A generation for change song…. Defiantly taking on morality police culture right here at home in an effort to bring light to the world… Sophia brings it home with flowing tears for girls across the planet… ?..? I love you very much GodessGirl / SheDevil ….. ?..? !!..!!
Hey, who ar you? Do you have a bad song or an ugly video, cuz’ I can’t find something like that but I’m still searching. Don’t tell me that you’re a perfect artist, such a thing don’t even exist 😉😁✊✌️
What I wouldn’t give to meet her just once for like an hour and just talk I’d love to pick her mind she’s amazing and seemingly awesome and very impressively talented.
Fucking love this song , and been listening to the new album id love to see a co lab with HEALTH, feel like Meg and their style would be killer plus 2 of my favourite artists
Which truth? Why do you think the universe wants all living beings to be respected? The universe is constantly eating itself. Please Meg, drop these half-baked esoteric calendar sayings. You weren’t a cliché before. You were unique. The song still sounds good.
I have followed her music day one and I would of never recognized her with her beautiful hair cut off……..But her voice is so recognizable and different than anyone I listen to she I then knew it was her.
Let’s just say that at each of Meg’s concerts riots are started by Far Right MAGA people and 1 person dies at every concert. Does Meg just carry on playing her concerts seeing her fans being killed and pretend nothing’s happening because she hasn’t caused the deaths? Of course not, she’d kick the evil MAGA people put and keep her fans safe. BLM didn’t do that though, did they? The people who are supposedly scared of the police, so scared that they go out shopping with fake money when they are high as a kite, so scared that they rob a pregnant woman at gunpoint in her own home, so scared that they cannot resist the chance to loot at the slightest opportunity. Sadly these people aren’t scared enough of the police, when they are being justly arrested they are the ones who act super aggressive against people who are armed and have permission to kill.
Having said that, I do actually like the song, even though it’s coming from Libtard Insania where Meg lives now.
Now, onto Meg’s new style. For me, Meg Myers of the Sorry era is pretty much perfection in a woman. But Tzia era Meg seems to be entering into coming out as a non binary they/them genderqueer lesbian. I can accept gay dudes who pass really well being women and I am even willing to say there may be something spiritual about the new freedom of expression that have quickly been adopted as right and correct, but the non binary seems to me to be utter BS. But maybe Meg is still somewhat normal and this is just a tribute to Billy Idol/Bowie/whomever.
On the album. I do actually love 85% of the music and do resonate with it. This libtard anthem I disagree with, but I do actually like the song. Numb I’m not so sure about because I think it’s partly a record company suggestion to try and market the album to non-fans. I am a big Linkin Park fan and love the original, I like Meg’s cover, but it just doesn’t fit in the album for me.
A generation for change song…. Defiantly taking on morality police culture right here at home in an effort to bring light to the world… Sophia brings it home with flowing tears for girls across the planet… ?..? I love you very much GodessGirl / SheDevil ….. ?..? !!..!!
Раньше подкупала своей красотой и чистотой, теперь как все, что ты с собой сделала…Фу
Good stuff
Hey, who ar you? Do you have a bad song or an ugly video, cuz’ I can’t find something like that but I’m still searching. Don’t tell me that you’re a perfect artist, such a thing don’t even exist 😉😁✊✌️
Это нечто
These lyrics are deep.
-Atlanta, Georgia USA
What I wouldn’t give to meet her just once for like an hour and just talk I’d love to pick her mind she’s amazing and seemingly awesome and very impressively talented.
I love “old style” Meg so much, that i have no words to explain how. “New image” Meg is so different, i think she lost something important(
Tank girl vibes 😍😍
God has to sneak up on Megan to tell you the population means Mercy
I never in a million years would have thought you were American. You channel Sinead O’Conner and Adam Ant. You sound very Irish. Amazing voice.
this is gonna go so hard live, i can’t wait to see her!!!
All Frequencies that combine as one . An amazing Beautiful Vibration to feel as weak the new theme song.🤘🏼
Meg nine nails
Pushing those Masonic teachings 😉 it’s all over this album
Fucking love this song , and been listening to the new album id love to see a co lab with HEALTH, feel like Meg and their style would be killer plus 2 of my favourite artists
Her song is as much a prayer as it is a call to action. Superb!
Wer kennt und hört Meg Myers in Deutschland ???
Bin seit Jahren ein großer Fan.
Which truth? Why do you think the universe wants all living beings to be respected? The universe is constantly eating itself. Please Meg, drop these half-baked esoteric calendar sayings. You weren’t a cliché before. You were unique. The song still sounds good.
I would be so in love if Meg Myers and Daniel Johns ever do a duet/collab !!!!
These lyrics are real as fuck! Gnostic truth about evil society.
My muse…my strength…my inner self..🤘🖤🤘
Amazing track. TZIA the album by Meg Myers rock! 🙂
I have followed her music day one and I would of never recognized her with her beautiful hair cut off……..But her voice is so recognizable and different than anyone I listen to she I then knew it was her.
I saw this live last night here in New Orleans. Great show, shout out Weathers and BandofSilver
“Peaceful protests – Instigated rioting”
Let’s just say that at each of Meg’s concerts riots are started by Far Right MAGA people and 1 person dies at every concert. Does Meg just carry on playing her concerts seeing her fans being killed and pretend nothing’s happening because she hasn’t caused the deaths? Of course not, she’d kick the evil MAGA people put and keep her fans safe. BLM didn’t do that though, did they? The people who are supposedly scared of the police, so scared that they go out shopping with fake money when they are high as a kite, so scared that they rob a pregnant woman at gunpoint in her own home, so scared that they cannot resist the chance to loot at the slightest opportunity. Sadly these people aren’t scared enough of the police, when they are being justly arrested they are the ones who act super aggressive against people who are armed and have permission to kill.
Having said that, I do actually like the song, even though it’s coming from Libtard Insania where Meg lives now.
Now, onto Meg’s new style. For me, Meg Myers of the Sorry era is pretty much perfection in a woman. But Tzia era Meg seems to be entering into coming out as a non binary they/them genderqueer lesbian. I can accept gay dudes who pass really well being women and I am even willing to say there may be something spiritual about the new freedom of expression that have quickly been adopted as right and correct, but the non binary seems to me to be utter BS. But maybe Meg is still somewhat normal and this is just a tribute to Billy Idol/Bowie/whomever.
On the album. I do actually love 85% of the music and do resonate with it. This libtard anthem I disagree with, but I do actually like the song. Numb I’m not so sure about because I think it’s partly a record company suggestion to try and market the album to non-fans. I am a big Linkin Park fan and love the original, I like Meg’s cover, but it just doesn’t fit in the album for me.
indie rock?
The longer one stays in the music industry the more likely they are to worship Satan
Speaks truth people need to give in to there inner freedoms we all have been held down by others for too long
Damn! Amazing song! Love it!
Total ex Jehovahs witness song. Wow!! GO GIRL
God working through you!!
never will be another MEG MYERS
This is so Meg. Genius since years ago
I feel his art
Wtf happened to her
I wanna live in a Meg Myers Utopia!
Hands down LOVE this girl, if we all just acted as we should this world would have a new society!!!!
You never cease to amaze me Meg! This new jam of your completely slaps! Gotta take a listen again. Wow
I f…ing love this song!
Its sad to see what Meg became now. She lost all her true nature when let somebody turn her into this autotuned – overproductioned pop star
What’s up with the hair tho