Man I would do to have show at my parents home. Just dad I and brother ( I’m now watching after my older brother since our mom passed away and my father is ill from cancer also) It’s a lot of work but I love them a lot. To host a private show for them since taking my brother out it’s not always easy, Father is on oxygen, And they have the yard for an epic event. It wouldn’t be the 1st time I had a party Here, On my 22nd birthday I had a party and the swat team showed up long story but it was a Prank call. The local band still talks about it today.
Jelly roll keep up the good work bro pound out your tunes rock this world into tomorrow spread your music like disease for your music can cure some weaknesses and give somebody the soul to keep believing in something you take away issue and turn it into a passion your music takes a broken person and leads them to a path worth walking ,to keep on going I’ll keep listening cheers brother and congratulations on your album releasing stay cool man
We love you man. You have changed so many peoples lives that I personally know of. YOU SAVED MY SON!!!! I will be forever grateful to you. You gave me my baby boy back!!!! Much love to you and Bunnie ❤️❤️❤️
Most IMPORTANTLY YOU my brother stuck to what you love with hard work, determination, more hard work and with GOD on your side. Your doing big things and it’s only going to go UP from here for you my brother ✌🏼
Hell yes we did! Been jammin jelly wayyy before Rocklahoma f*ck*d up and didn’t put you on the main stage! You didn’t let them live it down when you was on the Monster stage throwing down my boy! #jelly+bunny🔥
Oh yeah by the way maybe jellyroll gets to see this maybe he doesn’t and obviously some will see it in the audience ⁰ of this thread and many ⁰ won’t
But a couple years or so ago I didn’t know where or why this video played I was watching sermon not music videos and after a commercial break instead of the sermon ⁰⁰⁰ Play the song somebody save me
Before I could figure out and change the channel back to the sermon because what the heck is going on here ⁰ I’m thinking why is this on this man jelly roll song was so beautiful and ⁰⁰ captivating I want going to turn it off i was going to listen. A week later I woke up and had a dream that I should send this song to a friend of mine at 4 a.m. because he needed it desperately I sent it he was going to commit suicide because I got a message back and he told me why he needed it and was so grateful it came . ⁰ and I didn’t just randomly just send him his phone I told that I was woke up by spirit and told to send it cuz she needed and don’t know why but that’s what said so here it is. I didn’t know anyone I find anyone that ever heard of Joy roll ⁰ nor have they heard any of his music. After the save me song Andover those next couple weeks before I sent my friend that song I searched out and found in played as many of jellys songs i could find. And I found the man had all kinds and so diverse and so much more ⁰ and nobody still knew who he was now everybody I know nose jelly I have sent so many out over and over and people saying who’s this who’s this and loving it do everybody loves jelly and it’s got all his stuff that’s the Lord for you man keep speaking and singing it man the Lord’s got you a ministry and he’s definitely working on you too we’re following your walk and you just keep telling it like it is cuz shame and fear ain’t got no place to stay tell me like it is just how is needs to be and growth you have had and so have we amen amen
Man I would do to have show at my parents home. Just dad I and brother ( I’m now watching after my older brother since our mom passed away and my father is ill from cancer also) It’s a lot of work but I love them a lot. To host a private show for them since taking my brother out it’s not always easy, Father is on oxygen, And they have the yard for an epic event. It wouldn’t be the 1st time I had a party Here, On my 22nd birthday I had a party and the swat team showed up long story but it was a Prank call. The local band still talks about it today.
Michigan loves you bubba!!
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I’m always here Just for you
Jelly roll keep up the good work bro pound out your tunes rock this world into tomorrow spread your music like disease for your music can cure some weaknesses and give somebody the soul to keep believing in something you take away issue and turn it into a passion your music takes a broken person and leads them to a path worth walking ,to keep on going I’ll keep listening cheers brother and congratulations on your album releasing stay cool man
My wife and daughters fav song. The lost!!
