Morrissey & Interpol Live at the Frank Erwin Center, 20 Sept. 2019
By: Alicia Armijo (aliciaarmijo.com)
If you weren’t at the Frank Erwin Center, seeing Morrissey and INTERPOL perform live on Friday night, I’m so sorry. Your night must pale in comparison to the glorious artistry—and a topless Morrissey—that the rest of us witnessed there that night… Yep, it was a must-see affair.
INTERPOL kicked-off the night in their uniquely moody-upbeat fashion. Playing to a swift tempo, the band kept the crowd swaying to as many fan favorites as they could pack into their smokey 70-minute set. Their frequency-shifting set was a sight to see.
Following these post-punk icons, the crowd was curious to find themselves watching some unusual photomontages and old movie clips concerning a sought-after man named Morrissey projected before them. This clever and novel tactic effectively changed and reset the energy in the room to allow fans to experience and embrace a very different aesthetic vibe and sound. Morrissey and the band took the ecstatic crowd by complete surprise as they opened the show with an obvious winner: The Smith’s “How Soon Is Now?” No one saw this encore-worthy song coming as the first of many marvelous songs to be played that night.
To see Morrissey perform live is to be serenaded. Truly, it’s something of magic that a single man can connect with so many individuals in such a personal way each night. It really makes you wonder, is his heartbreaking up there on stage each night? I sure hope not. The feels in the room were palpable, nonetheless.
Throughout this hit-packed show, Morrissey gave a mildly theatrical performance set to peculiar—yet artfully-chosen—visuals. Notably, Morrissey sang “The Bullfighter Dies” as it was set to some particularly graphic clips of a tragic bullfight. The imagery was unsettling but effective. Morrissey—an advocate against animal cruelty—took this occasion to support PETA on this tour. Fans could learn more about the organization and find merchandise to support their cause just outside the doors to the venue. Still, this wasn’t the most shocking spectacle to be seen that night.
After an incredible set filled with many cover songs from his new album, California Son, the audience cried for an encore. And, an encore, they received! Morrissey and the band took the stage one last time to close with his 80’s hit, “Suedehead.” Singing and dancing along to this alt-rock jam, fans were captivated. Just when the crowd thought that the show couldn’t be any more memorable, Morrissey took everyone by surprise as he ripped his shirt off in the final verse. After throwing it to the joyfully screaming crowd, he left the stage and his crowd screaming out for more. Until next time!