Blue Ridge Rock Festival: Metal and Headaches

Blue Ridge Rock Festival: Metal and Headaches

Let me start this review by stating this isn’t going to be a slam piece or article bashing the festival, however I will be giving a full recap of my own experiences and talking about the good bad and the ugly.

With that being said, lets get started.

I was sent to Blue Ridge Rock Festival by Noise From The Pit with a goal of shooting some amazing photos of bands all weekend, meeting new and familiar faces, and generally to have a good time.

09/07/23-09/10/23 was a weekend that I had planned around for a while and I was eager to get on the road. It was a short trip from rural South Carolina to even more rural Alton Virginia. This would be my wife’s first music festival in the USA as well so we were both ready to do this together.

Once arriving to the Virginia International Raceway the venue where this event would be held we both were amazed at how large this venue was. Inside this insanely huge venue were 4 stages. 2 stages that were considered the “Main Stages” and 2 “side stages” but with the amount of bands any of these stages could have easily headlined their own respective festival.

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With bands such as Slipknot, BabyMetal, Pantera, Megadeth and so many more you had to absolutely plan out your days around the bands you wanted to see because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to see everything.

We arrived to the staff area to pick up our photo passes and credentials and to the festival’s credit this was a very simple and amazingly fast process. To the lady working that window thank you for your kindness and I hope you are doing well! After this my wife and I walked to what was essentially day 0. This was the pre party show that they were putting on for the camping fans already in attendance.

We arrived a little late and walked to the stage to catch a few of the bands playing. I only took photos of one band this night Burden Of The Sky:

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These fellas knew how to get the crowd into a rush of love. They had some slight sound issues but it was quickly resolved. If this was any indication as to how the weekend was going to go I think to myself its going to be smooth sailing.

As I took photos I met another photographer from Japan named Marina. I walked up and asked if she was from Japan, to which Im not sure if she understood or if the music was too loud. I re-asked her but this time in Japanese. I could see she was a little taken aback. It’s an odd sight seeing a 6 foot 2 fat white guy speaking Japanese but much less at a rock festival in America of all places.

After some introductions and the initial shock wearing off we said we would see each other tomorrow and my wife and I left to our hotel for the night 35 mins away.

Day 1.

Once we get to the grounds the next day we decided to plan our attack. Today was a day where I planned to take photos of about 9 different bands. We arrived and decided to find the media lounge that eluded us from the previous day. Once we had our gear stored and ready we hit the grounds walking around and taking in the day. It was hot… much hotter than I had imagined. No worries we walked over to one of the what seemed like hundreds of food booths. We asked for water to which they replied “we don’t serve drinks you have to go to one of the tents marked BAR” no worries as there were plenty of those as well.

The bartenders were friendly. I ordered 2 bottles of water to help us in our adventures. $8 was the cost of 2 bottles. At $4 a piece that’s what I was expecting at least. However when I pulled out my credit card and ran it the total was $13 before the tip I gave. I didn’t think much of it just chalking it up to maybe a miskey. We walked down to the main stage and started taking photos of the bands that were on the stage. We got set up for what was going to be a long main stage night. After taking photos of Stitched Up Heart, Adema, the band CKY was set to take the stage. As they are getting set up, a woman and man walked out on stage… I couldn’t believe my eyes but it was April and Phil Margera. The parents of Bam and Jess Margera! There were here to introduce CKY! Very awesome to see this as Jess Margera being the drummer of CKY it was nice to see some good feel good moments for some of the Margera family during what has I am sure a difficult time with their family. After CKY I was excited to for the first time in my photography career take photos of Coheed and Cambria. This is a band I have seen many times as a fan but never in a professional setting. Little did I know this was about to be the end of day 1.