This is one of my faves … but I love all of them. But there’s a couple wow 🤩 🍎♥️🔥
We love you man. You have changed so many peoples lives that I personally know of. YOU SAVED MY SON!!!! I will be forever grateful to you. You gave me my baby boy back!!!! Much love to you and Bunnie ❤️❤️❤️
❤ love you & your music…. Thank you. 😊
You’d be surprised in some of the places Jesus finds you, as well.
Happy for your success homie. You been doing great things for a while, don’t stop now. 💯💯💯
The Ryman me and my mother wanted to go to this so bad to one of your shows at the ryman… Hopefully next time
❤ Love your music Jelly Roll 😂
Most IMPORTANTLY YOU my brother stuck to what you love with hard work, determination, more hard work and with GOD on your side. Your doing big things and it’s only going to go UP from here for you my brother ✌🏼
Hell yes we did! Been jammin jelly wayyy before Rocklahoma f*ck*d up and didn’t put you on the main stage! You didn’t let them live it down when you was on the Monster stage throwing down my boy! #jelly+bunny🔥
Jelly roll gives the world hope❤
I’m lost ,ready to give up😢 seems like u know where I’m at
It’s all good
You have some of the best music for inspiring people to keep going even if you ‘re down ! Thanks Jelly!
I absolutely love your lyrics and awesome tunes. So happy for you. Rock on brother
Great songs hun love it 😊
I’m a 62 year old woman and love your voice and your music. Keep it up. ❤
Awesome 😎❤❤
Wow ❤
Love it ❤
Bought CD much love from the middle of nowhere south dakota
So talented ❤️❤️❤️
❤ great job
Facts brother
Love your music mannnn 🎉🎉
Love it!! God has def Blessed you!
Awesome 👍 great to see a Big guy getting it done!! I to am a Big guy who loves seeing you succeed!!!
It isn’t hard to support someone that’s GREAT and speaks to SO many. Good on you! Looking FORWARD to more great tunes from you!!!!!
My girl and I are showing up for you in August at Darien lake… be dope meet you n burn one down…
WhooooHooooooo ❤
Well duh bubba
That’s because that’s where his
Oh yeah by the way maybe jellyroll gets to see this maybe he doesn’t and obviously some will see it in the audience ⁰ of this thread and many ⁰ won’t
But a couple years or so ago I didn’t know where or why this video played I was watching sermon not music videos and after a commercial break instead of the sermon ⁰⁰⁰ Play the song somebody save me
Before I could figure out and change the channel back to the sermon because what the heck is going on here ⁰ I’m thinking why is this on this man jelly roll song was so beautiful and ⁰⁰ captivating I want going to turn it off i was going to listen. A week later I woke up and had a dream that I should send this song to a friend of mine at 4 a.m. because he needed it desperately I sent it he was going to commit suicide because I got a message back and he told me why he needed it and was so grateful it came . ⁰ and I didn’t just randomly just send him his phone I told that I was woke up by spirit and told to send it cuz she needed and don’t know why but that’s what said so here it is. I didn’t know anyone I find anyone that ever heard of Joy roll ⁰ nor have they heard any of his music. After the save me song Andover those next couple weeks before I sent my friend that song I searched out and found in played as many of jellys songs i could find. And I found the man had all kinds and so diverse and so much more ⁰ and nobody still knew who he was now everybody I know nose jelly I have sent so many out over and over and people saying who’s this who’s this and loving it do everybody loves jelly and it’s got all his stuff that’s the Lord for you man keep speaking and singing it man the Lord’s got you a ministry and he’s definitely working on you too we’re following your walk and you just keep telling it like it is cuz shame and fear ain’t got no place to stay tell me like it is just how is needs to be and growth you have had and so have we amen amen
Just love you !!!
My favorite song on this album
Great Song!! Amazing!!
You’re the best new year ever jelly
Hell yeah, jelly is the best singer ever put respect on his name
That’s because family is supposed to have your back always. We are all in this together. Changing the world one album at a time ❤
Love this song!!!
Amen jay
Taken everyone to church
Bunny said it best:
An anomaly