During the day, Super Heroes patrol and watch over Avengers Campus Paris, looking for new recruits. But some nights, when the new recruits have left, things don’t quite go to plan…
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Yall did it 20 mill before nba
Ya porfa marvel Andrew
It’s trash until u remove capt. Marvel and the now dead avengers
Cali 1 betta
Have the detroit pistons visit avengers campus
I don’t think they are real Avengers!
I hope when the avengers movie comes out everyone has a new suit some of these are outdated
I much rather go to Marvel Super Hero Island in Universal than this woke overprice bland park from Disney.
what is this walmart version of Avengers😭
Is that Japanese spider-man? YEAH YEAH YEAHHHHHHHH -WOW!
So, Spider-Man walks into the action and then… points at things? Where do I get in line!?!
that is not the avengers dawg
Is good
Niggas in paris?
Thought they was opening an Avengers College lmao, going to school mom!!
Vingadores avante🇧🇷🇧🇷
If dat end sequence of heroes is parellel to how the fight against a Kang is then this raises all sorts of theories like is that Kamala(Ms.Marvel) in Captain Marvel’s body cause that stance is Ms.Marvel’s stance and where’s the rest of the guardians…
Ciao Avengers campus mi è piaciuto tantissimo e non vedo l’ora di vedere un altro video vostro Grazie mille A presto
there are people who live the dreams, there are people who unfortunalty watch them.
Wtf is this?? They could’ve at least cast people that looked like the actual actors
I wish I could got there someday!!
Ya parece como the boys en la vida real
If California and Paris get Avengers Campus, I think it’s only fair they do the X-mansion for Orlando
The Abengers from Hialeah.
This looks cheap
secret wars lookin crazy
One Paris is far away and to none of the heroes can fly there
Avengers in Paris
Q bosta
Gamora Witch x)
hope the,ir not the new avengers lol
When you order from Wish
New costume spider-man 4
Oh how the mighty have fallen smh 🤦🏽♂️
i can just tell, that people that make fake Avengers 5 or 6 movie trailers, are gonna use clips from here😂💀
How cool! 😍
Where the hell can I join 😱
the brought all the avengers (they have) for robo spiders?
I wished they added the gifted characters to avengers campus
OMG Is that Supaida-man? 😱
Bro that’s not my Ironman who this
Dafuq is this?
everyone is great but the ironman pose at the end is so awkward…
The avongers
Who was in Paris?