Coheed took the stage with a small drizzle of rain starting, they kicked off into Vaxis ||’s intro, and following that Beautiful Losers. During the intro however the rain became intense. 40-60MPH winds whipped up and the rain drops felt like water balloons. I kept shooting all that I could until I hear Coheed utter the words “Thank you!” and they walked off stage. At this point we wondered what would happen. We took our camera gear back to the safety of the media tent and waited. Once we heard thunder and then saw lightning even that tent was deemed unsafe for us and we were told to evacuate the grounds. Under normal circumstances this wouldn’t have been bad, however this was a huge music festival with over 50,000 people in attendance. We packed up my macbook and camera and made the what was supposed to be 20 ish minute walk to our car. I wish I could tell you that’s what happened. Unfortunately the mass amount of people trying to evacuate leaving the main gate caused a human traffic jam. We all tried to make light of the situation until the rain started heavy again and this time it hurt.

It wasn’t just rain we were dealing with this time… hail started. We were getting pelted with dime sized hail. We waited on this road with trees on each side of us while in a hail storm wondering why the line wasn’t moving. We decided to run through the woods to try to bypass the line as much as we could to get to staff parking so I could get my gear out of the rain and wet. No avail. We had to sneak and crawl past everyone as best as we could. Once we arrived to the gate where the shuttle buses were supposed to be picking up people there was a lone security guard trying to wrangle the mess of people waiting on the shuttle busses. I tried my best to be calm and understanding and tell and show him our credentials to get past him so we could finish the rest of the 5 min walk to our car from there but he was not having it. He decided to scream at us and everyone else, which in this case wasn’t helping. I grabbed my wifes had and told her to hold on… I basically shoulder blocked my way past this guy because at this point he was in his own zone… I just wanted to get back to my car and try to wait this out.

We ran into a couple other photographers on their way back to their cars who thanked me for pushing through that guy. After that nightmare of being in a rain/hailstorm for over an hour we arrived back at my car. I took off my wet clothes and put my bag into my car. Turned on the car and blasted the heat to try to dry off. I opened my backpack to check on my gear and to my dismay… my macbook was dead. Completely water damaged. No saving it at this point. We waited to see if we could possibly be let back in for the rest of the night but after waiting for 45 mins in the car we didn’t see the sky getting any clearer so we made the decision to go to walmart get some dry clothes and then head back to the hotel. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day so this was just a minor setback and as sad as I was about my MacBook I was just happy my wife and myself were safe.

Day 2.

This was going to be a new day and they were not calling for any bad weather today so I woke up extra early for this day. Woke my wife up and asked her if she was gonna get ready. She replied: Not after what happened yesterday. I need a break and rest. I don’t blame her… it being her first festival I knew she wasn’t used to the crazy that can go on at these things. I got ready and headed back for day 2.

I had to make a quick stop at Walmart to get some supplies for my friends that were out on the grounds camping. 5 hour energy drinks, zip ties, and duct tape for them to help fix their camp site from the storm yesterday. After getting the supplies and heading back to the festival, I made the trip back to the Media Lounge area. I met another photographer from Florida on the walk in, we talked about bands we’ve shot, things we have done and just festival life in general. On this day I had around 7-10 bands I wanted to focus on, but with all of them one I wanted to shoot the most was the headlining act Slipknot. Throughout the day the festival seemed on track for what was going to be great success. Plenty of acts doing their shows I went to one of the side stages and happened to meet up with an old friend who I met on Xbox live over 15 years ago but we have never met in person.

Once I was ready I headed to a stage to get set up for photos. I was told we would have to talk about photographing Slipknot but that wasn’t a huge thought for the time being I had other bands to shoot. I got to the stages and got to work. one by one bands came out and rocked the crowd of what looked like over 50,000 people. Coal Chamber, Knocked Loose, Flyleaf, and then a band who I hadn’t heard of called “Sleep Token” took the stage. This band was some kind of anomaly. All the members are anonymous. I noticed the crowd has SWELLED at this point. This band had up to this point the largest crowd of the entire festival. Their music was a melodic mix of singing, talking and screaming. I was intrigued beyond belief.

