT PHL pa
Does anyone ever read this
this music video should be HD quality
Все уйдут,а мы останемся
good song! 🤟🏼🤟🏼
Everyone here is hilarious… “oh its a prophecy… its about depression…bla bla”….nope…he wrote it out of anger to shitty MTV while shitting his pants from food poisoning… haha…
Such a good song to listen to when you just had a break up
Jim Root even used a telecaster in this wow
imagine if the singer of stone spit joined slipknot THAT would be good
You is banad
Imo Corey’s greatest ever song. And thats really saying something. One of the definitive rock songs of the century for sure. Masterpiece
awesome! great Vokalist!
Corey looks like the Lex Luthor from Smallville haha
Corey Taylor bring us more music like this please. I love you but I cannot handle Slipknot. Thank you 💕
Lowkey Corey looks like Harry from “Dumb and Dumber” in this.
I’ve been listening to this song for more than a decade now, but only came to realize now, that when Corey sings “The stars they lie to you” he meant celebrities, not objects on the sky….
Szia Dia^^
i love you man i know you never read this but nevemind i just lising,playing,and sining slip knot and store 19 i dieying on cancer i know
you give a shit what i write i love nevermind sorry
i love slipknot and stone sour forever
I feel like he’s like slightly off key or something, really good song but something isn’t sitting right with the vocals
This is my boyfriend’s favorite song, it has now became one of mine.
Its easy to throw stones in a glass house when it not the one being destroyed….stop point fingers at the wrong directions…family can be the 1st ans welllll his was against us both….him & I were alone against the world 🌎🌎🌍
This is my jam.
There’s this band called Slipknot. I bet their singer would’ve done an amazing job with this song like this. IDK, maybe not.
Corey Taylor with long hair = god himself
Still The Best Song Stone Sour Ever Put Out.
I feel like the band is rocking out way harder than the song deserves. It rocks, but these guys are playing like Slayer just fucked Cannibal Corpse
Always top emotional song ❤
This was on Fuse when uploaded on here!
Yup this is the one, this is it.
I would think of this when in jail talking to my fam and gf through the glass.
Corey é foda
I wish Corey could stop long enough to notice how much his lyrics really mean to some people. He talks it but the I think the fame and fortune makes it hollow. I mean look at the half ass solo shit he did. Wasn’t from the heart, was from the wallet. Black eyes blue. Hell, the meth I watch all these zombies do does that. Reach into your soul and get real again kid!
If you know, you know 😉
Don’t lie you’re parents showed you this song and now you love it
Corey Taylor is slipknot wow I never knew he seems so more of a soft singer then slipknot is screaming but it’s awesome
U R Just A Product Of Corporations Industries Studios CEOs = All Athletes Musicians Models Actors Actresses Rappers E.T c Project Mayhem @3836 Malignant U R Just A Product Of Entertainment Industries U R Just A Product Dat Will Expire Sooner Or Later Project Mayhem Tyler Durden Babe Baby Ruth NYY 3 Odin
corey have two sides :
in slipknot like a demon
in stone sour like a angel
Feel in at the caffee
1:06 guy from Come What(ever) May album cover?
I blame this puss shit for the death of slipknot. We are a long way from people=shit.
240p @Roadrunner Records? Are you kidding me?
I listened to this for the first time since being an adult and wow, I’ve never felt a song that describes the existential dread I feel. I now understand why this was my mom’s favorite song
He looks like a Jerry Cantrell clon
I’m gonna be honest I’ve been under a rock but I was today years old when I found out the singer was Corey Taylor now that I know it’s pretty obvious that it’s him I just never noticed
this song is seriously a masterpiece
Sell love for a mirage
No thank you
Ive seen hell
When you fail to paint 💘
Everyone falls with or without love in this world.
Such a gorgeous song. Really puts all the fakery of Hollywood into perspective.
Chester bennington favorite Song. RIP. ❤️🙌
бля ровные пацаны , респект
The deslikes are from angry neighbors.
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
harry dunne, through glasss
None ever tells you that forever feels like home…
Sitting all alone inside your head
Every fan of Stone Sour must comment this video:
Deus ex machina
When music was still good and they weren’t singing about W.A.P. all the f***ing time 😑
That one side: Demon Voice
But also the other side: Totally an Angel Voice
Todas las bandas de hard rock en este canal buscar en las playlist creadas saludos y gracias
Just realized this is Corey.
That the guy from Dumb and Dumber?
Ironically, we’re all watching this video through a glass screen.
this song is about talking to God through the glass dome AKA the firmament, earth is flat folks
when cory went mainstream
Better than MGK 💯
RIP Jake
I still remember when you sang this in our school auditorium.. that shit was so beautiful you always wanted to be with your dad… miss you buddy 💔
This great song will live forever❤️🤘
Pure talent ❤💯
October 31st
356 Daze
I am looking at you
Through the sink
Like an old
Discarded drink
Pouring down the
Pipes for forever~
Great song
You must pay to play in backgroun n no adds!
Corey looking like Harry Dunne from Dumb and Dumber
When you just found out about Corey’s other band LOL I like it though! Gonna have to check out Stone Sour’s discography!!
Far better with Jim Root. It’s time Corey jumped ship to!. Its a shadow of its former self is Stone Sour.
The bass player disguised as a traveling hobo is probably my fave…
Corey’s 1 of the best singer’s out there. I has the pleasure of seeing Stone sour with ozzy in Toronto a few years ago. Best concert I’ve ever been 2
This song definitely aged well, WAY before it’s time… why are people getting famous for nothing? 15 years later….boom..
Was just talking about life size photos. Love the algorithms. In my head. Q note 12,345.
Let’s see that punk MGK be as talented as Corey!!!! Pffft
Does he not see he’s part of the problem? Nah. This is just YT.
God knows how many glasses i´ve been looking through!
My rabbit passed away yesterday and this song popped into my head today. It’s a nice relaxing song despite Corey Taylor (the lead singer of SlipKnot) singing on this track. R.I.P. Bert.
More dissemination “How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything” we’re nothing but mannequins the sum of all conscious is one we’re just mannequins and some are just shit houses contaminating everything
dat 240p
Impossível não ouvir isso e não se lembrar da adolescência. Nostalgia demais
The moral of the song: Preps are fake.
Maybe he should take Jim the bassist with him to try out for slipknot
Corey Taylor should’ve stuck to this instead of forming that awful Slipknot shit. This is way more normal.
Woke up today and decided to listen to Stone Sour for the very first time
Best decision I made in my entire life
This should’ve been a “90s song” but I’ll take 2006.
That drummer wore the wrong jacket. Inhibits movement. I really like the beginning. The end with the stars that shine they are good lyrics but the vocal structure leaves something to be desired in my humble opinion. I am a musician myself and I also tend to be a perfectionist so no worries. It’s a good song. Excellent at the beginning and still good at the end. I simply think it could have been brought to slightly greater heights.
