The Destroyer2alltrolls
on February 12, 2023 at 6:38 pm
Seeing Michael Keaton back as Batman and hearing Danny Elfman’s Batman (1989) theme reorchestrated in this Super Bowl spot was surreal! Glad to have him back as I loved his Batman. This is gonna be epic!
Seeing Michael Keaton back as Batman and hearing Danny Elfman’s Batman (1989) theme reorchestrated in this Super Bowl spot was surreal! Glad to have him back as I loved his Batman. This is gonna be epic!
Fun Fact: Henry Cavill Superman died as an baby in this time-line so it’s all about Supergirl and 2 Ezra Miller flash and Michel Keaton…I’m super hype for this film.⚡⚡⚡⚡
That Keaton theme will never get old. At least it’s finally HIS again. Whedon can rot.
Keaton back as Batman was great but Micheal Shannon back as Zod was absolutely awesome!!!
Não me decepcione, DC! Espero que esse final seja INSANO!! ⚡
Seeing Michael Keaton back as Batman and hearing Danny Elfman’s Batman (1989) theme reorchestrated in this Super Bowl spot was surreal! Glad to have him back as I loved his Batman. This is gonna be epic!
I felt like Michael Keaton looks so badass as Batman in this one.
Michael Keaton’s still got that natural intimidation factor. Welcome back, Batman.
Waiting For The Movie… 💯💥
Seeing Michael Keaton back as Batman and hearing Danny Elfman’s Batman (1989) theme reorchestrated in this Super Bowl spot was surreal! Glad to have him back as I loved his Batman. This is gonna be epic!
They deliberately put the old man, which doesn’t suit the new batman, he should have been ben afleck, he should have played until he was old.
Quicker than jail time…
We can make everyone happy
man whoever cut these needs a raise
0:42 Knightmare Flash?!!??
“WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Waaaay better than the full trailer imo.
LET’S GO!!!!!
Guardians of the galaxy trailer is better
Fun Fact: Henry Cavill Superman died as an baby in this time-line so it’s all about Supergirl and 2 Ezra Miller flash and Michel Keaton…I’m super hype for this film.⚡⚡⚡⚡
Last super DC movie. Unfortunatelly. I Love DC, bit no DC from Gunn
I can’t wait to see this Batman movie
0:18 Flashpoint Batman 🤯
Maybe we will see Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Thomas Wayne again…
Supergirl screaming “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” makes me think this is a timeline where Zod killed Superman.
My favourite OG BATMAN with arguably the coolest BATMOBILE !!!! 😍😍😍😍
Ezra may be an awful person, and definitely deserves no Oscars for this role, but this teaser still looks pretty cool
A trailer and a TV spot on the same day is crazy
Can’t wait
Can I go to the future to watch this movie already?
man they couldn’t just have Ezra Miler in this movie once, he’s in it TWICE.
Batman: I’m batman.
Me: Chills from the 1980s
This trailer looks so great, Michael Keaton’s Batman looks amazing!!!
0:10 is that pattinsons batman voice??
Don’t tell me that that guy (I think that’s a guy 😅) at 0:18 is Keaton’s Bruce with long hair🤣🤣🤣
Despite the issues behind Ezra Miller, I may as well watch this movie. It looks good after all. Summer 2023 is going to be the best year of movies!
0:23 man look at that reverse flash
0:19 chills 🔥
Excellent to see the comics advertised in this. After all…
Erza needs to stay for new DC this looks really good
fckin batfleck amazing 🥺
Keaton’s Batman just gives me joy. Looks incredible and can’t wait. Hope to get Wilson Bethel As Reverse Flash.
I’m Batman HF Michael Keaton is back guys ⚡⚡⚡
So, is this another Batman movie or what?
Now this is pretty epic.
James gunn 🔥🔥🔥
As good as we have to say goodbye