After that amazing set I walked up to see what the news about Slipknot was. I was informed I had lost my chance to shoot them. There was limited spots available to photograph them and it crushed me. I knew I still had Motionless in White left to shoot but I was absolutely looking forward to Slipknot. I still did my best but after losing that chance I debated leaving the festival before Slipknot played.

I am glad I didn’t leave because I haven’t seen Slipknot since the 2009 All Hope Is Gone world tour. I stayed in the crowd and enjoyed their set from about 2 football fields back. It was nice to just be a fan for what had been a long but amazing day with no hiccups in acts. Met an old friend from the juggalo world who was selling beer as a vendor on the grounds. Made sure to buy a water from him and toss him a nice tip. (By the way guys always tip those vendors because they need those tips!)

Slipknot came out and played a medley of their hits. I heard all of my favorites and enjoyed the show, once I had seen enough I decided to head back to the hotel and see my wife. Tell her how awesome day 2 had went. Once back to the hotel I sat looking at my photos and had a sense of pride that I was taking amazing photos and working at BRRF. Tomorrow would be day 3 and my most important day. ICP, Dethklok, Megadeth and a band who I have been wanting to shoot in America for a long time… Babymetal.

Day 3.

Day 3 started off with a text from our media coordinator “Storm is coming in, stand by for details on when the gates will open.” or something to that effect. My wife and I decided to sleep in a bit as the rain came trough around 10am. Once the rain had slacked a bit around 1pm we got dressed. We decided to go to a local fast food establishment and grab some energy for the day ahead of us. We were in the line when the news hit. “day 3 has been cancelled.” I was in my car absolutely crushed. Not only do I not get to see my boys in ICP who I haven’t seen or communicated with since I moved back to America… but my chance to photograph Babymetal was just cancelled. I looked at my wife with the most sad look I think I have ever given anyone. “Well what do you want to do darlin’?” We decided to go to the Danville VA mall. This old mall with about 10 shops in it, and a small food court. We hung around the mall for a while just walking around noticing all the Blue Ridge Rock Fest shirts inside we weren’t the only ones who had this idea. It was getting close to dinner time, and it was about that time my phone buzzed in my pocket it was an official post from the BRRF social media account stating that “due to weather the remainder of the festival would have to be cancelled for concert goers safety” This was ultimately the death of Blue Ridge Rock Festival 2023.

We had driven 4 hours for what was billed as one of the biggest and best rock festivals over 4 days only to get 1 and a half days of performances. It wasn’t all bad on my end. I have heard things from concert goers that I’m not going to speak on because I didn’t experience them. However that doesn’t mean I am saying it didn’t happen. This review is my experience of the festival.

At the end of the festival I can say there were some positives. The festival seemed to have plenty of food stalls, plenty of options of food, plenty of drink bars available for purchasing of water and other drinks. Stages had great sound and were on time pretty much consistently.

There were negatives some of which were awful, with the hailstorm and the horrific evacuation plan along with security being less than helpful in that situation.

I can say overall I had a good time with some disappointment sprinkled in. If they do this event again I would like to see more planned out evacuation plans, and some preparation in place in case of bad weather again. I wanna shout out to Noise from the Pit for sending me out there. The media coordinator for the event for being absolutely the best i’ve ever experienced. Everyone I met out there I hope you all can see the event for the positives throughout all the negative.

What did you think of the festival? Did you attend? Did you have a positive experience with the time that we did get?

Let us know in the comments!

Tech N9ne’s “BLISS” & “Pull Out” Ignite the Hip-Hop World!

Tech N9ne’s “BLISS” & “Pull Out” Ignite the Hip-Hop World!

A Journey into Tech N9ne’s Latest Musical Universe

September 19, 2023, is a day to remember in the hip-hop community. Tech N9ne, the titan of independent rap, has dropped a visually captivating music video for his buzzing single “Pull Out,” featuring Head DA DON. This isn’t just another track; it’s a declaration of his unmatched skill and adaptability.