Nice to see Ed Sheeran has turned to metal!
I understand this song a lot better since I’m older
love this video
Love this song since I started my career at Lockheed 15 years ago 🙌🏻😎
Me from Indonesia and I love stone sour
why not upload with better quality?
Perfect for the fakery of 2021 thanks
Ayo, this is like nickelback! Slipknot’s much betta’
Corey Taylor is Strongest of his generation. Power. Aggresion. Emotion.
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
Im one month older than this song LOL
Corey’s alter ego is a Swedish backpacker
It’s almost 2022 and this shit still brings me to tears
Look at those pixels, they smell of 2006
240P ¯_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
He’s my ghost 👻
This is a really good song until that 90s power chorus comes in. Really pulls you out of how deep the lyrics are.
Its not fun confined to the firmament.
For ever
The stars lie to us all
I would freaking love to sit down with CT and just pick his brain… about literally ANYTHING
Nem parece ser o vocalista do Slipknot, kkkkkkkkkk
Relate to this so much I know your lurics… stars do not lie we just give up x
This song took on a whole new meaning for me when I had to see my dad pass away through a glass door to a room I wasn’t allowed into because of covid restrictions. Gave me chills when I heard this on the radio the next day, I still get chills a year later.
Edit: Thank you everyone for your kind comments, they mean a lot to me when I see a notification pop up once in awhile. For some context, he had pneumonia but the doctors weren’t sure if it was covid. It wasn’t until after he passed away we found out he was negative.. he wasn’t in the hospital for very long. My heart goes out to anyone who lost a loved one during the pandemic because I’d imagine our experiences were very similar, and I know it’s not easy at all.
Eu amo o Corey Taylor, amo Slipknot e amo Stone sour. Sou a única brasileira aqui?? Rs 🇧🇷
My dad passed yesterday, this song was the one that let everything out. I’ll think about you everyday big man, I love you
Funny fuckin BLAST asshole.I recently met coryina fan kind of way I’m in fuckin lust with that guy.
Jesus, 15 years? Wow.
Stone sour is Nickleback lite
max of 240p? c’mon roadrunner lol
Pretty much when ever I listen to this song I song it as loud as I can
I wonder if Stone Sour ever opened for Slipknot.:P
Ontem ouvi esse som comendo a minha mina …
Ну що,котики,хто тут ностальгує по своїм юнацьким нульовим?)))
I miss you joey
Could we get some higher video quality for this awesome song?
Send f 16 flyby
I have a dog. 🙂
The matrix is crumbling
The guitarist jim root is also good he should also join the band named slipknot alongside corey
I remember when I first heard this song sitting in my car eating lunch with my then GF IRS on of those songs the first time you hear it you love it & rare cause songs kinda grow on you – not this song
Jesus christ.
MGK plays this every morning he wakes up 😂
It’s kind of funny if you think about the message of this song, how some people present themselves in a certain way, but are really fake. It’s also kind of funny that it’s sung by Corey “The Salon Blonde” Taylor.
This lead singers are talented
this guy sucks im goin back to listening to slipknot
To the future generations, never let this song die.
cory taylor looks so different w/o the makeup & i think this is the best stonesour tune
Wow 15 years ago. That’s crazy, I used to listen to this on my iPod shuffle 😂
So this is the reason why psychosocial’s chorus was so melodic.
لكوالتي فلم سكسي عراقي هههه تحياتي
خرب الله
Why’d they ditch Jim, hes a legend
Better in slipknot good this tho
I’ve never seen this video until now. 2 thoughts: his hair is awful. The lyrics sound like he’s talking about being in prison, not surrounded by fake people at a mansion party
Corey ícone
Remind me of Kevin and what we had he knew me inside out
Dude looks like garth from waynes world
this is my uncle’s favorite song and he passed yesterday so sad listening to this masterpiece without him.
This dude could do metal!
🖤 Corey fucking Taylor 🖤
More relevant than ever. Hollowood indeed.
This videoclip is the video which inspire Zach King
Just when I thought you couldn’t do anything so stupid… you write a song like this….AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!
The track is such a melancholy delivery.
This NEVER gets old…
Its that simple.
Thank you for this song 🖤
Why does it say 15 years old
Наконец-то я увидел, как он выглядит
Anyone still?
To this day this song still bumps🤟
Jesus 2006?? Is this like the first song uploaded to YouTube??
just watched a video of ya from 15 years ago… age is the enemy
That Ending Chord “Splang”
My question is the guy with that older 1950 Camera is that camera stealing There Souls . Some body tell what ya think
Кори, ты с этим прекращай, где dead inside?
Every fan of Stone Sour must comment this video:
i didn’t know the Fuck her right in the pussy guy was their Bass Player
I can’t believe how Harry Dunne didn’t invite Lloyd Christmas to join the band
Always be a masterpiece xx
This song is truly beautiful.
Have u heard of the girl band sipnut?
The drummer is playing in a motherfuckin leather jacket
12 year old me crying thinking I had problems and shit at that age lmao.
how is everything made of cardboard lmao (I know it’s editing)
From Slipknot/StoneSour in Childhood to Melodic Death Metal to Presense…You Guys REALLY ROCK! Keep it up!
Forever feels like home sitting all alone inside your head . The accuracy of this . Then, now ,forever 🖤💕🖤
Cornetas’s fine by ME
2:09 first time listening to Stone sour after listening to slipknot, I was half expecting him to scream like in slipknot lol
Nunca encontrei alguém que conheça essa música rs, eu amo há uns 10 anos
I will remember this song forever was riding in the car with brother all happy. I lost my beautiful brother 12-31-2021 it hurts so bad. 💔 Please God help me.
Go Cory Taylor sing that song….Slipknot
2021 but me and my dad listened to alot of rock n roll and I have a public playlist of 95 songs I think of what I heard on the radio THANKS FOR MY CHILDHOOD DAD too bad your not here to see me finish it 🙁 he died in 2020 November 5th
Corey you look so different
🫂Can’t but help but 2feel this from being behind the glass 2many times.❤
I love this song forever!
Highschool memories!
I will not tell you how long I have been looking for this and now that I finally found it I realize how much a pice of art this is
corey is a fckng multitalent … i love him…stone sour and slipknot….thats damn incredible
I miss you
I liked his performance better in Dumb And Dumber.
i thought i remembered this song going harder in some places, i’ve been looking to see if there is a cover of this song by another big band or if this is a cover of another song but i cant find anything
Don’t hate but growing up I did not know this was corey fucking Taylor! What!! Haha
I don’t know why I remember a video for this being in black and white….and there was a point in the video where the singer was looking at his reflection, etc.
ты лучший!!!!!
2022 and here we are.
Эх, были времена…
Time travlers!
Don’t know why , but “i am looking at you through the glass” for me sounds like “looking at chetiri glaz(four eyes)” четыре глаз
In my opinion his is much better than a whiskey sour. Not that I can recall totally or partially what a whiskey sour taste like but, then again I don’t drink that much that often Anny Morrison might better to ask for a comparison I’m not impartial.
