Review and Photos By Michael Mullenix
This is a mighty brew made with coffee and vanilla bean and boasting an impressive 14% ABV. Such a robust beer met its match when at the tail end of the afternoon Goatwhore took the stage to unleash Metal fury upon the buzzed audience! With the Fermentation Tanks right behind them, the band launched into their first powerful charge Under The Flesh, Into The Soul.
The crowd soaked it up and began to mosh as singer L Ben Falgoust let out guttural shrieks to fan-favorites like Alchemy Of The Black Sun Cult, Chaos Arcane, and Carving Out The Eyes Of God. Goatwhore was the perfect pick for an afternoon like this, punishing technicality mixed with a raw aggressive performance has always made them a unique beast musically, and one that most Metalheads can easily rally behind.
Brash, boasting itself as the Metal slinger of suds in East Texas, found a fitting representative to their blend of enjoyable beer with a harsh attitude. Goatwhore’s strength is their nearly effortless ability to combine different Metal influences like Black Metal, Death, and even Thrash, perfectly punctuated by guitarist Sammy Duet’s rhythmic Doom-y riffs in an utterly seamless way. In the end, the band capped off a perfect afternoon with one last sonic anthem, Apocalyptic Havoc,receiving thunderous roars from the crowd soaked in hops and grains.