“Pull Out” Makes Waves in the Top 40

The single “Pull Out” has not only ignited the airwaves but also ascended into the Top 40 on Urban radio charts. The video is a spectacle, showcasing Tech N9ne and Head DA DON navigating the streets of Kansas City in a flashy red Maserati. The video peaks with a grand pool party, perfectly encapsulating the track’s lively and carefree vibe.

BLISS: A Fusion of Musical Styles

The single is a cornerstone of Tech N9ne’s newest album, “BLISS,” launched under his own Strange Music imprint. The album is a musical kaleidoscope, melding R&B, soul, alternative rock, and even heavy metal. Featuring collaborations with artists like Joyner Lucas and Durand Bernarr, “BLISS” stands as a testament to Tech N9ne’s rapid-fire lyrical prowess and bold genre experimentation.

Rave Reviews and Streaming Milestones

The album has already crossed the 10 million stream mark and has been lauded by critics. Publications like HotNewHipHop have extolled Tech N9ne’s “intricate, whimsical, and engaging lyrics,” while The Pitch Kansas City has emphasized the album’s emotional richness and diversity.

A Universe of Its Own

Tech N9ne’s musical realm continues to expand and diversify. The album boasts a roster of high-profile contributors, including Conway the Machine and X-Raided. Songs like “W H A T (We’re Hungry And Thirsty)” have already hit the 1 million stream milestone on Spotify, earning accolades from esteemed outlets like KERRANG! and Revolver.

The Hollywood & N9ne Tour: Dates Announced!

Tech N9ne is also gearing up for the “Hollywood & N9ne Tour,” co-headlined with rock giants Hollywood Undead. The tour is set to commence on October 16 and promises to be an electrifying experience for fans from coast to coast. Here are the tour dates:

  • 10/16 – Chesterfield, MO – The Factory
  • 10/17 – La Vista, NE – The Astro
  • 10/18 – Chicago, IL – Radius
  • 10/19 – East Moline, IL – The Rust Belt
  • 10/21 – Denver, CO – The Fillmore
  • 10/23 – Grand Junction, CO – Grand Junction Convention Center
  • 10/24 – Salt Lake City, UT – The Complex
  • 10/26 – Riverside, CA – Riverside Municipal Auditorium
  • 10/27 – Las Vegas, NV – The Theater at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas
  • 10/28 – Tempe, AZ – The Marquee
  • 10/29 – Albuquerque, NM – Revel
  • 10/31 – Dallas, TX – The Factory Deep Ellum
  • 11/1 – Tulsa, OK – Tulsa Theater
  • 11/3 – Milwaukee, WI – Eagles Ballroom
  • 11/4 – Grand Rapids, MI – GLC Live at 20 Monroe
  • 11/5 – Royal Oak, MI – Royal Oak Music Theater
  • 11/6 – Cleveland, OH – Agora Theatre
  • 11/8 – New York, NY – Terminal 5
  • 11/9 – Worcester, MA – The Palladium
  • 11/10 – Stroudsburg, PA – Sherman Theater
  • 11/11 – Pittsburgh, PA – Stage AE
  • 11/12 – Silver Spring, MD – The Fillmore
  • 11/14 – Atlanta, GA – The Tabernacle
  • 11/15 – Tampa, FL – Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
  • 11/17 – Newport, KY – MegaCorp Pavilion
  • 11/18 – Columbus, OH – KEMBA! Live
  • 11/19 – Nashville, TN – Marathon Music Works

For tickets and more details, visit here.

Don’t miss this musical odyssey. Tune into “BLISS” and catch the “Pull Out” music video to witness the brilliance of Tech N9ne.

BLISS is now streaming on all major platforms.

Marilyn Manson Hit with Harsh Fine & Duty Over Shocking 2019 Scandal

Marilyn Manson Hit with Harsh Fine & Duty Over Shocking 2019 Scandal

A Look into the High-Profile Case: Why Manson’s Shock Rock Antics Didn’t Impress the Court

In a highly publicized case that’s kept fans and critics alike on the edge of their seats, rock artist Marilyn Manson has been slapped with a $1,200 fine and mandated to complete 20 hours of community service. The sentence comes in response to a 2019 incident at a Gilford, NH concert involving a videographer.

