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Don’t be afraid of theeeee daarkkkk 🙌Phoenix!!!!!
Now you all have X-Men properties, please make a nice movie.
Make some sensible videos like informative or fact series, dudes
Bring back Famke Janssen ❤
Neither- Poison Ivy
Go home, Marvel. You’re drunk.
Marvel’s making thirst traps to gain back their audience 🤡🤡💀
Cringe 🤡
Bro got that lightskin stare
Wow, she’s very creative 👏 👌
Naturel 😊
Champions league 2028
Love jean grey!!🖤🖤🖤🖤
she nailed it! beautiful even with no makup and when she spiced like this? wow
whats her name?
Cringe af
Dark fornix and good edition
I’m suing marvel my friend had an epileptic fit while watching this and he had to be rushed to the hospital
L post
Dark Phoenix of course
Who ya gonna call the X busters .!?
_The beautiful glow…_
ahhh jean gray the best, my favorite character, jean I love you !!!!! You are the best, I adore you, I have all your comics, I am not missing any, I know your whole story from the beginning to the end, God, I am such a fan.
Tf,this is official-!!
Marvel has really lost it
And here I thought marvel couldn’t get any lower
What is this Marvel
Love the first look. It’s just a shame you found it necessary to draw those lines on her neck and also those flames in the other look.
Is this Marvel.. or did they get hacked by Charles?
Dark phoenix
Someone stop Logan before he gets his claws all up in her
Transformed to Karen Gillan
Tf is this
Poison ivy 😂😂
Este final foi surpreendente 😅
Vs Scarlett witch
As the flames rise she becomes Dark Phoenix.
Dark phoenix should join the cleopatra series