Тётки классные!
WTF, this guy’s EARS look exactly the same as Corey Taylor from Slipknot #crypto2022
This shit hits me in the feels every time. EVERY TIME.
Perfect song.
Much love, the old videographer captured much, but today is so…love you guys grew up on your talent! Feels like forever…TY, honored without freaky $hit😬😉💋💥🥳
Hi Tim!
I’m not crying …’re crying
Glad a friend recommended this, opened me up to a ton of new music
A couple of days after my last roommate moved in, he said he thought of me when he listened to this song. He called it my song. He’s the one person I’d call a best friend. I ruined it. I was so anxious around him. I needed to drink every time before I interacted with him. But I loved him. And I ruined it. Ruined what we had. I blacked out last Monday. It was bad. Kept saying I was going to kill myself (I’m suicidal). Cops had to be called. I’d stopped breathing for who knows how many minutes. Ambulance was called. Woke up in the hospital. My abv was something like 2.6 I think. I hate myself for that. I’ll always hate myself for putting him through that. I’ll always want to take that day back. But I can’t. I’m so sorry Nathan. I lost a best friend that day.
My god Cory your poor soul with the all burdens you’ve carried, so much makes sense… how much do you know, and do they even love you?
Corey Taylor is my favorite vocalist hands down
Jim Root rockin a Tele!
When Harry from Dumb and Dumber gets s lil smoother lol
This is the entire slipknot band trust me.
Corey Taylor ❤
I have one very pleasant memory from my life associated with this song. The song is in my personal top 10 favorite songs of all time.
Corey trying to be nickelback and shit
Almost 15 years of life, growing up on slipknot and stone sour, about monday of this week i connected the dots that Corey Taylor is the lead singer for both💀😭
He did that’s Corey Taylor lol
I’m looking at you through the glass don’t know how much gas iv passed oh God it really smells like… Probably shouldn’t say it on here
Good song though just thought I would make a little parody on here
Man I haven’t heard this song in years. A random tik tok reminded me of it.
Música top!
15 years ago this song out the air, and right now I hear this greatest song like the first time 😏👍
“In a weird way, if I hadn’t eaten the european McDonalds, and then shit 4 shades of red out of my body, you would not have Through Glass. So there you go.” – Corey Taylor
After a promising intro and verse that chorus just flat out sucks the life out of the song.
This song impossible to like black lives matter
This year makes the sixteenth anniversary of this song coming out. Incredible how time flies.
sounds like the vocalist of slipknot
My mom overdosed about a year ago and I remember how terrible it felt trying to protect her from herself. I was stuck behind an imaginary glass wall trying to get her to come to her senses but the more I pushed to help her the more she pushed away and the more I hurt myself. When I was ready to go off to college I realized that I could either keep fighting for her and end up killing my body and soul in the process or I could step away and trust her to get better. I chose the latter and she didn’t get better and now I’m left blaming myself for not being strong enough to sacrifice myself to save another. I can’t talk to anybody about it because I don’t want to tarnish her name, it was just me and her living together so nobody else knows how truly bad it got only music provides me comfort
Hey just have him pay the rent three doors down from the police training academy can u believe he didn’t take that ring for the pre-planned Government set Chelsea Anne Dixon let’s raise hell and put him at pre-planned 13.06′ South Locké he has no idea what’s going on can u believe he didn’t take the tunéchi ring either the wit
It’s a small world after éll says the Facebook founder
Étienné Bonnet de Condillac 1715-1780 derrived John Lockés view all knowledge is self knowledge survey says 1 million dollar ?
With the écho at 11 that was not an easy answer to find
Oh yeah I just want to shoot those preplannERs in the fucking face with there Pfizer script at the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
2022 and still listening
this song is so good i love it so so much
No war! Peace for Alexey Navalniy!!!
Power is in the truth!
The memories this brought back to me, my literal early childhood in one song
why are people commenting about their dead relatives? this has literally nothing to do with death.
“It’s the stars that lie to you”, the most important line in the song.
I know that I am
Why are you finding me?
Dad, pick me up. I love you. Whoever you are.
Dad… I love you.
Mom is here
I get the joke but he’s already slipknot’s vocalist
Great Singing Voice when he’s Not Yelling.
He looks look like that fucker who killed all those people in tassie
Good thing he wore a mask
Hell nah, lol, everything was cardboard. Hey can I use some of that cardboard to build my house :p
I love these guys but the lead singer looks like Harry from Dumb and dumber.
Não dá pra dizer sim e não
this song made me just realize how to beat the green glass door game but i also had to look it up thought it was like the game where the sidemen played that’s you have to relate a word to the last person but its not you have to have double letter words like apple not bananas that’s an ex from the internet and i remember this song from the phone game guess the lyrics and writing this rn while playing deep rock galactic while i have to watch my bros dog ok aight bye yall lmfao
Jim Carrey went sad and that other dude from DUMB AND DUMBER made this!!! Good job!! <3
The song deserves a better video.
Everyone is relating the lyrics either to covid or to some extreme death story. Am I the only one who’s thinking of just simple mental health?
why dont u have lyrics on teh offical????
Even though this song sounds to me like it was written about being locked up, I related it to the time I spent homeless on the streets addicted to fentanyl panhandling for my fix. I felt like I was looking at normal people through the glass, having no Idea how long I’ve been on the streets in a completely different world from them. It did feel like forever which eventually became my reality. I was “sitting all alone inside my head” and when I would hear people talk about me I’d think “while your outside looking in describing what you see, remember what your staring at is me”. The point I’m trying to make is I don’t think this song was about homelessness but that is what I related it to. That just shows that music is open to interpretation.
If you didn’t grow up in the Bay Of Pigs you know nothing. Fools a Sheepeople are what you are lined up to ne injected with the same crap you got what you asked for.
No more sad voices 😢
Its hilarious that I never realized Corey sang this song until now.
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Green Arrow is that you?
You tube is great I saved he live he what to end he life bi talk him out of it and told him to get help for his family
Great tune 🎶
Harry Dunn
back when the band on their best line up, jim’s guitar play was so fit with this song
Вера арабская выкбал ва с кароче
The result I was ! Morey march 19 2022
Corey Taylor has changed a lot he has great understand and is better in stone sour than slipknot
looking at my metal cat…she died i miss her and still here
Kinda hard to join slipknot when your dead
Oops got lead Singer nixed up with another
Larry-Boy Love It, Like Burgers…
Cool song man🤘🏼
So this is what Harry has been up to since he met Lloyd
Why the hell did I just figure out yesterday that the lead singer for stone sour is Cory from slipknot😂😭😭🤘🤘
WhT if he switched to his heavy stuff while this vibes goin I would love that lol
The video and song tells you everything you need to hear about this western world.