The Incident that Sparked Debate

The eyebrow-raising episode occurred on August 19, 2019, at the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion. Reports detail how Manson spat on the videographer and allegedly blew his nose on her throughout the show. Charged with two counts of misdemeanor simple assault, the case ignited a firestorm of opinions about what is and isn’t acceptable behavior during live performances.

Legal Arguments and Court’s Decision

In an attempt to defend Manson, his legal team in 2021 argued that the artist’s provocative on-stage antics were all part of the show—a show the videographer willingly attended. They claimed:

“The defendant’s performances for the past twenty years are well-known to include shocking and evocative antics similar to those that occurred here. The alleged victim consented to exposing herself to potential contact with sweat, saliva, and phlegm in close quarters.”

The court, however, was not persuaded by this argument. Manson ultimately accepted a plea deal, pleading no contest to one of the two charges, leading to the second charge being dropped. A plea of “no contest” essentially means that the defendant neither admits guilt nor contests the charges.

Victim’s Impact Statement Sends a Strong Message

WMUR reported that a victim’s advocate read a powerful victim-impact statement during the case, stating:

I’ve been a professional in this industry for 30 years. In all those years and with all the companies I’ve worked for, never have I been as humiliated or treated as poorly as by this defendant. His actions were the most disgusting thing a human being has ever done to me. While I understand this wasn’t a major criminal charge, I hoped the sentence would make him reconsider such actions in the future.”

This case has served as a stark reminder that even in the world of rock and roll, there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. And it seems the court agrees.

Boy George’s Surprising Love for UK Grindcore Legends Napalm Death

Boy George’s Surprising Love for UK Grindcore Legends Napalm Death

The Unexpected Love Affair Between Pop and Grindcore

When defining the sounds of the 1980s, Boy George, the frontman of Culture Club, surely tops the list. Known for his eclectic pop tunes that defined an era, one would hardly expect him to be a connoisseur of hardcore genres like UK grindcore. Yet, here we are—Boy George has openly expressed his admiration for the veteran grindcore band Napalm Death, shattering our musical stereotypes.

The Revelation on Social Media: A Meeting of Musical Minds

Boy George, a British pop sensation, took to the social media platform formerly known as Twitter to share his excitement over experiencing a Napalm Death concert in Australia. He extolled the group’s musical prowess and particularly lauded Barney Greenway, Napalm Death’s politically aware vocalist, for his captivating onstage dialogue.

“Caught the sonic titans @officialND last night, and I’m still hearing echoes,” Boy George shared. “Barney’s words were impactful. A band that’s simply unparalleled. See you at the café, Barney! Quote of the evening: ‘Silence, you fresh-faced imposter.'”


Pop Icon Meets Grindcore: The Significance

Boy George appreciating the talents of a grindcore band like Napalm Death isn’t merely an interesting trivia point. It’s an illustration of how porous the boundaries between musical genres have become. It emphasizes the universality of music, where a pop icon and a grindcore frontman can share the same stage, even if only in the audience.

Barney Greenway: The Sociopolitical Mind Behind Napalm Death

Boy George’s comments weren’t just about the music; they were also a nod to Barney Greenway’s politically charged messages. Greenway is renowned for his socio-political stances, often weaving them seamlessly into his stage presence. Boy George’s acknowledgment of this aspect adds another layer to the discussion, blending the worlds of pop and political activism in a unique way.

The Common Thread: Musical Excellence

It might seem surprising that a pop legend would find solace in the aggressive soundscapes of grindcore. However, when you break it down, the common thread is undeniable: excellence in musical craftsmanship. Both Culture Club and Napalm Death have pushed the boundaries of their respective genres, proving that when it comes to music, quality knows no labels.

