I still “religiously” keep intact the CD of their demo that they sent me from Norway and, as an italian, I can’t be more proud and happy to see them having gained so much musical competence and so much respect in the metal community.. This track slays and I can’t wait for the whole album!
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Im the first to Headbang on this sick track
Very good like this music video
Geezus F. Krist!!!! Another banger!!! Cant wait for the album!!!
Sick song.. video is kinda meh. Looks like a bunch of dirty ewoks are following some random pilgrim woman.
i need this today 😛 sick track for the start of the weekend!
Unfathomably based and riffy!
I’m pleased that HD have opted for a less suffocating sound than the last album. Very pleased indeed.
Low volume cymbals ? why ?
Just thought about you guys the other day when I met your bass player at Brutal Assault 2022
Badass track!
I maestri si dimostrano tali ancora una volta
I know Tito from Everlasting Spew Records is smiling somewhere🙂🔥👌
Sickest cunts as always
☠️☠️☠️kill metal Band ☠️☠️☠️🇧🇷
Ready, my body is
Está increíble la canción, son de mis bandas favoritas, pero siento que falta Gulio Galati
Sounds tuned in same APP used by deathcore bands, are this band deathcore?
It’s ok
Huge improvement and evolution 🤘🤘
Booring as hell 👎
Lets Fucking Go!!!
So Sick!
superb song
I still “religiously” keep intact the CD of their demo that they sent me from Norway and, as an italian, I can’t be more proud and happy to see them having gained so much musical competence and so much respect in the metal community.. This track slays and I can’t wait for the whole album!
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Good guys
¿Y Giulio? 🙁
They don’t miss 🔥
Gods, this is awful. This sucks veritably more than anything had ever sucked before. Don’ quit your Walmart job, guys.
S tier stuff