My little brother just had brain surgery. I drove all the way from Florida to Pennsylvania to be with him. This song really describes what it feels like, to not be able to hug him and heal his pain. All I can do is look at him through the glass and describe what I see, I’ve been up north for just a week but it feels like months, time is getting folded up like paper dolls and little notes. I hope he knows that I haven’t left his side not once.
It feels like forever, I just want to heal his pain.
UPDATE: He passed away a few weeks ago to a heart attack 😢
Amazing song. Taylor is great
This song has a completely different meaning for me. I just moved out of my girl’s place because we wanted to better ourselves for our kids before I moved back in. I only get to facetime them now (Looking through the glass) and when I’m alone all I think about is my boys and my love…I just stare at pictures of when we were all together and it feels like forever. Time passes like no other while I’m doing so. Just as the lyrics go: “Looking at you through the glass, don’t know how much time has passed. All I know is that it feels like forever”
Вот это сразу понравилось потом часто искал забывал в детстве по телику увидел
Танки играл или смотрел услышал слипкнот сначала не понравилось потом видюхи начал смотреть сравнение рамштайн и слипкнот текста начал читать слушать начал потом на аву поставил
Im 16 and have been listening to this song as long as i can remember , my parents showed it to me as a baby and it always stuck, it’s a part of me , it’s part of my soul and helps me remember who i am, no matter how hard it is for me i will get threw it, i don’t have my mom or dad , they are still alive but i lost them both to drugs, i feel like the depression will never end, but when i remember this song it reminds me that i can live that i am living and everything is just a step in life i have hope , and i have faith even tho im not religious , im just a girl worrying about things in life at way to young of a age, been having to be a adult for the past 3 years and im just now getting a break , there was something that told me not to die when i tried to and every time i hear this song or other by slipknot i remember how good it feels to be alive , i don’t wanna die , especially not this young, ik im just rambling , but thank you , it may just be music to some people but it is so much more to me💜
Corey Taylor ❤️🎼
I swear Corey has an awesome voice from Stone Sour to Slipknot in like 0.01 seconds!
I saw this song live few years ago and it was amazing how the entire crowd poured their hearts out and sang it with Corey word for word simply one of my best memories
2022 !
Still one of the best songs
Shame this is stuck in 240p because the editing on the cutouts is actually quite good.
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget, you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars they lie
wtf my stupid ass was like, damn he looks a lot like Corey Taylor hahaha
does this guy have uncombable hair disease? (yes that’s actually real)
I didn’t like this song before but it’s really grown on me as of late.
Pretty like Ston, beautiful song, Slipknot scares me jaja
Mushroomhead vs slipknot……
when corey wasnt the devil and wanted to be like ak nickelback 😅
nickelback. alternative universe
Why such low views? This song deserves way more ❤️🔥🖤
Bro, i know this song for years now and JUST NOW i realized that it says HOLLOWOOD INSTEAD OF HOLLYWOOD
2022 who’s still here!?
how it feels looking at God’s bullshit
no Brasil esse som é pica, muito ótimo 😂
This song is owned by someone other than who made it. Sad. Such a timeless classic.
2022 ❤❤❤👍👍👍
For my lady Patricia
Actually I never read those comments, just today I’m seeing and brutally shocked that people still don’t know who is Corey Taylor.. 😂😂😂😂😂
I could have sworn that these guys disguised their identity with Halloween masks and jumpsuits. Turns out that I’m wrong. Talk about a Mandela Effect.
I love it. Simple truth in every word of this song
The less interesting slipknot
i miss girls looking emo
My father introduced me to this song when i was little. We never talk anymore. I miss him. But I’m scared to try, I don’t think he’ll accept me.
Hey look at me, I’m super cool and gonna post a comment about how the lead singer also is in SlipKnot because I’m super cool and think no one else knows this common knowledge.
1:03 🔥🔥
What was that hairdo though?
They don’t make this music anymore.
No not even including the indie scene.
Looking at u through the glass this is about prison
2022 Remember my first love Karolinę Z Krasnego
Is that corey Taylor damn he is very sexy
Awesome song awesome vocalist maybe he will join a band called slipknot lol
I’m looking at your phat ol’ ass.
I’m looking at you through the glass
22 🍀
Сколько лет то уже? божественно!
He has both the voice of a devil and an angel
They don’t make music like this anymore
1:09 album cover guy.
Эх Кори Тэйлор, и почему я раньше о тебе ничего не знала…? Песня просто бомба, исполнитель – мегаталантище, голос обалденный, просто красава
Very beauty song with beauty-cool voice 👍🎆
Sampai tahun 2022 tak ada seorang pun yang mengatakan padaku kalau vokalis stone sour adalah juga vokalis slipknot…
Padahal slipknot band favoritku semenjak aku masih duduk bangku SMP di 1999..😭😂
Man that Chris Jericho has a great voice
I somehow can relate this song to depersonalization and derealization symptoms 🙄🙄so painfully relatable😥
Que som foda mano!!!!
Corey Taylor long hair lmao
This video is older than me.. Glad I still like this song though, it brings back alot of memories
Who still listening to this in 2022
Ela está presa
A amiga dela está pensando em bater em uma outra garota por bobagem.
O cara não pode vê-la.
Eu lembro do bolo da sua mãe <3
Di, eu lembro
This is the personality they want
The other day got into a conversation with someone and until then I never knew he was from Slipknot. Never cared for Slipknot but when this song came out I had it on repeat. As a gay man that isn’t ashamed I totally get this song. When people want to put you down just for being honest you know they are probably just angry when they realize that the “sissy f****t” had the nerve to be honest and deep down they know they live their lives just to be what everyone else wants instead of themselves.
A message to the future generations:
*”Don’t let Stone Sour’s music die”*
Última infestação de droga até o cu da mãe
Corey Taylor é um bom índice
Só drogas e assassinato
Puta merda, gente.
Enfim, passando vários panos pra vários crimes
Desde 2001
Pq só tem louco no país
A internet foi um erro
Tô contra a câmera
Parece loucura, mas tem método
Pq vocês são assim?
Enfim… É uma punição boba. Eu não obedeço a ordens de americano algum que decide que punição em vida é normal.
É por isso que eu não gosto do espírito inquisitorial. Não é quem eu sou. Nós somos diferentes deles.
Eu confio no Nildo e na velha guarda.
Thank you, mizkif. This song is now stuck in my head.
Muita coisa agora explica
I love Slipknot and I’ve always known about stonesour but didn’t listen to them much but after a little streamer (miz lol) started playing it a lot I had to go listen some more lmao
you guys kept me here… didnt off myself…
yo smite
Mizkif brought me here
@mizkif yo
Isso sim é show de música.
For the most beautiful Angel I have ever known….😻Sarah Elizabeth Rommel “Sadiekat” …..😿😿😿,Vyo Con Dios
@mizkif yo smite
mizkif made you
Classic truth
15 років цьому кліпу… Як давно це було
finally monopoly is over
Well Stream
Deuses são egoístas
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
My ex dedicated this song to me when we were dating. I was 15. And he was 17. Curious.