Music’s Universality: Breaking Down Genre Barriers

The beauty of this tale lies in its subtlety. Music is an ever-expanding universe where genres are merely waymarkers, not impenetrable walls. The mutual appreciation between Boy George and Napalm Death serves as a testament to music’s inherent ability to transcend societal and genre-specific norms.

Conclusion: A Symphony of Unlikely Alliances

Boy George’s unexpected affinity for Napalm Death isn’t just a one-off anecdote; it’s a narrative that speaks volumes about the transformative power of music. It’s a story that encourages us to look beyond our comfort zones and explore the richness that lies in musical diversity. After all, if a pop icon can find common ground with a grindcore legend, what’s stopping the rest of us from broadening our musical horizons?

So the next time you find yourself grooving to Culture Club’s infectious pop melodies, don’t be too surprised if you catch a hint of grindcore intensity lurking in the background. It’s all part of the wondrous, complex tapestry that is the world of music.

Blue Ridge Rock Fest 2023: Real Reasons for Abrupt Cancellation

Blue Ridge Rock Fest 2023: Real Reasons for Abrupt Cancellation

The cancellation of the Blue Ridge Rock Festival 2023 was initially attributed to extreme weather conditions. However, new reports from WDBJ7 suggest that poor working conditions for stagehands may have also played a significant role.

Stagehands Walkout Due to Poor Conditions

WDBJ7 has revealed that festival stagehands were considering walking out on Saturday, September 9, citing dismal working conditions. An anonymous stagehand stated, “There were no preparations for our arrival—no showers, no toilets, no fencing. Many amenities only arrived at dusk.” Testimonies also included complaints about inadequate sanitation facilities, with only six porta-potties available for 150 workers.

List of Demands and Threats of Strike

Further investigations indicate that stagehands presented festival organizers with a list of demands at 5 p.m. on September 8. The ultimatum was clear: improve conditions or face a strike. The festival was canceled the next day, on September 9.

First-hand account from Electric Callboy Tour Manager

TankTheTech, the tour manager for Electric Callboy, published a comprehensive YouTube video detailing the festival’s shortcomings. He mentioned a range of issues, from a lack of basic amenities like food and water to organizational failures and even missing staff members.

Inadequate Amenities and Poor Crowd Management

TankTheTech criticized the festival’s poor hygiene and sanitation, mentioning overflowing porta-potties and absence of garbage removal. He also observed,

“I walked the grounds. Dude, I am sorry for any of you that were at ‘Blue Ridge Rock Fest‘. I walked the grounds and what I saw, was like, it was unbelievable. I believe they let in too many people, just from me looking, I would guess that. I saw trash piles about 7 feet tall, all over the festival grounds. Like, they had no sanitation crews taking out garbage.

Doubts Over Weather Being the Sole Cause

While the festival organizers cited weather as the reason for the cancellation, TankTheTech expressed skepticism. According to him, “The festival is blaming the weather for the cancellation. But from what I experienced, it was an utter disaster from the planning stage.”

Confusion Over Refunds

Blue Ridge Rock Festival organizers have promised refunds, yet their Reddit forum is inundated with queries from confused attendees seeking their money back.

Organizers’ Second Statement

In a follow-up statement, festival organizers said,

“Thank you for your patience during these heartbreaking circumstances,” they began. “There is an overabundance of misinformation circulating that we will fully address in due time. We see you, and are working as quickly as possible on our end to take care of you.

This past weekend’s weather cancellation was a collective one, made by the event’s emergency management team composed of state and county officials, as well as representatives from the venue.

We are currently in extensive discussions with our ticketing company and partners. We ask for a bit more of your patience as we work to provide you with resolution.”

Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks on Weed Killer Tour with Ashnikko

Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks on Weed Killer Tour with Ashnikko

Audrey Nuna, a rising star and critically acclaimed rapper, is set to grace stages across North America as she joins trailblazer Ashnikko for the highly anticipated Weed Killer tour, starting in Austin, Texas on September 10.
This marks Audrey Nuna’s first official tour and is highly anticipated by her growing, dedicated fanbase, solidifying her position as an artist to watch in the music industry.
This exciting opportunity comes hot on the heels of the release of her new single. ‘Locket’
and promises to be a captivating chapter in Nuna’s career which is undeniably poised for stardom.

