Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe Issues Warning Ahead of 2025 Book Tour

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has issued a candid warning to fans ahead of his upcoming book tour, which kicks off next month in support of his forthcoming memoir, Just Beyond the Light: Making Peace with the Wars Inside Our Head. Blythe’s spoken word tour and Q&A sessions will span across North America during February and March. The book is set for release on February 18 and can be pre-ordered here.
On January 6, Blythe took to social media to address a particular concern regarding the nature of his tour. This announcement was prompted by an email he received from an acquaintance who had purchased tickets for themselves and their son, whom Blythe has previously met.
“I had to reply and tell them that I am not so sure this is a good idea,” the singer asserted.
Blythe explained that his tour will not simply consist of him reading passages from his book on stage. Instead, he plans to act out and “illustrate” some of the scenarios described in his memoir.
“Just in case any of y’all are completely unaware of my history as a human being, over the years, at times I have lived a very, ahem, ‘full throttle life’ — there is a VERY GOOD reason that I have been clean and sober for 14 years now. This means that some, not all, but SOME of the stories I will be telling will involve heavy, HEAVY alcohol and drug usage, as well as the batshit insane situations that occurred as a result of said substance intake,” he elaborated.
The frontman assured that while there will be humorous moments, other parts of his storytelling will have a darker tone, making the sessions unsuitable for children.
“I’m not going to be gratuitously foul-mouthed, but I’m not a choir boy. My life hasn’t been a never-ending trip to Sunday school and we aren’t going to be sitting around a campfire at summer camp — it’s adult storytelling time, y’all, so leave the kids at home,” Blythe emphasized.
Fans are encouraged to read Blythe’s full post and check out the tour dates below. Tickets can be purchased through Blythe’s official website.
Randy Blythe 2025 North American Book Tour Dates:
Feb. 19 – Philadelphia, Pa. @ Underground Arts
Feb. 21 – Harrisonburg, Va. @ The Golden Pony
Feb. 23 – Somerville, Mass. @ Arts at the Armory
Feb. 25 – Montreal, Quebec @ Théâtre Fairmount
Feb. 26 – Toronto, Ontario @ Red Room at The Concert Hall
Feb. 28 – Lansing, Mich. @ Grewal Hall at 224
March 01 – Joliet, Ill. @ The Forge
March 03 – Nashville, Tenn. @ The Basement East
March 04 – Dallas, Texas @ Granada Theater
March 05 – Austin, Texas @ Parish
March 07 – Denver, Colo. @ Meow Wolf
March 09 – Seattle, Wash. @ El Corazon
March 12 – San Francisco, Calif. @ The Independent
March 13 – Los Angeles, Calif. @ El Rey Theatre
March 14 – San Diego, Calif. @ House of Blues