Давай вместе поможем украине этой песней
Still TOP1.
pepeW GuitarTime
Stars are just movie actresses. Humans aren’t pure enough to understand the darkness it takes to shine like one
0:40 rhett? Doesnt seem like it was such a good mythical morning
i swear this is me singing to my wife and family from behind the glass of the suicide watch room in the local hospitals emeegency room..if people only knew the stuggles of a suicidal pyschopath,,we need more attention to our mental health in America..
Covered by Bangladeshi telented singer AvoidRafa 🙂
it looks like he is in his own little world when he is playing the guitar
Funny how a toned down version of pain is ok,
But if most people knew he was Slipknot’s lead singer they wouldn’t even bother!!
Bless bro your a beast
Masters of Kharma taking away all empty people, made of paper, and all the decorations 👍🏻❤️🛐🕉️🎇❤️❤️❤️
Minha Favorita 🤩🖤🤘🏽✨
Welcome 2022 )
Did u know that the lead singer of slipknot is now the lead singer of this band and the drummer
I will always wonder how this video was made. genius. they just don’t make cool and creative videos like this anymore.
although popular….this was one the shittier songs he or they made
Best Cory Taylor song ever change my mind
Cheng leng
Why the hell did this even get used in a video of a guy f**king an imaginary character.
Looking back now seems unreal….
I was a senior in high school when this gem dropped!
Corey Taylor voice is awesome! No matter how time pass u will be still awesome! Respect from Bangladesh
I would like to hear slikpnot cover
yo mizkif
The days of voice stacking were wonderful
thats not the whole video…its been cut…gota love them star eyes….😉
کنکور را می دهیم و دنیا را تغییر می دهیم و نهایتا دنبال نهایت نمیگردیم بلکه هر دمی که گذر می کند را با ارزش می شماریم
ممنون این اهنگ فوق العاده باعث می شود زندگی و انسانها زیباتر شوند و باعث افتخار است
Therapist: Corey Cobain doesn’t exist. You can’t see him.
Excelente joya de Stone Sour mi primera canción que escuche. 🥺🤩😁👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💯💯💯No sé si es una función entre Kurt Cobain y Corey Taylor🤭😅🤣🤣o es que se parece más al príncipe encantador de Shrek😆😆🤪
I still cant believe this is the same Corey Taylor from Slipknot…
Hearing “Bother” for the 1st time & learned who it was always reminded me of the 1st time I heard Chester Bennington from Linkin Park singing “My December” back when I was in…. F*** me I’m so OLD… 7TH GRADE!?
(when Hybrid Theory had only come out maybe a few months prior, so… this was also VERY much an unheard side of HIS immense vocal talent- about as much as it was VERY illegally downloaded in good ol’ NAPSTER- but, ya know, back when it was Napster you could actually find & download decent, never before heard music for free on the “Napster-as- it- was-before-that- jerk-from-Metallica-ruined-it” *& sorry not sorry, never been a Metallica fan ANYWAYS, AND their songs were WAY too hard for me to play with my stubby little midget fingers on Guiitar Hero so, SCREW YOU GUYS!* ummm… circa 2000!?)
His throat was probably getting a bit raw in Slipknot… And damn, am I glad for THAT (don’t flip out on me here, I DID own a Slipknot CD, wasn’t like I hated them! Just wasn’t exactly “my thing”? Honestly I was very much a punk rocker in those days & “my thing” was more along the lines of Bad Religion & AFI?) because otherwise, we may never have got to hear the absolute stunningly talented voice that Corey Taylor has ASIDE from all that… Incomprehensible growling & whatnot?
Te amo güerito. 🥰🥺
The celebrities lie to all of us.great song
Thats one of my fav songs…
15 years later this is still a masterpiece
Mizkif if you see this shut the fuck up !!! and unban me lol
все нормалек!!! не переживайте!!!!
Resultados principales
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
Traducir al español
I was in a diabetic coma for 2 days and I know one of the nurses was jamming out cuz this song has burned itself into my memory….I dont remember any of those cpl of days minus this song….its the only thing that was there for me cuz I spent 3 days there alone with no visitors except my mom, aunt, and sister….
2022 still listening on bad days. thank you corey your a wonderful man
Do emos listen to slipknot and stone sour?
im just white and 31 and remember it lol
Vou ficar ouvindo isso aqui pra não matar ninguém e ser presa. É importante.
Juntos aqui pra não cometer crimes.
Tem maluco ABIN fazendo terapia intensiva conjunta.
É o quanto os últimos 10 anos foram filha da puta, bicho.
Why Corey Taylor look like Chris Jericho?!😂
This is a lot like datura. I have eating datura more than 1000 times and have never died. ☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️🍄🍄🍄
Ninguém vai prender o Papa?
Its the art that comes out that sniper, when you sit alone inside your head.
This reeks of 2007
Corey Taylor é como eu disfarço.
The Rapture
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and those who died in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. Have you heard about the return of Jesus Christ and are you also prepared for this event that will mark the final moment of history? All the prophecies described by Jesus in his ministry are being fulfilled as great signs in the heavens, famines, wars, pestilences and earthquakes everywhere, which indicate that his coming is already near. The Rapture of the Church of Jesus (every saved person, whether Jew or Gentile, will be taken from the earth) will bring a sudden, dramatic, and unimaginable blow to the history of humanity left behind. This revolutionary event will trigger a series of other subsequent events.
Like the appearance of Antichrist and the 7 years of great Tribulation on Earth. And even if we do not reach the day of his return, we must be prepared so that if we die, we will be sure to be resurrected on that day. For that, we have to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Only and Sufficient Savior of our lives, and so we have an encounter with him and obtain the salvation of our soul. So make your choice, accept Jesus right now, ask forgiveness for your sins and be sure of eternal life.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19 R.M
I had a stroke 2 yesterday ago n in a nursing home at 56 n these guys get me thru the days
I listen to this atleast 5 times daily. It gave me hope in some of my difficult times.
He’s a deep soul, and so very cool!
I know this scenario, all too well, but it helps me deal with life.
Mr M. Hopefully I’m not listening to this 13 yrs from now. I know you got your plans and I will do everything in my power to make that come to light. While looking through the proverbial glass. Godspeed
07.2022 I still love this song
This is for you former friend.