Nuna’s music possesses an edgy modernity, infusing her aesthetic with dark, futuristic, boundary-pushing elements that resonate with fans and critics alike.
Carving out her own niche in the music industry, her addictive and memorable dance anthems masterfully combine infectious beats, catchy melodies, and her effortlessly hard-hitting flow.

Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks On Weed Killer Tour With Ashnikko. Tracy Ryan Fuller Photography
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Locket’ Nuna’s recent single, showcases unique musicality and cements her status as a rising talent. Having been Dubbed as “mesmerizingly addictive” by V Magazine, Nuna is capturing the attention of music enthusiasts and critics alike.

Accompanied by a thought-provoking video directed by the late Valentin Petit,
who tragically passed away in an aircraft accident earlier this year. It has been hailed as an artistic and concept-driven visual; “Locket” stands as a poignant memento to the artistic vision of both Nuna and Petit.

Watch the visually stunning music video to witness a captivating blend of art and music.

Her unique blend of styles and commitment to creativity have propelled her into the spotlight, making her one of the first female Korean-American R&B acts to break into US mainstream culture, having garnered attention from reputable outlets such as The New York Times, NPR, Vogue, and Billboard, to name a few. At the age of 24, Nuna is undeniably on the cusp of stardom and is poised to make a lasting impact on the music industry.
The Weedkiller Tour is just the beginning of Nuna’s musical journey. She is currently working on a new body of work, and ‘Locket’ serves as a tantalizing taste of what’s to come.

Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks On Weed Killer Tour With Ashnikko. Tracy Ryan Fuller Photography
Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks On Weed Killer Tour With Ashnikko 36

We have our Meet Cute on the first stop of the Weedkiller Tour in Austin Texas, and the sold out show has been an absolute revelation.
Backed by androgynous dj with vibe elevating mash ups created with immaculate skill, setting the perfect foundation for showcasing Nuna’s undeniable talent and magnetic stage presence. Nuna brings an infectious energy that instantly grabed the attention of the audience, and her high-octane show left no room for boredom as she effortlessly engaged the crowd, exuding confidence and passion. Nunas infectious anthems made dancing unavoidable from wall to wall, even the hardened security guards at Stubbs couldnt resist moving with the beats.

Audrey Nunas Undeniable dedication to her fashion aesthetic was demonstrated when she walked on the outdoor stage in her signature vinyl couture, in the 110 degree Texas heat wave, and was still an absolute dance technician.

Audrey Nuna was a perfect compliment to Ashnikko distinctive style, proving Nuna’s captivating stage presence, and genuine love for her craft have already solidified her position as a force to be reckoned with.

This is just the beginning for Audrey Nuna, as she tantalizes her growing fanbase with the promise of a new body of work. This forthcoming project signifies a new and captivating chapter in Nuna’s career, as she further explores her artistic boundaries.

Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks On Weed Killer Tour With Ashnikko. Tracy Ryan Fuller Photography
Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks On Weed Killer Tour With Ashnikko 37

Audrey Nuna is undoubtedly a rising star worth keeping an eye on, and will continue captivating audiences with her electrifying performances and boundary-pushing music on the remainder of the Weed Killer Tour.
Fans and music enthusiasts await her upcoming performances with eager anticipation, ready to witness her undeniable talent on stage alongside Ashnikko, and they can expect an unforgettable and electric live experience.

Her star is only rising higher and brighter and her dedicated fanbase is eagerly awaiting what she has in store next, knowing without a doubt that Audrey Nuna is an artist on the brink of phenomenal success.

Unnamed Noise From The Pit
Audrey Nuna: A Rising Star Embarks On Weed Killer Tour With Ashnikko 38

Get your tickets, here: https://bio.to/AudreyNunaTour


Audrey Nuna:

Lulu Deadly: