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Please be good
Where is rocket ??? I have questions !!
Among Us
I’m not ready for these guys to fly away into the forever. The MCU just won’t be the same without them. 😢
I am loving it, this is what we love marvel for❤
Is that Among Us of The Galaxy?
Nebula is trying to be so patient with everyone
I loved that Drax and nebula are serious here……😮
Gunn had to always put the comedy in there some how 😅
Your telling now
So what happened quill
Oh no it has funny scenes, new marvel fans hate it already
It is painful
If Gamora and Starlord has married, what color their children?
A. green
B. brown
C. blue
D. black
Marvel’s best. Not avengers not end game not iron man. It’s these guys. In MCU anyway.
Possibly the only Marvel movie that’s worth my money in 2023.
First of all, this is exactly what I want out of this movie.
Second of all…are they playing Among Us?
Anyone noticed blue screen is not working
This is so unfunny
love it
Mantis is a real little sister material. 😂😂
The funny part of the clip was when Mantis was all like “hellooooo!” Out loud and then described the colored buttons!😂😂😂😂
amongst us color scheme…nice 😄
Tough day quinn
I thought I would miss her too..thank you for coming back Gamora..😭😭😭
thank god you guys released so many of these, i dont even have to see the movie anymore!
Great scene Gotg 2 half the humour was cringe compared to Gotg.
Cool scene.
Curious why the costumes are so conspicuous given the circumstances with The Soveriegn and The High Evolutionary.
Mantis and Nebula arcs concern Me the most.
I lovr their journey and Ptsd recovery much like Wanda Vision which was musunderstood and brilliant imho.
As well as possible Rocket/Groot spinoffs.
I love it!
But the internal question, how do they work as a team? It never fails to amuse me.❤🤣😂
Love how quickly this escalates.
*As an older brother with a crazy sister, i relate to this scene.*
Especially 0:53
what the hell MARVEL
i am supporting you even in your bad movies phase when no one is liking your movies and shows
and you are posting movie stuff STOP posting clips
thats why nobody likes your movie
dont you have any self respect
i am repeating JUST DONT POST MOVIE STUFF EXCEPT TRAILER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where’s rocket
Santo Padre, Le chiediamo di liberarci da questo male e di liberarci dai demoni dei Marvel Studios che hanno reso questo abominio. Possano coloro che attendono con ansia questo film, bruciare nelle fiamme dell’inferno
among us
the set looks so infinitely fake
They look like a group of suspicious crewmates… if you know you know
Is this among us 😂 no hate I am excited for this movie
Among us
Bad comedy
Poor Quinn. Never catching a break
Don’t leaks many screen make treiler like old movies😢 because other wise movie dead
I just love , that they will all be cast in James Gunns future DC !!!!!! So dope to see them all back at DC.
This is awkward