This is DEFINITELY about Dissociative identity disorder…
Who’s listening to this in 2022✊😎,this shit was lit back in high school
Best chopping a mix song
I’ve been watching this video for years and I still can’t figure out how they’re turning people into cardboard.
looking at this video it looks like corey is wearing a wig 😀
I remember they played this for us in 5th or 6th Grade (had the same teacher both years, so I don’t remember exactly which). I don’t remember why, I think it had to do with artistic expression, but I remember feeling sad the rest of the day.
la vida es una ilucion y lo que hay detras igual xD
Seeing “15 years ago” under a youtube video is absolutely wild
Keep jammn pple
The worst thing about the song is that it’s ended
Believe it or not this song helped save my marriage……unreal my friends
Joke hey cory i see why u wore the mask corndog it ok even the ugly duckling got to rockin roll to break that swan out
I thought it was the law stars that lied and not the ones in the ski
não reconheci Corey Taylor pela aparência só pela voz
thank you for keeping the woman I loved alive when she needed it the most….
Just proposed my girlfriend last night and this was the background sound. It kinda describes a part of our history together, when we used to work in different rooms with just a glass between us. I love this song and I probably won’t be able to listen to it again without having goosebumps. This moment will be forever in our minds, eternally linked to Corey’s voice!!
This song will always remind me of my Gram.. my love, my security. Cancer is a bitch.. brain cancer is a beast in its own.. miss her Soo much.
So important to modern society
я лох , лайк если жиза
240p seems appropriate for this crap song.. but the video concept is awesome I have to admit 👍👍
This needs to be in stranger things to hit number 1.
I always thought this was about a prison visitation “looking through the glass” remembering “what you’re looking at is me”.
I’ve always thought that this was a genius video. Amazing editing!
El tonto y el más tonto ? Jeff Daniels.
I used to play it when i was going to school i was 13 . Now i m 26 years old and steel play it on my car when i m going to work nostalgie
Yall know this song is about how corey thinks that actors and musicians are praised to much
Lol I can only see these guys in 80’s hair metal gear after that steel panther video they did.
anyone else notice the lyrics are wrong
The stars in the sky burn for us. and the stars of hollywood lie to us. I have discovered the secrets to the freemasons. I challenge you to fine me. Ive sent it to many people already. Corey i am hearing your words. and i am working endlessly to end these fucks. we all are. When you fell in the fire it burned my soul, but your soul rises like the phoenix, loud bright and beautiful. The 35th step is all mankind, and the 36th is still all mankind…. just living and dead. 21 pilots name comes from 911, and the 19 flight pilots and teh 2 ground control pilots. the USA AND ISIS. Trust me Osiris will return. Excelsior! And tell the Devil to clean my fucking seat off. im coming back. Love
Eu amo essa música
What a fucking masterpiece,cant believe I forgot about this song what a shame.
ayo that guy with the power to turn anything into a cardboard cutout is terrifying
This guy is so talented he should also play in a metal band
This song is a masterpiece!!!
Simply another hollow person passing through
I’m just now finding out the lead singer was Corey Taylor… Today years old… My life, it’s a lie
This makes me feel old… Wow I remember this song coming out
tô fazendo o Corey Taylor
come on roadrunner, give us more than 240p…
My brother committed suicide last weekend by overdosing on something. He was found with headphones on, presumably listening to something. This is his youtube account. He made a playlist containing 6 songs that was edited the day he passed. This is one of the 6 songs. With the method he used, he was dead after about 30 minutes, probably unconscious around 12 minutes. I like to think that it was peaceful for him with his music on. I love you Myles, I’ll miss you everyday for the rest of my life..
Уже 15 лет этой песни да время неумолимо, приятные воспоминание юности эх были времена
R.I.P Corey Taylor 😢
2022 still going strong 🙌
hits different when you’re older
it’s me here.. how do you feel.? my ex wife.. 3 year has gone i’m glad we are not stay in that toxic relationships..
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
I’ll keep my Slipknot but this is so fucking good, Corey’s clean vocals are just as good as his screams. Good luck getting that “and it’s the stars” outta your head
this is such a heartfelt song and yeah they don’t have to scream.. they can sing!
I thought the singer was brilliant as Bjorn in Vikings
I love this song
I’ve heard this song thousands of times, but I feel like I just listened to it.
Somebody performed this at Karaoke last week
I used to hear this on the radio a lot
It’s been 15 years. Still listening in 2022. Masterpiece ❤️
2022 here and still listening💪
This song makes me think of all the years my lil brother sat in jail all by himself, and it was so hard to walk away a leave him sitting there all alone on the other side of the glass …..
Spitting truth damn it hits home
The pictures are stars that lie to us
They lef us alone
I love lobster prop that is the closest I’ve been to one what a crawfish
This song wouldve came out when I was 7 months old. Nearly 16 years later and it still hits
Lolololololololol hahahahahaha everyone can hear my thoughts and im ashamed hahahahahahajig6eg3vtjdoyeh3b4hd6fjhsusvkmsbctwvirvwt
I feel it
Corey is suck an amazing fucking vocalist, can go from screaming like a demon to singing beautifully, truly a prodigy
Amando ouvir esse som
Looking at the glass is the mirror he’s looking at himself
someobe acknowledge how handsome corey is here with me
Lord Of Space 🚀
Stone sour when harry met lloyd XD
Slipnokt version POP que assco
It’s a great song Trip master Gavin lol
Cory Tayler is awesome, slipknot and stone sour are great bands,. Metal for life🤟🤘🤘🤘
O Corey Taylor, vc e foda d mais q voz sou seu fã…
Realising after 15 years Corey tailor sung this song that was allways in the back off my mind for a range of years. Corey you got just a phenomenal voice and I hope we can keep on listening to it 🙏
This is crazy after listening to sulfur
Eu não consigo parar
Eu te amo
Eu preciso de você
I was wondering what the crappy background song was in the chris chan vid where he’s tongue kissing his imaginary cartoon wife.
corey wtf you left slipknot no way!!!!
Like chicken
Cold and angry
I haven’t felt this kind of hate for a long time
And I don’t even know why
The older I get, the more I like songs like Through glass, Circle, Vermillion Pt 2, Snuff
Jesus Christ Saves
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is returning very soon, and is the reason for all of the things that are happening on the Earth right now. This planet is on borrowed time.
Jesus Christ died on a cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose from the dead 3 days later, to pay for the sins of mankind, to give us eternal life and forgiveness from God.
EXACTLY how to be Saved by Jesus Christ, the Son of God:
1. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord.
2. Believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
Biblical References:
1. Romans 5:9
2. Romans 3:23
3. Romans 6:23
4. Romans 10:9
5. Romans 10:13
6. Ephesians 2: 8 & 9
7. John 3:16
God bless you, peace be with you always. Thank you for your time.
Dentro da minha cabeça há: você decidiu seu caminho, coma-o e beba-o.
Estrague sua vida como quiser, mas não posso ir contigo.
hello everyone, if it’s not difficult for you, support my brother.Link to his channel
The man is talented
Jhonny karate kid..😂😂
this shit sucks
It really sucks that this amazing video is only available in 240p.
no one should slag Nickleback and the like….cuz this and these types of tunes are what these bands write….so….???
Zeth and Saylor led me here.
15 ywars already ?!!!!!!!
What are u looking at
I was on deployment when i heard this song and till this day is my favorite
His voice are really amazing, will be eternal in music reign
Tô te julgando, mãe
One day this song will play and I’ll sing along to the love of my life, held in my arms. (Yeah whatever, call me gay. I don’t care.)
2022 still gets me that voice
Damn he went full chad kroger, especially with the hair.
Satanist Aleister Crowley
” Every man and woman is a star”
And he was right and he was the wickedest man in the world. And this is the man that Hollywood adores and follows. Do what Thou wilt….
He got better with age
Corey tava novo e gordinho.
Очень нравится выражение “литл моуз”, браво по пацански
You would never think that guy wears a scary mask and screams deeper than anyone
Where did real music go? Damn greatest era
Its been 15 years and I still love this song
I listened to this when my relationship with my girl started 16 years ago.. and I listen to it now, because it ended.. and I’m looking at her through my glass… 😢
Corey looks like the blonde guy in dumb and dumberer
The three years I did in prison this song was what it felt like
All these years and years I’ve always thought this song was by Hinder smh grrr!! I recorded my last song at Catamount Studios too kinda cool!
Brings me back to highschool I was a broken child. ❤️
Eu moldo sim
Funciona como uma indústria
Croquis são difíceis
Mulher é muito mais difícil do que operação em aviões e inteligência
Tem problema ter usado pra isso também?
É dureza.
É coisa de gênero.
Tuu hakemaan.
This is simply a musical masterpiece! True classic
Still hard to believe this is the same dude who said “I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound” 💀
I’m nothing and nobody at Smith’s
Corey, what habe you done?
Add a comment…
Crys AJb0 seconds ago
Knock knock
Are you OK?
My bat speaks with an accent.
A foreign tongue it seems
I hope to see you well
You still speak to me.
A ginger tumble keeps questions away.
Он охуенен
I still have yet to figure this song out. I can actually say that for a lot of songs though. Strange how people can listen to the song and not actually hear it. I’ve been doing that my whole life. I started actually listening a few years ago. I’m actually hearing the words and trying to put the pieces together. Be careful what you ask for because it can be devastating and seriously damaging.
The stark hours
No black and blue
Adoro Essa Musica ♥
You mean to tell me this song isn’t called through THE glass, I’ve been calling it that for years , only know do I see it’s called through glass 😂😂
so cool 💥
Wish him a peacefu) journey n luv
Me: mom can we get Nickelback
Mom: no we have Nickelback at home
Nickelback at home: *this very band*
This was my older brothers favorite song before my parents divorce, he would blast it everytime he was lifting, and it’s one thing that will keep me and him together for ever, this song. We haven’t seen eachother jn 8 years but I love him dearly and this song feels like he’s still here comforting me
My world is so crushed,,ALL OF MY KIDS ARE GONNA BE AWAY F ROM ME .FOR YEARS .So Hutt..God help me ..Rosalind
15 years ago 😥
Rocking corey forever 🎸😘
Still listening! Oct.13, 2022
Mano só o começo da música com esse violão me deu uma nostalgia msm eu nunca tenha ouvido essa música ❤️
The guy in the hoodie looks like the fhritp guy
When i was little this song reminded me of my dad in prison 😓
I love you Stone sour ❤️
Buena banda
This song is full of emotions
It’s the star cars
2022 who’s here
Grieving my life rn
a letra desta musica esta incorreta, precisa corrigir…
Who would have thought this was the life I turned away for hope of a better one. Don’t regret it a bit.
I love this song soOo much
Thank you Corey 😊 💓 ☺️ 💗 💛
Clever videography… lol.. i get it now.. after all these years. makes sense
I feel like this is an underrated song in music history (especially modern music released in the 2000s). The guitar work is simply beautiful. The sound and production was done perfectly. The vocals are stunning. The song’s progression from its dark and mysterious acoustic intro with no percussion, the band joining in, a grungy rock bit, then an epic buildup into a powerful hard rock outro…this couldn’t have been executed more masterfully. In almost every way this is an exceptional song and deserves more recognition in general.
This is a pretty good example of a typical Hollywood party – alot of fakery & snobs. I lived it & the underground clubs blew away their stupid fake parties.
This song reminds me of my beautiful Son. You are perfection in my eyes. I love you Santiago Hurtado
This world 🌎 is amazing and watch out for Robert a nebus YUUUP WE’RE TIME TRAVEL OLD FRIEND. WE’RE SAME EARTH TALKING IDK 😶 WHAT A HAG FISH IS. YOU’RE MORE THAN A DOG SOUL OR CUP ON A STRING 🫀🔥🧵🪡❣️🔥 you’re a angel.
My son introduced me to this song…,I’m proud of him
This weird blonde guy reminds me of the singer of slipknot. Wonder if they’re relayed
It sucks knowing everything by ur self and pulling off miracles by skin of teeth and hoping can pull off another by some grace of god
is he wearing a wig
Já escolhi minha filha sim
One of the best songs ever written
Pera aí que tá quase pronta mesmo. Eu não sei lidar com mulher.
Não entendo nada de como funciona. Tenho quase certeza de que é psicopata
Eu tô vendo aqui recrutamento… Eu vou precisar de outro RH
Noticed it says hollowwood not Hollywood
Who the fuck is this guy? I hadn’t been attention and they replaced him with a 20 years younger blond guy??? Wtf. I met Corey Taylor and stood FTF with him and spoke. He was veery quiet and not attractive. This blond guy though…20 years younger ??? My ass
Лайк если смотришь 2022 году))))
That transition point in life where you really need to come to terms with the fact that at your age, you really can’t grow your hair out long anymore.
Wie war—-Super!
This song just broke my brain … art is something to everyone
I push my fingers
É que eu sou vingativa mesmo, saio roubando dinheiro e jogo geral no planalto
Is it ok if me and my brother Ryan borrow your editor !!!
This is insane dude!
Well done guys!!!
16yrs ago where’s the time gone … seems like yesterday i watched this for the first time when it was released
we are not real just ALLAH is real
A timeless classic from 2006
Stone Sour lives on forever
Você ficou quase nada no presídio
Ao invés de virar alguém que não se apega, ficou carente
Você é estranho. Eu não espero que alguém volte, oras. Você só não passou por nada, é um bebê chorão
16 лет назад…офигеть!
When the song is the same age as you. 🙂
Corn kid be like ” forever feels like corn”
Great song
Love ❤ them ❤ 💕 💖
Gotcha. Keep trying.
The dude at 1:33 looks like he’s vibing to the music I love when musicians have that look like their feeling what they’re playing it’s kinda wholesome
When i was a kid i didn’t know that was Corey. I really didn’t listen to Slipknot then. Nowadays i listen to them a little bit, not a massive fan but i think they’re ok
Truth in plain sight 🙂 my favorite song forever ♾️
Casi 2023 y acá viendo esta joya. Del pelos rubios este!! Un Rubius OmG este
Stone sour ❤️🙌✌️👏
I don’t know how much time has passed…
16 anos… ele está enorme.
Eu tenho que ver roupas e outros sim. Com todos.
Eu ainda sou bem estável.
Fiz a moeda necessária mais uma vez.
Don’t forget, ” it’s the stars that lie to you” love the song, but listen. No lie there 🤷♀️
‘m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
I am in a hard situation with my girfriend and this music helped me a lot realizing the true meaning of love
Brings back so many memories ❤
still listening thinking in my time of dying
I wish it were that easy to get “rid” of all the trash 😁
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
What a beautiful young man! It’d be crazy if he also were in a some heavy metal band who screamed his lungs out!
16 anos atrás eu era feliz, nem imaginava o quão. kkkk
Obrigado por sua voz, Corey.
Corey Taylor is one of my favorite vocalists
O único problema dessa música é que o volume nunca é alto osuficiente
I just love this, Corey is so talented and his range is making me envious! 😀 Angelic here to demonic in Slipknot, incredible! Would love to see him again! <3
If you’re still listening to this masterpiece, you have a good taste in music. 💞👌😊👍
This should be a Slipknot song !
Eu tô te vendo por este vidro do carro voltando para casa para mim e o papai. Au au.
Não o titio que deixa você fazer tudo. O PAPAI.
He looks like the adult version of Oscar from Let The Right One In.
Brilliant song and video
Guys I never noticed before that it was actually Hollowood!!
if this ain’t a penitentiary song IDK what is
What labels forever, does that included isolation in waves.
looking at you through the polyurethane
My girlfriend introduced me to this masterpiece and I couldn’t be more thankful!
I’m sorry I didn’t know what was going on in sorry you guys blame the all mighty dollar
I’ve loved this song ever since I was sixteen years old!!!!
2022 🇧🇷
Hollywood is so fake
It’s December 9 2022. Who’s here with me vibin’ to this ❤🎵
Am I the only one hearing “peeper dolls and little notes”? Every time I hear it it puts a smile in my face.
You’ve touched so many heart ❤️ with yours and I’m blessed 🙌 you touched mine bless u
What u share within ur heart inspired all of us True fan from the start !!!
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But I forget you don’t expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can’t expect a bit of hope
And while you’re outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you’re staring at is me
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It’s just a different scene
Remember it’s just different from what you’ve seen
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh God, it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
‘Cause I’m looking at you through the glass
Don’t know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it’s the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it’s the stars
The stars that lie to you
Who are the stars
Who are the stars, they lie
Muito parecido com o Debi e loide 🤣
Um mundo que se acaba…através do vidro
I can’t imagine discovering Corey Taylor from this band instead of slipknot. Hearing this man’s melodic voice and than all of a sudden you hear him screaming his ass of in slipknot 😂
Corey Taylor looks like the blonde guy from dumb and dumber remake
Anybody can play this on guitar. One chord shape, 2 notes, 3 positions. That’s it. Impress girls.
slipknot is bad now tbh
Listen to the lyrics from the Source’s (“God”) perspective… Musicians are in tune with more than guitars and groupies 🙃
I saw stone sour live when I was 16 and in my 30’s this is still an absolute favorite
Life happens.
Under rated song
Can’t expect the bitter folks ,
And GD the Dominicans contaminating everything .
Just listen to the noises no more scattered voices
Honestly wish I could meet Corey Taylor in person he’s so inspiring
So tell me some thing Crack heads
Amo haber crecido con esta musica🖤🍷
Imao they totally sounds like Nickelback
Straight banger
Cant find this Version in Spotify…
They don’t write songs like this anymore…too bad
This song aged like wine
Okay yeppers 🥰
No one ever tells you that forever feels like home sitting all alone inside your head 😔
King Chiiyooon!
this video is so good fucking remaster roadrunner wtf
Jeramiah Jacob Lopez I’m trying if you know what i mean trying to get back to you
December 24, 2022. 14.55 in italy. Who’s there??
Thanks your fine
What a beautiful sexy motherfucker 😍
Everytime I listen to Corey Taylor I ask myself… why am I not just listening to Mike Patton?
чиний надад сонсгосон дуу чамайг хамгийн ихээр санагдуулна
Never did come from the heart
Its the stars the lie to u
I wish that the stars lie to me
This is the leader singer of Slipknot?!?!?!
Truly True Feelings , own and of the others all , the most important fact*
I am .
aem lookin at thu dê glass
thon nou res methaime spess
ugaro feels laiq fouever
nou a never theuse
e lê fouever feels lai Com
singi derolon inside our her
rai diu you feel
eres de question
borefogê the donrispéct niziencê
uenson thenlikesou becauso nichon lai
sifou veraibai
el real temazooo
I first heard this song when I was 7 and instantly loved it, I forgot the name of it for years and I kept trying to search YouTube for ‘music videos where everything turns to cardboard’. Two months it popped up on my recommended songs and I cried.
I love this song
Happy 2023 everyone. Let’s hope things get better.
I remember when the music video for this song was first posted onto YouTube.
I was in the first semester of my Junior year of high school.
Great stuff…
Kharma judges demontaging empty decorations 👍👏🙏
epic as last year
I love the theme and how they display on how fake Hollywood is by explaining the stars shine for you, but then after it “it’s they lie to you” sounding different and if you look at it differently you can see right through it and the fact that they play with a Hollywood background here, but it is genius.
“So while you’re outside looking in, describing what you see. Remember what you’re staring at is me.”
Coreys lyrics are legendary
I have a serious medical conditions that I live with 24/7 I have chronic seizures and I have passed away 9 times in my life and I don’t think about killing myself I think of a reason to keep on living life and I have to be stronger than my feelings and my depression that I battle all the time
This is the guy who said “people equal shit” for half a song
Talent deserves its due.
great song, always goose pimples
Music video is about npcs
2023!!! я вахуе сколько прошло уже лет оказывается((((((((((((((
Cisco taylor never dies….hop on the Locomotion drunk! Ever get drunk on the train?”Forever…no one ever tells you Farrell feels like home….sitting all alone its inside your head!” They’re little Shiney stars!
Wear the Stars!
Chris Danny they lie!
Klein Tom ist immer für Paichaline da
Wir lieben uns
Nicht die Firma aus Westafrika Sodonougou Yves
Klein Tom ist Luxemburg
Danke Xavier Bettel. Signé Klein Tom
240p quality amazing
I wonder if they let the people keep their cut outs
I’ve listened to both slipknot and stone sour for years.. why am i just now learning this is the same singer.
This dude is the vocalist for Slipknot.
You are awesome and I love you
Espera , há 16 anos ??? 😶
what a perfect band and song s2
I love telling people that don’t know that is the same singer from slipknot ad watch the world around them collapse lol
The first time hear this song was in 2010 and come back again in 2023, I still, feel the same vibe 👏👏
One day Cory.. hope you come across this.,
My broken child is living through you and your music